(Cindy's thoughts)
What the heck is that buzzing!?
Ugh it's my phone...
"Oh it's Jimmy!"
She flipped open her phone and saw the had come at exactly 7:00 pm.
She smiled and hugged her phone to her chest.
"Oh my gosh! 7! I totally forgot! Ugh...what will I do now!?"
She was pacing back and forth totally forgetting she was very tired and medicated. She stopped and thought a moment, then she looked at her phone and typed a quick message. She closed her phone and smiled to herself.
Jimmy heard his phone go off upstairs.
Maybe Cindy replied!!
"May I be excused?" Jimmy said, "I left the monkeyGOTTA GO BYE!"
He got up and left with his mother staring strangely at him.
"Hugh, did that seem...awkward to you?" Judy asked.
"Ah, Sugar Booger. You know boys at his age, they randomly spaz out when they leave their pants in the monkey!"
Judy looked at him with a questioning look
"Where's pie?" said Jimmy's dad, standing to go to the kitchen.
Jimmy sprinted upstairs and grabbed his phone, he saw he got a text from Cindy. He calmed himself down and opened his phone, he typed in his password and opened his inbox. He looked at the little un-opened envelope icon and selected it. It read: "Jimmy, Candy Bar, tomorrow night, 6:58? See you then."
Jimmy jumped up repeatedly saying, "CHEA!! I'm going on a date with Cindy! I'm going on a date with Cindy!"
He typed a quick: YES!
He shook his genius booty around his room
"Uh huh, oh ya!...6:58....that's random...but I don't care....I'm going on a date with Cindy!"
( I'm in the zone, I'm not going on to another chapter so here be da next chappie)
The next day 6:45
Libby is over at Cindy's doing her hair all pretty for her date with Jimmy.
"Libs, don't do anything too fancy, it's just the Candy Bar."
Libby picked up then set down the hair streaker and the curling iron and said, "I wasn't..."
"Ok, I think this is fine. I'm gonna go now! You know the plan?" Cindy said, grabbing her purse and standing in the doorway.
"Got it!" Libby replied, waving her cell phone, "Bye!"
Then Cindy left to go meet Jimmy
Jimmy looked at his watch; 6:55. Perfect. At 6:58, Cindy and Jimmy both reached the Candy Bar at the same time. Jimmy, being a gentleman, held the door for her and they walked in a got a booth near the back. They sat down and awkwardly started a conversation. After a minute, Jimmy's phone rang. It was a text from Libby. He smiled sheepishly and read it. It said: Someone loves you. They will text you tonight as 7. You don't have to send this to ten people. You won't loose their love. He set the phone down on the table.
"Sorry," Jimmy said, "I was just curious ab--"
His phone cut him off.
"Do I have permission to look at the text?" he said, somewhat jokingly
Cindy nodded with a slight blush rising on her cheeks.
Jimmy looked at his phone and saw the text was from Cindy. He looked at her curiously and opened the text. It said : Hey! That's it. But for Jimmy and Cindy that was enough. He looked at the top of the screen, and saw the time on the text was exactly 7 'o' clock. Jimmy looked up and smiled at Cindy. She leaned over the table and kissed him sweetly. Maybe chains aren't so bad if you know how to use them right. :)
I know it went kinda fast, but I'm really busy and I didn't want to leave you guys at a cliffie, so I hope you liked it. Please review!