Sorry, had a bit of a writers block with this story.
Amu was surprised that Ikuto, Nadeshiko, and Yaya weren't in a character change. Then she saw Shin with three tied up charas. Without their character changes, the guilty party got beat up pretty bad, though Ikuto was still laughing. It was finally decided all of them would wish the same wish: that the embryo would never exist again. It also was decided that the guardians were not to get in Easter's way and vice versa.
Now Amu was at Utau's concert. Her job was to get the embryo, of course. Even if Utau was just singing to get X eggs, there was no doupt she was a good singer. Amu wished she could sound like her, just once. When the concert ended, Amu noticed that the small, diamond egg was moving. Was dia going to come out again? Anyway, I have a job to do.
"Amu, can you check the pile over here?" Sanjo-san said.
"Sure." Amu looked at every single egg and couldn't feel a thing. "The embryo isn't here." Then an idea popped in Amu's mind. Ran began going into her egg. "My heart, unlock!" A shining light was seen and Sanjo was just looking at her, trying to figure out what was going on. "Amulet Heart!" I wonder if it will work in this transformation? "Open heart!" So it was pink hearts this time, but they did the job. All the eggs were purified.
"Amu, when did you learn to do that?" Sanjo-san cried.
"A week ago when Utau and I were fighting. See, Ikuto stole this lock from Tadase and gave it to me. Apparently, it has the power to purify eggs!" Amu hated knowing she was crushing people's dreams.
"I knew you were amazing!" Utau squealed.
"Uh...I think it is the lock's doing." Amu stammered. "Good concert by the way."
"You think so? I feel better now that the eggs are purified." As soon as Utau said that, the purified eggs went back to their owners.
"You know, today, I was thinking it would be cool to sing like you." Amu said. She never had the courage or believed her singing was good enough to actually sing in front of anyone.
"Thanks." Utau blushed. Amu backed away. She wouldn't want that happening again.
"From a girl that can't sing to a girl that can! Character change!" Dia said.
A yellow diamond appeared where Amu's black X clip had been. "Can I sing with you?" Amu asked.
"Sure!" Utau was practically glowing with happiness. "Let's sing Meikyuu Butterfly."
Utau and Amu began to sing. "Don't seize, don't capture, the labyrinth butterfly. The wings in your concealed chest sing of freedom even for the people who can't see them." Amu was surprised on how good she was singing and how she wasn't scared at all. It was almost like she was free. So this is why Utau liked singing so much that she didn't mind all the X eggs.
Then Amu heard clapping and immediately went out of her character change and blushed. "Good job Amu. I didn't know you could sing or you had a new chara."
"You really were good at singing!" Utau was dangerously close to the extreme lovey-dovey stage. "There is no need to be embarrassed!" It was then Amu decided to run. "Amu, where are you going?"
"Uh, there were X eggs out in street that we missed." Amu lied. Utau bought it. Who actually was in the street were the two girl guardians, correction, one girl and one cross dresser. They must of been here for Utau's concert. "What are you doing here?"
"Utau is one of Yaya's favorite singers!" Yaya replied. Better not mention that concert was for collecting X eggs.
"Yeah, I guess she is pretty good." Amu went off into her cool and spicy personality.
"Don't act like that Amu. I can tell that you are hiding your true personality." Nadeshiko laughed to herself-himself, so confusing!
"How would you know that?" Amu asked, barely concealing her fear.
"I did some research on you from your previous schools." Nadeshiko smiled. Stalker! She is scary! Amu's concealment was gone now and her fear was open to see.
"Stalker!" Amu yelled. "Worse than Ikuto after Tadase!"
"I'm not that bad...don't insult me so." Nadeshiko replied.