
Dim streetlamps cast long shadows; shadows that spread across cold pavements, concealing all those in its dark embrace. The shadows made a good hiding place for those that would prefer to be unseen but it was also suffocating to those that wanted to escape such dark blankets. These shadows belonged to a dark and narrow street. Only two kinds of people could be found in such a street, criminals and victims. Tonight, this place harbored two such people. And yet this street was not a shady street, although there were definitely many shadows, this street was a commonly traveled route for children heading home from school. However, the street was currently silent, save for a couple of children. And it would've also been the site of a terrible tragedy, had it not been for the intervention of a certain person.

A little girl was walking in this dark street. She was very young, a little kid… whether she was going to her friend's house or going to the store to help on her chores, it didn't matter to a brown haired boy hiding away in the dark cloak of the shadows. The boy was holding a model gun, a toy, although one that could cause real pain.

Recently there had been a string of serial shootings targeting little children, especially girls. Initially it was just a few pellets here, a few pellets there, but eventually the shootings increased. Soon enough, children had to run away screaming while shielding themselves with their arms as the ra-ta-ta'ings of air soft pellets rained down on them, leaving hideous welts on their tiny arms. Although no one had been seriously injured, it was definitely a traumatic experience for the children who had been victimized in such a way. These days, children walked in groups to decrease the likelihood of such an event, but the occasional child walking alone could still be assaulted by the rain of pellet fire. This dark street contained such a child, a little girl foolishly walking all alone, not knowing that she was being watched from the shadows.

The brown haired boy wondered why the little girl was walking in the street, and all by herself. It's all plastered everywhere in the school that kids shouldn't be outside by themselves. How careless of her, and she deserves it - it's all her fault. The boy was selfish; he couldn't empathize with other people at all. His mind could easily be described of as sick. He looked down on his fellow man; he fancied himself as superior, if not in athletics then at least in intellect. But he had grown tired of intellectual pursuits; he currently preferred assaulting little girls, knowing he would never be caught. He reveled in public announcements that would warn about his presence, all the while not knowing his identity. And even after precautions were taken against him, still he continued his assaults. He took gleeful joy in not having been caught, knowing that he had outsmarted everyone including the police. He was sick; his mind was that of a sociopath's. And with the same mind that thought up that selfish quibbling, he assaulted the little girl. He fired several rounds from his model gun into her back.

The little girl felt an odd sensation on her back. She wondered if a bug had flown into her, or perhaps it was hailing. But then the sensations on her back began to sting, it felt like someone had thrown tiny rocks at her, was still throwing rocks at her. With a youthful naivety, the little girl began to turn around to see what was causing her pain, not taking care to shield her eyes.

But just as the little girl was about to turn around, a purple haired woman wearing a yellow dress appeared.

The woman had appeared in front of the little girl, seemingly out of nowhere, but it was a really dark street and so the brown haired boy couldn't be sure. The little girl's attention was now completely in front of her, on the mysterious purple haired woman, a direct 180° from the brown haired boy's current position. The boy wondered at what was going on, but was simply more frustrated that he couldn't continue his assault, not with that purple haired woman there at least. Then suddenly the little girl ran off, away from the street and far away from the brown haired boy. The boy was really frustrated; he had just lost his target. The only people left in this dark street were the boy and the mysterious woman; the boy had no choice, he just ran home with his model gun tucked behind his arms. He would just return here another time and hopefully that foolish girl would be here; and if not her, then someone else he could assault. Someone else that he could take sick pleasure in hurting.

The mysterious purple haired woman simply watched the brown haired boy run off. She was smiling as she wondered what would happen now. She wondered what Keiichi would be like, now that his assault of this little girl had ended prematurely, now that he hadn't blinded her. Would a better world be made? Or would it be a worse world? She would wait and she would see… Unfortunately for her and everyone, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.