Warning: Fluff ahead. Proceed with caution...

Chapter 5: Late Night, Sleep Tight

Kagami was frustrated, as she threw the playstation controller, upset by the fact that Misao beat her again in a fighting game. Misao never won at games. In fact, she stated at one time, just how bad she was at them. Kagami loved fighting games, she wasn't supposed to lose. After seven rematches, Kagami finally gave up, passing the controller on to the next poor soul that lost to Misao's unusual winning streak. Kagami blamed it on her being so distracted as of recently. Kagami was more angered by the fact that she gave in to the temptation of their so-called real party, instead of her continuing where she left off in her studies.

Everyone was comfortable in her room again. They were playing games, chatting senselessly, eating junkfood-which included Kagami's secret pocky stash-they were doing everything but studying and completing their assignments that were soon to be due. 'Honestly, why I put up with them?' Kagami thought.

Kagami had finally focused on her text book when the sounds of wild button pushing and cheering distractingly pulled her away from chapter four. Looking over, she had noticed that Konata was fighting Misao. Everyone had been mostly quiet until the blue-haired girl was passed the controller. Konata, who was not great at fighting games and didn't really like them that much, had found that her tactic of wildly pushing at the controller buttons seemed to be working out for the best. By some weird chance, Misao was proving to be a formidible foe. Misao knew she was bad at most games, but she had never really tried the fighting genre before. The match was close, maybe Konata was off or Misao didn't now her own abilities, but the brown-haired girl managed to defeat Konata's remaining health with a couple of combos.

"Still undefeated!" Misao cheered loudly. Kagami figured Misao was undoubtably showing off now.

Kagami retracted her gaze from the flashing game back to her work. She slowly read the next paragraph of importance, only to find that she reread the same sentence three times in a row. Annoyed, Kagami moved on to the next paragraph. She was going to be prepared for school at least. Two words in and Kagami heard: boom, smack, slash and Finish Him!!

That was the final straw, Kagami couldn't take it anymore. It was one thing for them to have a party. One that was particularly noisy. But why did they they always have to have it in her room. Last she checked, Tsukasa had her own room, with her own electronics, even if they were rarely used.

"Alright, that's it!" Kagami stated, grabbing everyone's attention.


Kagami felt slightly guilty as she watched the other girls shuffle out of her room. Even though she felt guilty, it was all she could do to obtain a little bit of peace. As the door shut, Kagami slid back down to the low table in front of her bed, once again attempting to read her paragraph, her pencil in hand to write down any thing that was necessary. That's when she noticed someone still in her room. A lingering presence with bright blue hair had made herself at home on Kagami's bed, curled up in the warm blankets.

"What are you still doing here?" Kagami asked, turning around to see Konata in the middle of her bed staring contently at her.

"I'm tired," Konata answered simply, letting out a small yawn to prove her point.

"Yeah, I believe that," Kagami replied sarcastically, "Besides, who said you could stay in here?" Kagami didn't necessairly mind, but she did have work to finish and she knew for sure Konata couldn't stay still.

"Have a heart, Kagamin," Konata sulked, as she reached out to run her fingers through the older girl's lavender locks. "I've been working all night, after all."

"Working?" Kagami asked, "On what, may I ask? Being your usual self, losing a few matches to Misao, let's not even mention that little stunt you pulled back in the game we played." Konata didn't reply to Kagami's scolding right away. Instead, she scooted off the bed into a seated position behind the taller girl, her legs on both sides her. She wrapped her arms around Kagami's waist, embracing her from behind. Kagami became stiff as a board at first, but soon nervously relaxed into the warmness surrounding her.

"Ah, and here I thought my charm had actually worked," Konata laughed, as she rested her head on Kagami's shoulder, "Maybe I need to practise more." Kagami's light blush spread into deep crimson, as Konata gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"D-don't get any ideas, perv," Kagami stuttered, chancing a glance out of her peripheral vision at the mischeivious expression Konata oh so smugly wore. "I-it's not like I l-like you or a-anything," Kagami lied. Konata saw past this.

"Kagamiii," Konata chanted huskily, grabbing Kagami's attention. Kagami jumped slightly, before cautiously turning her head towards Konata's. A bad mistake on her part as the result of her turning head ended in their faces being inches apart, unbearably close. Kagami was sure her face had caught on fire with the heat radiating off of it, but Konata didn't look phased. Her grin remained, as she dipped her head another excruciating centimeter closer to the lavender-haired girl's.

Kagami's eyes fluttered to a close, she could feel Konata's searing gaze on her, her petite frame wrapped protectively around her, her breath wisping lightly across her face as she moved closer still. Kagami couldn't bear the wait any longer. She breached the gap between them and took Konata's lips. Without hesitation, Konata hastily returned the kiss with renewed fervor. Kagami dropped her pencil, replacing her hand on Konata's cheek, as her homework became soon forgotten.

Knock. Knock. Neither girls seperated. Kagami, whose mind was too busy with thoughts of it's own, didn't even register the miniscule noise. Konata heard the noise, but couldn't bring herself to care, so she ignored the light rasping and the door opening until....

"Onee-chan, I'm coming in. I think I left my dr-" Tsukasa attempted to say, as she opened the door all the way to reveal her sister and friend in a heavy liplock. Kagami, having finally heard Tsukasa, immediately distanced herself from the otaku. She couldn't believe Tsukasa just walked in on them.

'There's no telling what this must of looked like,' Kagami nervously thought, 'It could only look like one thing and that's exactly what was happening...oh god.' Kagami braved a look at her sister. Would she disapprove or get angry or even never talk to her again? When Kagami's eyes met her face, it was a look of pure confusion. Tsukasa's face was completely blank, void of all emotion. Her eyes were wide as she she stood in the doorway for what seemed like forever to Kagami. Then she slowly shut the door, her face remaining the same the whole time.

After the door clicked shut, Kagami sat motionless until she felt a hand on top of her own. "Maybe you should go explain some things, I don't think Tsukasa quite understands," Konata suggested. Kagami looked into the girl's eyes, the all-knowing orbs giving her strength. She nodded, stood and silently headed out the door after her twin.

Konata smiled when the door shut. Who would have thought such a thing would've produced such fantastic results? Konata wasn't at all worried about what Kagami was telling her sister, she knew they belonged together, and Tsukasa would understand after some brief explaining. 'Think I might have gotten those experience points,' Konata thought, as she once again curled up into Kagami's warm blankets, falling into a peaceful sleep.


"I figured you were lovesick or that you really liked someone, but I never imagined it would've been Kona-chan," Tsukasa explained to her sister in the solace of the quiet hallway. Kagami answered with a shy nod. Tsukasa gave her sister a quick hug. "I'm glad it's Kona-chan though," Tsukasa added, with a yawn, "This means that we'll still get to see her all the time, even after we graduate." Tsukasa was absolutely beaming with happiness.

"Thanks, Tsukasa," Kagami said, pulling away from the petite girl. Kagami was sure that Tsukasa wasn't completely understanding the full severity of everything. She was so easily accepting, but how would everyone else feel. Kagami was mainly scared about her friends and parents. There was more she would have to explain in time. For now, however, she felt the full fatigue of the day's events wearing down on her. "Just don't say anything, yet. I want to be the one to explain everything."

"Ok," Tsukasa yawned again. "No problem, Onee-chan." Tsukasa rubbed her eyes. By her standards, it was way past her usual bedtime, she was sure she wouldn't wake up until way past noon.

"Get some sleep, thanks again," Kagami said, motioning for her sister to return to her room. Kagami began the short trek back to her room. She was about to open the door to her sanctuary when she heard Tsukasa call to her down the hallway.

"Onee-chan, don't forget to wake Kona-chan up for breakfast," Tsukasa said sleepily. "Also, could you wake us up too, please." Kagami nodded, as her sister entered her room, almost tripping over a half-asleep Misao.

'Wake...Kona-chan...Oh crap, she's still in my room,' Kagami remembered, as she hesitantly opened the door. Kagami was nervous. Konata was probably still awake. Maybe they would talk about things or they could just cuddle. Kagami gasped. What if Konata had other things in mind? Was she really ready for that? 'Who am I kidding, of course I'm not, these things take time. I'm just overreacting now. She's probably playing on her DS or something.'

Kagami's nervousness intensified as she shut the door. The light was off now. The rain had stopped some time ago and brought with it a slightly cloudy sky and a radiating moon that shined through the window. Enough so that Kagami could make out the thin frame underneath her blankets. Kagami inched closer to the bed, crouching in front of the sleeping girl.

Kagami watched Konata closely as her chest rose and fell rhythmically. She listened to her soft snoring. Noted how her blue hair was tossed haphazardly around her. Kagami was overcome with emotions. Just how much her life had changed, and how much their lives were going to change. She hadn't had a chance to talk to Konata yet, but somehow she already knew that everything was going to be ok. She already had people that understood and she knew that in time everyone else could get used to them. Kagami chuckled at the idea of the day starting out as a study party, and ending with her inevitably becoming the otaku's girlfriend.

She reached out and brushed a few strands of blue from the sleeping girl's eyes, letting her hand linger longer than intended. 'She is really pretty when she sleeps,' Kagami thought, 'She's always pretty, but when her eyes are closed like this I've actually noticed that she has long eyelashes. I'm not sure if I can resist the urge to tease her.'

"Sweet kisses," Konata slurred, as she changed postions by rolling over to her side, holding a firm grip on Kagami's arm as she did so. Kagami rolled her eyes. 'She would be a pervert even in her dreams,' she thought.

"Oi, you better be dreaming about me over there," Kagami said to the sleeping girl, as she grabbed a loose pillow and smacked the sleeping girl in the head with it.

"Hey, Kagamin," Konata said sleepily, as she glanced up at the lavender-haired girl through heavy eyes.

"What are you still doing in my bed?" Kagami teased, as she managed to pull her arm free from the other girl's grasp. She didn't receive an answer immediately. She shook Konata's arm slightly.

"...sleep," Konata managed to mumble, before she fell into her dream world once again. Kagami sighed, it seemed as though Konata was telling the truth about being tired.

"Fine, you can sleep here," Kagami obliged, "But don't try anything funny." No answer again. Kagami shook her head, as she stood from her crouch. She locked her door, before returning to occupied bed. She didn't need anyone just walking in on them. Explaining everything first thing in the morning was not what Kagami wanted to do. She climbed in the bed opposite of the other girl, facing away from her. She had become quite content and comfortable when she felt a movement from behind her. 'Is she really asleep,' Kagami thought.

"Right there, Kagamin," Konata whispered, as she tucked herself into the taller girl. Kagami trembled, her eyes went wide as Konata threw an arm protectively around here, crushing their bodies close. Too close. Kagami was at loss for words, surely Konata was not having that kind of dream, was she? Kagami wasn't sure of what to do, she needed to seperate them. This was something she definitely wasn't ready for. "That's it, the special edition copy.I'm so glad we found it."

'A manga,' Kagami thought, taking in a huge breath, 'She's dreaming about us buying her a manga.' Kagami felt the calmness wash over her body. She wasn't sure whether to be angry or relieved at the girl for the oddly sweet dream she was having. She opted for the latter, and decided to not worry about things.

Kagami let herself relax into Konata's hold. She even put her hands on Konata's hands fit snuggly around her waist. She felt herself falling into a restful sleep finally. The worries of the day didn't bother her as much as Konata's soft snoring and warm body lulled her into a peaceful slumber.

When she allowed herself the luxury, she found that she became more relaxed almost immediately. It's just one of the things that the otaku did for her. Tsukasa's words fluttered into her head again. She smiled, she was grateful that Konata would be around a lot more, too.

A/N: There you have it. I hope ya'll liked. If you did-great. If you didn't-sorry, write a story yourself.

Two references this time: She reached out and brushed a few strands of blue from the sleeping girl's eyes, letting her hand linger longer than intended. 'She is really pretty when she sleeps,' Kagami thought, 'She's always pretty, but when her eyes are closed like this I've actually noticed that she has long eyelashes. Makes me want to resist the urge to tease her.'

This actually came from a cute Konata and Kagami doujinshi that I have saved somewhere in the messy space I call a computer. I don't remember the name, sorry-I've got too many.

They were playing Mortal Kombat, duh. It was either that or Guilty Gear. Whatever works. There might be another sidestory, so stay tuned.