Title: Laundry Day
Author: Mahtalie
Summary: Flirtations in the laundromat. Oh, and Dean has a cold.
A/N: Just a short scene that kept going through my head. My first ever "Supernatural" ficlet/drabble. Shout-out to Mad Server for the beta-work - thanks so much! :)
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
The steady hum, soothing warmth, rain drumming against condensation-streaked windows, all add up to a level of contentment not felt by Dean in quite awhile. Even the nagging ache behind his eyeballs, compliments of a head cold he picked up god-knows-where, fails to bother him as tired eyes watch the cute brunette several dryers down. 58
A glance up, a flash of pearly whites, hair tucked behind an ear. Dean returns the smile, inviting. Ruins the moment a second later as a wet sneeze explodes from nowhere. Gives his nose a swipe, shrugs, grins again. She giggles and pretends to focus on her laundry.
Sam appears, throws Deans boxers in his lap. "You want to fold it? Or cut to the chase and throw them on her floor?"
A lazy stretch, a sly smile. "Only chicks like you fold their underwear."
And this is where I ask for reviews! :D Let me know what you think!