Summary: When two girls decide to finish a Kingdom Hearts game, something goes wrong. Now they have to fix the ps2 and return him into the game while keeping him out of trouble.

Disclaimer: Despite being a big fan of the Kingdom Hearts series, I unfortunately do not own it. However, I do own Hikari and Sonya. And this crazy fic.

Chapter 1 - And so it begins

"Hey Stupid!" A teenage girl with short black hair looked up from her drawing and dreaded whatever he was about to say. "Don't tell me your drawing that stupid Shadow Boy or whatever the hell his name is." She glared at the boy. His name was Kevin, and was only a year older than she was, but acted like he was much better than everyone else. He took great pride in his hair and didn't like anyone touching it, not even his girlfriend. His girlfriend Kitty was as mean as he was if not meaner, but since she was sick today, the abuse wouldn't be so bad. The girl drawing was Hikari, a new girl in town. She just moved there from another state a few weeks earlier, just in time to start a new year of high school in a couple weeks.

"It's not stupid, it's fan art. People on the internet actually appreciate it."

Instead of insulting her art again, Kevin just grabbed it.

"Hey, give it back!" She cried out and tried to snatch it back. Kevin just held it out of reach.

"Why would anyone care about a piece of crap art you didn't even make up yourself? I don't even see why this thing is so interesting anyway." He then crumpled it and threw it at her feet before walking away. "It doesn't even have good hair, like me!"

When he was gone, she bent down to pick it up. She unfolded it and tried to smooth out the wrinkles as best she could without smudging the pencil coloring. "Stupid Kevin. This one was going to best one yet..."

Hikari sighed and put the damaged picture in her bag before walking home from the park. Hardly anyone bullied her on her way home, especially not Kevin. He lived on the opposite direction from her. There was one person who talked to her, her new friend Sonya. Sonya was also a new kid in town, but they had known each other for about a year now. They were both excited to finally see each other when they learned that both were moving around the same time. Sonya was now known by most other kids as a bit of a weirdo. She was usually styling her hair and dyeing it in bright colors. This week, it was blonde with green streaks and had it in a ponytail on the left side of her head.

"I can't believe that jerk!" Hikari said aloud. "Honestly, why can't he just leave me alone?"

"I know what you mean. Once school starts, he shouldn't bother us as much.." Sonya was usually the more optimistic one.

"Yeah you're probably right." Hikari was silent for a moment. "I know one thing that'll really cheer us up!"

"Really? What?"

"You've wanted to see the ending of Kingdom Hearts II, right? Well, I'm almost finished with mine. I just got to beat Xemnas."

Sonya's face lit up. "No way! That's so cool! I've never beat him, so maybe you can. Stupid old Mansex.."

"Come on over then. My mom won't be home for.." Hikari check her wristwatch. "Another two hours. But I must warn you. My PS2 has been acting weird lately. It's been going out on me if I play too long."

"Huh? That is weird.. Anyway, it shouldn't take too long right?" Sonya now spotted Hikari's house the next house over.

"Nope. I'll race ya!" Hikari got a second head start, but Sonya was the faster of the two. It was close, but Sonya was the winner.

"You. Really should. Be on the. Track team." Hikari gasped as she stopped to catch her breath.

"I don't know about that. My parents worry too much." Sonya said as she followed Hikari to her bedroom. "It's a good thing neither of us have to babysit tonight or something."

"Yeah, that would take up precious time from kicking Xemnas's ass!" Hikari attached the PS2 to the TV and turned the power on. She scrolled to the file that shown Sora at The Castle That Never Was about to go in after Xemnas.

"Wait, you did beat Sephiroth, right?" Sonya asked.

Hikari looked at her. "You're kidding right? He's like, the Chuck Norris of Kingdom Hearts!"

"That's a shame..."

"But that's what the other saved game is for! I'm leveling Sora to level 99 on the other one so I can beat him!"

Hikari went inside the door with Riku and Goofy as her partners. Xemnas was fighting hard, and Hikari was still getting hit too much and having to use Curaga, occasionally having Riku heal Sora. Finally it got to the point where she had low hitpoints and she and Riku had no magic. "I knew I should have equipped healing potions.."

"Go into Valor form, it'll restore your hitpoints too!" Sonya cried out.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that!" Hikari scrolled through the menus until she reached the button to go into said form. "Get ready to die, Xemnas!"

Instead of getting Valor Sora as expected, Antisora popped up. Not only was she no longer able to heal, but Riku disappeared too. "..I'll just make do then."

Hikari now had to concentrate more than ever to survive long enough to go back to normal, not really noticing her controller was shaking. She was now getting low on hitpoints again, and the drive bar was only halfway down. She was about to get up and restart it when she noticed the PS2 now sparking. "Wait, it never did that before!"

"Is the screen supposed to do that?" Sonya asked.

Hikari looked up at the screen and it was now glowing white, and getting brighter. "I don't think so. Quick, help me fix it!"

"Aaah, I need some shades!" Sonya and Hikari were now shielding their eyes from the intense brightness. They was now starting to think maybe beating the game wasn't worth their eyesight. Sonya tried to get out of the room but it was nearly hopeless in the blinding whiteness so she settled for sitting on the floor until it was all over. Just as soon as it came up, the bright light quickly faded and Sonya got up again. "Next time, I'll bring a blind.. fold..."

Hikari was still not sure she should open her eyes when she heard her friend's voice drift off like that. "S-Sonya? Is it over?"

"Shhh, not so loud!" Sonya loudly whispered to her.

Hikari was confused about that. She slowly opened her eyes and was still facing the now blacked-out screen of the tv and the fizzled out PS2. She cautiously turned around. Sonya was back on the bed, but pressed up against the wall, staring in shock and pointing at something on the floor. She looked at the something, or someone on the floor that surely wasn't there before.


Hikari wanted to scream, but no sound came out...