Title: Screams
Genre: Tragedy/FriendshipRating: PG-13-R
Warnings: Strong violence and intense depiction of pain, shootings, and emotional content. Death of Recurring Character and canon guest star. Also, I make no promises as to who will or will not die.
Spoiler: Minor allusions made to Bete Noire, Hiatus, Under Covers, Twilight, Grace Period, Dead Man Talking, Twisted Sister, Kill Ari II, Shalom, Switch, and Lt. Jane Doe. Also JAG's Ice Queen.
Summary: FLETC taught them to respond to crimes as investigators. Now they must learn to respond as victims.
All he could hear was the screams. Lying there, his chest hot and numb, as screams and gunfire echoed around him.
He had to help, but he couldn't move.
More shots. More screams.
Finally he managed to twist his body through a slow, agonizing series of movements so that he was face down and began to slowly inch towards the drawer. He could make it. He knew he could. He had to.
Another shot. Another scream.
Almost there. His hand reached up.
And then it was his scream as a bullet ripped through his back. His hand fell.
The gunshots continued. So did the screams. Then one more shot.
And the screaming stopped.