Lost and Found

Disclaimer: I haven't given up yet…but as of now Higurashi is still not mine…

Rena felt a complex mix of emotions. "Was this Oyashiro-sama's doing? Is he trying to get rid of me too?" Rena thought of various reasons why maggots would be crawling out of her skin. Rena felt around for her hatchet and brought it close to her.

For some reason holding the hatchet helped to calm her. Rena tried to think of what she should do next. Rena searched around and found the box of band-aids she kept hidden in case of an injury during her treasure hunting.

She placed the band-aids on her neck hoping to stop any more maggots from crawling out of her. Rena then proceeded to grab her bag and place her hatchet in it. She probably wouldn't need it but after everything she's been through, she just didn't feel safe without it. Rena looked out her window and saw that the sun was slowly coming up.

Rena walked out of the van and knew of only one place that could possibly help her. Normally she wouldn't consider this, but she was getting desperate. Rena began her walk towards the Irie Clinic.

As she approached the doors she tried to open the doors, but it was futile. Rena looked around for another way in. She found none. Rena chose to make her own. Rena smashed a nearby window with the bag that held her hatchet. Rena crawled in through the window and made it inside the Clinic.

If Irie didn't know an explanation to the maggots then maybe she was doomed to be cursed by Oyashiro. Rena wasn't exactly sure if he was even here this early in the morning. Rena searched the Clinic's rooms and offices and found nothing.

Rena was growing increasingly frustrated, she was running out of options. Rena than noticed a doorway at the end of a long hallway. One she had yet to check. She tried to open it but found it to be locked. Rena figured this was where the answers were. She took her hatchet out of her bag and used it to break open the door. Soon enough the doorknob broke and the door swung open.

Rena walked through the door and found herself walking down a dark hallway. "What is this place?" Rena was thinking to herself as she noticed strange rooms she's never seen before. "What is Irie-sensei doing down here anyway?"

"RENA!" Rena heard a voice that shocked her to her very core. She looked down the dark hallway and saw the figure of Keiichi appear before her.

"Hey Rena, how ya been?" Keiichi asked Rena ever so casually. Rena was shocked speechless. Millions of things were running through Rena's mind. "HOW!? KEIICHI-KUN WAS SPIRITED AWAY!! WAS MI-CHAN TELLING THE TRUTH!?" The thought that she killed her friends needlessly utterly petrified Rena.

Keiichi then got closer her to Rena and embraced her, something Rena has dreamed of for a long time. "Rena…I'm sorry for making you worry. I should have told you what was wrong with me."

Rena was finally able to form words. "What happened Keiichi-kun?...Why weren't you at Watanagashi."

Keiichi had a shameful look upon his face as he prepared to explain. "Well…the last day I saw you, I went straight to the Irie Clinic. I knew that something was wrong with me. Occasionally when I would hang around with you girls…I would feel as though I was in constant danger, as though some unknown person would try to kill me. I went to Irie-sensei seeing if he could help me. He told me there was a chance I had some disease called uhh… Hinamizawa Syndrome, I think he called it."

"But don't worry Rena, I'm all better now. That feeling is gone." Rena was silent. "I understand now Keiichi-kun. Rena calmly stated "Keiichi-kun….I love you."

Keiichi looked dumbfounded upon hearing this. Rena looked saddened by his silence. "Keiichi-kun…do you not love me?" Keiichi finally spoke. "I do Rena…I love you too."

Rena looked up at Keiichi likewise dumbfounded. "Really?" Rena asked hopefully. "Yes Rena, ever since I first saw you I think I've been in love with you. When I met you, I had so much fun with you. You helped me get through the problems I had. Back at my old school I was in the accelerated classes and constantly bullied because of it. I became withdrawn from other people. Rena…you helped me to become the person I am. That's why I love you."

Rena was silent for a quick moment, back soon leaped at Keiichi planting a kiss on his lips. Keiichi slightly surprised of the gesture, soon returned the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity they finally separated.

Keiichi felt a strange metallic taste on his tongue. "Is this…blood?" Keiichi thought to himself. Then Keiichi felt nothing. Rena, with lightning speed, slashed at Keiichi's throat with her hatchet. Keiichi's blood gushed out of his neck, painting the previously white hallway red.

Keiichi then fell onto the floor, dead. His blood splattered all over the small hallway.

Rena spoke to the corpse. "I understand now Keiichi-kun"

She slowly brought her hatchet to her own neck. "We'll be together again…everyone."

Rena sliced her neck with the hatchet as her neck gushed blood everywhere. Her blood splattered across the walls mixing in with Keiichi's. Her body fell to the floor on top of Keiichi's.

Rena and Keiichi's corpses seemed to be locked in a murderous embrace.


Character Status

Keiichi: Dead Rena: Dead Mion: Dead Shion: Dead Rika: Dead Satako: Dead

Author Notes: Well…how was that? Sorry if this story totally SUCKED! This was my first fanfic ever. Here's a little food for thought though, anyone notice how when Rena said the line "I understand now Keiichi-kun" I didn't explain what it was that she understood. So my little challenge is if you came up with an idea of what it was she "understood" then please visit my youtube page, which is "Rush619", and tell me what you think it is. If you REALLY want to know I will tell you her true thoughts, but I would prefer that you at least come up with something before. And to anyone who actually liked this story, I do plan to make a spin-off to it, which is basically the Kai reset version of this story, where Keiichi doesn't disappear and Rena is able to tell him her true feelings. The basic plot is the things that they go through as a couple. Hope you enjoy it so until then, Bye…