I do not own Megaman nt warrior. just my insane plots.

Summary: Just a short drabble on Chaud's pov in episode 33 of Axcess.


Chaud felt his heart drop as he watched Mr.Famous slot in chip after chip to test the battlechip gate. Even more so when the area blew up and electrocuted Lan. He winced at the loud, pained cry that shot from the brunette as the dimension was shut down. He watched as Mr.Hikari ran into the room to sweep his child into his arms, despite the childs protests. That's Lan for you. He always wants to jump into things. Chaud frowned as he glanced at the chip gate. It was smoking slightly. He narrowed his eyes as the alarm went off.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((A FEW MINUTES LATER)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Chaud felt the thrill as he slotted in chip after chip perfectly, watching CF Lan battle gracefully against Gravityman. As the battle ended, Chaud gazed at Lan, feeling just slightly possessive of the cross-fused warrior. That made him jump. He gazed down at his empty PET. He frowned, thinking that maybe...


No matter how he said it, keeping Lan as a netnavi wouldn't do squat to help him. No matter how much he wished it, or how great it was to be slightly in control of the two, to take away their freedom just because he was lonely was definitely a no. No one could replace Protoman. He glanced up as CF Lan approached him.

"Well, that sure was a tough way to test a new product." Joking. Something to stray his previous thoughts.

"Yeah..." Response. They laughed, nervousness or relief, Chaud couldn't tell. Then realized the laughter wasn't from either of them. He scanned the sky, eyes widening as he saw the one person he had thought of the most.

Dark Protoman.

"What's the matter? Suprised to see the new me? That's no way to greet your old partner, Chaud." Blues eyes widened in sadness. Protoman said something, but Chaud had blocked it out, the thought that he had been the one to create this...this monstrosity stirred his stomach.

"No..." Dark Protoman grinned. Chaud tightened his fist as he decided he had no choice.

"You have to fight it!" Lan's cry was helplessly lost to the Darkloid.

"Battle him." The command was simple, the whole order two words. Yet Lan found himself turning to Chaud, confusion and anger melding in his thoughts.

"Do WHAT?!" Chaud glared at him, blues eyes burning.

"He's a darkloid, Lan!" The fury seething in that sentence felt like a whip, slashing Lan cruelly in the heart, so much so that he spun round to face his opponent.

"I...understand." Chaud inwardly winced at the hurt in the brunettes voice. He downloaded a chip, not caring which one he used. He watched the explosion of smoke in front. He felt his despair surge as it cleared, Dark Protoman nowhere to be found. Lan let go of the cross-fuse, and for an insane split second Chaud considered oreding him to stay in cross-fusion. But held his tongue.

"Did...we get him?"

"Even if you didn't, Protoman is gone." No emotion in his voice. He gazed out into the street. He tightened his grip on the battlechip gate. He wished for someone to fill the void in his heart, be it Lan, who always offered a helping hand, or the return of his netnavi. Either way...

He was still cold as ice.


I swear, this is entirely not my fault. Blame SkullThePker on youtube for the idea. I actually used up 17 minutes writing this.