This chapter is dedicated to I Heart Eddie, who has been my Fan

Fiction correspondant for about a month now, I believe. I don't even know if you read my story, but I dedicated this chapter to you as a thank you to responding to all of my PM's.

I was having arguably one of the best mornings of my life. Until, that is, when my bed started having a full blown earthquake. Holding on to the covers for dear life, I open my eyes; preparing for the worst.

I let out a little yelp as I notice Emmett jumping up and down like a little kid from my bed to Edwards bed. I look over to Edward, and he is wearing the same pained expression as I am.

"Emmett, ugh... what are you doing?" I sleepily inquired.

"Well good morning Bella! Glad to see your sparkling morning face!" I was never a morning person. Take it to Emmett to point that out in front of everyone.

"Ok Emmett, you have gotten us up, we get the point. No need to keep jumping across our beds." Edward interjects. Emmett stops jumping, looking like a sad puppy. "It's the crack of dawn, Emmett, shouldn't you be sleeping still?"

"Since you have graciously asked, I have taken on the monumental task of waking you up; despite how crabby you are, because charlotte needs three strong men to help move something. And I, being the hero I am, volunteered the boys to help."

"Are you sure you didn't volunteer to show off for someone? Say, Rosalie?"

"Dude!" Emmett grumbled. He playfully smacked Edward in the arm. Even though it was a light slap from Emmett, Edward still winced. Any smack from Emmett must hurt, and I'm glad I didn't find that out for myself. "You can't just say those things! Her best friend is right in this room! Girls are gossip queens, they tell each other everything! Thanks man..."

I laughed at his statement. "Don't worry Em, I won't share. Your secret's safe. I'll casually bring her by to watch you. Now, I'm going to let you two get going. Edward, we meet our campers around one, so I'll meet you back here?"

"Sounds good, Bella. See you soon." He said while smiling my favorite crooked smile that I could stare at all day, but they left all too soon.

I left for the bathroom. Thank god we have a separate bathroom in our room; away from the campers. It was actually pretty big. I showered and made my way back to the room to throw on my blue tankini. Over the suit I put on a cute blue and white tank top with white soffe shorts. Alice and Rosalie unexpectedly entered with a bag as big looking like a suitcase.

"Alice, Rosalie, What are you guys doing here? Ready to go get breakfast?

Rosalie looked at me hesitatingly, but Alice had a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Actually Bella, Rosalie and I are ready to go. You aren't"

"What are you talking about? I have my bathing suit on and clothes. We are going to eat then get familiar with the camp. I have everything I need."

"Bella, have you learned nothing? I thought I gave you the basics of makeup!" Oh, god. I thought. She must be delusional.

"Alice, this is a summer camp. We will be swimming in a couple hours. Any makeup I wear will come right off; so why bother to put it on?"

"Well, since meeting with fabulous supermodels over spring break, I have a bunch of more tricks up my sleeve. And besides, haven't you ever heard of waterproof?" And with that, she literally dragged me to the bathroom. How could I forget? Alice was rich. She went to Paris over spring break. Of course she got in the mist of anything fashion related. I sat on the stool as Rosalie and Alice examined me. I'll admit that it was intimidating. They have played Bella Barbie before, but never have they been so serious.

Rosalie broke the ice "Ok, for your hair, I was thinking a high ponytail, including a side braid along the top. It will stay in the water and look cute when you get out."

Alice didn't even tell me what she had planned; she just went straight to work. At times, I saw her pull out a mini chain ball with weird bristles, and something that looked like a pen.

"Alice, are you writing on me?" I shrieked.

"Silly Bella, this is an eyeliner pen. Very basic and natural."

I groaned. But of course, this didn't make them stop. They kept going for what felt like an hour until Alice started jumping up and clapping.

"Yay! Mission Accomplished." Alice and Rosalie examined their work and started to turn me toward the mirror.

"I know you guys are my best friends, but this really wasn't necessary and I-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence. Was that really me in the mirror? They are right- I looked great. My makeup looked so natural and my hair felt sporty yet chic. "Thanks" I muttered.

"Don't worry Bella, we know you love it." Rosalie said.

We ate and caught up with each other for a couple hours. I had to keep my promise to Emmett, so I dragged the girls with me to the activities office. At the perfect moment, Edward, Emmett and Jasper walked out of a door carrying what looked like a cafeteria table.

"Fancy seeing you here ladies" Emmett said while winking at me.

"Emmett, you know that you can talk like a normal human. Those words won't impress us." But she betrayed herself and walked over to Emmett and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Oh, Alice, Hi" Jasper said nervously. Alice turned to my side and whispered "Bella; two words. He's sosuperadorable." I laughed at her as she pretended to pick a hair off her shirt and play it cool. She walked over to him waiting for Edward and I to talk.

"Looks like your plan ran smoothly. I'm impressed at how nonchalant you were."

"Don't get used to it, I'm a terrible actress. My mom calls me her open book."

"On the contrary Bella, I find you extremely hard to read. You are fascinating."

I blushed and stared at my toes. How could I possibly respond to that? "You're fascinating, too." I blurted. Oh lord. That was the stupidest thing I could have said. And alice must have agreed, because she smacked her forehead.

"Rosalie, Bella and I are going to head back, see you guys at the cabin. Campers come at one, don't forget!" We walked straight out.


"Woah, rewind Alice. I can't understand you in hyper speed."

Rosalie, the mediator, helped the situation. "I think Alice was trying to say this: Bella, what's going on between you and her brother? Why did you not tell us sooner?"

"Rosalie and Alice, Edward and I are co-counselors. I don't like him, I don't even know him."

"Hmm, from what I saw with the interrogations at the bonfire, you sleeping on him and today, I would say you two definitely have something going on."

I was quick to change the subject as we entered Rosalie and Emmett's cabin. "What about you and Jasper? You two looked cozy last night."

Alice dramatically flopped down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with a sloppy smile on her glowing face. "You guys, Jasper is amazing. He is unlike anyone I have ever met before. He is so intellectual, but he knows how to have fun. We stayed up all night talking about the most random things. He is so attuned to emotions. He knows how to make me laugh or be happy. I'm so glad we will be working together!"

"And Rosalie?" I inquired.

"I met Emmett four months ago on spring break. We both go to Portland State University and were on campus for the break. We kept seeing each other sitting alone at lunch, because not many people stayed at school for the break. He came over and joined me, and our relationship flew from there. He is the best thing that had happened to me." I inwardly groaned. My love life has never and most likely will never exist. I wished so badly for something like Rose had.

We stayed day dreaming for a couple minutes when Alice jumped off the bed and declared it was time to go meet the campers. We wished each other luck and went back to our separate cabins.

Edward was there first, waiting in the lounge area. He was wearing blue shorts and a white shirt. Even in the simplest outfit, he looked like a god. His disheveled hair and bright green eyes captivated my attention. He turned his gaze to meet mine.

"Ready to meet our campers?" Edward asked while approaching me as I saw the campers getting off the bus and walking into the cabins in order to begin.

"I don't think I have a choice." I joked as he laughed pulling me towards the front where all the counselors sat on the edge of a small log. I sat down leaving a space between Emmett and I while he sat in the small space between .

Charlotte started explaining the rules to the campers as we sat watching them. I noticed that quite a few of the girls looked a lot older than fourteen, which was the cut off age. "The girl with the brown hair in the corner is looking at you." I whispered near Edwards ear as his scent washed over me leaving me a tad bit dizzy.

"Tanya. Not my favorite camper. She was in my windsurfing class last year." There was disgust in his tone.

"We might have to hose her down. She looks ready to pounce on you." I continued. I turned to face him and saw Alice and Rosalies's obvious staring at how close we were sitting.

"Not as much as Mike did to you last night." He so graciously added.

"On your far left we have Edward." Charlie started. As soon as he stood, I heard the distinct swooning of some of the girls. Did any of them actually think that he would get involved with them?

"Next to him we have his co-counselor, Bella." She continued. I stood and lifted my hand as some whistles erupted, causing me to blush. Alice shot me a wink and muttered i-told-you-this-makeover-is-good.

"Looks like I'm not the only one with the fan crowd." He joked. "I may have to fight them off" He added quickly and looked away.

We all walked back to the cabins where the campers were distributed.

"In E6 we have Tanya, Carrie, Grace, Brie and Jane. For the boy's side we have Ben, Tyler, Embry, Seth and Ryan. You can join Bella and Edward in the cabin." We took that as our que to leave.

They all sat down on the couches in the little common area and Edward started going over guidelines. "Alright campers! We know that Charlie and Charlotte already explained most of the rules, but we are just going over some things. Don't go into the opposite genders bedroom without our permission. Always knock before you enter my and Bella's room. Don't leave the cabin without permission and always have respect. This camp should be so much fun for you guys, so enjoy it! Bella knows today's schedule."

"Like Edward said, please follow the guidelines. We are going to make this as enjoyable as possible. We are going to start off the afternoon with your swim test. Returning campers know what this is like. The test decides what electives you can pick. You guys are going to have to tread water for 5 minutes to get to the advanced level. The advanced level permits you to do any water elective you would like. If you tread for 3 minutes, you can do select water sports. It's just for your safety. You can put all of your things in your room and then we will head out to the dock."

The campers left to their rooms and fought over who got the best bed.

"I love kids. They are so insightful and funny. They are so bold and never afraid to act themselves." I said.

He smiled. "Alice and I always love taking our cousins to a playground or to a park. We love to be near them. They are so fresh and full of life."

"Speaking of Alice," I interrupted. "I wonder why she never told me about you."

He looked like he was contemplating over something. He sighed. "I asked her the same question yesterday. She said something about 'fate' and how she knew it would bring us together without her help.

I blushed and looked away. Alice would be a matchmaker. Suddenly, I overheard the end of one's conversation. "He's absolutely dreamy." A girl with light hair said to her friend. I chuckled at the two of them.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing" I lied. "We really should get them to the dock though.

We all made our way to the lake, Edward leading the way and with me holding up the rear, making sure no one falls into the forest, like that would ever happen. Mike and Madi's cabin was just getting done with swim testing. The kids stayed behind in the faux sand and took off their shoes and clothes; Edward and I just threw our clothes off and made our way up the dock to talk to the lifeguards as wall ad Madi and Mike. The dock was extremely slippery, so I walked with caution. Edward slowed his pace to match mine.

We reached the end of the dock when my foot hit a puddle of water. Mike came running from the end of the dock. Luckily Edward caught me in his strong embrace. But mike had to ruin it. He came running way to fast and couldn't stop. His feet hit the same puddle mine encountered and sent all three of us into the water.

Edward and I came up at the same time, taking in each other's soggy appearance. We simultaneously erupted in laughter at the situation. Mike came up shortly after and was screaming like a seven year old girl. "Help! Ahhhh I'm drowning! Call 911! Does anyone know what this water does to my hair?"

Edward tried to cover his laughing by starting to caugh. "Mike, you know how to swim. Calm down, your hair will be fine. This water is up to your hips anyway."

Mike stood up straight and instantly looked mortified. He tried to cover it up, "Yeah, I knew that. I'm not a dipstick. I bet Bella was impressed by my acting though, right?"

"Oh yeah mike, you stole my heart right there." I joked. He frowned but got out of the water and Muttered something under his breath. Poor Madi, she has to deal with Mike for all summer.

Edward and I decided that since we were already in the water, we would relieve the lifeguards and facilitate the swim test. The campers came down and started. Everyone swam fine. Edward amazed me though. Grace felt like giving up once and he would keep encouraging her and swimming right next to her. My heart melted at his gesture.

We made our way up to the dining hall and left the campers to their tables as we joined a table with Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper.

"Everyone have a fun time meeting their campers?" Jasper kindly asked. He smiled at Alice as they enjoyed some kind of inside joke.

"Dude, I love hanging out with kids, they rock!" Emmet punched his fist in the air. "You love hanging out with kids because you are a kid Em!" Rosalie replied.

Dinner sailed by with light conversation and Emmett's kids moments. We all lazily made our way up to our cabins and got the campers in bed as well as ourselves. I about passed out in my bed from exhaustion.

I thought Edward was sleeping as he laid in the bed across from me. "Sleep tight, Bella." He whispered.

"Goodnight, Edward." I replied. I fell asleep into a peaceful dream.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my story! I first published it to show it to my friend, but I never expected it to get as many favorites or alerts it has gotten! You guys are amazing! Please tell me if you have any suggestions to my story, and any comments or critiques. I would love them all. I also love reccommendations, so if you know a good story, I will read it! Sorry, I know my updates are irregular, but oh well. I will try my best.

Thank you everyone!

PS- Happy Thanksgiving!