A/N this takes place in a veriation of the Nolen storyline of the Batman series, based on, very similar, but not completely the same as the movies Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I don't own either Buffy, Angel, or Batman, if I did, I'd be making more money than I do...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel/Batman

The Slayers' Knight

Chapter 1: Gotham City

Sunnydale California, four years ago…

Xander Harris sat on the curb outside the ruins of the High School he had just graduated from … technically graduated anyway. Despite the big win against the Big Bad he still felt deeply saddened. So many were hurt, even killed in the last few years. He failed to save Faith. And it was almost time to go home.

He glanced up and saw a limo pull to a stop across the street. It was time. He stood and glanced around to say goodbye to his 'friends'. Willow was in the process of giving Oz a congratulatory kiss. He then glanced and saw Buffy rapidly going in the direction Angel was standing. With deep sadness he realized none of them even noticed he wasn't near.

With one final glance to both Buffy and Willow he started toward the older gentleman waiting by the black limo. "I see you had quite an explosive time here, Master Wayne."

"You could say that, Alfred," Xander smirked before being pulled into a hug.

"I have missed you, m'boy," the Englishman said pulling back patting the teen on the arms.

"Missed you too, old friend," Xander smiled. "I got your letter. If we hurry we'll be back in time for the trial. You said Rachel was helping with this?"

"Indeed I did, sir, she's assistant DA now," Alfred said proudly.

"She's the same age as me, how did she get through law school?"

"She used her keen intellect to actually go through school at a rapid speed," Alfred said with a smirk of his own. "Instead of using it to trick and bypass adoption laws."

"I did what I had to do," Xander said as Alfred opened the door, neither noticing the destroyed school's librarian watching their every move.

"As you say, sir," Alfred said as he closed the door and made his way to the driver's side.

"So, did you learn what you set out to, sir?" Alfred asked as the car pulled out into the street.

"No, I still don't understand him," Xander said, letting his head recline to the headrest. "But I did learn something else."

"With all respect due, Sir, You were away twelve bloody years," Alfred said with a tight smile. "One would hope you would pick up something."

"Would you believe that vampires and demons really exist, Alfred?" Xander asked glancing out the window.

"The existence of the supernatural has often been a curiosity of mine, sir." The butler responded.

"They do, but they don't attack in major public places and keep themselves as secretive as possible, but do you know why?" Xander asked with a grim expression. "Fear. They're terrified of the Slayer: a single girl with the power to fight them, to destroy them. They can kill her yes, but when one dies another comes. So there is a constant fear of the Slayer coming for them. She could be around any corner, in any shadow, just waiting to attack."

"Imagine, Alfred, if there was something like that after the criminal element," Xander said with a small smile. "A symbol of fear, police officers and authority figures can be corrupted or killed. But if you have a symbol or idea … something that can't be corrupted, hurt, killed. Then they'll learn to respect the law, because the law will be all that will protect them."

"Do you plan to be that symbol, Master Wayne?"

"Me? Bruce Alexander Wayne, spoiled rich kid who ran away when his mom and dad got killed," Xander shook his head, "Or Xander Harris, whipping boy and pathetic Zeppo, bout as intimidating as a beaten puppy. It needs to be something else … something terrifying."

"Perhaps it could be Rachel Dawes, childhood friend who is very angry at said friend who disappeared for twelve years with only a 'Bruce said hi' once and a while from yours truly." Alfred smiled. "That is what is truly terrifying, Sir."

"I've spent the last three years facing monsters, Alfred, I think I can deal with an angry girl," Xander chuckled.

"If you say so, Sir…"


Rachel Dawes sighed as she paced outside the Gotham City courthouse. This was her biggest case yet. Nothing could stop this plea bargain. "Nice suit, Assistant DA," Rachel turned quickly at the voice and if it wasn't for Alfred at his side she might not have recognized him.

"Bruce!" She exclaimed as she threw arms around his neck. "You look like hell." She said noting his old tee-shirt and jeans.

"Missed you too, Rach," he smiled as he shook his head.

"I was afraid you wouldn't make it in time," She said taking his arm and pulling her toward the courtroom.

Xander sat in the back of the court room and watched with disgust and shock as his first friend defended the man who years earlier mercilessly slaughtered his parents. All so they could get him to share information he got from being a cell-mate with a mob boss.

And make it worse; Joe Chill was still using the excuse of his horrible childhood to gain sympathy.

"Before the Jury reaches a verdict, would the surviving victim like to say some words?" The Judge asked glancing back at Xander. "Mr. Bruce Wayne?"

"I'd like to make some comments, yes," Xander said standing to his feet and walking down the isle.

"My name is Bruce Alexander Wayne, and I've waited a long time for this," he said glancing to Joe Chill and his pathetic puppy dog look. He was skinny and sickly. Far from the monster that haunted Xander's nightmares.

"You say your father abused you Mr. Chill, but according your medical records from age 6 to present you have no physical signs of abuse." Xander said glaring daggers at the man who killed his parents, ignoring the horrified looks from Rachel and the DA. "No consistently broken bones, no frequent hospital trips, no scars. Most of the ones on your file don't show up until you were seventeen: which according to your criminal record is when you started doing drugs."

"I would gladly submit a new scenario to this board." Xander said with a scowl. "The District Attorney and his staff would gladly have you see Joe Chill as a man who was a failed by society. I personally see him as a man who failed himself. Sure we'd all love to believe he'll testify what he knows, the bigger bad guy goes down and Joe here goes on to become a respected member of society."

"Why are you doing this?" Rachel mouthed with her eyes wide with shock.

"I seriously doubt that'll happen though. You take the words of a jailhouse stoolie into a criminal trial, not only will a high priced attorney tear his entire testimony to shreds as the words of a prisoner bribed by the city to say whatever they want, but the city will likely end up the target of a civil suit for defamation of character." Xander explained pacing before the defendant's desk. "Meanwhile, Mr. Chill, who has fulfilled his end of the bargain with the DA, celebrates his new freedom by visiting some old friends, uses that nice fat stipend the city has agreed to pay him for his testimony to buy some cocaine or heroine, shoots up, and fully reaffirms his addiction. Few months down the line: he's broke and desperate for his latest fix, sees a nice family outside and ripe for attack, and history repeats itself."

"You don't understand …" Joe Chill spoke up but gasped when Xander slammed both fists on his desk and looked him square in the eye. And the look in Xander's eyes sent a cold chill down Joe's spine.

"You're right, I don't understand," Xander growled. "I tried to thought, I tried my best to understand why and what caused you to do what you did. After you slaughtered my parents in that alley, I used as much of my fortune as I could get to rig an adoption, and let myself be adopted by Tony Harris, a pathetic drunk in California. I was six years old when I went there, not even a few months after you ruined my life. And Tony beat me every day. He cut me, and poured beer on any open wound he caused. He threw me in the basement and locked me up, because I already served his purpose by giving him a better deal on taxes. By every right according to your sob story, I should be beyond what you are. I should be a raving psychopath!"

"But I'm not, I still want to do the right thing," Xander sneered. "And that includes making sure you spend the rest of your miserable life behind bars."

"Alright, I'm done," Xander said stepping back from the table and walked on out of the courtroom not looking back.

"Well said, Master Wayne," Alfred took in step beside him.

"Rachel's pissed," Xander grunted with a scowl.

"The truth hurts, I've been told," Alfred said, "So are we going home, sir?"

"I'm leaving," Xander growled.

"Back to Sunnydale, Sir?" Alfred questioned as they reached the car.

"No, they don't need me there," he shook his head, "I'm needed elsewhere."

"And where exactly is 'elsewhere', Sir?" Alfred asked opening the rear door for him.

"I'll know when I get there, just take me to the air port, Alfred …" Xander whispered as he settled into the backseat.

"As you wish, Sir …" Alfred sighed.


Stockton Women's Detention Center, Southern California … present day…

The Slayer known as Faith laid on her cot in her jail cell as she counted the minutes till exercise time. Prison life was dull, but she had since acknowledged she had it coming.

She blinked in surprise when a guard opened her door and tossed her clothing to her. "This is your lucky day," the guard sneered at her confused expression.

"What's going on?" Faith asked staring at the clothing.

"Someone in high places must like you," the guard said turning her back. "Get dressed."

Faith did as told and was lead to a meeting room where a man sat in a three piece suit with a red tie. "Take it you need some help?" Faith rolled her eyes.

"You don't waste time, do you my dear?" the man said with a smile. "My name's Sebastian Bludd, I'm the new District Attorney of Gotham City." He said holding out a hand which was met only with a stare from the Slayer.

"I'm unsure if you've heard of the events that have been taken place in my city, but I need your help in a situation that the police force is unable or unwilling to properly take care of."

"What kind of situation?" Faith asked crossing her arms.

"A month ago my predecessor Harvey Dent was just one casualty of a … for lack of better terms, a freak war." Bludd said with a small smile. "A war between two highly dangerous sociopaths. Have you heard of the Batman and the Joker?"

"I've heard some horror stories from some transfers from your side of the country," Faith shrugged, "I assumed they were just urban legends."

"They exist, and have caused quite a headache," Bludd smiled. "And in exchange for your experienced services, you will be granted a full pardon."

"What do you mean by m experienced services?" Faith narrowed her eyes.

"I need you to kill them both," Bludd smiled brightly. "Bring me the head of the Joker and the Batman and you will be granted a full pardon."

Faith hesitated a moment before smiling herself. Getting freedom in exchange for hunting down a pair of more than likely demons? "Five by Five."


Gotham City, Illinois

"Nice place …" Faith said sarcastically as she rode in the passenger seat of Bludd's Cadillac looking out at the dirty, homeless infested underground streets.

"It's a personal hell, but we call it home," Bludd said with a jestful smile. "I'm going to take you to the police department, the Major Crimes Unit to be exact. They're the ones who usual handle the higher class of criminals, such as Joker and the Batman. They'll give you information on where to start and whatnot…"

"Got ya," Faith nodded, before noticing a spot of graffiti in the shape of a crisp, metallic bat-like shape, with the words "Fear the Knight". "this Bat Guy definitely has a name for himself huh?"

"Some foolish people still believe Batman is some kind of Dark Knight, some kind of savior, here to save the city from corruption," Bludd snorted.

"Ah …" Faith simply replied as they pulled up a ramp and on across the upper street to a large building marked Gotham City Police Department.

Faith exited the car and followed the man from the parking garage on down a flight of stairs into a basement office area. "Welcome to the MCU," he said as he looked around at the busy office building.

It was a little unorganized, but she still followed the DA through the mob, which she noticed were all giving her angry, distrustful looks.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Faith heard as Bludd lead her into the office of the MCU commander Lt. Anna Ramirez. Ramirez was at her desk as well as Commissioner James Gordon, Ramirez's old partner and fellow MCU member, Crispus Allen, and an old friend.

"Haven't seen you since the trial, Kate," Faith gave a broad smile.

"You should be rotting in jail," Detective Kate Lockley growled as she glared daggers at the young woman.

"Sorry, doing a favor for a new friend," Faith smirked as she patted the DA's shoulder, "Fangs finally get tired of your stick in the mud personality and ran you out of LA?"

"That's enough," Bludd said turning toward the Commissioner. "I felt that an outside party would help in the city's current crisis," he said with a devious smirk. "What with Batman at large and the Joker yet again slipping right through your fingers, Gordon, now is the time to release the 'big guns'. Namely Ms. Faith Lehane."

"The death of ten of our best men I don't think qualifies as slipping through our fingers," Gordon growled. "And I can deal with the Batman."

"In any case, I want you to give all information you have on Joker and Batman to Ms. Lehane here," Bludd said motioning to the girl. "I have the upmost confidence she have no trouble 'slaying' our beasts."

Gordon reluctantly went to Ramirez's file cabinet and pulled two folders each with Batman and Joker's names, Joker's being the largest.

Faith took it and flipped through the Batman's file first. "No clues on his ID, no real evidence connecting him to any charged crimes, it looks sketchy to me."

"He confessed," Gordon said avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. And Faith noticed Ramirez hands were gripping the desk she was staring at.

"Commish, Anna, we got news on the Joker!" a young officer burst into the office. "There's been six deaths, one manage to tell the EMS before he died that the clown was headed toward the old carnival grounds in the Narrows."

"Thanks, Pike," Gordon said before glancing around the room. "If you'll excuse us District Attorney, Ms. Lehane I believe it was, we have some work to do."

"Let's go, Faith," Bludd said leading Faith out of the office.

Faith stopped almost out of the even more chaotic office, before stopping, realizing she had set the Joker's file down on the desk. "I forgot the file, be right back," She said turning and headed back.

She quietly entered the office and saw Gordon turned away from the door pressing into his ear. "…he's at the fairgrounds, but you watch yourself. The DA has some bounty hunter calling herself Faith Lehane that's after you too and you know we can't help you."

Faith narrowed her eyes when she saw Ramirez at the Commissioner's side giving him information to pass on to who she could guess was on the other line. Things weren't adding up here at all, she thought as she picked up the file and quietly made her way out of the office.

She returned to the DA, and handed her the files, "If you don't mind dropping this and my stuff off at the apartment you set up for me, I'll be going to do my job," Faith said placing the files in Bludd's arms. "See ya," She winked before running out of the office.


Faith narrowed her eyes as she turned quickly for the umpteenth time to find nothing but shadows. Something was following her, has been since she left the police department, but what every it was knew how to hide.

"Old fair grounds huh?" She whispered as she approached the run down carnival ruins.

It was loaded with bad vibes, but she couldn't sense even the slightest demonic presence.

"If I was a crazy homicidal clown, where would I hide out?" Faith asked out loud before turning toward the funhouse toward the center of the grounds. "Could this guy be any more obvious?"

She rushed headlong into the funhouse but stopped just short of a large pit filled with water. "I'd watch that first step, little lady," a chuckling voice spoke from the central platform held up by two bridges.

"You ready for the beating of your life?" Faith smirked as she studied the man standing with his arms tucked behind him. He was dressed in a faded and torn purple and green suit, his shaggy, dirty hair was colored dark green and his scarred face was painted like a smiling clown.

"Feisty little thing, aren't you?" the clown chuckled his eyes dancing as the girl carefully made her way across the bridge.

"Wasn't who I was expecting to show up, but hey, I'll take one of Ripper's girls." The man only known as the Joker shrugged as he awaited her approach.

"G… How … how do you know him?" Faith asked taking a fighting stance.

"Would you …" Joker said popping his lips together for a moment before continuing. "Would you like to know how I got these scars?" he said motioning to the upward scars on either side of his mouth.

"You know, I know all about all about you Vampire Slayers, and you know? I was a good personal friend of one, but she was a little touched in the head you see?" Joker said tapping the side of the head. "Well one day we went to the circus, but she, bless her, she was scared to death of clowns! Clowns! Well, she just went crazy! She started killing every clown in the place. Well, I was scared then, and tried to stop her … and … she looked up at me and said, I bet you think this is funny don't you? Well … she took a scythe and tackled me to the ground and asked me again, you think this is funny don't you? Then she took the edge of the blade and slash-slash!" he side moving his hands to demonstrate. "Then she gave me this big smile and said, oh you have the cutest smile in the world … then she cut her own throat."

"You're insane …" Faith twisted her face in disgust.

"That's what the last guy I brought here said," Joker tisked, "but I didn't agree, neither did Croc."

"Croc?" Faith blinked.

"My bestest friend, Wanna meet him?" Joker said grabbing Faith by the hair and shoving her face over the side, where the massive eight foot tall humanoid monster jumped from the water to snap at her. She'd never tell a soul but after the fight with Kakistos pet alligators she had a deep fear of the species of reptiles. And a giant mutant humanoid 'Killer Croc' was not a pleasing sight. "Meet Killer Croc. Remind me to thank Scarecrow for making him good and crazier!"

Faith gasped as she felt herself being thrown off balanced and pushed on over the railing. She closed her eyes only to hear the sound of fist on flesh then someone grabbing her arm and jerking her away from the railing. "Wha?" Her eyes widened when she focused and saw the imprint of a bat shaped emblem on a chest plate. She stepped back and gasped at what she could only describe as an armor plated, caped demon.

"It's over, Joker," the caped demon growled narrowing his dark eyes on the clown.

"BATSY! So glad you could make it!" Joker laughed, taking several steps back.

Joker's smile faltered when he noticed how Batman wasn't acting quite right. His eyes were darting toward the brunet and he was making sure she was in reach. "Wait just a minute, do we have another little friend?" Joker beamed, "Oh how fun! Can I blow her up too, Batman? Can I?"

The masked man's jaw flexed as he stared down the clown. "I tell ya, toots, you might wanna look at getting a new buddy, just ask Rachel Dawes. But I have to tell you I believe we had the better relationship. One she had with Batsy was high flying, but me and Ms. Dawes? That was down right explosive!"

"You're not laughing," Joker noted Batman and Faith's glares. "Awe, girl you're just as bad as Batsy. You're both all wet…" he said kicking a hidden lever.

Faith yelped as the floor opened and the two plummeted into the water. She struggled to break the surface only to be grabbed by the waist and lifted into the air. She stared into the red eyes of Killer Croc as the beast man roared in her face. She reared back and punched the monster in the face with as much force as she could in her position. It seemed to only enrage the monster even more as it pulled her toward him and sunk his razor sharp teeth into the flesh of her shoulder and neck.

Almost instantly she was no longer in Croc's grasp instead she was staring into the face of Kakistos. "You're next, Slayer," the ancient vampire sneered before morphing into Buffy Summers. "And you'll never be one of us, traitor, you're always going to be alone. At least until I finish you off." She said holding up the bloody dagger. "Just goes to show," The monster morphed into Angel and smiled at her with a hint of pacification. "You'll never be as good as Buffy."

"Faith, Faith, listen to me, listen to my voice, Faith," she heard of all people, Xander Harris' voice through her haze. "You've been poisoned, Faith, Croc's saliva is laced with Fear Toxin. Hang on, Faith, I'm going to help you, just hang on." She heard before she submitted to the cold darkness.

To Be Continued …