Disclaimer: I don't own it

Disclaimer: I own nothing; not even a miniature imitation Bert (sigh).

A/N: Told you I'd have to write something on Agent Afloat. This will be a quick little story; probably about three chapters of tags and missing scenes. Those of you following my Lost trilogy, don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. The new chapter should be up at the weekend.

Agent At Home

Gibbs couldn't seem to stop smiling. He had them back; all his people, home where they belonged. DiNozzo, David and McGee; although he was going to kill Ducky if he mentioned anything about an A-team in Tony's hearing.

It had been far too quiet for the past few months; even when he had McGee and Ziva, all of them had been keenly aware that there was a big hole in their team.

Tony had always been larger than life. Gibbs had missed him intensely; the younger man had been constantly at his side for so long he'd forgotten what it was like before they'd met. The long missed sound of him bickering with Ziva over those pictures on his wall brought back fond memories of Kate and the infamous Wet T-shirt Photo, flowing over him like a balm.

Gibbs' smile faded a little as he glanced up at the balcony, where Vance leaned on the railing, watching his team's happy reunion. There was something going on in the man's head that he hadn't figured out yet.

But he was going to find out.

"He had a picture of you too, Abby; fully clothed," said Ziva acidly.

"You did? It wasn't the one in my Halloween costume, was it?"

"No; just you making your labcoat look as good as only you can."

"Oh, Tony!" Squealed Abby, hugging him with even more enthusiasm, if possible. "That is so sweet! C'mon; I wanna show you my Tony shrine and you can say hi to Bert while you're there. And I have pictures of the bowling tournament!"

"Really? Do you still wear those cute little outfits?"

"Of course!"

"Then lead on, my Lady of Forensics." DiNozzo offered his Goth friend his arm in one of those courtly old fashioned gestures he adopted from time to time. She took it, beaming.

"Why thank you, Sir Anthony," said Abby, before practically dragging him to the elevator.

"Sir Anthony?" Said McGee, incredulously, as he and Ziva followed.

"You must remember, McGee, that in medieval times, most knights were rich playboys who spent their time drinking, showing off and catching venereal diseases," remarked Ziva.

"Oh. Well, in that case, I think it kinda suits him."

"Hey! I heard that, Probie!"

Gibbs grinned. All was right with the world.

Some hours later, and the chatter that had at first been so soothing to Gibbs was beginning to get on his nerves.

"All right, that's enough," he told the group, silencing Abby's excitable babbling. "Go on; go home, all of you. DiNozzo'll still be here in the morning."

"Oh, but Gibbs..."

"Go, Abby," he said firmly, fingers flickering slightly as he signed 'I'll look after him.'

The whole team recognised that tone. They made their goodbyes; another hug from Abby, a warm handshake from Ducky, a dry comment from McGee and one of those too- intense looks from Ziva. Gibbs really was going to have to talk to her about that.

And then finally, it was just him and Tony, alone in the bullpen, as it had been so many nights before. Tony had spent several minutes earlier adjusting his chair; he'd managed to get it just as he liked it, so it would allow him to sit back with his feet on the desk.

"You planning to go home anytime soon, DiNozzo?"

"I'll get around to it."

"Your car still in long term parking?"

Tony grimaced. "My poor girl; after all these months sitting still, she'll need a hell of a lot of TLC before I can drive her anywhere. That's if she hasn't managed to get stolen."

"Yeah; that's about what I figured. Your place habitable?"

"Probably not. I didn't expect to be back for another three months at least."

There was a pause as the pair simply locked eyes, each knowing exactly what was going to happen but neither wanting to vocalise it.

Gibbs had missed this so much; he decided to give Tony a win.

"You wanna stop for pizza on the way?" Asked Gibbs casually.

Tony bolted upright. "Real pizza! I haven't had real pizza since I left, boss! The Regan had soggy deep pan with no spices in the sauce and the worst cheese I have ever tasted and don't even get me started on what the Seahawk guys called the finest food known to man; tasted like someone had already eaten it..."

"Take that as a yes," said Gibbs, amused. "Call ahead and order. I'll be done here in a few minutes."

Tony was already scrabbling for his cell and dialling his favourite pizza parlour. Apparently, he'd been missed there nearly as much as at work; he held a lengthy and enthusiastic conversation with the owner, mostly in Italian, while Gibbs finished up what little he'd got done today.

Predictably, he simply strode towards the elevator when he was ready, calling back,

"Today, DiNozzo!"

Tony swiftly said his goodbyes, and hurried after him with a reply of

"On your six, Boss!" He skidded through the doors just before they closed; and Gibbs decided that just for letting him hear those words again, he was going to let DiNozzo pick out the beer.

Tony leaned back against the banister and closed his eyes, listening to the familiar swish of sandpaper over wood. He still cradled a nearly empty beer bottle in his hands as he sat on his usual stool; of all the things he'd missed while he was away, this was the most important. Just sitting in the sawdusty sanctuary of Gibbs' basement, not needing to talk; just to sit; just to be.

"You still awake over there, DiNozzo?" Asked Gibbs, lips twitching in amusement as he observed his agent's total relaxation.

"Meditating, Boss," Tony replies calmly, not even opening his eyes.

"About anything in particular?"

"Mostly how good it is to be home."

"Good to have you back, Tony."

The ex-cop's eyes snapped open. "Really?"

"Yeah; Abby's been badgering me about you for months. And I wanna know why you keep getting calls to your desk phone from women."

"I do?" He asked, eagerly. "Did you take any numbers?"

Gibbs paused in his work to give him an incredulous look.

"Oh; right, yeah. You wouldn't do that. It's just..." Tony sighed right from his toes. "It's been a really, really long four months, Boss."

"Well, yeah, DiNozzo; I'd noticed," said Gibbs, with a touch of fondness, as he caressed the piece of wood he was carving with one calloused hand. "Leon tell you why he let you leave the Seahawk?"

"Not really. Did tell me why he sent me there in the first place, though. Not sure if he was telling the truth or not."

"Yeah? What'd he say?"


New chap up... err, probably tomorrow. Let me know what you thought.