Chapter eight is here! The chapter title is a song from the fabulos musical Phantom. No, not The Phantom of the Oprea, just Phantom. Same story, different version. It's not very well-known, because of the Andrew Lloyd Webber show kinda eclipsed it. Still, it's really great and I highly recomend it. Maury Yeston wrote it, for the record.

Chapter 8: A Diva's Work is Never Done

The quartet of stowaways had separated after Ana Maria had finished beating Elizabeth. They were all a good distance away from each other. Will had tried to be with Ana, but she rejected his advances, saying she wanted to be left alone. She had to threaten to beat him and assure him this is what she really wanted numerous times before he would back off.

Jack grunted and squirmed around, trying to get comfortable, but quickly gave up. For relaxation is impossible when you are curled up against a tree and the night is very wet and dark. He had been sitting in the same spot for several hours, trying to sleep. However, due to his aforementioned discomfort, sleep was impossible.

"I need rum," Jack muttered to himself sleepily. "Rum is a wonderful drink. Takes away all the execrable things in the world."

"Jack," called a playful, seductive voice. "Jack Sparrow."

Jack blinked. "Ana Maria?"

"Of course, Love," replied Ana. "Come over here."

"Oh good, I managed to fall asleep," said Jack. "I know this because my previous actions have induced a state of anger towards me in your rather lovely head. Due to said discontent you would not act in such a charming manner towards my humble person. Therefore I can only conclude that I am dreaming, for I do not recall acting in a way that would stimulate hallucinations. Since I'm dreaming, I must be sleeping."

Ana laughed. "Oh Jack," she purred. "You're so funny."

Jack blinked again. "You understood that?"

"Does it matter?" asked Ana. "Come here. I've got rum." There was the sound of a cork being pulled out of a bottle, and the sweet aroma of rum wafted towards Jack.

"Mmm. Most defiantly a dream, but to hell with that. I'll take it." Jack stood up and started swaggering towards Ana and the rum.

Ana's laugh sounded through the misty jungle. "Hurry up!" she called. "I have something planned, but we won't have time to do it if you don't speed up!"

Jack grinned happily. "Something planned, Love? Care to divulge your scheme?"

"Now, I can't do that," said Ana, teasingly. Her voice seemed to be farther away. "I can say it would be considered absolutely scandalous in proper society."

Jack lengthened his stride. "This had better be good."

Ana laughed again. Her laugh was closer. "C'mon Jack!"

"I'm comin'," said Jack, breaking out into a jog. "I'm comin', Love."

"Good." Her voice was farther away.

As the night progressed, Jack played this game with Ana's voice. Her voice came tantalizingly closer and farther away. Jack was beginning to think that his previously called dream was a nightmare.


Elizabeth certainly looked worse for wear. Her right eye was blackened, her lip was split, and one of her ribs was bruised. She twitched as she slept, curled underneath a tree. Her dream was one of those weird ones that you can never remember when you wake. The ones full of color and sound.

Then suddenly a voice. "Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth was suddenly awake. She bolted upright. Her bruised rib sent a sharp spasm of pain through her body. "Will!?!" she cried out.

"Elizabeth!" Will called again. "Please come to me. I'm sorry! I didn't mean what I said about Ana. Please. I'll do anything."

Elizabeth shook her head. "N-n-no, Will. Don't. Don't do this to me. Not again."

"I'm sorry," said Will's voice. "Please come to me. We can talk about this properly. I wish I could…"

Will left that sentence trailing. He never was good with words, but his voice was filled with the regret and sorrow he was feeling.

Elizabeth pursed her lips. It seemed like Will was telling the truth. He was never able to lie to her.

Elizabeth stood up, using the tree to support her self. Her bruised rib stung even more. "Alright, alright."

She began walking towards Will's voice, her rib making it's complaints known. Little did she know that she would spend the rest of the night battling the jungle and thinking various versions of "William Turner the Second you are an arse."


"Perfect," muttered Ana. She wasn't happy. Well, people who are tired, bruised, have a thing for complete assholes and a having moonstruck fool who is in love with them whom they have no interest (except for making their beloved notice them) are generally discontented.


She looked up at the mention of her name. "I don't want to have to deal with you again, Jack!" she called back.

"Ana, Love! Where are you?"

"I'm here, you blundering oaf. If you want something come over here."

"I can't, Love," replied Jack sounding a little awkward.

"Why not?"

Jack's next words were barely audible. "My foot's stuck in a tree root."

Ana's mouth dropped opened and her eyes widened. "How the hell did you manage that?"

"I am not inclined to speak about that," said Jack stiffly.

Ana let out a long, gleeful laugh. "Only you," she managed to get out.

"Stop mocking, Ana," called Jack. "Come and help me!"

"I'll do it. I'll do it," said Ana, still chortling. She stood. "Wait, where are you?"

"I'm here."

"Can you be more precise?"

"How am I supposed to be specific?" asked Jack. "I've got no clue as to where either of us is."

"Fine, fine," said Ana. "I'll just follow your voice. Keep talking."

"I believe that's the first time you've ever told me to talk." Jack's tone of voice told Ana he was smirking.

"I have had no reason to tell you to talk, because once your mouth starts, it never stops," explained Ana.

"You're hilarious."

And so, Ana, like Jack and Elizabeth, began chasing the voice of a former love.


A scream pierced Will's not-so-peaceful sleep. He sat up feeling slightly dizzy. "Wha?"

"Help!" a female voice screamed. "Oh, God! Stop!"


"Will?" Ana called. "Please help me!"

"I will, I will," said Will, standing up. His heart began racing like a thoroughbred. "Where are you?"

"I'm over here!"

"Where? What's happening?" Will began wildly looking around, trying to find Ana. He pulled his sword out of his belt, thankful he had taken the time to search for it.

"I don't know! Ow! Ow!" The last ow was elongated like a wolf's howl. The sound sent shivers up Will's spine.

"Don't worry, I'm coming," said Will. He began running towards the sound, but promptly crashed into a tree.

Pinpoints of light flashed before his eyes as he fell onto the ground. He grunted in pain and stood up again, feeling slightly unsteady on his feet.

"Will!" Ana screamed again. "Hurry!"

"Hold on!" Will called back. He resumed his chase, staggering left and right.


Eros grinned, pleased with his handiwork. The four castaways were now running around in circles, pursuing the voices of their beloveds. He had set up this illusion very carefully. If all went well, they should arrive at the beach where the big ship with black sails was stationed just before sunrise.

Will ran into another tree, making Eros laugh. Making Will collide into trees was probably uncalled for, but it certainly was funny.

The night progressed with the calls of the very, very confused quartet penetrating the quiet. Then at last, young, rosy-fingered dawn appeared in the eastern sky and the four castaways arrived on the shore where the ship was.

Because Eros had timed the delusions perfectly, Will and Elizabeth collapsed next to each other, as did Jack and Ana Maria.

Call Eros a bastard with the attention span of a two-year-old (which he is), but when he puts his mind to it, he can cast some pretty kick-ass illusions

Eros took an arrow out of his quiver and fitted it onto the bow. With extreme care, he aimed the arrow at Will. When he was sure he wasn't going to miss his target, Eros released the arrow.

With the speed of a bat out of hell, the arrow flew towards Will. It hit him square on the heart.

Will's eyes opened. He saw Elizabeth lying next to him.

"'Lizbeth," he murmured. The name came from his lips in reverent tone, as it should be. "You're hurt."

He tried to sit up and check her wounds, but instantly collapsed back down. Eros had hit Will on the back of the head with his bow. Bloody, stupid, noble mortal.

A sigh of relief left Eros' lungs. His mission was accomplished.

He looked at Elizabeth's and Ana's wounded bodies. It was really a pity to leave such pretty forms in poor condition.

A small voice in the back of Eros' head spoke up. 'Remember what happened the last time you acted on a whim.'

Eros ignored this sensible little voice and leaned over Elizabeth. He extended his arm and focused his powers into healing her. A golden light came out of his hand. Soon she was as good as new. Eros repeated the process with Ana Maria.

When he was done, Eros dropped his bow and stretched. He turned around to face the ocean. It truly was a beautiful sight. The sun's light was dying the sky a wonderful pink as it climbed. The golden orb was entirely visible.

"Oh crap," swore Eros, his memory suddenly triggered. He had forgotten his meeting with Davy Jones. Trying to placate Hera had distracted him. A wave of fear swept through Eros. He wasn't scared of Jones at all, but the horrible consequence for breaking a River of Styx oath was pretty scary in his eyes.

He bent down to pick up his bow, but before his finger tips had touched it, he heard his named being called.

Instinctively he looked up. Psyche was standing there, wearing a simple white chiton. Eros could never recall her looking so livid.

"Ah, Dearest," said Eros, rubbing the back of his neck. "Um- this isn't the best time. I have to meet somebody and I kinda missed the appointment time." He picked up his bow and tried to zoom off, but Psyche grabbed one of his wings as he flew by her.

"This is a perfectly good time." Psyche snarled and dropped her husband.

"Ah he." An uneasy smile spread across Eros' face.

Psyche didn't beat around the bush. "Is it true that you slept with another woman?"

"If I tell you the truth will you let me go to my meeting?"

Psyche pressed her lips together and crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe."

"Listen; maybe we should go somewhere else." Eros nodded towards the mortals.

"Here is fine," said Psyche. "The mortals are too deeply asleep to notice us. Now stop trying to change the subject."

"Right." Eros took a deep breath. "Yes, I slept with another woman. I'm really, really, really sorry about that and I have spent the past one hundred years regretting it." He said the confession as fast as he could, hoping the meaning would become garbled. Despite his efforts, Psyche got the gist.

"How dare you," she said, her hands balling into little fists.

"It was only once." Eros cowered.

"You still did it!" said Psyche. "I, however, never so much as looked at another man in that way!"

"That's a lie." Eros saw the fierce look in Psyche's eyes. "Then again, you might be telling the truth…"

Psyche took a deep breath. "Who was she?"

"Queen Isabella."

"The Queen Isabella? One of my favorites?" Eros thought Psyche had looked angry before. It was nothing on how she looked now.

"That's the one," he said, a little squeak in his voice.

Psyche let out a howl of rage. "How dare you!?! She was my favorite mortal. What made you think you could betray me like that!?!"

Eros didn't know what to say to that. What had come over him that one night?

"Fine then," said Psyche. "As punishment you will stay here, on Ogygia, until I can find a better prison to put you in."

"What!?!" yelled Eros. "You do can't that."

"I just did."

Eros let fly some choice swear words before saying, "My mother won't stand for this!"

"Oh turning to mummy are you," cooed Psyche. "Most of the Olympian goddesses agree with my punishment and not even your mummy cares to challenge all of them."

"What goddesses are backing you up?"

"Hera, Athena, Artemis (well, she just wants to see you locked up), Hestia, and Demeter," Psyche shot back. "And any god you could ask for help is wrapped around the finger of one or more of those goddesses so don't bother asking them for help."

Eros groaned miserably. Why him?

"I'll see you soon," said Psyche, before disappearing in a shower of golden light.

Grumbling swear words, Eros teleported himself to his meeting place with Jones.

"You're late," said Davy Jones. "What took you?"

"Long story. You see I kinda -"

"What makes you think I want to hear it?" asked Jones. "Now fix this." He pointed at Calypso and Gibbs curled up together on the hammock.

"Fine, fine," said Eros, preparing to shoot Calypso.

"Wait," said Jones.

He walked over to the hammock and gently picked up Calypso. She squirmed a little, but quieted soon after. Jones nodded his approval to Eros.

Eros placed an arrow on his bow, aimed and let the arrow fly. For the second time an arrow hit Calypso in the chest. She woke up and smiled when she saw her true love's face.

"Davy," said Calypso. "I just had the strangest-" She saw Gibbs and abruptly stopped talking.

"It wasn't a dream," said Calypso, her voice twisted in disgust. "What? Why? How?"

"It doesn't matter," said Jones, setting Calypso down. "Here," he said gruffly handing her a gold chain with an emerald on it.

"You found it!" said Calypso. She didn't gasp of squeal, but her voice was full of genuine thanks.

Jones kissed her in response, and Eros imitated the sound of vomiting.

The retching noise made Jones and Calypso pull apart and glare at Eros.

"Leave us," ordered Jones coldly.

"Can't," said Eros.

"Why not?" asked Calypso.

Eros reluctantly explained how Psyche had come to him and questioned him about his affair and how she trapped him one this island.

Calypso laughed. "I knew I liked your wife. Good for her, taking revenge."

"Yeah, yeah, whoop-dee-do." Eros scowled. "My question is, how did she find out?"

"I told her," said Davy Jones. "I had Iris send a message to Olympus about your adultery. If I'm not mistaken, she told everyone."

"Y-y-you," sputtered Eros. "Why?"

"It was your punishment for breaking your oath." Davy shrugged.

Eros face contorted in his rage and he pulled his hand back, preparing to blast Jones in to smithereens.

A/N: Elizabeth dropped Will's sword when she crashed into Jack in Chapter Six. I'm going to add it in after I post this.