I do not own Dragonball Z, Justice League, or Teen Titans

Chapter 25: Doomsday

Sensor analysis sent down from the Watch Tower via the Annex's told Superman and Caliwone exactly where to find Doomsday. The destruction he left in his wake was unprecedented. Hordes of people lay were they fell, unable to run or fight. From the time Diana had tried to fight him and the time it took for Superman and Caliwone to fly down from the Watch Tower, over a dozen towns and small cities had already been ruined. Caliwone felt a twinge of appreciation for the beast, he was almost as efficient as a Saiyan was.

Superman was cooking in anger in his seat as he piloted the Javelin maybe a little too fast through the atmosphere. Caliwone watched him with amusement and leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head and his legs kicked up on the console in front of him. He didn't understand what Kal-El was so worried about. He, Caliwone, would be all that was required to beat this Doomsday, and Kal-El was just over kill.

Kal-El looked at him. "You really don't have any clue about Doomsday, do you?" he asked.

"I know he is a little stronger than you," Caliwone answered, "So he is weaker than I."

Kal-El gritted his teeth. "Doomsday is a mindless monster. His skin is tougher than a rhino's and is almost unmovable. The only upside is that he has no real offensive powers or flight, just strength. He is rage incarnate. Hatred." He shook his head. "I really wish you would leave this to me."

Caliwone smirked again. "Not a chance."

Superman sighed. "Then the last thing you should know about him is that the same attack will not work against him twice. His body immediately adapts to whatever kind non physical attack is launched at him. My heat vision he has already adapted to, so if you plan on using your attacks, make sure you hit him the first time."

Caliwone gave Kal-El a sideways look. "Thank you for the heads up but do not presume to tell a warrior his job."

They flew in the Javelin a little further before the trail of destruction seemed to become more recently made. Recent meaning debris and buildings could be seen still falling to Earth. Setting down the Javelin on a flat plain near the city, the two supers headed out.

Doomsday marched onward, the ground cracking beneath his very feet, leaving a trail after every footstep. His broad shoulders and spikes dug into the side of a building as he passed, tearing a terrible scar in the brick with the monster not so much as noticing.

That woman he had fought against had not told him where Superman was because he was a coward. He would hide in a place he thought was safe. He hoped Superman was not that stupid. He slammed his fist into another building as he passed, his giant fist disintegrating the wall, the force rocking the building hard enough to collapse pillars and struts and forcing the building to collapse. The thunder settled and Doomsday let out a roar of frustration.

The sound of falling rumble and a whimpering noise drew his attention away from his anger at Superman, his uncontrollable urge to destroy his enemy taking over. He ran over to where the noise was made, his feet thudding and shaking the ground with each step. He punched a large dumpster where it sat against the side of a building in an ally, sending it and the human man behind it crashing through fencing and into the street fifty feet away.

Doomsday leapt at the man, his fists raised above his head to smash the man into the ground. The man's face turned to look up at the tank falling toward him, fear etched in every line of his face. Both the scream and his face vanished behind smoke and a sickening thud as Doomsday landed right on his mark. Doomsday raised his fists again and pounded the broken man's body. The ground, already cratered by Doomsday's first attack, split more with each strike.

A small scream, quickly stifled, turned Doomsday away from the desecrated man's body. He climbed out of the crater and ran back into the ally way. The sound of terrified footsteps, two pairs, were easily detectable and Doomsday lurched after them. Doomsday, not restricted to streets or doorways, crashed through buildings to reach his target. He crashed through one final wall and slide slightly to a stop in front of the two humans.

They were both female, one a woman, the other a mere child. Of course, it made no difference to Doomsday what they were. They were his enemies all the same. The older female screamed and pushed the child back, telling her to run. Doomsday ran forward and swung his left arm right to left, catching and slamming the woman into the ally wall they were in now on his left and raising his right arm above his head and smashing is down, feeling something both hard and soft crunch beneath his forearm.

"Impressive," said a voice behind him and Doomsday turned to see a man with a tail and spiky black hair walking casually up behind him, paying no attention to the smears of bodies and blood in the vicinity. "You truly are worthy of the legend Kal-El has woven for you."

Doomsday's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he turned ready to kill this new enemy. "Superman," he snarled and attacked. Caliwone leapt nimbly backwards then rocked straight upwards. Doomsday was not far behind. Crouching, Doomsday jumped straight up, one hundred yards, two hundred yards, four hundred yards in the air. Caliwone was impressed and stopped climbing just out of Doomsday's reach. Doomsday clutched and swiped at Caliwone as the Saiyan waved kindly at the demon, then fell back down to Earth.

The ground cracked and broke where Doomsday landed, sending smoke and large chunks of Earth flying in all directions. The smoke covered the ally, obscuring him from the hawk like eyes of the Saiyan. The smoke cleared to reveal Doomsday, standing upright with his feet sunk into the ground. Caliwone grinned excitedly. This is going to be incredible. Caliwone flipped forward a couple of times before landing to the left and forward of Superman who had finally arrived from his search on the other side of the city, maybe twenty feet from where Doomsday stood.

Superman gave Caliwone a scowl and took one step forward as to put Caliwone behind his shoulder. Caliwone smirked at the move but decided to let Kal-El have his moment. To be fair, this was his fight.

Superman locked gazes with the Doomsday creature and addressed him. "Doomsday," he said, his voice defiant. "This is between you and me..."

"And me," Caliwone interjected.

"... so leave everyone else out of this," Superman finished, ignoring Caliwone. A slight breeze picked up from Superman's right, fluttering his cape before spreading it open and to the left splendidly just like the pictures on the billboards. It also happened to cover Caliwone completely from view.

That was the last straw for Caliwone. He grabbed Superman's cape, threw it aside to Superman's back and launched himself at Doomsday. In mid flight, Caliwone's blue aura changed to gold with an electrifying intensity. Caliwone gave his flight a slight arc as to come down on Doomsday and cocked his left leg back to round kick.

Doomsday simply lifted his massive right forearm to block the kick, his bone like spikes threatening to shred his leg as soon as the attack was delivered. Caliwone's leg stopped inches from Doomsday's forearm and paused there. Doomsday's eyes narrowed as Caliwone's expression went from one of fierce concentration to a grin.

Caliwone vanished from in front of Doomsday, reappearing behind and the right of Doomsday. Before he could react, Caliwone delivered a right round kick directly into Doomsday's exposed ribs. The attack was barely done driving inwards when Caliwone flipped himself with a slight twist of his own body and sent his left leg crashing down onto Doomsday's right collar bone, being careful of the spikes.

The ground beneath Doomsday cracked and sank down a little from the force of the blow but Doomsday remained standing, letting loose a roar of anger. Not finished yet and flipping himself forward from his last attack without touching the ground, Caliwone drilled a perfect sidekick to the base of Doomsday's skull.

Doomsday staggered two steps forward and whipped his right arm around in an attempt to catch the little insect. Caliwone landed on the ground with his back to Doomsday and ducking the swipe just in time. Caliwone reached into his inventory of attacks and pulled his teachers signature move out. Placing his right hand flat on the ground and balancing on the ball of his right foot, Caliwone side kicked straight upward, catching the monster squarely under the chin.

Superman gapped as Caliwone's kick actually lifted Doomsday off the ground. Caliwone rolled to hands and toes like a frog, vanishing briefly as he jumped upwards. Reappearing just above and still in front Doomsday, Caliwone flipped backwards and drove his right leg down on his right collar bone again. Doomsday crashed onto his back, the ground spiking under his weight and the force at which he hit the ground. As a finisher and letting the recoil of his own kick reverse his spin into a forward one, Caliwone hit Doomsday hard in the neck with his calf muscle of his right leg in a mighty ax kick.

Doomsday roared, the kick pinning his throat, turning the sound into more of a squeaking meow and reached to grab the dark warrior but Caliwone was too quick for that. Rolling backwards, he pushed himself off the ground with his hands, Caliwone landed lightly next to Superman, again just in front of Kal-El's shoulder.

Doomsday got back to his feet, his posture showing no sign of damage of any degree. Pieces of ground fell off of his shoulders from where they had settled, caught on his spikes and muscles. Slowly, Doomsday turned to face the two again, his eyes only for Superman. "Superman," he growled.

Superman felt Caliwone stiffen at being so ignored and stepped forward, hoping Caliwone would finally realize what he was up against. "Alright, Doomsday," Superman said, setting his feet, "Let's do this."

The last of the monitor screens flickered and steadied down to display Superman, Caliwone, and Doomsday. They were standing still, the two supers standing a little ways from Doomsday. Black Canary came to a halt next to Shayera and Green Lantern. "The final connectors are in place and the all the Annex's except for the one relaying the video feed are routing their power into the Watch Tower. If we need to, we will be able to fire the Binary Fusion Cannon at least at fifty percent."

"Good," Shayera said. She rung her hands nervously. She knew what Doomsday was capable of and feared for both Superman and Caliwone's lives. Diana had already been brought up to the Watch Tower and Shayera had seen the kind of shape she had been in. It had rattled her to the core. Wonder Woman was one of the strongest people she had ever seen, and for her to have been beaten so decisively nearly brought the Thanagarian to her knees.

John put a warm arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry so much," he soothed. "Superman can't lose. He is the strongest of all of us, and I really hate to admit this, but Caliwone is far too skilled to be beaten by that brute. If they can team up, they will be unbeatable."

Shayera rested her head against John's chest, lovingly. "What I worry about is Cal getting too cocky. He has gotten much stronger in a very short time but he still is nowhere near Superman."

John nodded in silent agreement. "He'll figure that out soon, I think. Once he does, everything will be ok. Caliwone is a genius when it comes to fighting. Trust me, I know how good he is," he said rubbing his chin gingerly in memory. "It's in his blood, remember?"

Shayera nodded. "I hope your right."

Doomsday roared and rushed forward just as Kal-El did the same. Their fists collided, splitting the ground around them with the force. With his other hand, Kal-El uppercut the brute, sending Doomsday staggering back a step or two. As Doomsday caught his balance and looked back at Kal-El. Superman drilled in a vicious right hook to Doomsday's jaw. He staggered sideways, letting out another roar.

Caliwone appeared to Doomsday's side as Doomsday staggered toward him and Caliwone connected a strong jump spin hook kick with his left foot to Doomsday's ugly face. Doomsday took another two steps backward before Kal-El slammed Doomsday straight into the ground with a two handed smash from above.

Before Kal-El had a chance to clear the area, one of Doomsday's massive fists reached up out of the smoke and grabbed Kal-El by the head and slammed him onto his back in front of him. The force of the impact blew the smoke and debris in the air aside as Doomsday hauled Kal-El to his feet and slammed a mighty fist into Kal-El's chest. Kal-El flew backwards into a building and Doomsday took off after him.

Not wanting to be ignored, Caliwone vanished and reappeared in front of Doomsday, landing a front kick that snapped Doomsday's head back. Caliwone spun himself in the air counter clockwise and slammed his right booted foot into Doomsday's neck. That having only knocked the tank sideways a little, Caliwone, still in the air, grabbed Doomsday's left arm as it fell past him, pulling him back towards him and also reversing Caliwone's own spin to allow his drive his left foot dead center on Doomsday's face. This time, Doomsday actually was lifted off of his feet and dropped heavily to the ground.

Caliwone landed on the ground as well, just as Kal-El flew above them with a very large piece of building clutched between his hands. Caliwone retreated back a bit as Kal-El slammed the block onto Doomsday's downed form. Silence fell but only for a moment. The slab cracked and broke open as Doomsday lunged forward for Kal-El and attempted to double arm smash him into a bloody pulp. Superman reached up and caught both arms with his hands, struggling to hold him back.

Caliwone flew around behind Kal-El. "Fall back and kick him up," Caliwone instructed, straightening his path and rushing right for the two.

Kal-El obeyed almost instantly, falling backwards and pulling Doomsday with him. Doomsday roared, not expecting such a move and was hurled straight back towards Caliwone with a kick in the gut from Superman. Caliwone picked his spot and kicked Doomsday squarely in the lower back. Doomsday roared again as his back was forcibly arched and landed on the ground again. Kal-El glanced at Caliwone and nodded. "Good move."

Caliwone sniffed in contempt. "I figured you wouldn't have thought to do something like that on your own," he said, taking flight to gain some altitude. "Now back away."

Superman flew back to watch as Caliwone let his aura expand, red energy glowing in his lowered right hand. Before Caliwone could complete his preparations for the attack Doomsday leapt up into the air and caught the Saiyan before he could react. The two slammed to the ground. Caliwone grunted as he hit, the two sinking slightly into the ground from the force and weight. Doomsday pinned Caliwone with one hand and smashed downward with the other.

Caliwone yelled in pain as Doomsday raised his hand and arm for another smash. Before he could do it, Superman flew in and grabbed Doomsday's upraised arm. Kal-El forced himself onto a spin and threw Doomsday through two buildings a little way off. Kal-El hurried over to the hole Caliwone was in and reached down a hand to help him up.

Caliwone batted away the hand, not needing help from anyone, especially not Superman. "Get away from me, Kal-El," Caliwone snarled, angry at himself for his mistakes. "I am done playing around," he said, more to himself than to Superman and wiping blood from his forehead.

With a flash of gold brilliance, the Super Saiyan headed out to find Doomsday. It wasn't hard. Doomsday was walking with thudding purpose back the way he had been thrown, roaring a challenge of some kind. Caliwone struck before the brute had a chance to react. A hard punch straight in the mug, the force stronger because of the added momentum of the flight there. Doomsday was lifted off the ground once more but managed to land back on his feet. Caliwone let loose a volley of punches and kicks into Doomsday's stomach and chest before ending with a driving punch into Doomsday's stomach that bent him over, a left hook to his jaw, and a final right punch that flattened Doomsday to the ground.

Jumping up, Caliwone infused his right fist with energy to strike Doomsday while he was down. His hand glowed as he dove down but before he could reach Doomsday, the tank's hand shot up and grabbed Caliwone's arm and shoulder and head butted Caliwone hard. Caliwone reeled back in Doomsday's clutches, his brain looping for a second and did not see the large booted foot kick upward to sink itself into Caliwone's rock hard stomach.

Caliwone flew up and forward and smashed into the building nearby on the first floor, the wind completely knocked out of him. All around him, glass and stone and piping crashed downward as Caliwone came to a stop after a long slide. He rolled over and coughed. No blood yet. He looked through the hole in the wall that he had just made in time to see Kal-El attack Doomsday.

Caliwone gritted his teeth as he watched Doomsday take the hit and spin himself around to send Kal-El crashing to the ground with an elbow to the back of the Kryptonian's head. Doomsday, still within view through the opening in the walls, raised a large booted foot and crashed it down on to Superman. The whole building shook from the impact, sending dust and splinters of wood drifting downward.

Caliwone clapped his hands in front of him and pulling them apart, revealing a pinprick of blue energy. He raised his hands above his head then threw them forward, letting his Burst Rush rip outwards. The blast caught Doomsday full on, easily lifting Doomsday off his feet and rocketing him away and through more construction.

Superman stood up again, shaking dirt off of himself. "He's as strong as ever," Kal-El commented, brushing the last bits of dirt from his now ripped uniform. "And a lot less talkative."

"How long did you say he was in solitude for?" Caliwone asked bluntly.

"Point," Kal-El conceded. "I guess I wouldn't be talking that much either if that had been me." Superman turned his serious expression onto Caliwone. "Look, if you are going to continue fighting, we at least have to work as a team. That'll be our best bet to win."

Caliwone snorted at the idea. "Come now, Kal-El, you should know that a Saiyan Warrior does not turn to help in the midst of battle."

"I am asking for your help, Caliwone," Kal-El snapped, not having the patience for his stupid pride issues. "This is more important than pride."

"You're wrong," Caliwone retorted, "Pride defines who you are. Pride can drive people to their absolute limit or prevent people from getting weak. Do not think for one second that I am trying to steal glory from you, Kal-El or that I misunderstand the importance of victory here. Pride is a part of who I am, and no one, especially not you, will ever take that from me."

"No one is trying to take anything from you," Superman said, grabbing Caliwone's shoulder as the Super Saiyan turned to take off and spinning him around to face him. "But pride can sabotage a mission. We cannot afford to let that happen here. Do you understand that?"

Caliwone slapped Kal-El's hand from his shoulder. "If you want this creature beat, than simply leave it to me and stay out of my way."

"You are not strong enough," Kal-El roared, sick and tired of this game. "You have no chance of beating him by yourself and I am asking you for help. Why can't you get it through your head that your pride is blinding you?"

Caliwone's glare became as icy as the blueness of his eyes. "Get lost, clown." Caliwone took off, leaving dirt and rocks swirling behind him in the air.

Doomsday and Caliwone collided. The force warping all solid material as if some invisible sphere had incinerated anything it touched. Caliwone flew backwards, overpowered by the demon and skipped across the ground like a flat rock on a pond. Before he had a chance to recover or crash into anything, Doomsday landed on him. His weight and force crushing downward, cracking cement. Caliwone yelled as he could feel his ribs beginning to crack and break.

Doomsday's fist crashed down twice onto his face. Caliwone tried his best to blink out dirt in his eyes but it was no use. He saw the shadowed form of Doomsday lifting his arm again and a streak from Kal-El as he shoved Doomsday off and into a wall. Doomsday countered with a roar and slamming two fist down onto Kal-El's back, flattening him to the ground.

Superman got up and threw a punch that Doomsday was able to avoid and threw a punch of his own back at Superman. Superman blocked but the punch was powerful enough to slide Superman back several feet.

The sound of Caliwone yelling stopped both fighters in their tracks. They looked over to see the Super Saiyan in his fighting stance. Darkness seemed to encompass him as if his own personal inner darkness was shielding him from the light of the sun. The only light that penetrated that darkness was his aura that glowed around him like his own light show.

His muscles and chest expanded to his true Super Saiyan size. His eyes, icy blue, blazed with fire. His feet sank downward into the cement at his power, chunks the size of fists and whole arms were pulled from mother Earth and raised into the air. His golden aura grew larger, reflecting the amount of power Caliwone was releasing. Energy sparked once, sending a line of electricity arcing through the ground, shattering cement wherever it touched.

Without any warning, Caliwone rushed forward, the ground breaking as he pushed of, his speed having increased substantially, and sank a fist deep into Doomsday's stomach. Doomsday let out a roar which was shortly silenced as Caliwone removed his fist and almost casually stepped back, lifted his right leg and side kicked Doomsday in the face.

Doomsday crashed down, momentarily stunned. Caliwone crashed straight down onto Doomsday's stomach, driving his knee deep. Superman had not even seen Caliwone leave the ground before he gave that last attack. Doomsday's arms snapped up, catching the Super Saiyan in his powerful grip and breaking any momentum that Caliwone might have gained from those solid hits.

With a mighty throw, Doomsday hurled the Super Saiyan high into the air. Before Doomsday could even get up, energy blasts hailed from the sky, blowing bits of Earth and concrete everywhere and covering Doomsday with smoke. Superman jumped into the air in an attempt to avoid the blasts and debris and now saw an opening. Using his X-ray vision to see, Superman rushed full speed into the cloud of smoke and landed just in front of Doomsday.

The ground sank down as Superman hit it at full speed, then reversed direction as he swung one powerful left fist upward in an uppercut. More rocks and Earth flew upward along with Doomsday. Before Doomsday could even begin to slow down on his upward journey, Caliwone rammed him hard and Superman gave a swift blow to Doomsday that sent him skittering across the nearby street as he was forced back downward.

Caliwone landed on the ground near Superman, not even breathing hard. Superman raised a hand to high five the warrior but Caliwone began walking towards Doomsday with little more than a discouraging scowl.

"How did you become so strong?" Kal-El asked, walking with Caliwone and remembering how much of a change there had been before Caliwone fully powered up.

"I told you I was much stronger than you realized," Caliwone said. "When I first transformed, it brought me to my base level transformation. I like to call it a flash transformation. It gives me the form and boosts but is nowhere near my maximum." Energy sparked from Caliwone again. "This is my true strength."

"It's impressive," Superman noted, seeing how much stronger his training had made him. His shirt, ripped and torn as it may be, still managed to look a little tight on him. They would have to get him a larger outfit if the both returned alive from this.

"I know," Caliwone said, not bothering to even look at Superman. Caliwone's attention was on finding the best way to beat this monster. After everything Caliwone had done to the beast, Doomsday seemed completely unaffected, not so much as a limp or tender shoulder. Maybe Kal-El had been right when he said he was tough. So how to kill it?

Kal-El was muttering something to him about arrogance and appreciation that Caliwone did not care to hear. "This is what we are going to do," Caliwone said, breaking Kal-El off. "I need one good clean shot with my newest technique. I need you to grab Doomsday and hold him until I can fire it."

"And how am I supposed to get out of the way?" Kal-El asked, skeptically.

"That's your problem," Caliwone said. He could sense Kal-El stiffen and Caliwone sighed. "You're faster than a speeding bullet, aren't you?"

Superman nodded, resigned. He had asked to team up. This is what he gets for not being more specific. Well, any help was better than none in this case.

Superman rocketed off toward were Doomsday was roaring. He found him climbing the side of a building, smashing his fingers in boots into the walls to gain grip. Superman streaked toward him, thinking it was the perfect time to attack. Unfortunately not. Doomsday leapt off of the building, collapsing it, and caught Superman by the throat. They slammed into the ground with crushing force. Even as strong as Superman was, he was not able to lift Doomsday off of him as Doomsday choked the life out of him.

Behind Doomsday, Superman could see Caliwone land and set his stance, readying his attack. That was great. The Super Saiyan couldn't even get Doomsday off of him and save his life before trying his attack. Perfect.

Superman struggled, wishing he had had Bruce teach him some of those vanishing moves he always pulled as soon as no one was looking. He tried using his heat vision but Doomsday was already immune to that. Superman gasped for air as Doomsday leaned in close. "Not yet, Superman. You have to suffer more before you sleep."

Caliwone was almost finished, the very air warping around his right face down palm. With one last push of energy, it was done... just as Doomsday lifted Superman up by the neck and crashed him into the ground behind where they had just been. The ground collapsed, sending both Superman and Doomsday falling into an underground subway tunnel.

Caliwone swore and leapt backwards, out of the way of the spider webbing ground and into the air, losing the attack and all of its energy. He landed again on safe ground, unable to see the other two but sensing Superman's energy.

For a brief second, he wondered how, when he first encountered Superman, he could barely sense a thing from him. Now, he was as easy to detect as Shayera or a magic or energy user. He must have still been getting adjusted to his new sensing abilities. That made it all the stranger as to how he could not sense Doomsday at all. It was like Doomsday was a dead soul, undetectable.

A few moments passed until Superman flew up with a bundle of cement chunks and fell to the ground near Caliwone. "Do your job and hold him," Caliwone growled at Kal-El.

"Shut up, Caliwone," Superman growled back in irritation. He leapt forward again as Doomsday crawled out of the ground and attempted to kick Doomsday in the side. Doomsday caught the kick under his arm and swung Superman around and down the ground again.

Caliwone shook his head at the complete lack of skill being displayed here. To him, each move these two made were obvious and easily avoidable but he had to keep reminding himself that he had been trained since his birth to be a warrior. Superman had not.

Superman was able to get one good kick in to free himself from Doomsday and stand up. The two reached out to try and grab the other's shoulders and caught each other's hands instead. They locked there, trying to push the other backwards. Doomsday was winning.

Caliwone swore again and flew around behind Kal-El. As if they were of one mind, Kal-El jumped backwards and allowing Caliwone to slide underneath him and sweep Doomsday's feet from under him. With Kal-El jumping backwards and pulling him, Doomsday had no choice but to fall forward. He never made it to the ground. Superman swung up with a knee, snapping Doomsday's head back.

As Doomsday fell backwards, Caliwone flipped, grabbing Doomsday's head with his knees, and forcing Doomsday to flip with him backwards to smash head first into the ground. Caliwone flipped off of him, not intending to allow him to grab him again.

Caliwone resettled himself in his attack stance, his right hand back and palm down. The blue energy returned, alive and angry like its owner as he prepared the Buster Rifle once more. Doomsday stood, still showing no sign of damage or tiredness. Superman streaked behind Doomsday and wrapped his arms under Doomsday's' arms and back behind his head, doing his best to restrain the tank.

Doomsday roared in defiance, his muscles bulging as he strained but to no avail. Kal-El managed to hold him more or less at bay while Caliwone finished up. The ground itself was warping under the energy in his hand. With a final yell of strain, Caliwone thrust his right arm forward, bracing his left hand against his bicep and releasing the full extent of his power. Superman released Doomsday with a hard shove forward and raced out of the way.

Caliwone's blast lit up the entire city, the ground disintegrating anywhere within twenty feet of the beam. Large chunks of Earth tore themselves from the ground behind Caliwone, flying backwards a few feet before disintegrating as well. The beam lanced outward, catching the staggering Doomsday head on. The beam intensified as Caliwone poured what remained of his reserves, shredding what remained of the concrete street. The beam slowly thinned and faded out to nothing. The area remained in a constant glow of blue as smoke and small fires took on the color scheme from the energy still thick in the air.

There was no sign of Doomsday as Caliwone fell to one knee, exhausted. Caliwone put a hand to his chest, his left eye squeezed shut as he gasped for air. That had been the first time he had fired that attack at full strength and it had taken far more out of him than he had expected. The results, however, pleased him greatly.

Caliwone forced himself to his feet again, refusing to show weakness of any kind, especially during victory. He could sense Kal-El staring him with astonishment at the power he had just unveiled. Caliwone lifted a hand to prevent Kal-El from making any comments, breathing far too heavily to even form words.

The sound of thudding death, began shaking the ground once more, steadily growing in both volume and strength. Caliwone's eyes widened and he nearly fell to his knee once more. Impossible. This simply cannot be! I put everything I had into that blast!

The dark shape of Doomsday walked back into view, heavily shadowed against the blue flames and smoke still rising. Caliwone did not step back. He would not run despite the fear gripping his heart. This was twice now on this planet that fear of this intensity had struck him. His body froze, fear paralyzing him.

For the first time, Superman could see directly into Caliwone's soul. Fear colored most of him, mixing with pride and stubbornness. The internal battle must have been a fierce one, more terrible than the physical one they were still engrossed in. The fear did not fade away, but it was pushed aside, forcing his body to action.

If I am going to die here, then I will do it the way every true Saiyan would. Fighting to the best of his ability against an enemy stronger than himself. With a roar, an equal mix of rage, pride, and fear, Caliwone leapt at Doomsday.

"NO!" Superman yelled, knowing that it was pointless.

Caliwone's first punch was caught in the powerful right fist of Doomsday. Caliwone rotated his body as to swing both of his legs inside of Doomsday's defenses and landing them on Doomsday's face. The monster released Caliwone's hand and Caliwone drove his fists into Doomsday. Punch after kick after punch, his attacks coming and going almost too fast to see.

Doomsday reached back with his right hand and back fist Caliwone across the face, bone spikes hitting first.

Caliwone skipped across the ground, shattering concrete as he hit before coming to a bloody stop a little distance away. Caliwone lay still for a moment before trying to force himself up. He coughed, blood poured to the ground, though Caliwone did not know if the blood came from internal injuries or the gashes now sliced across his face. "...must...fight... Elite..." He crashed to the ground, his hair reverting back to black and he was still.

Superman stared at Caliwone's body, anger seeping through the seals Superman had spent years building. He rushed Doomsday, losing all the restraints he used to not destroy everything he touched. He had only released his powers once in his recent life, fighting Darkseid not too long ago.

Doomsday roared and ran forward to meet him. With a deep breath, Superman blew ice cold. Ice formed all across Doomsday's body and the entire area behind him as Superman continued exhale. Doomsday was completely encased in ice as Superman cocked back and punched as hard as he could.

The ice shattered, as did the ground twenty feet in all directions. Doomsday flew like a bullet clear across town, no building able to slow his flight. Superman crouched, the ground, what was left of it, disintegrating as Superman pushed off.

With a streak of red and blue, Superman beat Doomsday to the edge of town. As Doomsday came spinning toward him, Superman cocked back and delivered one more crushing blow.

Three miles and eight destroyed buildings later, Doomsday crashed into the ground. Before he could stand, Superman landed atop him, smashing his fists into Doomsday's face. He only managed three hits before Doomsday grabbed his head and smashed him into the ground beside him and with the other hand, smashed him through the concrete.

Doomsday stood and drove his foot onto Superman's head. Building hundreds of feet away collapsed as the force of the stomped rippled outward. Superman pushed himself upward as hard as he could to hands and knees. Doomsday grabbed Superman and lifted him above his head and jumped high into the air. Superman hit ground first with Doomsday on top, sending crushing blow after crushing blow to the Kryptonian's head.

Superman kicked him off and flew after him to attack again. Doomsday slid backwards into the side of a downed building. Superman looked up and used his heat vision to slice off what remained of another building at an angle so it would slide off and crash down onto Doomsday. With his X-ray vision, Superman could see Doomsday simply stand up amongst the wreckage, still seemingly untroubled by all the attacks.

Superman, on the other hand, was breathing rather hard. He had never had to fight this hard for this long before but he couldn't let up. He rushed forward, delivering a one two punch combo that sent Doomsday back into the pile of rubble.

Leaping after him, Superman ran smack into Doomsday's fist. He hit the ground and bounced once, then regained his balance once more and rushed in again.

More buildings fell as the battle ragged, Superman refusing to give up and Doomsday driven to kill all enemies. What had yesterday been a fair city now lay as ruins of a battlefield, scarred beyond recognition. Plumes of smoke rose as the two legends clashed. Even the sky above the shattered city grayed over with troubled clouds, giving the landscape a slight grayish hue.

Doomsday rushed forward, as Superman did the same. Doomsday batted away the punch Superman threw and grabbed him by the neck again and slammed him to the ground. All of Superman's strength was not enough to break Doomsday's grip. He tried to kick him off again, but Doomsday adjusted his position so as not to fall for the same trick twice. "Superman," Doomsday spoke. "You have reached your limit. No you die." This time, Doomsday did not release his hold until Superman laid still.

Doomsday, lifted Superman's limp body off the ground with one massive arm and reached back and knocked Superman away with all his strength, roaring mightily.

Shayera raced to the targeting platform, forcing all of the appropriate systems from standby to full ready. "Everyone to stations," she called out as the Binary Fusion reactor kicked into gear. Her fingers skated over the pad, the three targeting lasers tracing then locking onto Doomsday far below them on Earth.

A whining sound began as the system prepared to fire, growing louder and louder. Every system except for the short range communications and life support rerouted its power to the fusion reactor. From experience, Shayera knew that the reactor's crystal was spinning and throwing intense light outward as all the power the Watch Tower and cabled Annex's had forced its way through the crystal.

Everybody in the Watch Tower scrambled for a seat or sat down on the floor away from anything that could conceivably fall on them as Shayera watched the power gauge rise to fifty four percent and hold steady there. Checking one more time that Doomsday was locked in and Superman and Caliwone were well outside of range, Shayera pulled the trigger.

The Watch Tower shuddered violently like an Earthquake as the powerful beam lanced downward, cracking like thunder as it passed through the atmosphere, its target completely unaware.

Caliwone's eyes snapped open, pain like he had not felt in years throbbing all across his body. The worst of it on the right side of his face. He forced himself to his feet, thankful at the very least that some of his energy had returned to him while he slept. He had no idea how long he had been out, but the crack and crash of a body crashing through a building told him that the fight was still in progress.

He stood at his full height, forcing himself to forget the pain and take the opportunity to regain his pride and honor. His transformation was painful on his body, the gashes and broken bones being forced and strained to accommodate the extra mass of muscles was like pouring salt into a wound but he was a warrior. He would manage.

He took off in the direction of the latest crash and saw Doomsday walking purposely forward. Caliwone raced downward and landed hard on Doomsday's back, forcing him to crunch into the ground. Pain seared as the recoil went through him but he managed to jump away before Doomsday could catch hold of him. Doomsday started toward him, the intention, no doubt, was to make sure Caliwone stayed dead this time.

Caliwone narrowed his eyes, sure in the fact that, no matter how hard he tried, Doomsday would succeed. A flash of the senses shocked Caliwone as the largest energy he had ever sensed seemed to fill him whole. Caliwone looked up and saw light lancing downward like a strike from Heaven, splitting the clouds hanging over the city. There was no time to dodge. Ground shattered even before the beam had a chance to touch down, the force nearly driving Caliwone flat. Then the beam hit and the last thing Caliwone saw was darkness.

"Ma'am, Caliwone is up and has re-engaged Doomsday!" came a voice through the short range comm. that was connected to the only remaining Annex that was monitoring the situation on Earth.

Shayera snapped her head around to the comm. unit. "What?" Shayera leapt for the cut off switch. The energy meter began dropping but not fast enough. The flashing indicator turned solid green at twenty-eight percent. "No!" Shayera screamed.

Caliwone looked around into the darkness. What is going on here? There was literally nothing all around him. It was as if the darkness he felt in his heart had become reality. No light could ever have pierced this darkness.

"Hello, Cal," came a voice from behind him.

Caliwone whipped around, his Super Saiyan aura flared out in defense, his ice blue eyes tracking. "Sister?"

The woman behind him was tall with unkempt messy hair that was typical of Saiyans with sharp black eyes that stared into his. Her Saiyan tail swayed behind her in a way expressing interest.

Her arms were crossed over her black and green armor, looking every bit the same as the last time he had seen her. His eyes widened as she drifted close to him. There were two people in the galaxy now that ever called him Cal.

"Well, look at you. A Super Saiyan, huh," she said, floating around him. "You are pathetic." She stepped back, a look of absolute dissatisfaction on her face. "You have attained strength absolute, and you still manage to screw everything up."

"Sister, I..." Apale hit him in the stomach.

He bent over, despite his Super Saiyan state. She grabbed him by the chin and pulled him close to her face. "Little brother, do you try to embarrass me or is it just a natural talent of yours?"

Caliwone knew a rhetorical question when he heard one, and knew it was dangerous to answer one of hers. He looked into her dark eyes and saw no mercy there. He never did. Her fist slammed into his nose and sent him sliding on his back along the back ground.

"Wake up," she said, "Get your butt up and stop embarrassing yourself." She walked over and picked him up by his Saiyan armor. Caliwone noticed this, he had not worn Saiyan armor since Kal-El destroyed it in their fight. The armor cracked as Apale drove a palm into his chest plate. "Find your way to obtain victory at any cost."

She reached back and threw another punch at him. Caliwone reached up and caught her incoming fist in his own. "I am sorry, sister, but I cannot afford to stay here. This is not where I need to be. Return me, now."

Apale frowned slightly. "You must show me you are ready to go back." She tried to take her hand back but Caliwone held on.

Caliwone looked up. "I will not play this game with you, Apale. I am needed somewhere else and you will not keep me away this time."

Apale smirked. "You dare defy me?" Caliwone's only answer was a fist that drove into her stomach. She flew back into the dark distance. She regained her balance in the air and slid to a stop on her feet. She looked up. "Not good enough."

Caliwone knew what had to be done. He was not stupid. His energy exploded and he rushed forward. With a punch that would have shattered normal ground, he sank a fist into his sister's face. She flipped backwards and landed fly like of the ground and rushed back to him. Caliwone blocked her attack and countered with a kick. Apale dodged, flipping forward and bringing an ax kick down on his head.

Caliwone stood, shocked that his sister had the strength to hit him like that. He looked up to see Apale's Triton Thunderstorm lance down at him. Caliwone stared. That was her signature move. The blast of energy slammed into the ground atop him, Apale clearly not holding back as she continued to pour energy into it. "There is only one way to victory, Cal," she shouted down to him from the point of her attack. "You must become stronger than your opponent. And right now, that is me."

Inside the torrent, Caliwone forced himself to stay on his feet. He knew what Apale was saying was true but he had already tried his best. He had pushed himself to his limits in his training, harder than anyone had ever seen to the point where his training facility had maxed out. How could he train any harder?

His mind flashed to Shayera and J'onn as they showed him what had happened to Vegeta and his team. How powerless he was to prevent anything from happening.

His mind flashed to his best friend's death beside him as an alien race launched a sneak attack upon his first team. If only he had been more aware, less arrogant in his own superiority...

Apale smiled, knowing what was going through Cal's head. "That's it," she whispered. "Just let go."

Caliwone erupted, the flow of energy coming from Apale reversing, flowing back up the stream of power. Apale did not resist, this was what she had come to do. Under no circumstances would she willingly allow Caliwone to die. The energy engulfed her, annihilating her physical body. "Way to go, little brother," she said as she flew upwards with the energy. "Way to make me proud, brother. Make our dead race proud." Apale shimmered and vanished as did the darkness.

What replaced it was light so unimaginable, it burned the eyes to look. The ground was vaporizing under his feet and Doomsday was flattened under the sheer force of this deadly light.

Caliwone felt as if the falling light was nothing more than a strong wind pressing downward from a Gods mouth. Power unlike anything he had ever felt flowed out of him like a river, strong and ever adapting. That power kept him on his feet, the ground steady beneath him.

The light from the sky faded, revealing Caliwone standing bent over trying to control this new power. His hair had lengthened, his muscles had expanded slightly, and rage overwhelming. He struggled to reclaim his warriors calm and thinking but the rage was too much. He stepped forward as Doomsday stood, now bloody and scar covered from the light from above. He now understood Doomsday's way of living, wishing only to kill anything that had a pulse.

Doomsday glared at him, noting the changes in Caliwone but not caring. Before Caliwone could even lift a fist, his energy broke, reverting him back to his normal Saiyan form. Exhaustion replaced anger as he staggered back at the abrupt loss in almost every ounce of energy he had.

Doomsday approached, raising a fist. Caliwone had no energy left to fight. Feeling ashamed, Caliwone flung himself forward, rolling under Doomsday's legs to avoid the devastating attack. Using every ounce of energy remaining to him, Caliwone lifted off in an attempt to find Kal-El.

Superman was lying amidst the rubble of the final building he had been smashed into. Caliwone crashed into the ground, not even bothering to spend the energy to slow to a softer landing and crawled over to Superman's unconscious form.

He slapped Kal-El's cheek a couple of times to wake him and restore even the faintest chance of victory. "Come on, Kal-El," he said weakly. "Only you can finish this now." Kal-El stirred and opened his eyes.

"Caliwone," he said. His eyes finally took in the shape Caliwone was in. "Caliwone!"

Caliwone grabbed Superman's shirt front and pulled weakly. "Do not concern yourself with anything but victory. If you do not win we all will die."

Superman stood and looked down at Caliwone. "I can't leave you here like this. Have you seen yourself?" he asked, seeing the scaring and gashes on his face and exposed upper body. "You will die."

"If that be the case, then defeating Doomsday is your only option. Either I die here while you try to save my life and betray everyone else on Earth, or I die as you fight to protect it. Make your choice now, Kal-El." Caliwone glared as best he could at Superman, knowing it was a weak and pointless effort.

The battle inside of Superman was apparent on his face as was the conclusion to that struggle. "You stay alive until I get back, do you understand?"

Caliwone snorted. "Your concern is touching, Kal-El, but focus on your goal. Let your pride drive you to victory. With that weapon on your side...you will push yourself to your...limits."

Superman nodded and took off into the sky and Caliwone returned to the darkness.


Caliwone opened his eyes. He was aboard the Watch Tower again, he noticed, his fogged brain not really comprehending this fact. He was suspended in liquid inside of a tank, light diffused in the darkish liquid. Outside of the tank, he could see Shayera sitting on a bench, tears streaking down her face as she gazed at him through the glass.

She jumped up and hurried toward the tank as she realized he was at least partly conscious. Her lips moved but he could not comprehend sound or pain. He slid his gaze around the room, not looking for anything in particular before returning his gaze to Shayera. Darkness seemed close in again, leaving Shayera's face the only thing he could focus on as she yelled through the glass once more before even she faded into darkness.

Caliwone awoke revitalized in health and renewed in his warm energy. He glanced around through the tank to see Shayera sleeping on the same bench she had been sitting on the last time he had awoke briefly. He glanced down to see all the wounds on his chest healed without a scar. A pass with his hand over his face revealing the same efficiency.

He reached up and pulled himself out of the open topped tank, removing the breathing apparatus, IV's and wires before dropping to the ground. The splatter of water on the floor woke Shayera. She snapped upright as she caught sight of the fully healed Caliwone standing in front of the single table in the room. "Are you alright?" she asked anxiously.

"Of course," he answered as he lifted his new shirt up. It was a size or two bigger than what he had before, this one not having that irritating 'JL' logo on the front but still sported the 'Supernatural' on the back.

"Superman thought you might need a bigger size now," Shayera said as she watched him slip the shirt and pants on over his boxer briefs. "Superman said that you needed a size up and you no longer need to have the Justice League badge on your uniform. Unless you want it." Caliwone grunted as he finished settling the new clothing on himself. It was just the right fit.

"How do you feel?" Shayera asked, resting a worried hand on his shoulder. The shape he had been in when Superman had brought him up had given her nightmares for nearly a month afterwards. She was very glad that the League had such great rejuvenators aboard.

"I'm surprised my injuries healed so well," he commented, turning at last to look at her. He seemed to size her up as if comparing her to someone else.

Shayera nodded. "Caliwone, I am so sorry."

Caliwone looked slightly taken aback. "Why?" he asked. "You did nothing worth apologizing for." Caliwone turned away and began walking towards his door with Shayera trailing behind. Something was obviously bothering her but Caliwone had a question first. "When I was down on Earth fighting, a beam of light and energy hit us. What was that?"

Shayera seemed to twitch slightly at that. "It's called the Binary Fusion Cannon," Shayera said.

"Yeah, well, it pretty well killed me," Caliwone said, sounding ticked off. "Was it one of Doomsday's weapons or something? Did Kal-El defeat him?"

"Yes, he did. Barely and nearly killed himself to do it. We decided that it was not our decision to make regarding his fate so the government has decided to send him into the sun where he can never be reached," Shayera said, knowing this last part was not going to be pleasant. "The blast was one of ours."

Caliwone paused in his walk, forgetting the feeling of grudging happiness for Kal-El, to look back at her. "One of yours?" he asked, his anger rising. "Who would want to kill me?"

"I fired it," Shayera blurted, tears streaking down her face again. "But I wasn't trying to kill you, I swear..."

"It was YOU!" Caliwone demanded. "You are the one responsible for nearly killing me?"

"Cal, please..." Shayera said desperately, reaching out to him. Caliwone stepped back, avoiding her touch, a look of disgust and betrayal on his face. He took another step back from her and shook his head.

"I trusted you," he hissed, "and you betray me and try to take my life."

"Cal, it's not like that," she sobbed. "You were out of the fight..."

"Shut up, woman," he snarled, his expression so fierce she took a step back from it. He turned and walked away, his attitude that of a raging tornado. Shayera fell to her knees, sobbing, that dirty yet familiar feeling of betrayal. She had nearly been the cause of yet another dear friend's death. When would destiny allow her to live a life other than one filled with betrayal?

Caliwone stopped in his room briefly and packed up his clothing into a bag. They were all matches to the one he was wearing know. Fitting. He threw the pack over his shoulder and walked directly to the bridge. All systems seemed to be online now, indicating that he must have been out for a while after the Doomsday fight. Kal-El was on the bridge, looking as if he might have spent some time in the rejuvenators as well.

Caliwone paid him no mind. He walked directly onto the teleporter and instructed the engineer to send him down to Earth.

The man looked nervous as he turned to try and wave down Superman for approval. Caliwone did not have patience for this. Lifting a hand, he pointed it at the engineer. "Transport me know or I blow you to Kingdom Kum."

Superman floated down to stand between him and the engineer. "Caliwone," he said casually, "Glad to see that you have recovered."

"Do not mess with me, Kal-El" he snarled. "Let me down to Earth."

"Caliwone, what happened?" Superman asked concernedly.

"Betrayal, Kal-El," Caliwone answered, "Do not try and stop me."

"Caliwone, maybe we can sit down and talk this out..."

Caliwone shifted his hand to the glass. "I said do not try and stop me. I want to leave and be rid of the Justice League."

Before Superman could inquire further, Shayera stumbled into the bridge. The tears on her face and rage in Caliwone's eyes told Superman all he needed to know. He nodded, knowing what had happened. "On one condition," Superman said.

"Do not worry, Kal-El," Caliwone said, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "I have no intention of doing this planet or its people any harm. I have no reason to."

Superman nodded and the engineer began the initialization. "Good luck and behave," said Superman as he vanished into the blue infinity.

Caliwone rematerialized on the ground, not really sure where to go but knowing anywhere the League was present he did not want to be. He took off with no destination in mind, landing in several towns and cities on his journey for a new life on Earth. Everywhere he went, fear gripped the people. "It's the "Golden Warrior"!"

In the last city he visited, Central City it was, a man by the name of Wally West approached him. "I understand your situation," he said, rubbing one hand through his shock of red hair. "I know what it's like to try and fit in, you know?"

Caliwone eyed the man suspiciously. He seemed familiar somehow. "Why do you not run in fear?" he asked.

Wally smiled. "Not everyone is as blind as kangaroo." He paused a moment and thought about that. Wasn't that statement supposed to be about some other animal? He shrugged and continued, "There is a place that you can go. It's called the Xavier Institute in Bayville. You will be welcomed there."

Caliwone eyed the man one last time but he had no better ideas as to where he could go. He nodded to the red haired man. "The Xavier Institute, huh? I could give that a try."

To be continued as Dragon Sagas: Book Two

OMG! That was a really long chapter! I couldn't find a way to compress it down and make it really any shorter and thanks to Miles333 for the excellent Beta-Reading throughout this entire story arc!

This is the end of the Justice League arc and will now be starting Dragon Sagas: Book Two sometime in mid January. Keep an eye out on my profile page and I will soon put a date next to Book Two fr the release date (I need some time to rest up and write myself a little buffer zone; I was writing chapters pretty much back to back since chapter 12!)

Well, please leave your final REVIEWS and I truly hope to see you guys in the X-Men: Evolution arc! (No worries, the Justice League will still make appearances from time to time)

Thank you for being such great readers!