At this point I was tired. I had helped Kikio get Sumi out of the genjutsu. My brother was gone, and I just felt like something was missing. I felt like half of me was gone. Kagami was my twin brother. I yawned softly and got to my feet.

"So are we all ready?" I asked.

Kikio and the others looked up at me. Chakra strings were in her hands and Sumiko had a few winds surrounding her legs. Yukio had fierce determination in his eyes. Mamoru looked cool and unaffected, but I knew that he was ready as well. I cracked my knuckles and harnessed chakra into my fists.

"On the count of three." I said.

'For Kagami.' I thought before ramming my fist into the bars that held us in.

The thoughts were in my head. I had heard her voice. They were coming to rescue me. I knew it. But they couldn't. They could get hurt. I wriggled around, trying desperately to get out of my bindings.

"That won't work, little Kagami." He told me.

"It wasn't like it was going to help in the first place." The other one said.

I continued struggling against my bindings.

"Just about as stubborn as your mother." One of them said with a smirk.

I knew my eyes were flashing Sharingan.

"Don't ever talk about my mother." I spat.

"Oh, touchy." Orochimaru cooed.


"You have your mother's language as well."

I could feel something starting inside of me, and I fought to keep it back. I knew that if I even let a little bit go, it would be the death of me, and of anyone else in proximity. I bit my lip back and kept a groan deep in my throat.

"Along with your mother's chakra control and your father's Sharingan, you're bound to be the perfect candidate. Your sister is far too soft for something like this. One little thing and the fragile little thing might die." He said.

I knew what was going to happen. I could feel it in my bones. He was going to curse all of them. I stood up immediately.

"We have to go." I said to Sasuke.

I harnessed the chakra into my feet and I began running to where I knew the others would be. When I reached Shikamaru's apartment, I didn't care about the fact that Sasuke was a little bit behind me. I basically rammed into the dining/living room.

"We're going after them." I said, my eyes narrowed.

"Sakura, we don't have a plan. We can't just rush in there!" Hinata tried to reason.

"Alright, here's the plan. We go in, get our kids, kick some ass, and come out. Better?" I asked, my voice icy.

I could feel a hand touch mine and I looked behind me to see Sasuke. Was he holding my hand? Though I appreciated this tender gesture, I didn't have much time to appreciate it.

"Sakura, you know we can't do that." Temari said as she stood.

I looked at her as if she was crazy. Of all the girls, Temari and I had been the most emotionally alike, especially when it came to our children. Wasn't she as pissed as I was?

"No, don't worry. I am just as pissed as you, but we can't afford anyone getting hurt or any of us dying an unnecessary death." She replied.

I bit my lip and sank down onto Shikamaru's couch.

"Then what do we do?" I asked, my voice barely more than a whisper.

It was then that Tenten stood and looked at us.

"I'll tell you what. We're going to plan this out rationally. And we're going to get them back." She said seriously.

I nodded as they came over to the couch with me. Temari went into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. She came back over and sat down beside me. Quickly, Temari began drawing an almost perfect image of Orochimaru's base.

"We can go in there, and get out from this entrance towards the back." I said as I pointed at different points on the small map.

"They'll probably be held either here or there. Kagami will be there, I think." Sasuke said, putting his two cents in.

Hinata nodded.

"Okay. Knowing the kids, they'll probably be trying to get to Kagami. We need to get them before Orochimaru gets them all." She said.

I nodded and got to my feet.

"We strike at dusk." Tenten said.

"By then they all could be dead." I said blankly.

"Sakura, if we go now then we all might get hurt. We could all die." Tenten said.

I shook my head.

"Then I say we go alone. Just the four of us."

Naruto stood, his eyes were defiant.

"No way in hell are we letting you go alone." He said, his voice rising.

I wondered faintly when he had arrived. Or had he already been there? I didn't bother questioning it. I looked at the girls. They all nodded, agreeing with me. They knew this was the only way. Without saying a single word, we were all gone from Shikamaru's apartment and at the gates. My eyes softened.

"Memories, ne?" I asked softly.

They nodded. Temari picked up her fan, and Tenten pulled one of her favorite kunai from a hidden pocket on her clothing. Hinata's eyes shifted to her Byakugan and I let the sweet feeling of fire course through my veins.

"Hold on. We're coming." I muttered before we began moving.

"We're not letting them go alone." I said evenly.

Neji nodded and let his Byakugan come into place. I looked to Naruto and he cracked his knuckles. He was certainly ready for a fight.

"We should catch up or they could go without us." I said as I got up from my place.

"Knowing them and their new power, they could be in Oto by dusk." I said as I made my way to the door.

Sasuke simply nodded as we made our ways to the gate. It wasn't as if they weren't surprised when we got there. In fact, it looked like they were waiting for us.

"Well, if you're going to come with us, then come on." Temari said impatiently as she jumped on her fan.

I walked over to her and jumped on beside her. What happened then was amazing. In a rush of wind and wisps of air, we actually became air. I looked around and saw that Sakura and Sasuke had transformed into sparks that were already popping and sizzling. They occasionally touched the ground, but did not start a fire as they moved away. They were soon out of sight. Naruto and Hinata turned into water and evaporated into the air as it was soon moving through the sky. Tenten and Neji had disappeared into the ground and a few small bumps showed me where they were going.

"Are you ready or not? We've got to go. Unless you don't feel like rescuing your daughter." She snapped.

I nodded and I somehow felt her hands guide mine to her shoulders.

"Hold on tight, Shika-Baby." She said.

I could feel her smirk on my skin. And away we went.

The final few chapters will be nice and long. At least six or seven pages in Times New Roman size 12, gots it? It's gonna be GOOOOD. Yes, this means that It Was Just Too Hard is coming to an end. Since I'm going to be one busy little bee next week, I won't have much time to type. Just expect the next chapters in one or two week's time. I promise to have them up ASAP.