"This is a great song." said Fox, staring through the skylight of the hovercraft into the shallow night skies, paralleled to skyscrapers and enormous epic towers, slightly bending in their great height. "Fox, I'm really sorry this is happening. Do you want to talk about it or some-" Wolf was cut off by a forced laugh from Fox. "I don't need to be babied. I saw this coming. I always told my father that being such a 'ladies man' would take it's toll on him someday." "You and I won't have that problem." said Wolf under his breath. Fox heard him and thought for a minute before responding. "Oh, ha-ha, very funny. But it's not like we're dating or anything. Just friends. I was.. er... 'heavily medicated' last night." Fox was nervous around the topic of he and Wolf's relationship, which seemed to run back and forth over the boundary of romantic and friendly. They had already had two intimate moments, but Fox's explanation for both times was his over-indulgence in drugs. Wolf, however, didn't think much of it. He would 'swing either way' as he said.

Fox had been at the Major Trauma Center for the bulk of the day, visiting and tending to his father, who had contracted a very rare and fatal STD. "Who's your friend?" James had asked Fox upon sight of Wolf. "Oh, he was just at my house this morn- I mean he stayed the night last-" Fox couldn't figure out how to word it correctly. "Never mind that, son. Thank you for visiting me." said James. "Are you kidding? You're my dad. Why wouldn't I visit you?" said Fox, knowing well the answer to his question. "Fox, I know I haven't been there for-" "Dad, please. Please. Don't start with that kind of talk. You'll be fine. We can talk about it at lunch sometime, when you're better. When you're well." said Fox, denying his father's fate. The sight of his father bed-bound and ridden with disease was more than enough to make Fox cry, but he tried his best to hold it in, trying not to look weak to his father, or to Wolf.

Back in the car, Fox felt the strange fore-cry of sadness; he felt like laughing loudly, but at the same time he felt tears ready to stream down his face. "Wolf, have you got anything?" asked Fox, eager to get rid of this emotion. "What do you mean?" asked Wolf, puzzled. "Um, you know, drugs. You got any brown, maybe some amp? Anything, a black even?" asked Fox nervously, knowing that it was a strange time to be asking for hard drugs. "Fox, you need to lay off that shit for awhile. With your job, you shouldn't even be on that stuff." said Wolf with increasing concern. "Oh, what do you care anyway, it doesn't affect you! Fucking hypocrite, pushing that shit everyday and telling me not to do it, you-" "Fox!" said Wolf sternly, pulling the hovercraft off of the freeway and into a small parking lot. "I'm not giving you drugs. I'm worried about you. I lov- I care about you. I'm not going to let you do this to yourself. Your father wouldn't want it."

"Don't talk to me about my father." said Fox, a sudden burst of hatred budding from Wolf's erratic comment. Wolf realized that he had struck a nerve and backed off of the topic immediately. "Fox, I'm sorry." There was silence for about a minute. "Do you want to go get something to drink?" asked Wolf sheepishly. "Sure." said Fox. Even though he was angry at Wolf, he wouldn't turn down anything that could distract him from his despondence. They went to a seedy tavern on the east side of the city. "Why are we going here?" asked Fox, used to his usual flashy nightclubs and high class bars. "This place has actual drinks, not those flashy sodas you usually get." said Wolf. Fox sneered and began walking through the inadequately lit parking garage. There seemed to be people in every latent hovercraft, watching Fox walk by. 'I need this to stop. I need this to stop.' though Fox repeatedly in his head. Withdrawal was taking it's toll on him. In the past few weeks he had taken the many steps from light sedatives to heavy drugs. He thought it would help him forget. It made him feel good.

 Author's Note: I fucked the last paragraph up pretty good, so I deleted it. I'll update this chapter later.