If I owned anything all bookes would be able to crossover to others. And Light would have not been able to kill L *pouts* An amusing encounter


In the city of Rivendell Lord Elrond sagged beside Frodo's bed, perspiration slipping down his sharp features and onto the floor in front of him.

"You made a good call with the Jewel Weed." He murmured softly before taking a gulp of water.

Glorfinel looked up from his side of the hobbits bed and looked at Elrond in a way of such surprise that it could not be ignored


"The Jewel Weed on Master Bagin's wound!" The elfin lord pointed out exasperated while dabbing a piece of cloth to his forehead..

" You can not really say with a clear conscience that you have no idea what I speak of Cease your jesting my friend*." A soft breeze filtered through the trees giving both elves a much needed breeve.

"Elrond In all due respect I have not the foggest idea of what you are talking about?"

"You didn't tend to the Hobbits wounds?"


A silence befell the room only broken by the young Hobbits laboured breaths as both elves came to the same conclusion.

"Somebody else was there!" This was said in such shock and surprise, both elves had raised their voices to the point where others surrounding the room, raised their eyebrows in surprise and started listening with more attention at the sudden burst of noise.

Elves are known for many things such as, bravery, protectiveness, and strength but one thing they keep under raps is that they are also serial gossipers nothing stays out of the gossip mill for long in an elfin city no matter how hard you try.

The news that someone was able to slide past such a trained warrior as Glorfinel would be known by all inhabitants before dinner.

Sometimes being an elf really sucked.

Within the forest a small elfling trudged though the bushes making sure to keep hidden from the humans in front of him.

They had appeared about 3 hours after the elf and hobbit had raced off and L knew that he would soon be lost without an idea on which direction to continue in.

It bugged him constantly that he had to rely on complete strangers. If any of them turned around there was a high possibility that he would be seen and then what?

The human race had never been known for acceptance for other people on earth, even for those who are darker skinned due to the melatonin in their skins. A simple chemical difference, the way their bodies reacted to the environment of their homes. Wars where started because of such a simple factor.

No, L didn't trust humans; he wasn't even game to trust the elves. In America L vaguely remembered a Dr Gregory House a sly and sarcastic man who could care less for rules saying, "Everyone lies, the only difference is, what they lie about". L had to agree with this man, every one did lie he had learnt that through all his years as a detective.

Lying seemed to come in the package of life, elves were alive, so even they couldn't be believed without evidence.

A sneeze from one of the humans he was following snapped him out of his merry-go-round thought. Sighing he closed his eyes upon opening them he glanced at the man with eyes now critical.

He was well groomed equaled high class

The other humans seemed to flock around him = he was a leader

He wore a crest shined to the 9 even after travelling= show off and insecure about his position in life.(1)

Rolling his eyes as the human now dubbed by L as ego-boy, ordered his fellow travellers to a faster speed L's attention snapped towards one of the guards at the back of the group.

For a moment he had been sure he had seen a tattoo of a sneering fox on the back of the mans neck but because of the distance he was no longer able to tell.

The sneering fox had been an English serial killer who's victim type was young men, he took his anger at being infertile upon them after, leaving a cut out mark of his tattoo on their bodies afterwards.

He had never shown any sympathy for his victims and their family's infact he seemed to gloat.

L remembered hunting the Sneering fox down for two weeks three days after being placed on the case.

The man was not extremely intelligent but he was rightfully named. He had the uncanny alibility to slink out of places like a fox never noticed and never remembered.

He had been in court when Kira/Light had taken away all that they had worked for. He had given the man a heart attack a simple heart attack such a monster did not deserve such mercy.

It was then that he had raised the stacks on his and Kira's game by taking Misa aname captive. He had been foolish to believe the 13-day rule, a mistake that not only cost his life but Watari's as well.

With a heavying heart L trudged on watching as the humans raced off in front of him

Bilbo Baggins was no stranger to mystries, he had traveled further then any Hobbit before him and gotten into more trouble then most would expect for somone of his size and nature.

Therefore when Bilbo Baggins had disided take a walk on the outskirts of Rivendell, he had meantaly prepared himself for anything and I mean anything that could possibly happen.

Possibly means only what one can think of, so It was with great surprise that Bilbo found himself gaping at the sight of a small black haired child behind the bushes not ten feet from where he stood.

"Good evning to you lad, I belive it is the time of night when young ones such as your self should be in bed don't you agree." Bilbo greeted walking towards the child

"Time is merely a space in when society sees fit to control its inhabitants by telling them what the acceptable light in which one is meant to sleep, time itself is not what makes one tired enough to sleep its is societies moulding that leads people to live most of their days during day light. I find myself more able to thing at night when there are not so many unnecessary activities."

Bilbo's light hearted laughter, of which the world had been deprived of because of Frodo's dire condition, spread through out the garden and before long the hobbit was holding his sides in a desperate attempt to stop them splitting with the mirth of the situation.

The child tilted his head a look of amused surprise written in his eyes or at least that's what it looked like, those eyes where nearly impossible to read black as Mordors most feared caves where the orcs lived and as unyielding as an elfish fortress.

"Was what I just said amusing?" the said child asked staring at Bilbo with unblinking eyes.

"No, no lad it was not what you said, even though I find my self intrigued at this theory of yours. But I have yet to meet some over such a young scholar as your self!" cried Bilbo clapping his hands in a childish happiness at this new mystery that now faced him.

There was a pause before the child answered back

"I … suppose I am a rarity even here. Mr…?"

"Bilbo Baggins the most well travelled and respected Hobbits ever to walk upon middle earth! And what young scholar is you're na.."

"I am L"

And with that the child know known as L stepped into the light of a moon beam, and all features that had been hidden in the shadows where shown to Bilbo's now saucer wide eyes.

"You're an elf!" mumbled the bilbo rubbing his eyes to ward off and thing that could be covering them.

"You sound surprised, yet is this not a city full of elves or am I mistaken in my observation of the situation?"

"You are far from mistaken this is indeed Rivendell the homeliest of homes, what I should have said was… Your and Elfling!" explained a shell shocked hobbit.

"And am I right to say Elfling are rare? And that was the reason for the reaction you portrayed before?" questioned L his voice laced with interest.

"Yes indeed your kind are rare and if the elves ever found out that there was an elfling in Middle Earth that they did not know of they would have a …" he trailed off as a plan started to formulate in his mind.

"Mental break down?" L stated a plan also formulating in his own mind.

How many times in a life time of a planet has anyone given an elf such a shock that would fuddle their normally fast tracked mind. Such an opportunity was one that neither L nor Bilbo could bring them selves to pass up.

L because he wanted to see how they reacted.


Bilbo because Hobbits always love a good laugh and he also wanted to get back the Elfen twins for dieing his favourite cloak pink last autum.

"Even if I show my self to them" L started "I retain my right to leave this place at any time"

"of course lad if they do try and stop you I will stop them and therefore everything will be balanced."

As both small beings walked toward the eating hall and towards the greatest surprise the Elven race should ever receive. A death God roared in laughter at realising what was about to transpire and only wished that Ryuk had brought some appeals back to the shinagami realms. Smirking with giddiness he sat in front of the portal eyes fixed on the picture before him. Oh yeah tonight was going to be fun.

(1) I'm not sure (and I highly dought) if Bomier had a crest like that but I needed some leeway in profiling him

* I messed up the spelling don't kill me

oh gods I'm super sorry I have not updated for soooo long here are my silly reasons:

I had a writers block for about a week or so

I was called in 6 days a week for work during the xmas holidays (I work in retail so its not the best time of year for me)

I started back at school last week and have been struggling to get my baring about being a year 11 now

I know the reasons suck but don't think I forgot about you my awesome reviewers and alerters I have made a promise to my self that I WILL finish this story.

Love ya all


(Review and make my day please or alert's work as well XD)

PS: thanks to my mum for still putting up with my addition to anime and also being a trust worthy if not a bit spazzy. also to me dear friend Dog, who claims her self to be as horrible as me in spelling still gave it a go and found a bunch of errors. go Dog!

EDIT: my cat has just been run over by some git who didn't even stop to see if he was alright. May said person run into a train.

in loving memory of Ryuk I will be slightly altering my story so that L has a cat companion. he was my baby and know because of this stupid driver he has not only left me but also his little sister Bast its was far from his time (he wasn't even a year old yet). Please allow me to write him into this story without getting flaming reviews about it, I need to grieve and writing is one of the best way I know how.

Ever yours


RIP Ryuk Cole

?/4/2008 to 5/2/2009