Title: His Majesty's Dog

Genre: romance, horror

Rating: M for violence, language, and lemonish scenes

Pairing: JohanXJudai

Summary: Judai Yuki isn't like other boys. With his quiet demeanor around other people and his naivete, he's become quite a misfit at his school. Even more unusual about him is his relationship with Johan Andersen, the hottest boy in school. But the truth is more mind-shattering that anyone could imagine. Judai is a powerful psychic and Johan is his guardian demon-dog, whose powers are fueled by Judai's kiss! And when Judai lets his "dog" off his leash, all vengeful spirits better look out!!

Me: Finally! The best, fluffiest story that I've ever written!

Lucy: While reading the story, "Her Majesty's Dog", Ke-chan came up with this idea!

Me: PLEASE! Even if you haven't heard of the story, please read this! I made many changes to the story!

Lucy: If you love fluff, and lots of it, please read this!!

Me: Please, please, please read this story!! Especially if you've loved my other ones!

Lucy: This is dedicated to "Immortal Fallen Angel", "Azul Angel1251596", "Johan's Lover 43v3r", "nyanyaneko", "KyoXSakiFan", "Pharaohess163", "Kiku-chan3322", "hermione494", and "Kellyq"!

Me: Please don't skip any lines! You'll get really confused and miss everything if you do!!

Lucy: Ke-chan doesn't own Yugioh GX or Her Majesty's Dog! If she did... Johan and Judai would be in the bed room with Judai moaning "Johan... Johan..." and Johan panting for Judai, saying things such as "Oh Judai... You're so-"

Me: WE GET IT!! Please enjoy the story!! This is one of the fluffiest stories I will ever write! And guess what... it gets fluffier each chapter!!

Chapter One: True Name Controller

"I heard that place is haunted!" a girl yelled. The small group of people around her all nodded, as if thinking over what she had said. Another girl looked at her confused, then something snapped in her brain, and she made a response.

"You mean the gymnasium storage room? I heard of that as well!" a black-haired girl said. The students had caught on to her conversation by this point, and were all waiting for her to continue the story.

"They say is you go in there at night, a ghost appears. She take sa bloody knife from her neck and says 'Cooome toooo meee...'. It's creepy!" the girl yelled. Some of the girls were flailing around in disgust, saying how gross and spooky that sounded. Suddenly someone spoke.

"Maybe it's the ghost of Makita!"

By this point, the conversation had caught the attention of the transfer student. Johan Andersen. Johan was amazing. He looked almost like an angel, with his teal hair that rivaled the ocean, and his emerald colored eyes, he was the envy of every boy in the school. He somtimes wore his school outfit, but today, he wasn't wearing the blue vest that went with his outfit.

"Makita?" he asked. Some of the students looked over at Johan, the girls drooling and giggling as he came into sight. Johan rolled his eyes and went back to the previous question he had asked a few moments ago.

"Oh! You wouldn't know since you just transfered here," a girl said.

"In Jr. High, she was bullied so much that she ended up killing herself! She slit her throat in the storage room. It was all over the news for a while back when it happened. The people who bullied her got expelled," the girl said. Johan nodded, slightly shuddering at the idea.

"Come to think of it, Shou, weren't you in his class?" the girl said, now addressing a smaller bluenette in the back of the class. Shou was wearing a red school uniform jacket, black jeans and red shoes to match, and he sported small glasses that rested at the bridge of his nose. He had gray eyes that were slightly sad.

"I don't want to talk about it. It's too depressing..." Shou said, folding his hands on the top of his desk. The bluenette looked at the ground with slight sadness in his eyes. He had been in Makita's class, but he didn't know her well.

'I don't have time for people who get bullied... I-it's not like I approve of what bullies do... But at the same time, I have a hard time feeling sorry for people who are pushed around by others,' Shou thought. He stared at the ground, when suddenly, a low beep interrupted him. Shou looked behind him and stared at the source of the beeping.

'They way I see it, people like that get bullied for a reason,' Shou said, facing the source of the beeping. It was a student in the back of the class, where no one currently was sitting, all by himself, trying to figure out how to use a cell phone.

It was a boy, possibly the same age as Shou. He was taller than Shou by a few inches. The boy had beautiful brown hair that was shorter in the back, but grew longer in the front. He had an orange mop of color ontop of his hair, mixing perfectly with the chocolate color of his hair. His eyes matched his hair in a perfect way, filled with a silence and mystery that no one could figure out.

The boy was wearing a red school uniform jacket, with white jeans and a black T shirt underneath it. He had red shoes that matched his school jacket perfectly. He had a frustrated look on his face, clicking away at his cell phone, trying to make it work.

'That boy, Judai Yuki, is a good example,' Shou thought, watching as the other students glared at Judai, a series of beeps coming from the cell phone he was holding. Shou sighed in slight annoyance, knowing full well what was going to come next.

"Turn off your damn cell phone, Yuki!" a girl laughed, earning a roar of laughter from the other students. Some of the others teamed in with their laughter, throwing insults at poor Judai, who was still busy with his cell phone to really care about what the people were saying.

"Yeah! Some of us are trying to learn here!" a girl yelled. Everyone laughed at her sarcasm.

"He's so stupid! How can he call himself japanese if he can't even use a cell phone!?" another girl laughed loudly. The other errupted into a fit of laughter, when suddenly, a pounding noise stopped them.

They all glanced over at Johan, who's fist had pounded on Shou's desk, startling the bluenette to almost no end.

"Sheesh!" Johan groaned as he walked over to Judai and placed his hand on the brunette's desk. "What are you trying to do, Judai?" Johan asked. Judai showed him the cell phone, a slightly confused look on his innocent face. Johan smiled warmly.

"Here..." he said, assisting Judai with how to use the cell phone. The other female students watched the scene, many of them jealous that the handsome Johan Andersen was talking to someone like freaky Judai Yuki!

Judai reached up and caressed Johan's cheek in his hand, staring deeply into Johan's emerald eyes. Johan stared at Judai with equal love in his eyes, setting a thrilling mood in the air. All the girls were on the edges of their seats, wondering what was gonna happen next.

Suddenly, Judai pulled Johan down so that their lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. Johan's eyes closed as he grabbed the back of Judai's head and made the kiss even more passionate. Judai closed his eyes and moaned lightly at the kiss.

"W-what the!?" the girls hollered. Shou blushed madly before turning away, his heart racing at a million miles an hour. The girls glared as Johan and Judai pulled away from one another. Johan had a goofy smile on his face, rubbing the back of his head and then helping Judai figure out how to work the cell phone.

Meanwhile, the girls were ranting.

"Geez! Around most people, he's a total ice king! But around Johan, he's a total flirt!" a girl yelled, her face flushed with anger.

"He's always making out with him in public and he doesn't seem to care what others think!" another girl yelled. The girls glared at the brunette.

"What does Johan see in that freak?" another girl growled. The three girls glared at Judai with pure evilness in their eyes, while Shou merely stared at Judai, unable to form words. he knew Judai was going to get bullied for that.

But he couldn't do anything to stop it.


Later That Day...

Shou walked down the hallway, sighing as his thoughts were taking over him. He was still thinking about what the other students had been talking about earlier that day. They had been talking about the ghost of Makita, someone who had been bullied. Bullied...


Shou gasped as a cell phone suddenly came flying from the gym storage closet. The bluenette gently picked it up and looked at it. Hanging from it was a pair of dice, small dice, used for accessory. It looked familiar.

"What's wrong with you, freak!?" a girl yelled. Shou glanced over and saw the three girls standing in the gym storage closet, their backs facing Shou. Kneeling down at their feet was Judai, his hand cradling his left cheek, which was now red.

"Yeah! Stop ignoring us, you stupid bitch!" the second girl shrieked. Judai merely glanced at the ground, his hand still placed over his wounded cheek. The girls growled in annoyance at the brunette. The leader glared evilly at Judai.

"Why won't you say anything!?" she yelled. Judai, once again, ignored the question and refused to make eye contact. That pissed the leader off. She cackled loudly before taking her gang out of the closet and slamming it shut, locking it tightly behind her.

"Stay in there until you learn some manners! Like all night!!" she yelled before she and her gang raced away, giggling at the deed they had just commited. Poor Judai had heard the rumors, and the poor thing would be terrified.

The whole time, Shou as watching this going on, a sad look on his face.

'Why doesn't he fight back? He's just encouraging them!!' Shou thought as he stared at the storage room door. He lowered his head and sighed.

'Makita was the same way. She just stood there and smiled, no matter how mean the bullies got,' the bluenette thought as he walked away from the scene, leaving the brunette in the closet. Shou wanted to help, but his morals wouldn't let him.

'Anyway, it's not my business. If Judai-kun wanted my help, he would have asked for it. I shouldn't go sticking my nose in other people's business...' Shou thought as he left the school building into the afternoon, leaving the school and the brunette behind.


Later That Night...

Shou glanced at the clock in his bedroom. He was clothed in a plaid shirt with a pair of black shorts to match. The clock read '10:19 PM'. Shou sighed and looked out the window at the beautiful night sky.

"He must have gone home by now... But..." Shou stared at his clock again, gulping as he wondered what to do.

At The School...

"I can't believe I'm doing this! He must've gone home by now!" Shou said, unlatching the door to the storage closet that was located in the gym. He dropped the locks to the ground and slowly opened the door. As he did, he gasped.

Sitting on the ground was Judai, just staring into space.

"Judai-kun?" Shou asked. Judai glanced up at the bluenette, mild shock visible on his face. Shou's face twisted into one of confusion and anger towards the brunette for still being there at this time of night.

"What are you doing here!? Why didn't you call for help!?" he yelled. Judai stared at Shou as if confused before his face went back into a face of calmness and no fear what so ever was in his eyes.

"They told me to stay here all night," the brunette said bluntly. Shou gasped and the glared even more venomously at the brunette.

"And you just do what they day!? geez, Judai-kun! Are you out of your mind!?" the bluenette screamed. Judai merely stared at Shou while he continued his rant about Judai's behavior, his rage getting the better of him.

"The reason they keep bullying you is because you let them! You have to stand up for yourself!!" Shou yelled. Judai bowed politely, startling the bluenette who was smaller than the brunette.

"Thank you. I humbly accept your advice," Judai said in a kind voice, showing that he was perfectly serious about what he was saying. Shou stared at Judai in shock before stammering out his come back towards the brunette.

"Stop bowing! I wish you'd show some backbone. I can't stand people who won't speak their mind..." Shou said, slightly embarrassed to be speaking to an older person in such a way. But seeing as Judai wasn't fighting back, he continued.

"It's not fair to the rest of us if you-"

Before Shou could finish, the storage room door suddenly slammed shut, trapping the two high school boys inside of it. Shou gasped as he raced to the door and jiggled it, trying to get the door open.

"W-what!? What's going on!? The door won't open!! Is someone out there!?" the bluenette yelled. Judai merely stared at the back of the storage room, a venomous glare in his brown eyes. Shou looked back at Judai.

"Judai-kun? What are you looking a-" Before Shou could finish, a drop of blood splattered onto the ground.

The blood suddenly appeared, and with it, a see through person. The person was a girl with light brown hair that fell to her shoulders, her head lowered so her eyes weren't visible. She was clothed in a red school uniform, the skirt ending at her knees. Jutting from her throat was a bloody knife, sticking deep into a cut on her throat.

Where her throat had been slit...


"EEEEK!!" Shou hollered as the ghost came into view. His gray eyes were wide with terror as he stammered out his reply.

"N-no... it can't be... A-are you really... Makita?" Shou whispered as the ghost reached up and grabbed the knife in her neck. She pressed the knife in deeper and started shifting it around, making more blood come from the wound in her throat.

Shou gasped as the ghost pried the knife from her bloody neck, holding it up. Her gray-green eyes were wide with a sadistic murdering lust. Shou was about to scream, when Judai suddenly stepped in front of Shou protectively.

"Tell me, what was Makita's first name?" Judai asked. Shou stared at Judai in confusion.

"J-Junko... But what does that matter at a time like this!?" the bluenette yelled. Judai inhaled deeply before exhaling and speaking.

"A name is a word of power. They identify our place in the universe. And there are those, like me who can use names to manipulate others," the brunette said. Shou could only stare in slight terror.

"W-what are you talking about?" he asked, his voice trembling with terror. Judai smirked slightly and then spoke again.

"In other words, if I know her name... I can control her spirit," Judai said in a slightly creepy voice, making Shou shudder. The bluenette shuddered before pulling away from Judai for a quick second and covering his ears.

"H-huh!? I have no idea what you're talking about!" Shou said, screaming when the sotrage room door suddenly opened. He spun around and gasped.

"Johan-kun?!" Shou yelled as Johan walked into the storage room. He was wearing a white short-sleeve shirt, black jeans, his white boots, and a blue fishnet vest over his shirt. Johan smiled at Judai and Shou, seeing the ghost, but obviously not caring.

"Hello, boys. Looks like I got here just in time," Johan said, smiling warmly at Judai. Judai stared in confusion at Johan and the door.

'He was able to open the door?' Judai thought. He then shook it off and walked up to Johan, patting his shoulder and making for the exit of the storage room.

"Well, you know the drill. Good luck," the brunette said bluntly. Johan cast an annoyed glare at Judai.

"And what if I don't feel like it?" he said in a cold, defiant voice. Judai suddenly cast a cold glare at the bluenette, sending waves of terror through his body as Johan stared into Judai's angry brown eyes.

"Are you going to disobey me?" the brunette said in a cold, daring voice. Johan shuddered and looked away, sweat pouring down his face.

"N-no! Of course not, your majesty!" he stammered, terrified of what the brunette could do to him. While they were exchanging glares, Shou was staring at them in shock and confusion. Johan and Judai didn't seem the least bit frightened in the face of danger.

'What's going on? I don't sense their usual lovey-dovey vibe,' the mini bluentte thought. As he pondered that, Judai grasped Shou's wrist and slowly started dragging him towards the exit.

"Let's go," he said. Shou glanced back at Johan in confusion. Johan was facing the ghost, his body tensed and almost placed in a springing position. He didn't seem to be following the two boys, which confused Shou to no end.

"Huh? B-but what about Johan-kun?" Shou asked. Judai ignored the question and dragged Shou into the hallway, starting to walk away down the hall towards the exit of the school. Judai didn't turn to face Shou.

"Don't worry about him. No mere ghost will get the better of Johan," Judai said. Shou was amazed, and terrified at the same time.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that Johan-kun is psychic?" Shou asked. Judai didn't answer for a moment, as if thinking something through.

"Not quite..." he said before turning around, a serious look in his chocolate eyes.

"He's just my beast," Judai stated in a serious voice. Shou blushed, his heart racing at a thousand miles an hour at Judai's words and how calm he was about it. He had never heard someone speak about something so strange so calmly.

'H-his beast? That sounds kinda kinky, doesn't it?!' Shou thought as Judai dragged him away.


Johan cracked his knuckles as he faced the female ghost, a smirk placed gently on his lips. He yawned and cracked his knuckles again.

"All right, then. Let's get this over with," Johan said in a bored tone. His nails then suddenly grew into slighty longer claws as his eyes became more menacing. He then raced at ghost, yelling a battle cry as he did so. The ghost suddenly phases away as Johan leaped for it.

"Whaaaa!?" Johan yelled as he skidded across the hard floor. He slowly sat up and rubbed his nose, his claws turning back into normal nails. The blunette glanced around, notcing that the ghost was no where in sight.

"What the Hell?" Johan asked quietly, standing up and then racing to where he believed Judai and Shou to be.


"Damn! The door is locked!! But it was open a minute ago!!" Shou yelled, shaking the handle to the door that led from the school to the outside. He went to the window and jiggled it, praying for it to open.

"The window, too!" he groaned. Suddenly, his cell phone started ringing. Shou looked down at his phone in confusion before pulling it out of his pocket.

"Huh? Who's calling me at this time of night?" the little bluenette asked. He pulled out his cell phone and looked at the screen.

Caller: Junko Makita.

"AAAAGH!!" Shou screamed, flinging the cell phone away from himself. The phone clattered to the ground, a sudden drop of blood landing on the screen. Shou gasped as Junko's ghost appeared beside him, knife raised over her head.

Judai suddenly shoved Shou to the ground, the ghost swinging the knife, cutting the ends of Judai's hair, barely making any difference in his hair at all. Judai looked over at the ghost, his eyes holding a glare.

"Could this spirit have defeated Johan? No... It wasn't interested in him. It's after one of us!" Judai stated. Shou looked over at cell phone as it kept ringing, the caller ID coming up as "Junko Makita". Shou covered his mouth in shock. This was too much!

"Marufuji! Is there any reason Makita would hold a grudge against you?" Judai suddenly asked. Shou looked at Judai like he was crazy.

"What!? Of course not!! I didn't bully her! I admit that I didn't go out of my way to help her, but it isn't like anyone else did either!!" Shou hollered. Judai nodded while Shou continued to speak.

"Besides, she never asked anyone for help! She killed herself!!" the bluenette screamed. Judai looked at Junko and narrowed his eyes.

/Did you hear that, Junko Makita? You have no reason to haunt this place as a ghost/Judai said, his voice sounding strange. It was definately his voice, but there was an eerie echo to it, almost like it... could speak to your very soul.

/Stop this... Junko Makita.../ Judai said, trying to be reasonable with the creature. Junko smirked, her wide eyes remaining the same as they had been, wide and murderous. Judai raised an eyebrow at the ghost's lack of speaking.

"What are you doing!? You can't use logic against a ghost! We have to run!!" Shou screamed. Judai ignored the blunette, for he was too busy staring in confusion at the spirt before him. The ghost sported a sadistic look, making it seem vicious.

"That's odd. The ghost isn't responding..." Juai whispered in utter shock and terror. He then gasped.

"This isn't Makita!" the brunette yelled, startling Shou out of his skin.

"Exactly!" Johan's voice rang out as he suddenly appeared in the window, sitting in the window sill. He waved at the boys, who were both staring at him in shock and confusion. Johan smiled at Judai again.

"The window... how did you open it...?" Judai whispered. Johan leapt down from the window sill and stood on the ground.

"Easy. It wasn't locked. Niether was the door..." the bluenette stated, pushing the front door open slowly. He then looked over at Judai and Shou, a playful smile on his lips as he spoke the next words slowly.

"When you think about it, who was the one person who couldn't open any of them?" he asked. Judai and Shou gasped. Judai's brown eyes narrowed again and he nodded slowly, understanding everything that was going on.

"It's all clear now..." he stated. The cell phone was still ringing, causing Shou to shudder violently. Judai looked over his shoulder at Shou.

"Seems she really wants to speak with you..." the brunette said. Shou shook his head and scooted away from the cell phone.

"N-no! I don't want to pick it up! It wasn't my fault!!" Shou screamed. He covered his ears as to try and cancel the ringing, but it still came through his ears. Shou couldn't take it anymore. It was too much for him to handle.

/Shou Marufuji!!/ Judai's voice suddenly said in the same echoed voice as it had been when he had spoken to Junko's ghost. Shou gasped when he heard Judai's echoey voice say his name, as if it was ringing in the back of his head.

/Answer the phone, Shou Marufuji! Listen carefully to the voice. HEAR THE TRUTH!!/ Judai's voice echoed inside Shou's mind. Suddenly, Shou's hand started moving in a jerky movement towards the cell phone. Shou couldn't control himself as he raised the cell phone and placed it near his ear. He hit the talk button.

"Why didn't you just talk to me about it!?" a voice on the other end of the phone yelled. Shou gasped as he heard a voice on the other end of the phone. He knew this voice, he knew it so well.

It was his own voice.

"Why did you have to die!? You could have come to me! If you had talked to me about it, I might have been able to help you!!" Shou's voice said over the phone. Judai stepped up behind Shou and stood behind him.

"It seems that... you were the one with words that you never got to say..." the brunette said. Shou shivered, unable to take the phone away.

/Look at it!!/ Judai commanded, causing Shou to snap his head up and look at Junko's ghost. As he did, he gasped.

The ghost no longer resembled Junko. Instead, it resembled a bluenette with glasses and gray eyes, tears streaming from his eyes. Shou gasped again. He stumbled back, unable to look away from the image of the bluenette.

"T-that's me..." Shou whispered. Johan stepped up beside Shou and folded his arms across his chest.

"Your sense of responsibility is so strong, that all this time you've been blaming yourself for the death of your classmate. And all that guilt manifested into a vengeful spirit," the bluenette said. Shou, still holding the cell phone, looked at the ground.

"I... I saw that she was in trouble, but I didn't do anything about it. All I had to do was talk to her... be a friend to her... But I was too afraid. And ever since then, I've been lying to myself, blaming Makita for not asking me for help..." Shou whispered.

''I hate people who get bullied'. But the one I hate the most is...' Shou closed his eyes, tears streaming from his closed gray eyes, fogging up his glasses.

"I'm such a coward..." he whispered. The phone buzzed for moment before his voice repeated his words on the other end.

"I'm such a coward..." it said. Suddenly, the spirit lunged at Shou, the knife aimed at him, ready to stab him and end his life.

"Now you die!!" the ghost hollered. Shou covered his ears and screamed, tears streaming from his closed eyes.


"Johan! Stop her!" Judai called, pointing at the creature he wanted the bluenette to attack. Johan folded his arms over his chest and looked away, his nose held into the air in a snotty manor. He 'hmphed' before adressing the brunette.

"Hell no!" Johan stated in a stern, yet playful voice as he turned his head away, his gaze aimed at the wall as to avoid eye contact with the brunette. Judai turned around and glared at the bluenette with cold brown eyes, a scowl on his lips.

"You dare disobey me at a time like this!?" Judai hollered, anger visible in his voice. Johan slowly looked over at Judai with his green eyes and smirked evilly at the brunette, showing that he wanted something in return for saving the smaller bluenette.

"What can I say? I'm starving!" Johan said, emphasizing the word. Judai glared at the smirking bluenette, compelled to the idea that Johan would even think of eating before rescuing someone. Judai wanted to slap Johan for being so ignorant towards his master!

But, Shou needed to be rescued...

Judai suddenly reached forward and grabbed Johan's shirt. He pulled the bluenette to his level and pressed his lips firmly against Johan's. Johan gasped, his eyes widening at the sudden movement. He then slowly sank into the kiss.

Johan cupped Judai's cheek in his hand and placed his other hand on the back of Judai's head, crushing the brunette's lips against his own. Judai moaned weakly into the kiss, feeling his lips grinding against the bluenette's. Johan moaned imwardly at the feeling of the brunette's lips against his own.

Judai's pure energy was filling Johan, causing the bluenette to moan in pleasure. Johan always enjoyed Judai's energy. It was so wonderful inside his body, filling him with a light only humans could possess. A pure, pure feeling...

Johan slowly broke the kiss, his green eyes slowly sliding open as Judai's eyes gently slid open. They both then cast a glare at the spirit that was about to take Shou's life, the two creatures pissed that some low-grade spirit would even attempt something like that.

Judai threw his arm into the air, a strange monster made of flames forming behind him and leaping into the air. It leaped towards the ghost, tackling it to the ground so the monster was pinning it to the ground. When all cleared, the sight was shocking.

A creature that was similar to a wolf-dog, only it was much larger. It was a silverish blue color with beautiful emerald eyes. The creature had sharp claws, making it seem like a terrifying monster. Its fangs were huge, like a tiger's fangs. The creature had horns on its head, long horns like an antelope almost.

"Gah... no... Die... Die... Die!!" the ghost hollered, squirming underneath the dog monster's claws. Fianlly, the monster crushed it, making the spirit vanish under its claws. The ghost fizzled a few moments before fully vanishing.

Shou scooted back a few feet, pressing against the wall, trembling in terror at the creature standing before him. The small bluenette couldn't believe what he was seeing. Shou hugged his knees and shivered in pure terror.

"W-what are you guys...?" Shou whispered. Judai glanced over at Shou as the wolf monster stood and walked over to Judai. It slowly took shape, turning into s blue glow and then transforming into a human shape. When the light vanished, Shou gasped.

Standing where the monster was was Johan. He was different in some way. He was wearing a blue vest-jacket that came to his ankles that sported many belts and chains, a black sleeveless shirt underneath it, black pants with blue leather straps on the legs, and purple-blue boots. On his arms were black arm bands and black forearm bands.

His hands were claws, long nails that looked deadly and ready to kill. Johan's eyes were the same, but they were filled with a certain mischief and malice, meaning that any evil spirit better back off. Johan looked so eerie right now, and very attractive.

"I told you, didn't I? I am a Master of names. By knowing a true name, I have the power to control others with a power called kotodama..." Judai said. He sighed as Johan walked over and laced one arm around Judai's shoulder, placing his head on Judai's shoulder and running his fingers through Judai's brown hair.

"People with this gift are called Manatsukai," Judai said. The brunette then smiled at Johan, leaning back so he was snuggled against the bluenette's warm chest, feeling safe in the monster's arms. Johan embraced Judai in the backwards hug tighter, as if being protective of him.

"Johan is my koma-oni, my guardian demon. He watches over me, and in exchange, I let him feed off my life force. You could say he's like my dog," Judai said. Johan nodded and snuggled further into the nape of Judai's neck.

"N-no... This can't be real!" Shou whispered, backing up against the wall, trembling as Judai broke free from Johan's embrace and walked forwards, knealing down so he was at Shou's eye level.

"Blaming yourself won't bring Junko back to life. But even if you can't forgive yourself, there are things I must ask you to forget..." Judai said. He then inhaled, and closing his eyes, he spoke.

/You will forget everything that has happened, Judai said in his echoed voice, using kotodama to control Shou. Shou shuddered, but gasped as he heard Judai's next words.

"But you came to help me tonight... and I want you to know that I am grateful..." the brunette saidm lowering his head. He then looked up and smiled warmly at the smaller bluenette, a smile that no one had ever seen on his face touching his lips.

"Your kindness... means a lot to me..." Judai said in a warm voice. Shou stared at Judai in shock before feeling his vision fading. He then collapsed against the ground, hearing Johan shuffle forward, then having everything turning black to him.

The bluenette's world went black, and his memory of the night went with it.


The Next Day...

Judai sat at his desk, still trying to figure out how to use his cell phone. Johan was currently sitting in the bacl of the classroom, back in his full human form as he watched the brunette struggle to work the phone. He wanted to help Judai, but the brunette had said he wanted to figure it out without Johan's help to see if he could.

"Look at that idiot!!" a girl who had locked Judai in the closet yelled.

"Omigod! He still hasn't figured it out!?" another girl cackled, causing an uproar of laughter from the other girls and students. Shou sat in the back of the classroom, his memory of last night completely gone. Shou looked over at Judai.

'Oh no... He's being bullied again...' the bluenette thought. He thought long and hard, and then came to a life changing desicion.

Judai suddenly gasped as a hand reached for him and waited in front of him. Judai glanced up at the person, gasping when he saw Shou stand before him. Shou had an embarrassed blush on his face as he stammered out his next words.

"Let me see that, Judai-kun. I'll teach you how to use it," he said. Johan smiled at Shou and Judai, feeling happy that a human was being kind to the brunette for once in his life. Judai stared in shock, as did the other students. Judai suddenly smiled and handed Shou the phone.

"Thank you... I'd like that..." Judai said, a smile gracing his pink lips as Shou blushed and laughed lightly, taking the cell phone and showing Judai how to use it.


Me: Kawaii!!

Lucy: Indeed! Johan and Judai are made for one another! I swear!!

Me: Okay! How did I do, and what did you guys like!?

Lucy: Remember, there are a few words you must know now!

Manatsukai: a person who can control people by knowing their names. (Judai!)

Koma-oni: a demon who serves a human, and in exchange, feeds off their energy. The koma-oni is always loyal to their master (Johan!!)

Kotodama: the power to control people using their true name

Me: Yay! Please tell me what you gusy enjoyed! I honestly hope I didn't disappoint!

Lucy: Chapter two will be up soon! As well as the other stories will!