A/N- I'm sorry my updates keep getting farther and farther apart—I just can't tear myself away from reading OTHER people's fanfiction

A/N- I'm sorry my updates keep getting farther and farther apart—I just can't tear myself away from reading OTHER people's fanfiction. I'm an eye-whore, I know. Sooooo….I like reviews? And cookies? But mostly I like yummy Mori x Kaoru—you who watch Ouran know what I mean . But if anyone has any interesting requests for me—I need some great ideas for oneshots to get me out of this Shlump. Oh- and Sara? You get your 3-seconds of fame. Sara rocks. I love her. Please don't make me get with that strange bossa-nova or whoever!! Thanks!! (I love you reviewers….)(I miss you reeby10!!)-Shimaki


"Please…please don't." No matter how much he wanted to stop them, the tears came fast, hot and salty. They rolled slowly, gaining speed gradually and dripping softly onto the already-wet pillows beneath him. "I don't w-want you to go…" he continued, his crying driving his breath to 'panting hysteria.'

"I d-don't want to be a-alone." His eyes flicked away, staring into space. "I'm sick of it. I need you."

He looked back up at his captor and was surprised with a smile. He smiled back tentatively, the corners of his mouth twitching nearly imperceptibly as he tried to hold back his signature big grin. Zexy sighed and mused, "I could crush your dreams completely. Break your heart, I guess. Tell you I hate you. Tell you to get away."

He paused, leaned down to whisper in Demyx's ear- "But I love you too much for that, right?" The blonde's eyes opened wide, very wide.

"Wha-," but he was cut off by a sweet, soft mouth on his, sweeter than he ever could have hoped. One long, slow kiss melted into another, until they broke apart- but only for a breath, and they were together again.

Demyx melted into the couch, pure happiness coursing through every vein, intermingled with bright excitement and dark, heady lust. Hey got more vicious as they went on, tongues thrashing and teeth clashing as both did what they'd waiter for—waited far too long. Zexion pulled himself out of the fray, for much-needed air, before traveling down the blonde's neck, nipping and sucking as he reached down to attempt the removal of Demyx's shirt without dislodging his own roaming lips.

Dem froze, hands subconsciously reaching to pull his shirt back down. "I-I don't know…" he trailed off, face flushed and lips bruised, his mussed blonde hair making a halo around his head. "I've never done 'it' before, Zexy…"

Zexion laughed, actually laughed (A/N- says 'A loud, carefree expression of mirth.) before pushing Demyx's hands away and murmuring "Well then, you're lucky I'm a pro." His lust-rough voice sent shiver up the blonde's spine before Zexion smirked, dexterous digits fingering the hem of Demyx's shirt again. In a single swift movement he had the shirt off and in a heap on the floor.

He dragged his nails greedily down Demyx's chest, taking in every inch of luscious golden skin he could reach. His thumbs slipped into the waistband of the blonde's trousers and Demyx gasped. Zexion recaptured his wandering attention by stroking the soft, sensitive skin just under his waistband—while enjoying the noises he could coerce from his new lover.

(A/N- Same POV change style—the first name you see will be the person's POV. It won't change until I say it does. Kay?)

Zexion contemplated, pulling his hands out of the whimpering Demyx's pants. He ordered "Grab on," motioning for the blonde to wrap his legs around Zexy's waist. Demyx did so, and was rewarded with the glorious feeling of skin on skin, the water from the earlier shower lubricating, making them slide together deliciously.

Zexion slowly stood, pulling Demyx with him over to the bluenette's bed. He lay him down on the soft, silky sheets and straddled him again. He ground his hips slowly, tauntingly, as Demyx writhed under him. His eyes flicked from puffy lips to bite-marked collarbone, all the way down to the only thing obstructing the beautiful; view of his much-deserved prize.

He tickled his hands down the blonde's sides, reaching to unclasp his belt buckle. He pulled the silver-studded belt out of the loops gently, a teasing smile gracing his face as he slowly let it slip to the floor. His sheets made only a soft rustling as he slid Demyx's pants down, the soft, cool cloth a relief to the blonde's overheated skin.

Zexy paused- then laughed again. "What?" breathed Demyx, blushing at his current state of undress. Zexion cackled.

"Really, I should have known-"he hesitated, and then burst out in giggles again. "Your…boxers…have…rainbows…on…them…" he managed to wheeze out. Demyx flushed, if possible, even more.

(A/N- POV change, chaps.)

Demyx had forgotten about those…he'd only worn them for good luck. As the still-laughing Zexion shook above him, he formulated his plan. The blue-haired man hadn't bothered changing into pants before he jumped Demyx, so maybe he could get back at him?


Zexion froze, a half-formed laugh choking into a low moan. Somehow the blonde had found a way to sneak his hand underneath his towel, and his eyes went wide. As the hand under his last vestige of privacy searched for and found it's trajectory, he gasped, all coherent thought fleeing.

"This'll be good."

Demyx woke up, sticky, sweaty, with his arms wrapped around the one and only Zexion. "Oh. God." He froze up, realizing that they were both nude- what has just happened? Another second passed before he remembered, the implications of what they'd done smashing into his mind like a truck gone haywire.

"Shit- shiiiiiiit –shi—" crash The fervent, cursing whispers stopped as he crashed to the floor and tried, yet failed, to stand up. For some reason, -oh, wait, he knew- everywhere below his waist and above his general 'thigh area' was one great mess of unbelievable soreness. He lay still where he had fallen, his face smashed into the rug between his and Zexion's bed.

He managed to lever himself onto his own bed with a mixture of desperation and brute upper body strength, and struggled into his own blankets. He reached to his bedside table and pulled out his cell phone out of the drawer in his bedside table. He texted Axel.

(DM is Demyx, AX is Axel, duh chaps.)

DM- Hey Axel?

AX- This is an automated message. Axel is unavailable.

DM- Hello to you too. I gotta talk to you- bad.

AX- This is- Wait, what?

DM- I'm so worried…okay, so- I may or may not have accidentally had sex with Zexion.

AX- Wait, what?


AX- Oh. And?

DM- …Do I have to say it again? HE FU-

AX- No, no, I got that. I just don't see where the problem is.

DM- What do you mean?! I just had SEX with my friend and you see no PROBLEM?

AX- Well, you obviously liked it. So just…tell him that. Now I've got a very sexy blonde of my very own coming my way—

Axel has signed off.


Current location- Minami Dance Studios.

Current time- 11:00 am.

Zexion stole into the room quietly, hugging the wall and creeping slowly. He snuck behind the already-teaching Demyx, listening closely to the blonde's explanations as he strove to remain invisible. He cringed when he saw on of the adults giggle and point at him, making Demyx turn his head.

The blonde flushed bright red and stopped talking, self consciously rubbing his lower back. Zexion walked meekly to his side, taking his place among the classmates. He folded his hands modestly behind his back, eyes making a silent plea to Demyx—just keep talking.

"A-as I was s-saying, Improvisational techniques are the basis of our dancing." Zexion let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding, and listened to him explain, familiar terms soothing his tired little head.

Later, when Demyx let the old-timers go for their usual bathroom break, Zexion snuck out with them. He splashed his face with cold water in the unisex bathroom, carefully fixed his mussed hair, and turned to leave. A woman grabbed his sleeve, however, before he escaped. "So." She smiled, eyes dancing. "One question please, young man." She smiled a devious little grin, the weathered skin around her eyes crinkling in mirth. "Y-yes?" Zexion asked, unnerved by her manner. "Was he any good? He looks like he'd be, with all his flexibility."

Zexion froze, flushed, and stammered "I-I'm sure I don't know what you're talking abou-"

She cut him off. "You two blush constantly. You refuse to touch. He's limping for Shiva's sake, what more evidence do you think we 'old people' need?" Zexion yanked his shirt from her grip and backed away slowly. As he opened the door and made to leave, he stopped and turned his head.

The woman smiled still, happy as any indulgent grandmother. Zexy sighed. "He was amazing."

They walked to the bus stop in stony silence, heads hung (no, not THOSE heads, you pervs. Or maybe it's just me?) and hands shoved self-consciously into pocket. At the café with their friends, they sat as far apart as possible and wouldn't talk.

Axel looked on with a worried eye, and resolved to get the two back on speaking terms again, at least.

AX- Hey Dem…What's up with you and Mr. Screamo?

DM- I told you already. And don't call him Mr. Screamo.

AX- Oh, the sex thing. Well. Just talk to him. He'll understand. One of you has to break the ice. Or I'll do it. With fire. Comprende?

DM- Stop being so juvenile.

AX- I'll talk to him for you. Watch.

Axel has signed off

Demyx looked up as he read and saw Axel making his careful way around the tables and chairs to sit by Zexion. The bluenette looked up, leaning forward as he listened to Axel with rapt attention. He darted a 'furtive' glance the blonde's way and pulled out his cell phone.

(ZX is Zexion. God, Did I even have to say that?)

ZX- Hey.

DM- Hi.

Zexion flushed and didn't reply, whispering to Axel until the pyro smacked him on the head. He got a reply soon after, the fingers of Zexy's right hand working the phone while his left rubbed the sore spot on his much-abused little periwinkle noggin.

ZX- So Axel is going to hit me if I'm too scared to reply. Did you know you've got some very perceptive tango students? This lady came up to me in the bathroom and—Oh, never mind. How are you?

DM- Sore. Very Sore. It feels like someone shoved something up my- wait. You did. Or didn't you remember?

Demyx's anger at being ignored all morning came screaming through. (Although he had ignored Zexion as well…)

ZX- I remember. I remember well. I thought you would have forgotten, considering I woke up alone this morning.

Demyx paused.

DM- Yeah, sorry. It was just…awkward, you know? I apologize…

Zexion has signed off.

Demyx stared at his phone, unable to believe Zexion had just dropped him like that. He ran fervently through his text logs, to find what he could have possibly said wrong. He closed his eyes and sank back into the soft cushions of the couch he was on, unable to face his friend, the erstwhile lover.

His eyes opened with an audible snap when he felt a warm presence hovering over him, and felt a soft pressure as someone straddled his hips and sat down on his lap. Heir friends and the café patrons fell into a hush as Zexion pulled his chin up, planted a firm kiss on his lips, and whispered "I guess this will be good."

Their friends merely stared, jaws dropped and eyes buggy-out-ish as Zexion bought them a Hot Chocolate to share and sat on the couch, pinkies linked and faces beaming. Except Axel- The only one besides the couple with a smug look of pure glee.

A/N- wow. 2010 words. Lucky me.