We loved you. You didn't return the favor. Now we're gone, and you want us back… Broken hearts are the hardest wounds to heal.

It was too hard

On a surprisingly cold summer night in Kohona, four very lovely young ladies were either pissed of or crying their eyes out.

A pink haired girl sat on a stone, cold, bench crying in the forest.

A girl with brown hair in 2 buns was throwing kunai blindly, and angrily at trees in the forest.

A girl with midnight blue hair was crying desperately by a small lake in the middle of the forest.

A girl with dirty blonde hair in 4 spiky ponytails, was waving a giant fan yelling out destructive jutsu in a forest clearing.

Let us visit the pinkette first.

Sakura POV

I sat there, on a bench crying about what I had just witnessed. During training, Sasuke's headband fell off. I knew that he'd be on the training grounds, so I decided to return it to him.

When I got to the clearing he was usually was at, I saw something I never thought I'd see. Sasuke……….on top of a girl………both of them half naked………….

Apparently Sasuke heard me.

( and or saw me ,damn sharingan) "Gomen Sasuke kun. Sorry I interrupted, I just wanted to give you back your headband" I managed to stutter under his stone cold gaze. Then with as much grace as I could muster, I turned heel and walked away.

Once I was about 2 feet away, I broke into a sprint. Too tired to move on, I sat on this very bench and began to cry. The man that I loved… I was even going to have his kid…

I would have to leave Kohona… that is exactly what I have to do. I'll go pack my bags and I'll leave. I'll even leave shishou a letter. Besides, Kohona doesn't need an annoying weak kunoichi like Haruno Sakura any more.

On that note, I began to walk home, thinking of the life my unborn child and I would have.

The girl's story is sad. But not far away from her bench is the girl with 2 brown buns in her hair. Lets see how she's doing…

TenTen's POV

I was- scratch that, I am pissed!! I threw my kunai blindy at the targets; all the while pretending they looked like Neji… why was I so pissed? HERE'S WHY!!

Gai made it mandatory for each member of the team to give each other gifts once a year. Today was that day. I received a green jumpsuit from Gai sensei (like hell I'd actually wear it!) , a fuuma shuriken made out of paper from lee (he said it took him 36 hours to make, but his "unwavering youthfulness" pulled him through), and from Neji I got a katana!! A FUCKIN KATANA!! I almost squealed like a 5 year old.

I gave Gai and lee the same thing, a book called "HOW TO CALM THEHELLDOWN, SO YOU DON'T ANNOY THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYONEYOU'RE AROUND!!" and for Neji I got him a kunai made out of a special kind of metal that only came from the village hidden in the mist. I also got his name written on it. Kohona only got a shipment of these babies 1 or 2 times every 10 years!!

It costed a hell of a lot just to get the kunai!! It costed 200 more to get his name written on it! So after training, I saw the kunai on the field. I picked it up thinking he had lost it during training, so I walked around looking for him. After 5 minutes of this, I headed for the trees.

I hopped from 1 to the other, when I finally saw him. He was in a tree, about 2 feet way, kissing a blonde. I stifled a gasp and headed back; his kunai squeezed in my hand.

'she is prettier than me' I thought. 'she has curves, pretty blue eyes, and a figure. She's even blonde! I should have known he wouldn't want a girl like me. I was going to have his fucking brat too. I finally snapped and decided 1 thing: that I was going to leave Kohona. No one would miss me. I left for my apartment to go pack.

Another sad love story, but wait there are 2 more. Lets go see the girl by the lake

Hinata's POV

I looked at myself in the clear blue water of the lake. I was a wreck. I had been crying for about 2 hours straight. It all started earlier today…

Naruto asked me to go to ichiraku ramen stand; he said he would meet me there. So I went. I used my byakugan to see if he really was there or just pranking me.

Sure enough, Naruto was there. I walked a little closer and saw that I girl was eating ramen next to him. She had a figure that made me feel flat as a floorboard and thin as a toothpick. She had long blonde hair in 2 pony tails. Her eyes were green so she couldn't have been any blonde girls I knew.

I then saw her take some noodles out of Naruto kuns bowl. I saw Naruto scowl playfully and grab the other end of the noodles with his chopstick and push them into his mouth.

The noodles got thinner and shorter, and space between the 2 was getting closer and closer. And finally their lips met. I still had my byakugan activated, so I could see him slide his tongue into her mouth.

I choked on a sob and I ran here. To think, I was going to have uzumaki naruto's child…. I didn't even tell him yet. It was then a.k.a now I decided I had to go. Hinata Hyuga would have to leave Kohona. After all everyone there except the girls and the hokage and Shizune thought I was weak. I would leave Kohona, and if I ever do return I'll be stronger, with my child by my side. I ran back to the Hyuga compound to pack.

This is the last story of heartbreak before our real story. And this is the story of heartbreak for the girl with dirty blonde hair…..

Temari POV

I was pissed. That was and is why I am destroying innocent trees and squirrels. Screw the damn squirrels… Shikamaru sure did…

What I mean is… it would be easier if I started from the beginning. Okay, today is Valentines Day, so I decided to give a gift instead of the usual candy and flowers. But what would get for Shikamaru? I decided to give him an ancient shogi board. It was used by a great general during the Great War.

It took me forever to persuade the elders to give it to me. But eventually I did. I even bought 2 shogi pieces. One had a fan on it which was mine, and the other had a white cloud with the kanji symbol of lazy on it.

It took me a good 4 hours to get to Kohona on time. I then scanned the town for any sign of Shikamaru. Once I found him, he was at his house. His mother led me to his room and said something like "no grandkids before 29" or something like that. I heard snoring, so I decided to leave the gift by his door and leave with that.

So after a few hours, I figured that Shikamaru had gotten the board. I decide to go back to his house. When I got up to his room, I heard moaning from the other side of the door.

I opened the door slightly and saw a girl and Shikamaru half naked, with him on top of her. The shogi board was broken in half on the floor, long forgotten.

The fucking bastard had broken me. I was having his little brat too. I'll just leave both my homes. Suna and Kohona. I ran back to my hotel to pack up.

The final straw. The girls are leaving. Here is where our true story begins.


Dear Tsunade Chan,

By the time you read this, I'll be long gone. I feel weak, and my emotions hold me back constantly. I hope to come back someday, with my child by my side. Yes, I am having a baby. It is Uchiha Sasuke's child. Maybe even his children. (they might be twins!)

I hid them from everyone. I guess that I was just scared. I wish you, Naruto kun, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Shizune Chan have wonderful lives. Don't come after me. I might have to hurt you, if you do. I'll be back eventually.

I'll never forget my home.

Love, Sakura Haruno.

I finished my letter. I pulled on my jacket which was black and reached to my ankles. It hung over my shirt. It was my regular shirt, except it was black, had fishnet sleeves, and my shorts were black with the tan skirt. I laced up my sandals and I slung my back pack over my shoulder. I poofed into the Hokage building and put the letter onto Tsunade's desk, and transported to the gate.

I knocked out both the gaurds, and began walking.

"Sakura Chan, what are you doing here?" I heard and innocent voice ask me.

I spun around and saw Hinata. She was wearing unusual clothes. Her jacket was slimmed out, black, and stopped at her midriff. The bottom of her white tank top showed underneath. She wore her plain navy khaki's with her weapons, and a bag slung over her shoulder.

I realized, that she was dressed like me. She was dressed, for traveling.

"Apparently, the same place you're going." I replied.

"Well, it looks like a party." I heard another voice say.

I saw Temari and Tenten come out of the shadows.

Temari had her hair in 2 low ponytails. She wore her same old fighter kimono except in black. She wore a black choker with a fan on it. Her fan was on her back as usual. Her nin shoes were black and reached her shins.

Tenten wore her hair in 2 french braids. She wore a black, sleeveless, Chinese style dress that reached her mid upper thigh. She wore white pants and black 1 inch heeled ninja shoes. She had a giant kunai strapped to her back.

"I'm thinking, we're all here for the same reason." I said.

"You mean, you're having a bastards kid too?" Temari scoffed.

Tenten, Hinata, and I nodded.

"And you decided to leave, because you feel weak on top of that?" She added.

Once again the 3 of us nodded.

"Why don't we leave together? There's power in numbers. And if one of us gets hurt we would have 2 medics." Tenten questioned.

"I don't have a problem with it." Temari said.

"Neither do i." Hinata said.

"Sounds fine. We could even raise our kids together." I told them.

They nodded.

"Hey, Tenten, what's that on your left shoulder?" I asked.

Tenten looked down on her shoulder. On it was a Kunai marking. The kunai was surrounded by pink roses with black stems and thorns.

"Oh this? I don't really know… It just appeared on my shoulder a week ago." She replied.

"Did you say a week?" Temari said.

Tenten nodded.

"I have one of those too. Except it circles around my left thigh." Temari replied.

She lifted the hem of her kimono, revealing a fan similar to hers on her thigh. It was open and had 3 purple stars (or are they moons? I'm not sure…). Dark purple swirls surrounded the fan.

"I have one too." Hinata murmured.

She pulled the collar of her shirt down a bit. A little below her collar bone, right near the small space between her breasts was a sky blue tear drop. Surrounding the drop were indigo swirls and stars.

"Sakura, do you have one?" Tenten asked.

"Yes, and I know what they mean."

I turned around and pulled down the collar of my jacket. On the back of my neck was a Cherryblossom, surrounded by swirls of fire. Coming out if it on either side, were dark green rose thorns.

"What do you mean? These marks have a meaning?" Hinata asked.

"A long time ago, there were 4 young girls. The girls names were, Momoko, Hikaru, Shirahime, and Kikiyo. Momoko had beautiful mid back dark pink hair, and firey red eyes. Hikaru had dark blue shoulder length hair and pale lavender eyes. Shirahime had thick wavy brown hair, and jaded green eyes. Kikyo had dirty blonde hair kept in two braids, and cerulean eyes. The girls were very beautiful. One day, 4 handsome gods decided to make the girls theirs."

"And so the girls were wed. Momoko married the Fire God. Hikaru, married the water God.. Shirahime married the Earth God. And Kikiyo married the Air God. As gifts from the gods, each girl gained the same powers as her husband. But one day, the girls had found the gods in bed with their slaves."

"The girls –heartbroken- immeadetly left. But the gods forgot to take the powers away from the girls. While the girls were gone they had the gods children. One day, after 8 years, the girls went back to heaven, and proved to the gods that they truly were powerful. The gods begged them to stay in heaven, but the girls left; and had their children. And every other generation the powers passed on from daughter to daughter, son to son."

"And this generation, we are the desendents of the Elementals." I said.

"But wouldn't that mean that the gods have their descendents as well?" Temari said.

"Yes…" I said.

"Then history has repeated itself, but a little differently…" Hinata said.

"We've wasted too much time. We need to get going before dawn." Temari stated.

We nodded, and with that all 4 of us left the Hidden Leaf village.

7 Years Later…

'I hope Tsunade has a good reason for calling this early…' a certain chicken-ass-haired nin thought.

His name? Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke. (Bond. James Bond. X3)

After 8 years he matured. Mostly physically. And by that, I mean he was hotter than hell!! It must be a crime to be that sexy!! I mean DAMN!! He's fucking hot!! (Sakura hits me over the head. Owie…)

Today, is the anniversary, of the day she left…

He thought. Yes, the coldhearted bastard still thought about Sakura Haruno. In truth his missed her. And although he didn't want to admit it… He loved her. Not knowing whether she was dead or not, was too much for the Uchiha survivor. Hopefully a mission would take his mind off of it.

When he opened the door to the Hokage tower, he saw that Naruto, Neji and Shikamaru were in the room as well.

"Tsunade sama, what's going on?" Naruto asked.

"As you may know 3 Kohona Kunoichi and 1 sand left Kohona approximately seven years ago. The elders and i believe that these nin have been gone too long. Your mission, if you accept it, is to bring these girls back to Kohona. Do you accept?"

"I accept." They all said at the same time.

"Your mission begins now." Tsunade said.

The four "poofed" out of the room.

Tsunade smirked and picked up the letter on her desk.

Tsunade sama,

Hello. I trust that you'd be expecting me and the girls by now, huh? We're on our way back home. But we ran into a little trouble. The children won't make it. Send some scouts to the south side of the Kohona wall. I missed you Tsunade-Kaa Chan. And I'm finally home.


"I just hope that they're in time..." Tsunade muttered.

With The Girls

Sakura POV

Those bastards were catching up to us.

"Kagami, Sakuko, I need you two to head north to Kohona. There, you'll find some ninja. Tell them that we need help." I told them.

"But Kaa Chan!" Sakuko whined.

"Sakuko Tsunade Haruno, go with your brother." I commanded.

She nodded and went up to the front with the other children. It looked as though the girls had the same thoughts and soon he kids were out of our sight. But their chakra signiture imprinted on our minds. I stopped.

"Come out." I called.

"You've gotten better, dear Sakura." The voice said.

That voice sent chills up my spine.

"What do you want Orochimaru?"

Sasuke POV

We jumped from tree to tree with chakra enhanced feet.

"Wait." Neji said.

Our formation stopped.

Neji in front. Shikamaru and I on either side of him and Naruto picking up the rear.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Come out now." Neji said.

The bushes ahead of us rustled and 7 children came out. The ones with emerald and onyx eyes interested me. The girl had pink hair...

"Who are you, and why are you here?" Neji asked.

"Though we can't tell you our names, we can tell you our business. Our mothers are in danger. A strange man has been tailing us for weeks. They sent us to find help. Mamo, are they battling?" a young girl with dark brown hair said.

The boy called Mamo's veins around his eyes throbbed while his mouth formed a single word.


With the girls

Sakura POV

"What do you want, Orochimaru?" I asked.

"Why Sakura, your voice has grown cold. It's edge cuts me like a kunai, Sakura Chan." he said.

"You have no goddamn right to call me Sakura Chan. To you and your followers, We are known as the Kuro Tenshi. And I as Kuro Blossom." I said. My voice rang out in the forest.

Sakura, the children are okay. They found some anbu and Mamo is helping them find us. Hinata's voice rang out in my head.

I nodded.

"Well Oro, you came for a fight. Shall we dance?" I asked.

My eyes turned red as did my hair. My hands made rapid signs.

"Katon: Ryuu Tenshi no Jutsu!(1)" I yelled.

Bat wings of fire sprouted from my back.

"Mizu: Ryuu Tenshi no Jutsu!(1)" Hinata yelled behind me. Her wings were made of water but had the texture of angels wings.

"Daichi: Ryuu Tenshi no Jutsu! Stage 2! (2)" Tenten yelled. A dragon made out of solid clay erupted from the ground. She jumped on its head. It rose until it was as tall as Hinata and I were high in the air. (49 ft in the air)

"Kaze:Ryuu Tenshi no Jutsu! Stage 2! (2) Temari yelled. A dragon made out of a thick gray fog landed at Temari's feet. It's yellow eyes glistened with bloodlust. She jumped on its head and they rose into the air as well.

"Girls, go to stage 1 of The Unlocking!" I yelled.

They nodded.

Hinata's hair grew until it reached her mid back and was sky blue. Her eyes were indigo.

Tenten's hair came out of the buns and cut itself so it only reached her mid neck. It was green and had black streaks. Her eyes were forest green.

Temari's hair came out of its ponytails and stayed at it's original length. Her eyes became a lightning yellow and her hair became a smoky gray color.

My hair turned black and grew until my mid back, like Hinata's. My pupils turned crimson while the rest of my eye turned black.

It's time to give a bastard, HELL

1. Fire: Dragon Angel Jutsu

2: Water: Dragon Angel Jutsu

3. Earth: Dragon Angel Jutsu

4. Wind: Dragon Angel Jutsu

Review or I shall eat you!! RAWR!! Jk, but please review!!

Thanx to ANBUInu for catchin my mistake!!