Welcome to the Ikimono League

By Neko (Silver Tru-Neko)

Disclaimer: Me no own Pokemon.

Author's Note: Finally, here it is, the conclusion you've all been waiting for. Read on to the end for more comments :)


Chapter 25 – More than Victory

"Pikachu!" Ash's voice broke the air, but it did not reach his unconscious Pokémon's ears. Pikachu lay supine, unmoving, by Umbreon's paws.

A flag flashed into the air. "Pikachu is unable to battle! Umbreon wins!"

At this Umbreon gave a small victorious cry and slumped beside Pikachu, utterly exhausted.

"And that's the match, folks!" the announcer practically screamed in excitement. "Gary Oak takes the battle in the final seconds of the last match! But what a close fight it's been all the way!"

Ash ran across the field, slip-sliding to Pikachu's side. He cradled his greatest treasure against his chest, relief flooding through him when Pikachu half-opened its eyes.

"Pika pi…" it sighed sorrowfully.

Ash hugged Pikachu tighter to his chest. "That's all right, Pikachu. We might've lost the match, but I'll always have you."

"Pika," Pikachu agreed gratefully. Slowly it reached up a paw, drowsily patting Ash's arm. Ash had to smile.

"Thanks, buddy, you fought well too."

Ash glanced around the stadium awash with colors, seeing the crowd on its feet. The air was ringing with cheers; his eyes locked on Misty and Brock in their front-row seats, waving encouragingly.

Ash waved back.

"Ugh." Ash looked up in surprise to see Gary fall beside him, wincing in pain.

"Hey, are you all right?" The concern in his voice was real.

Gary forced a smile, swiping at sweat on his brow. "Yeah, fine… been standing on my ankle too long." He gingerly pulled Umbreon onto his lap, stroking the fatigued Pokémon. "You put up a great fight, Umbreon, thanks."

"Brii," Umbreon replied, burrowing into his shoulder. Gary smiled down at it before turning back to Ash.

"You fought very well today, Ash."

Ash grinned, flushing at the compliment from his rival. "Thanks, but you were better."

Gary winced, rubbing his leg. "Not by much. You've really improved, Ash. It was a great challenge to fight you."

He offered his hand; Ash shook it, grinning. He felt as if he had accomplished a great deal, even if he'd lost the tournament.

"Thanks, Gary. And I look forward to a rematch."

Gary smirked but didn't answer.

At that moment the announcer approached, Ikimono's gym leaders in tow. Ash stood hastily, Pikachu crawling onto his shoulder. After a second's thought, Ash held out his hand to Gary, helping his rival to his feet.

"Thanks," mumbled Gary, before turning to the announcer. Umbreon sat rigid at his feet.

"Congratulations!" The announcer shook Gary's hand, grinning broadly. "Canine Cup Champion! That was some impressive fighting out there!"

Gary inclined his head. "It's my Pokémon who deserve the credit." He glanced at Umbreon and smiled. "I couldn't have done it without all of you."

"Briii," purred Umbreon.

The announcer moved aside to congratulate Ash as well; now Gary was faced with the gym leaders.

Rachel and Alex met him first with handshakes and high-fives; Rachel gave Umbreon an affectionate pat, grinning, "That was absolutely amazing!"

Laura flashed a smile. "Great job!"

Even Victor, for once, found nothing to negate. Smiling, he shook hands with Gary. "That was a very impressive performance."

Gary nodded, returning the look.

Lastly came Charlie, bearing the Canine Cup. He passed it off to Gary, the trainer pausing a moment to admire the trophy before bending to show it to Umbreon.

"Reon!" purred the Pokémon happily.

The trophy had a marble base, above it rising a prism of gold with silver plates framing it. Atop the trophy was a raised paw print; Gary grinned, recognizing the shapes of Ikimono's five islands: Uma, Karasu, Kame, Kitsune, and finally Inu. The award glittered in the noon sunlight.

Gary noted suddenly that the four isles forming the toes had indentations in them, in the shapes of their respective badges. Curious, he retrieved his four badges, holding them beside the trophy. They were a perfect fit.

"Put them in," Charlie confided quietly. Gary glanced sideways at him, but the gym leader only smiled. Gary turned back to his trophy, deciding it was worth a try.

He picked the Medal Badge first, seeing its three interconnected circles shine in his palm before sliding it into place on Uma Island. Laura beamed at him.

Next, he set the black-and-white checkerboard Mind Badge into Karasu Island, Victor nodding approvingly.

The Nature Badge, a leaf designed in camouflaged greens and grays, fit perfectly into Kame Island. He met Charlie's grin before collecting the final badge.

Completing the set, Kitsune's Elemental Badge was formed of multicoloured rays around a black-and-white centre. The rays changed color in the sun, set into the gold paw print; Rachel and Alex descended on him with even more congratulations.

Gary stood, raising the trophy to the screaming crowd; he grinned, energized by the fight's rush of adrenaline.

So this is it, he thought, a part of him still in shock. I won. I won Ikimono!


Later that day, Gary checked in at the Pokémon Centre to retrieve his recovered Pokémon. As Nurse Joy disappeared into the back room, Gary heard the bell jingle above the front door. He turned, smiling.

"Hey, Ash. You're here for your Pokémon, too?"

Ash, flanked by Misty and Brock, nodded, "Yeah. Looks like we're heading back home now."

Gary leaned against the counter. "I will be soon, too, after the celebrations. Kind of wish we could stay longer, though. I'm sure there's a lot more I could learn here in Ikimono."

Ash nodded distantly, agreeing, "Yeah." He stuck his hands in his pockets. "Look, Gary…since you won and all, and, well, I've been thinking…you're the better master," he said in a sudden rush.

Gary considered him a long moment before glancing away. "Until next time."

Ash's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Smirking at him, Gary continued, "I'll have my work cut out for me staying ahead of you, Ash."

Ash's face slowly broke into a grin. "Oh, yeah! And I'll work extra hard now, so you'd better watch out!"

Gary laughed just as Nurse Joy came back bearing a tray loaded with Poké balls. He turned, collecting them.

"Catch you later, Ash." Gary limped toward the door, one hand raised in a slight wave.

Ash blinked after him, almost forgetting his business with Nurse Joy.

"Hey, Gary!"

Gary glanced over his shoulder, hand on the door.

Ash offered a grin. "See you in Pallet."

Gary's brow furrowed before easing into a smile. He nodded, walking out into the sunlight.


"Home sweet home," sighed Ash, gazing over the knoll to his hometown of Pallet. It had been only two days since his journey in Ikimono ended; he, Misty, and Brock had trekked all the way here to rest and meet with Professor Oak before setting off on their next adventure.

"Wait up, Ash!" panted Misty, scurrying up the hill after him. Brock was only a step in front of her.

Ash grinned at his friends, turning back to survey the scene. He couldn't wait to show his badges to Professor Oak!

The three friends took the winding path to the lab together, Pikachu nestled on Ash's hat. Ash's old friend Tracey met them at the door, eyes widening at the sight of them.

"Ash! You're back from Ikimono already? You've gotta tell me about it!"

With that, they were ushered into the living room, Tracey shooting questions at them the entire time. Ash sank into a chair, holding up his hands.

"One at a time," he grinned. "Hey, is the Professor here? I promised to show him my badges."

"He's out with the Pokémon right now," Tracey explained, glancing at his watch. "But he should be in at any minute. Anyway, you have badges?"

Ash couldn't resist recounting his adventures once more, laying out his badges for Tracey to admire. Just as he was getting to the part about Inu and the Canine Cup, they heard a door close and voices nearing in the hall. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Tracey glanced up.

"I told you, I'm fine, Grandpa," a familiar voice sighed before Gary appeared in the doorway, blinking in surprise at their guests. "Oh, hello, Ash."

"Gary!" Ash greeted as his rival hobbled into the room, followed by Professor Oak. "Professor!"

"Hello, Ash," said Professor Oak mildly. "My, this is a surprise."

Tracey hurried off the couch. "I'll make some tea!"

"That would be very nice," Professor Oak said, taking a seat.

Gary flopped down beside Ash on the sofa, bracing his feet on the edge of the coffee table. He was barefoot, though his left ankle was swathed in bandages.

"Ankle's not any better, huh?" observed Ash sympathetically.

"Not yet," he groaned. Gary crossed his arms. "I decided to stay here a week or two, to give my Pokémon a rest and to heal. But somebody's making things difficult."

Professor Oak just shook his head, while Gary muttered, "He tried to give me freaking crutches!"

Ash stifled a snort.

At that moment Umbreon bounded into the room, jumping onto the couch beside its trainer.

"Brii!" it exclaimed brightly, accepting a scratch behind the ears.

Gary grinned, "Hey."

Umbreon now turned to Ash, seeing Pikachu perched on his lap. "Reon!" Umbreon's eyes shone with welcome.

Pikachu tentatively answered, "Pika Pikachu."

Umbreon purred.

Misty watched this exchange in surprise. "What a difference a battle makes," she muttered, shaking her head. "I can't believe they're not at one another's throats!"

"Same with their trainers," commented Brock so the others wouldn't hear. Misty had to agree on that, as well.

Tracey returned at that moment with their tea, passing out cups. Ash accepted his with a murmur of thanks.

Abruptly an explosion rocked the room; Ash set down his dangerously swishing tea.

"What was that?" he gasped.

Professor Oak exchanged a glance with Tracey. "I don't know."

The group ran outside, Ash in the lead. He slammed the screen door open, stopping in his tracks in horror.

Three figures stood on the back lawn in front of a cat-shaped hot air balloon. An evil cackle reached Ash's ears.

"So glad you noticed us," smirked the female.

"It's so much better this way," confirmed the male.

A Meowth jumped between them. "You get to see us make away with all your Pokémon!" it grinned.

"Team Rocket!" Ash yelled. "What are you doing here?"

"Stealing all these rare and valuable Pokémon, that's what we're doing," spat the female. She struck a pose.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all people within our nation!" the male jumped in.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth, that's right!" sang the catlike Pokémon.

"Now, if you'll excuse us," said Jessie, climbing into the balloon's basket, "we have some Pokémon to take to the boss."

"Bye-bye!" James waved, hopping in beside her.

They shot off from the ground, a net trailing below them. Ash gasped, seeing Pokémon struggling in captivity.

"Arcanine! Nidoqueen!" cried Gary. The two Pokémon thrashed against the netting, unable to break free.

"Kingler!" Ash recognized his Pokémon among the others; it clicked its pincers desperately.

"We've got to help them somehow!" Ash appealed to the others.

Gary looked down at Umbreon. "Umbreon's the only one I've got with me."

Umbreon growled.

Gary glanced at Ash. "Take down the balloon, and we'll take care of Team Rocket!"

Ash nodded, reaching for a Poké ball. "Noctowl, burst their balloon!"

The owl Pokémon swooped into the sky, cawing; it smashed into the balloon with its sharp beak.

Ash and the others stared, horrified, as Noctowl suddenly plummeted. Ash regained his senses in time to run ahead, catching the fallen Pokémon before it could collide with the earth.

"No way…" he whispered, Noctowl hooting feebly in his arms.

James pointed to the balloon above him. "That's not going to work!"

Ash glanced up. "I don't know what you've done, but we're gonna stop you!"

Jessie stuck out her tongue. "Nuh-uh, twerp! We protected our balloon with sheets of metal! You won't break it this time!"

"This time the boss's gonna get his Pokémon!" cheered Meowth.

So that's it, huh? Ash mused. "Not so fast! Charizard, I choose you!"

Charizard roared, flaring to life. Ash commanded, "Charizard, burn through their balloon!"

Charizard powered up into the sky, circling the cowering Team Rocket. It expelled a breath of flame, engulfing their balloon. From down below Ash could see sections of metal peeling away; he cheered.

"Finish it, Charizard! Pop the balloon!"

Charizard lazily stuck out a glinting fingernail; Team Rocket screamed.


The balloon suddenly spiralled downward, occupants screeching; the Pokémon in the net had been lucky enough to be close to the ground, the fall only jarring them slightly. Team Rocket took the worst of the fall, their basket toppling on the ground. Jessie crawled out first.

She growled, "Now you've done it! Arbok, attack!"

She sent out her snake Pokémon at the same time James ordered, "Weezing, you too!"

Gary stepped forward. "Umbreon!"

Ash clenched his fists. "Pikachu, go!" He glanced back at his friends. "Misty, help Noctowl and Charizard free the other Pokémon!"

Misty nodded, rushing around the battlefield with Noctowl swaying on her shoulder. Team Rocket failed to notice.

"Arbok, poison sting!"

"Weezing, sludge!"

"Feint attack, Umbreon!" ordered Gary. With a nod, Umbreon easily dodged Arbok's poisonous needles, disappearing from sight.

"Huh? Where'd it go?" Jessie looked around; meanwhile, Pikachu ducked around Weezing's attack.

"Pikachu, thundershock!"

Pikachu concentrated, sending electricity flying from its cheeks. Weezing went crashing into James, trainer and Pokémon falling into the basket.

Umbreon pounced on Arbok with both forepaws, snarling and clawing for all it was worth. A final attack sent Arbok reeling.

Misty signalled to the others from behind Team Rocket; the victimized Pokémon were free. Gary nodded to Ash.


"Okay, Pikachu! Thunder!"

Umbreon landed at Pikachu's side as it unleashed its strongest attack. Lightning flashed through the air, sending Team Rocket flying.

"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" they cried, voices fading into the distance.

Ash succumbed to a broad grin. "Yeah! We did it, Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu bounded into his embrace, smiling.

Ash looked over Pikachu to his friends. "Of course, I couldn't have done it without you guys." Noctowl hooted, returning dutifully to its ball; Charizard growled before doing the same. Misty smiled.

Ash glanced over at his rival. "Thanks, Gary."

Gary nodded, saying nothing. He gestured to Umbreon, the Pokémon following him away.


"So, where are you headed now?"

It was almost a week later; after spending some time with Ash's mother in Pallet, it was yet again time for him and his friends to move on.

Ash grinned up at Professor Oak. "Wherever I can, to strengthen my Pokémon!"

The Professor nodded. "Good luck on your journey, then."

Gravel crunched behind them, and Professor Oak turned, surprise on his face. "Gary! You're leaving too?"

Gary glanced up, nodding, Umbreon padding in his shadow. "Sorry, Grandpa, but I know there's another adventure out there waiting for me." His eyes flickered to Ash. "Besides," he grinned, "I can't sit around while he's out training."

Ash smiled back, accepting the teasing.

"Good luck to you, too," Professor Oak said, and, despite Gay's chagrin, gave him a hug. "Take care."

"I will, Grandpa."

The four walked away, waving to Professor Oak. Soon he had disappeared into the distance, and they traveled in comfortable silence.

At a fork in the road, Gary stopped. "Well, this is where we split."

Ash stepped forward, holding out his hand. "I'm looking forward to the next time we meet, Gary."

Gary shook his hand, nodding solemnly. "Me too." He took a step away, Umbreon calling out a goodbye. Trainer and Pokémon started down their path, Gary raising a hand in a wave.

Ash grinned, shouting after him, "'Cause next time, I'll be the stronger one!"

Gary turned back, smiling. "In your dreams, Ash. In your dreams."

The End


Author's Note: Well! This was a lot longer than I'd thought it'd be. It's, what, fifty thousand words? O.o That's my longest story ever, cool!

Anyway, I digress. I hope everyone enjoyed the story and liked the ending no matter which trainer is your favorite. I for one had loads of fun writing and planning this out so I hope it was worth it :) I just wanted to give Ash and Gary's rivalry better closure than they did in the anime, instead of writing him off as a Pokemon researcher... That was basically my inspiration for writing this story, but it grew into so much more. This story, for me, is all about character development for both of the rivals, and them eventually becoming something like friends. I'd like to think I succeeded in that.

Well, that's about all I have to say except a final disclaimer (since I forgot this earlier): the only characters I own are the Ikimono gym leaders, some other Ikimono trainers/residents, and the trainers mentioned back in the first chapter (they were actually from some story I was planning on writing, but sadly abandoned). If for whatever reason you want to use them, just let me know :)

Thanks for reading, until next time! :)
