I own Nothing, Stephanie Meyers owns everything :)

Have you ever noticed how cold it is in January? The frozen ground crunching under you feet, the white ice on the treetops. It is beautiful the way the cold ice masks the land but isn't it funny how beautiful things seem the deadliest. You could freeze so easy out here. Water for instance, beautiful as it flows gently down a stream, yet you could drown. I find I am always in the aftermath of those beautiful things, attracted to the things I shouldn't be. My heart often overrules my head and that happens quite a lot, for me at least.

It was freezing out and here I stand, skipping lunch and standing against the cold wall outside gazing at the landscape. See what I mean? Not really the smartest place to be when it's 30 degree's outside. I couldn't help it. I tend to isolate myself from the people at school. I have been here a year living with my father and although I have a few friends I hate getting hit on which means I avoid all the parties and local things to do.

It's just redundant really, all guys are the same and I really don't see the point of wasting my time. I prefer to spend my time reading, or daydreaming I do that a lot as well. I know senior year get ready for college. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up; basically I prefer not to grow up.

"Have you ever noticed the way the ice sparkles when light hits it? It's like a million little rainbows encased in this perfectly imperfect prison." I was talking to myself really and actually I was quite surprised when someone answered me. I had not even heard anyone approach.

"I never really thought of it as perfectly imperfect but I guess in a way it is." Hearing the unfamiliar male voice I turned. It was Edward Cullen. I was actually quite shocked, for one we have never spoken. To be honest his family doesn't really speak to anyone. For another why was he talking to me? As if he sensed my question he looked down at me. I never realized he was so tall, but then I've never been this close. He has the most perfect porcelain skin up close. I've never really paid too much attention, I mean of course his whole family is beautiful beyond words but I always hear my friends going on and on about him and to be honest it gets on my nerves. I guess it might get on his as well.

He smirked, "Your lab partner was worried about you. I was on my way out and told her I would check on you."

Alice? Alice was his sister well…adopted sister and my lab partner. She was actually the only one of them I spoke with and it was briefly but she did talk to me at least, I can't recall her speaking with anyone else besides her family. I think they like their privacy as well.

"I'm still breathing." I said flatly.

"Is that what the white billowy smoke coming from your mouth means? Thank you so much for informing me." He sneered back.

"You can tell Alice I am fine." My teeth grinded together when I was finished and I turned back looking at the landscape again. What a mouth he had on him, no wonder I stayed away. I looked back and him when I realized he had not moved. He wasn't looking at me but at the trees as well.

"It makes you want to be one with nature doesn't it, a part of the life that runs through every pulse, every vein." He said but continued to avoid my gaze. Wow the guy was deep who knew?

"It has to be better than here, walking around in a mundane society and pretending it is all so different and exciting. We all live in a box, date, get married, have kids, and die. We're all little puppets." I said continuing to watch him. It was then he met my eyes. I didn't know his eyes were such a golden brown either, interesting color. I wonder if it's contacts?

"Who pulls the strings?" He asked, his face a mask.

"I don't know. I would like to think there is someone up there listening but I have my doubts." He had a very interesting look on his face, like he was really seeing me for the first time or something. It was odd.

"Do you choose to live in a box?"

"No. Hence the not dating, what's the point really? Pretend to be perfect, attempt to get your parents to like the person while they take you out and try to steam their window's up every night." He was silent a moment then the funniest thing happened, he laughed. Wow, I don't think I have ever heard him laugh and it was actually a beautiful site. He has a dimple. Wait, no guys are beautiful. I think the cold is freezing my brain.

I noticed several people walk by and look at us both weird. I can't say I blame them. I would have too if I cared enough to pay attention. I usually try not to. I realized his look had changed into a serious expression and he slipped his hands into his pockets. "I'll tell Alice your fine."

"Okey Dokey." I responded watching curiously as he walked off. That was definitely an odd experience. And now I realize one thing, I am freezing. I rubbed my hands together and went inside to my locker. Jennifer one of my closer friends smiled leaning on the locker, "So I saw you talking to Cullen, what's that about?"

"He was annoying me."

"Really, why? He looked intense."

I knew she was fishing for gossip but she needed to fish elsewhere, no dirt here. I sighed, "He was telling me about something in statistics. You know how guys are, stupid crap they come up with." She shrugged waiting on me and as I turned I saw him and his brother Emmett walking into a class. He smirked at me and oddly enough I felt like he heard every word I said. Kind of creepy.

Jen and I headed to class and I took my usual seat by Alice. She looked at me with a very concerned expression. "Are you ok?"

"Why does everyone in your family keep asking me that, I'm fine why?" She nodded, "Oh…well at lunch today you looked so sad. I know we don't talk a lot but I do consider you a friend and it just worried me that's all." I wanted to believe her but something told me there was more to this story. I decided best to leave it alone, it's not like she was going to tell me anyway.

We talked a little during class but it was mostly about her and Jasper going to the movies the weekend before. Jasper was her boyfriend and I think he lived with them too. Not real sure but they really do make a cute couple. He looks at her in a way I wish someone would look at me. Maybe someday when I figure out who I am and what I want. Cookie box remember? Not me.

"Maybe one day you can come." She said finally and I nodded, "Sure." She jumped in her seat clapping her hands, "Oh great it will be so much fun!"

"Wait, what?" I realized I was agreeing but I actually never listened to what she said, I was too caught up in my own thoughts.

"Skiing." She answered like it was a natural thing. I frowned, "Oh, oh I can't ski, I would break my legs. I am extremely clumsy."

"It's ok, really. I'll teach you. We are going this weekend, you can come." Ok now this is odd. Not that I minded having a new friend but Alice? She grabbed my cell from the desk beside me where it lay and dialed her number punching in a few things. "There you go, now you have my number and I have yours."

"Great." I mumbled as I worked on my paper. She elbowed me, "You already know this stuff, why are you trying to study it?" I sighed, "I want to make an A."

"You always do Bella. Hey lets text my brother and harass him."

"You go ahead. Have fun." She scowled then smiled shrugging, "Ok." I heard her typing but ignored it as I finished my paper then I realized she was using my phone. You have got to be kidding me.

"Who are you texting?"


"On my phone? Did he answer?" I asked curious I mean he wouldn't know the number.

"Yes. I told him you thought he was very sweet and enjoyed conversing with him."

"Alice! Does he think I wrote that?" She grinned widely. I grabbed my phone and sure enough she had told him what she said and he had sent back He was flattered I thought he was sweet and it was an unusually odd conversation but stimulating whatever the heck that meant. She had then sent that I was glad to know there was still some resemblance of sanity in the world. She knew how I thought too well, kind of sucks. I felt the phone vibrate and read the response. He typed back who was supposed to be the sane one him or I? I chuckled. Alice smiled, "Text him back."

"Alice, I don't even know the guy."

"Sure you do, he's cool." The bell rang and she hopped up, "Call you later to give you details on this weekend." I tried to speak but she was gone too quickly. How do I get myself into these situations? I didn't even know who would be there to watch me fall on my butt. I made it to my next class and sat down in my usual seat by Jen. She smiled, "Me and Lucas are going out this weekend, want to come?"

"I can't. I promised Charlie I'd help him with a few things." I lied, but hopefully I could get out of this stupid skiing thing and stay home in peace. "Be right back." I whispered taking off to the bathroom real quick. When I returned she eyed me curious, "Your phone vibrated, when did you start texting Edward Cullen? I didn't know you had his number much less talked."

"We don't." She pointed to the text, which I promptly read that said I never answered his question and he was waiting. I bit my lip looking back at her. "Well?" She insisted. I shrugged, "Alice started it last period and he has kept it up. Seriously I don't know the guy."

"Well it's nothing to be ashamed of. You know that half of the girls if not all of them at this school would die to have his cell number, much less be texting back and forth with him." I shrugged trying to act like it was no big deal because to me it wasn't. I began to type and told him he was probably more lucid than me but I was in class and could not text right now. He simply sent back until later.

Very odd conversation I think. I still can't figure out why he believed I would text him out of the blue and call him sweet of all things. Not in my vocabulary and really how would I get his number, didn't he wonder that? Maybe he just figured Alice gave it to me, well she did and I saw she had programmed his and Jasper's in it as well. When did she get such fast little fingers? It's not like I was going to call them.

I finished the day without further incident and walked to my faithful truck. It was old but I really liked it. It didn't quite fit in here, kind of like me. Getting in I glanced up to see Alice joking with Jasper and smiled, too cute those two. I was then drawn to the brown eyes behind them that were staring straight into mine. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, he wasn't smiling or frowning actually he held no expression what so ever.

I looked away taking a deep breath and headed home, when I got there I started dinner for Charlie and completed my homework. It was then I saw my phone was flashing and flipped it on. He had sent me another text saying simply this is ominous. What drugs was he on? I had no idea what were we even speaking of. It didn't matter I wasn't texting back.

Alice did call but I didn't answer and she left me a long message with details about their little excursion. I did not want to go on this trip. This was weird enough already. I went to school the next two days and besides Alice had no contact with anyone else in the family. I was walking to my car on Friday afternoon when I felt her beside me, "So are you excited?"


"The ski trip?"

"Oh, Alice really I…" She stopped me, "No you don't know backing out. You already told me yes." She wasn't lying but when I accepted I had not listened to what she was asking. Teach me a lesson won't it. I nodded in failure. She smiled slipping her small arm through mine, "We are going to have so much fun Bella!" I felt so uncomfortable and out of place. I allowed her to lead me and when I was directly in front of a gray jacket I looked up. Edward looked in my eyes like he was looking clear into my soul. I felt so self-conscious I simply looked down. Alice released me to greet Jasper when he spoke.

"Don't you just love Alice?"

I looked at him again. He was smirking. Can an angel smirk? Wait! I did not just call this stupid guy an angel, yeah I did. I seriously needed to consider therapy. No one at the school caught this guy's attention so I am sure he was teasing me in some way. Realizing I gave no answer he stepped closer leaving little room between us. "Are you ok?"

"Sorry, I was thinking."

"Rainbow prisons again?" He teased. I shook my head. "No, I was thinking how I could pretend to be excited and follow through with this little trip I agreed to, without breaking some much needed body parts."

"I see. You can always fake sick, might work. She is a diligent little thing you know. Very annoying to be so small." Alice turned, "I heard that. Edward can you take Bella home her truck won't start and we have to wait on Emmett and Rosalie."

I looked at her oddly, "What do you mean my truck won't start I haven't even tried to start it." She looked at Edward a minute and then smiled, "I was guessing, being it is an older truck and it is so cold out." I slid my keys out of my pocket and walked to my truck and sure enough it wouldn't start. Fabulous. I would have to get Charlie to come check on it.

I shut the door and turned almost running into Edward. "No luck?"

"No, I can call my dad."

"I don't mind giving you a ride, we do have to pick you up in the morning anyway." I thought about it but got distracted by the stares we were getting. He looked around then back to me, "Remember that whole box theory? They are trying to put us in it."

"They can dream." I said back irritated. A small smile appeared on his lips. "Let me give you a ride, it's really fine."

"You're fanning rumor flames." I said as I followed him. He opened the door to his Volvo and leaned closer, "Really? Want to really give them something to talk about?" I was curious but a little worried by the look on his face.

"How so?" Leaning closer he slowly reached up and slid my bag down my arm. He made sure to make a trail with his fingers as he did all the while watching my face. It was an innocent touch but from afar I am sure how it looked and to be honest it was the most erotic thing I think I've ever seen, felt, or been a part of. He leaned against me tossing it into the back seat and then returned to his full height.

"I never realized how tall you are." I said honestly, it was my first thought. Ok so I was not exactly coherent but I was still talking, that counts for something. He chuckled, "I never realized how short you are, perhaps because we've never been this close."

"Probably a good reason why." I said smiling back at him. He sighed taking a step back, "Get it, it's cold and your fragile body can't take it too long." I got in shooting him a look.

"I'm not fragile."

He got in and shut his door, I still can't figure out how he heard me but he had.

"You are fragile Bella, more so than you know. Then again, some things are better left unknown."

Starting his car he quickly slipped it into gear and sped out of the parking lot. I noticed his hands were gripping the steering wheel like he was angry or something. I hoped I hadn't done anything to upset him.

"You seem upset." I said finally. The silence was killing me.

"Do I? I'm not. I was just tossing around the ramifications of this situation and wondering if Alice has any idea what she is doing."

"You mean taking me on the trip?"

"Yes." He was blunt, but hey I appreciate that.

"You would rather I not come?" I was afraid to hear the answer because if he said no I would be upset even though I refused to develop feelings for any male especially him. He sighed, "It would be…. beneficial for you not to. A more populated environment would be a better idea."

"Why?" I wanted to know because the words he spoke made no sense to me. He pulled into my driveway and turned to me. "You seem very…sweet Bella. I rather enjoy our little texts though it is not in your best interest and I probably shouldn't. I've kept myself isolated for a reason."

"What reason?" I asked curious now. He reached over and unlocked my seatbelt. "I'll see you in the morning Bella."

"But you didn't answer me."

"No I didn't."

"You will though right?" He seemed to be upset with this and shook his head, "No I won't." I figured there was no reason to push it, technically we didn't really know much about each other. He seems nice… different I think that's why I am thinking maybe I can have a male friend for once. I guess time will tell. He seems a little cryptic though. I know in his own twisted way he's trying to tell me something and maybe at some point he will trust me enough to tell me what that is.