Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto.
Chapter 1
"Aww… I still have no idea why dad insisted on this holiday trip when school's gonna reopen in about a month's time!!" whined Karin. "And I'm sooooo gonna miss you Sasuke-kun."
"Hn." Smirked the raven headed male.
In which, Karin frowned in response and asked,"You'll miss me, won't you?"
"Tsk, you can be so mean sometimes, you know that Sasuke-kun?" the red haired pouted, while Sasuke responded with a disgusted look which she ignored and continued. "Oh wells, I know you love me anyway, so I'm gonna be kind and forgive you." Karin smiled her nauseatingly sweet smile towards Sasuke, which he had inwardly cringed, and she went on saying,"I love you too, Sasuke-kun, but I gotta go… So, toodles my beloved." Flipping her waist length hair in a 'seductive manner' she squeezed him a hug and caught him by surprise with a peck on his cheek, waved and hurried over and through the departure gates of the Konoha airport.
'Shit! I let her kissed me… damn it!' he exclaimed to himself.
'Well, dating her, it was expected. You should have seen it coming. It's even a miracle you managed to avoid it despite dating for two whole months, seeing who Karin is.' Sasuke's inner replied, in a matter-of-fact manner.
'Shut up.'
'Hn. Well, although it won't be for long, at least she's gone. Look on the bright side!'
'… I guess.' Yup, Karin would be away for a month, which during he'll be free from the whines and the clinging. Yes, Karin. The snobbish cheerleading captain of Konoha High School(KHS), had reluctantly left him for a holiday trip to London, on her father's insistence. Just the thought of her absence made her let a sigh of relief. Dating her for a couple of months, and already he found her exactly what he thought she is – annoying, clingy, stuck up and an absolute troublesome matter, should things got out of hand.
'Why did I dated her again?' he wondered.
'To prevent your fangirls in school in further bothering you.' His inner reminded him.
'Aa. ' Sasuke sighed.
It wasn't his fault if he grew up that good looking. In fact, in the eyes of almost every girl, Uchiha Sasuke was extremely hot. He had a face carved by an angel and the toned bod that every guy would die to have. Plus, a good brain that has his results top all his classes, despite hardly paying attention in class. A/N: Shikamaru would have top class, but cos he's too lazy to pick up his pen… And Neji is not in any of Sasuke's classes, neither is Tenten. To top it off, a pair of obsidian eyes that seem to melt your soul whenever you look into them. Furthermore, being captain of KHS basketball team and the second in line to the position of chairman of the Uchiha Corp, Sasuke practically has the attention from the world. He would understand if girls were smitten with him, but the thing with his aloof and cold demeanor, he wondered why they still did.
Just then, his phone rang, and he answered, only to receive a whole load of yelling into his ear.
"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TEME?!" Screamed his best friend, Naruto.
"SHUT IT DOBE!! I ALMOST BECAME DEAF BECAUSE OF YOU!!" Sasuke yelled back, receiving stares from people in the airport. "What you want anyway?!"he asked, feeling annoyed, despite having supposedly accustomed to such.
"HAH! Nothing, just that the clique is meeting up for dinner at Ichiraku for ramen. See ya then!"-click- replying Sasuke, and then hanging up at the very instant.
'Tsk. What makes him think I'm joining them?!'
'Well, due to the fact that you always do.'
'Shut it.' Replied Sasuke to his inner, and with that he hopped into his silver Porsche and drove to meet the clique.
Yup, the clique, consisting of Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru and their girlfriends, Hinata, Tenten and Ino, respectively, were already waiting, greeted him when he arrived. A/N: I'm sure you'd know who is who by now right? crosses fingers and hope- horrifies dang, you don't!! What kinda Naruto fan are you?! Oh well, I'll describe them at the end of this chapter.
They had started without him, and Naruto, as usual was already wolfing down his 6th bowl.
"Finally without Karin around eh?" smirked Ino.
"Aa." Replied Sasuke.
"Seriously, its about time she made herself scarce." Tenten commented wryly.
"And seriously, I think you should consider dumping her, and either get a proper girlfriend or leave without one." Neji told Sasuke, in a very serious manner, as the rest of the clique agreed.
"Whatever." Replied Sasuke, rolling his eyes.
It was just after 9, when he reached home.
"Sasu-chan?" called out a gentle voice, which Sasuke turned towards to. From the kitchen, Uchiha Mikoto walked out. "Why you're back early today…"
"Hn, hi mom."
"I have good news for you." She told him, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
"What's it?" he asked.
"You remember the Harunos?"
Sasuke thought for awhile before replying."Aa. What about them?"
"Oh, nothing. Except that Haruno Ayako and her family has moved back into Konoha and are living just next door!!" squealed Mikoto. "I didn't quite believe Itachi, when he told me until I saw them myself. Anyway, we've decided to have a dinner with them tomorrowa Sunday evening to welcome them back." She added, smiling. "Make sure you're not out somewhere okay?"
The Harunos, eh? He thought… ya, he remembered them alright. A small family, whose son, Kakeru was Itachi's best friend in junior high. Whereas he, himself had often played with their daughter, Sakura-chan, as how how his mom always addressed her, which led him in to calling her using the suffix, while his mom would spend time cooking, baking and conversing with Ayako-san. Ya, and there was his father too, playing a game of golf or sorts once in awhile with the head Haruno. Yup, he remembered, they were literally friends of the family.
While trying to recall more of the Haruno family, Sauske made his way up to his bedroom, located at the left end of the second storey hallway. Tossing his top which he had took off, onto his bed, he made his way across the room, opening the entrance to a mini balcony. Settling onto the tiled flooring, he looked up onto the sky. It was one of his favourite things to do, that Sasuke kept secret. He often like to sit there in the night, and staring out into the mysterious night sky. It was a place that provided him with calmness and peace to sometimes think, or others just zone out. Little did he know, right opposite him, his house, his room, the exact same position, a pink haired girl was doing the same.
In the Haruno household,…
Haruno Sakura, was sitting in her very own, mini balcony, thinking to herself.
'Konoha sure has change a whole lot.' Then again, it was expected. Seeing how her family had lived away for ten years.
'The Uchihas, huh…' Just a couple of hours ago, over dinner, her mom had told her how they had unknowingly moved next to some old friends and they'd be having dinner tomorrow night. Sakura thought she was very unprepared to meet 'new' people, afterall the move was too sudden, just like how it was ten years ago. She sighed, she hated the sudden moves, hopefully they'd be staying put this time round.
Just then, a sudden burst of light came from opposite, and a figure walked out, settling himself the same way she had did. Although the distance between her and the figure was about ten meters apart, it was too dark to get a good view of his face.
Oh well, whoever that was, she was sure she'd get an utmost clear view of who he is and how he looked like. And with that, she got up, and made her way indoors and prepared to sleep.
A/N: Okay, erm so the end of the first chapter. I know its short but… anyway…
My very first fanfic. Hope everyone who read, enjoyed it. Pardon me for my poor command in English. I haven't like write a proper essay in 558826745893 years, so am very bad in descriptive and stuff. I'll try my best though… X
Oh, and here's the character description of the clique.
Okay, erm… Pardon me for accusations, cos I've decided to edit some or their appearance and characteristics.
Naruto: Blonde, with cerulean eyes. Loud, boisterous, mischievous, loves ramen.
Hinata: Long purplish-black bangs, hair that reaches her mid back. Pale-grey pair of eyes that makes her look blind. Quiet, and doesn't stutter in here, and has a stronger opinion. –Basically, a more grown up and mature girl.
Neji: Hinata's cousin. Brownish-black hair that's tied loosely at the end. Has the same eyes as Hinata. A similar sasuke like characteristics.
Tenten: Brown eyes and hair in which she lets down. Calm, and smart, similar to Neji except, more talkative, and less stern.
Shikamaru: Black hair up in pineapple-like pony tail, with black eyes. Genius but lazyass. Likes staring at clouds.
Ino: Blonde, blue eyes. Fringe covering left eye. Loud, bossy, talkative and loves shopping.
That's about all, I guess…
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