Enjoy the final chapter; I know it's over already :(

"Prince Draco Malfoy, you may kiss your bride."

The moment I had been waiting for had finally come. I pulled her towards me at her waist and landed a kiss on her forehead before staring into her chocolate brown eyes and wondering to myself: This witch is my wife, my princess, mine. She smiled delicately, her eyes twinkling under the sunlight. She touched my cheek and closed her eyes, leaning forwards to capture my lips. I reciprocated and enjoyed every moment of it. It was a short kiss, but it meant the world to me. Her lips were soft and luscious, with a scent of strawberries. A guest cleared their throat, Ginny Weasley; I'll have to have a stern talk with her. Hermione stepped away from me and blushed, very clearly. Harry Potter started the domino effect of applause and cheers.

"Congratulations, Hermione!"

"Oh, he's married!"

Endless comments and remarks were shouted. Rose petals were being showered from above, covering the aisle with red petals. I held my beloved's hand and smiled down at her as she smiled at me.

"Come on now, Luna! Hermione's throwing the bouquet!" Ginny pulled me through the crowd to the front and center of Hermione.

Women were gathered around the newly wedded bride as she held the bouquet of flowers in her hand, a large smile plastered on her lips. Ronald and Harry were somewhere behind the crowd, but I could distinctly hear Ronald's voice as he shouted, "Catch that bouquet and marry Harry already, Ginny!" and Harry's voice as he retorted, "You know you want to marry Luna, you twit! Come on, Luna! Ronald's rooting for you!"

I blushed nervously and stepped back, wanting to catch the bouquet.

"Are you ready, ladies? Here we go!" Hermione shouted just before she tossed the bouquet towards the crowd.

Ginny and I instinctively stepped back into the crowd, following the shadow of the bouquet as it flew through the sunlight. I stepped on something and the sky fell onto me.



I felt Ginny grab hold of my hand, but we both ended up falling onto another witch. I released Ginny's hand and looked up at the sky, still dizzy from the sudden fall. Where's the bouquet? Suddenly, with much impact, it fell into my outstretched hand.

Correction, Ginny and I held either end of the bouquet. I stared at her, my eyes dancing and ready to laugh. Ginny smiled and started the uproar of laughter as she helped me stand up. Hermione, Harry, Ronald, and Draco made their way to us in the crowd.

"Oh, gosh, are you all right, Luna?" Ronald questioned concernedly as he approached me.

"I'm," I laughed, "I'm fine, Ronald," as I gave him a hug, I think I surprised him.

"Ginny," Harry started.

"We have much to plan, Harry," Ginny teased before she gave Harry a quick kiss on the cheek.

I could feel the smiles of Princess Hermione and Prince Draco as they watched us. They stood arm-in-arm, with her head on his shoulder, and his hand around her waist. I smiled and looked at Ronald, who looked equally as happy.

"Would you," Ronald stuttered, "take a walk with me in the park, Luna?"

My heart pounded nervously, yet happily, and I nodded.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Parkinson!" Draco smirked.

I looked down at the witch getting up from the ground, her emerald dress torn at the hem. She patted her ruffles and pushed back her hair.

"You filthy wench! Apologize immediately, Lovegood, or I'll hex you into oblivion!" she pointed her finger at me.

Ronald pushed me behind him, "Get out of here, Pansy, you look like you could use the escape."

She fumed, "Why, you –"

"Parkinson, why don't you just scram before I hex you," Draco threatened as he held his wand at her.

She breathed heavily, and turned away, marching out the gates and apparated.

"I never liked her," Draco stated as he put his wand in his pocket.

"Neither did I, dear," Hermione responded.

He scooped her up into his arms, "And that's one of the reasons why I love you, Hermione, darling."

Ronald laughed, "Off to the honeymoon so soon, Malfoy?"

"Mind your business, Weasley," Draco teased in response.

The two shared a laugh, which erupted into a ripple of laughs. Ronald held me by the waist as we stood near Harry and Ginny, both of whom were inseparable as well. I smiled, I must tell father about this immediately, such good news!

"Alright, alright, move out of the way before I curse you all," Draco smirked, Hermione still in his arms, "I have some business with my beloved, Hermione; we wish you a good day and thank you for attending."

The guests bid their farewell to the newly wedded couple before they apparated to their honeymoon.

"Scorpius Malfoy, stop chasing Lanette!" I firmly stated.

Lanette ran up to me, her hands clutching my calves. I leaned down and picked her up.

"Scorpius was throwing flowers at me again!" she whined.

I gave a stare towards my son, an exact miniature form of my husband. His white blond hair was just a tad darker than Draco's, but his eyes were just the same gray hue. Everything about him reminded me of Draco, the way his hair was neatly tucked, his smirk, his accent, everything. Lanette, on the other hand, had inherited my brown hair, but because of my husband, it's sleeker and straighter than my own. Her eyes, too, were gray, and she had my freckles. Both of them were beautiful children. I reached for Scorpius, holding him with my other arm.
"Scorpius, what have we talked about before and countless other times?" I lectured.

"No running in the castle."


"I'm never to pick the roses from the garden."

I sighed, the same routine over and over again. I kissed both their foreheads and put them down. They were twins, awkward, I know. They do not look completely identical, but trust me, they are twins. Their gray eyes looked at me with interest, "Mum, where's dad?"

"I believe he's up in his study, why don't you two go and grab him down here for me."

Hand in hand, they trotted up the grand stairwell. I smiled, they were going to make fine additions to the royal family.

"I was actually in the garden, dear."

I turned around and smiled. I stood up and walked to my husband, wrapping my arms around his neck as he caressed my hair.

"You've been gone too long, Draco," I told him, looking at his eyes and seeing my children in them.

He touched my cheek and I leaned into his caress, "It's only been the morning that I've been gone, Hermione," he smiled.

I leaned up and kissed him, the feeling of loving this man never ended. He sat down on the chair and pulled me onto his lap.

"The children are looking for you in the study, you know."

He kissed my collarbone, not letting go of my waist, "We need time alone, too, Hermione; the kids are taking too much time with you," he looked at me with his puppy-dog eyes, "I never have time with you anymore."

I giggled, "You wanted to have children."

He laughed, "I never expected two of them, or twins, for that matter."

I kissed his forehead, brushing his hair from his eyes, "Well, you always did have a way with magic, dear."

Footsteps ran down the stairs, trotting louder and louder as they approached us.

"Daddy!" Lanette shouted as she ran into Draco's free arm.

"So much for attention-grabbers," I teased.

Draco smirked, "You will always be my favorite, Hermione," and gently kissed me.

Scorpius held my hand, "Merlin, that is just disgusting, mum."

I laughed, "You are just like your father, Scorpius, exactly like your father."

Scorpius worked that famous Malfoy-smirk, "I'm a Malfoy, after all, mum."

Draco and I laughed; how much our children reminded us of our old selves humored us. Scorpius held onto my hand as Draco held me on his lap with Lanette on the other. A wonderful addition to the royal family, indeed. The royal family, the Malfoy family, my family, my dearests.

Thanks for reading & reviewing.
I apologize if this fan-fiction was lengthy & I do realize, I've lost some readers due to late updates.
I hope that will never happen again.

My next fan-fiction will come shortly, I already have the general idea.
Here is a short summary.

Dramione: Headline News Flash.
Harry Potter is the head chief of a reliable & well-read newspaper firm, The Acorn - News in a Nutshell, otherwise known as just, The Acorn.
Ronald Weasley is the editor of the comics section, as well as co-chief of that branch, with Fred & George Weasley as the chiefs.
Ginerva Weasley is the chief of the tabloids & gossip columns, as well as the advice columnist.
Hermione Granger is the chief of archives & current events, as well as co-chief editor of The Acorn.
And Draco Malfoy is put under the care of Hermione Granger by Harry Potter to learn the ropes of what it takes to be working for The Acorn.

This fan-fiction is set in modern time with a fictional setting.
Hogwarts did not take place, magic is not in play, & everyone has the same personalities as they would in Harry Potter.
All the characters are of legal age (21+).
I am open to all suggestions!

I will be posting the first chapter soon.
Please, be on the look-out for this fan-fiction.
I will be updating it weekly, generally, every Sunday (Eastern-time).
Spread the word.
Thank you for staying with me for these past chapters.