"So what happens if someone calls and we're not here to answer the phone?"

"Kai... Why do you worry about things like that? It will go to the answering machine..."

Kai prodded the phone with his index finger. "Do we even have an answering machine?"

Link shrugged. "Who knows, I've never heard an answering machine."

"Do you think Shigen will know?"

"Why are you asking me? Do I look like him?"

"Not at all." Kai stood up from the table and left the kitchen.

Link stared at the phone. Does anyone even call us?

Kai reappeared after a few minutes, dragging a very sleepy Shigen with him.

"Shadow... Do you understand the words 'do not disturb...?"

Kai sat him down at the table then picked up the phone, tossing it from hand to hand. "Yeah. Why?"

"There was a sign on my bedroom door that said that..."

"Why the fuck would I stop and take the time to read a sign? This is my house you know."

"Actually Kai, it's in my name."


Shigen hit his head against the table. So tiered...

"Well emo! I brought you out here for a reason." Kai put the phone down and started shaking the poor emo kid.

"And what reason would that be...? And you can stop shaking me now dumb ass..."

Kai stopped and sat down in the chair beside him. "We want to know if we have an answering machine!"

"Personal space being invaded..."

"I'm not moving until you tell us."

"How did you guys survive so long in this world?"

Link shook his head. "I have no clue."

"Well I need a cell phone or something..."

Kai took his black one out of his pocket and handed it to him. "I have like... 5, so you can have this one."

"Sweet... black... Anyways..."

Shigen dialed their number.

Link and Kai stared at the phone intensely, both of them jumped when it rang.

Kai covered his ears. "Ouch! That fucking kills!"

The phone continued to ring for several minutes before Shigen finally terminated the call.

"I'm sorry to report this... But you have no answering machine..."

Kai pouted. "How do we get one?"

Shigen picked up the house phone and started pressing a bunch of random buttons.

"Ok... When it makes a beeping sound... you leave your little message..."

"What do we say?"

"I don't know... Your names... and say something like you're to busy to come to the phone..."

Link sighed. "It sounds easy enough."

"Are you two ready...?"

Kai whacked him over the head. "You have to say something too! You live here."



They all stayed silent.

/"Hero, you say something first."

"Sure... Um, this is Link and..."




"We're too busy having an orgy right now, so please call back later."


"People are going to think we're sick in the head..."

"Damn crooked!"\


They all stared at the phone in silence.

"Can I go back to sleep now...?"

"Go ahead Shigen, I'll hold Kai down if he tries to stop you."

Shigen quickly left the table.

Kai smirked and started running after him, but was stopped when Link jumped on his back, throwing them both to the floor.


"Oh you know you would love it."


Later that night

"Guys? It's me Zelda! What the hell is with your answering machine? You don't screw each other that much do you?

Damn... I got a nosebleed! Thanks a lot!

Oh hey Ganny-pooh! Woah! That's my ass your grabbing!

Sorry guys! Got to go!"


So here's a one shot! This is part one... There's more heh heh... I don't think I'll be able to get a chapter up this weekend... Thanks giving and my sisters birthday...

So I loves you all! And see you next weekend! Or maybe sometime during the week...
