A/N: This is my first SRMTHFG fic and I think it's going to be a good one. I hope you enjoy it and please review. This story will contain straight relationships, like the one in this chapter, Yaoi relationships, like in the next two, and possible more if I decide to make this a story. It's up to how you guys review. Enjoy the chapter and for the second time, please review.

Spova short

Nova lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling, deep in thought. She couldn't take her mind off of Sprx for some reason. Today he had been acting weird, and it seemed like she was the only one who noticed. The weird behavior started in the morning at breakfast.


Nova sat at her usual spot at the breakfast table. Today's breakfast was chocolate pancakes with sausage. Chiro walked over to the table with his plate last and sat down. To everyone's surprise he had gotten up early and made the entire team breakfast, which was unusual since Chiro had developed a habit of not getting up until noon, unless there was an attack on Shuggazoom of course.

The usual chatter started up as everyone ate. But, as usual there seemed to be a voice missing from the endless chatter of the breakfast table. Nova looked up, expecting to see Chiro stabbing his food with his fork silently like he had always been doing, during every meal, for the passed month and a half, but to her surprise he was talking and eating. With a quick glance she spotted the silent one.

It was Sprx. He was eating his food in total silence. And this was weird. Normally he would be hitting on her, taking to Otto about some new show or videogame, trying to get Chiro to talk to him, or arguing with Gibson. But he just sat there, eating his food.

"Sprx?" she asked with a raised brow. He looked up at her quickly, like she had startled him.

"Y-Yeah?" he asked.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine," he said and went back to eating. That's when she noticed it. He was defiantly acting weird. Normally he would tease her about caring about him and throw out comments about her 'secret' feelings towards him. But he didn't. And that was not Sprx.

End flashback

That had just been weird. But then, it just got weirder.


Nova was walking into the main sitting area of the Super Robot when she heard Chiro's voice.

"So, is that your plan?" Chiro asked.

"Yeah," Nova knew that voice, it was Sprx. She peaked around the corner and watched the two.

"Well, I hope everything works out for you," Chiro said as he patted Sprx in the shoulder.

"I hope so too, but part of me is sure I'm just going to end up miserable," Sprx said and walked away from Chiro. Nova quickly pulled back around the corner and silently ran off, not wanting to get caught eavesdropping. But she couldn't help but wonder what the two had been talking about.

End flashback

Nova sighed. For the rest of the day she watched Sprx and he seemed really nervous about something. So she decided to ask around. Hopefully someone would know what was going on with the red monkey.

Yep, you guessed it. Another Flashback.

Nova walked up to Otto.

"Hey Otto, do you know if anything is wrong with Sprx?" she asked. Otto stared at her with wide eyes for a moment before giving her one of his big cheesy grins.

"Um...look a formless!" he yelled pointing behind her. Nova gasped and quickly spun around, bringing her fists to the ready, but there was nothing there.

"Otto there's nothing..." Nova trailed off as she turned around and caught a glimpse of Otto's tail disappearing around the corner. She huffed and walked off. She hoped Gibson would be more of a help.

He wasn't.

She walked up to Gibson in his lab and he was busy on the computer.

"Gibson, do you know if something's wrong with Sprx?" she asked.

"I haven't noticed anything," Gibson said as he kept his eyes on his computer.

"Are you sure? He's been acting weird all day," she said.

"I haven't noticed anything," Gibson said again.


"I haven't noticed anything."



"N-Nothing," Nova said as she backed away from Gibson. For a second there, she was sure he had been a robot or a hologram. Maybe Antauri would help her.

Nova found Antauri up on the shoulder of the Super Robot. He was floating in the air meditating.

"Antauri?" she asked.

"Yes Nova?" he responded.

"Have you noticed Sprx acting weird today?" she asked.

"I have," he said.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?"
"No. I do not."

"What?" Nova asked with wide eyes. Normally Antauri knew everything.

"No. I do not," he repeated.

"But, you can read minds. How can you not know what's wrong with him?" she asked.

"For the same reason I gave you and the others when you all asked me what was wrong with Chiro." Nova flinched. She remembered that conversation. It happened about three weeks after Chiro started having his new sleeping habits and stopped eating like he used to. He had told them that he would never read a person's mind without their permission unless it was an enemy or life and death. Sprx then exploded and started saying that if Chiro kept not eating that he could die and that Antauri should stop being stupid. It erupted into a loud argument between them and Chiro was forced to come into the room and separate them.

"I understand," she said hanging her head.

"You might want to ask Chiro. Sprx and he are best friends after all. They normally tell each other everything," Antauri said with a slightly heavier tone of voice. Nova smiled. Antauri was right. She had heard Chiro and Sprx talking about some sort of plan. Chiro had to know what was wrong with Sprx.

"Thanks Antauri!" Nova said and rushed off to find Chiro.

She found their leader in the main sitting room playing a video game by himself. She watched him for a moment before going in. For the past month and a half if Chiro was by himself and his forehead was wrinkled he was angry was would explode on anyone who talked to him. The last time she tried when he was angry like that he yelled at her for what seemed like an eternity and then stormed off, muttering about annoying monkeys and how he should buy five muzzles. It scared her.

But now, his forehead was flat and he had a smile on his face.

"Chiro?" she asked. Chiro quickly paused the game and looked at her. She had to admit, he did look better, and only after just one day. The life seemed to be back in his eyes and he didn't look so pale.

"Yeah Nova?" Chiro asked.

"Do you know what's wrong with Sprx?" she asked. That was when Chiro did something Nova never expected him to do when she asked that question. He fell backwards into the floor and started laughing. His face quickly turned red as he held his sides and rolled back and forth.

"WHAT?!" Nova screamed. She wandered what the hell was so damn funny about there being something wrong with Sprx.

"N-No-Nothing. Nothing's wrong with him," Chiro choked out one he was finally able to breathe again.

"What? But he's been acting weird all day."

"I know. But nothing's wrong. Trust me. You'll see," he said and turned back to his videogame.

End flashback

After that she came to her room and lay down on her bed. It was driving her nuts. No one knew what was wrong with Sprx. She just wanted to know if he was okay or not.

Then she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in," she said as she sat up. The door opened and Sprx stepped into the room with both hands behind his back.

"Sprx?" she asked. His eyes went to his feet and he started rubbing his toes together.

"Um...Nova," he said.


"I...I have something to tell you," he said as he brought his arms around revealing a large bouquet of pink flowers that matched Nova's eyes, "Nova, I love you," he said and looked up at her. Nova was shocked. Sprx just walked into her room, presented her with flowers, and told her he loved her! She looked into his eyes. This had to be a joke. It had to be.

But his eyes said differently. She could see the hope in his eyes, the love, the fear. He was being completely serious. He really did love her.

"Sprx," she said as she stood up and took the flowers, "I love you too," she said and put the flowers down behind her on the bed.

"Really?" he asked, his eyes filled with happiness and shock at the same time.

"Yes," Nova said as she put her hand on Sprx's cheek, "I love you." Nova leaned in and kissed Sprx. He immediately kissed her back as the two wrapped their arms around the other. The two just stood there, bodies close, lips touching, as they felt each others love for them in that kiss. They were both in love, and they were happy to finally admit it.

End of Short

A/N: Alright. There's the end. I'll be writing two more shorts and I just might make a story out of them. It just depends on how you all review. Now like in the summary. This will contain Yaoi and Angst. So, be warned and for those who enjoy these things, enjoy.