Author's Note: May 2010. Haven't written an entry for this since 09! About time to get some more post-manga SessRin love up. Originally written for Iyhedonism's "Fluff" prompt (500 word limit). Not truly loli, but watch out for teh fluff!

Precious Wiles

"Awake, my lover," cooed Rin, nipples of budding breasts taut in the cool, pre-dawn breeze as she stroked the object of her pleasure. The years apart from her savior and protector had blessed her with intelligence and beauty born of eagerness and faith in the future. Kaede Baa-chan taught her what it meant to be a young woman, and she was determined to absorb every bit of knowledge from all who would instruct her so she could prove a worthy mate for the Lord who had given her life and reason for living it. She grew in both maturity and desires.

When on the cusp of adulthood yet still full of youthful exuberance, Sesshoumaru had swept down and returned for her, no longer able to stay away once he was certain he could claim her heart and her mind in equal measure. She remained and would ever remain mortal and not youkai, but resurrection with Tenseiga ensured a lifespan undreamt of by most humans.

Of her body, the great Lord refused to partake beyond such deeds as would not claim her innocence nor render her with child, for he had not determined himself on the path to bringing a hanyou child into the world, nor did he relish pupping her so young. Thoughts of watching his mighty spear sheathed within her small yet welcoming warmth forced shivers of pleasure through his mighty body, but he was a patient creature, restraint in his very nature. He kissed and fondled her, licked and savored, but never did he enter her with finger, tongue, or shaft.

Rin remained the girl of flower crowns, collecting herbs, cooking rice, and even wielding a staff. And she overflowed with unending love for her magnificent Lord. She would hover near, brushing his long, silken tresses with shell combs she had learned to fashion. She would curl in his lap, looking up into his golden eyes with melting desire. Sesshoumaru would tease her gently and watch her with roused, hooded gaze. And she would feel the pressure beneath her but not touch the mighty shaft of his hard cock.

There was but one transgression Rin did not forsake. Just before dawn, she would quietly awaken, wrapped in her Lord's plush white pelt. Her delicate fingertips would tickle and summon it to life, a life that was both part of Sesshoumaru and strangely independent. What once she had known merely as decoration, she had come to learn was a sort of consciousness, almost a lover in its own right. Softly, she would whisper to it as her Lord slept on, "Come caress me," and the firm tip of the long, beautiful fur would brush between her legs, dance at the entrance to her lovely lithe body, and bring her to silent, shivering ecstasy.

Wicked beast, Sesshoumaru would silently berate his incorrigible pelt in half-awake, shared pleasure, basking in Rin's throes as the sun rose for them alone. Soon, little one, he would promise inwardly, enthralled by her precious wiles.