AUTHOR'S NOTE: This particular story is inspired by the Hanna-Barbera comics, issue number 8, which featured "Frankenstein Jr and The Impossibles" (This was in 1996). The story isn't exactly based on the comic, though, as some of my OC's from my Impossibles origin story appear. This is a slight revision of my original story. I got a review saying he/she thought I was relying too much on my OC's, so I decided to at least try and fix that.

Our story begins Civic City, at the home of the brilliant inventor, Professor Conroy, and his heroic son, Buzz. Professor Conroy was working on an experiment, but was interrupted when the doorbell rang.

"Now who could that be?" he asked, walking to the door.

Before he could see who it was, he was hit over the head and knocked out cold. The mysterious visitor then, amazingly enough, opened the door to the room that contained Frankenstein Jr, who was deactivated at the time. The mysterious visitor then somehow blew a hole in the wall, pulled out a remote control, and pushed a button on it. A large magnet was activated and Frankie was drawn directly to it. The magnet was in the back of a large boxed truck. Frankie was thrown into the back. The mysterious visitor jumped into the front of the truck, and drove off, taking Frankenstein Jr with him.

Later that afternoon, Buzz returned to the lab, and suddenly stopped. It had been completely torn apart!

"Dad!" Buzz shouted. "Dad, where are you?"

"Under here, Buzz," Professor Conroy said, pushing some of the debris off his back. Buzz ran over to help dig him out of the mess.

"Are you okay, Dad?" he asked. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure exactly," Professor Conroy said. "I was working on an experiment when the doorbell rang, and I went to answer it. The minute I opened the door, something hit me over the head, and knocked me out. Whoever it was must have torn the lab apart while I was unconscious."

"Great scoundrels!" Buzz shouted. "This looks like a job for Frankenstein Jr!"

Buzz turned to the room where he kept Frankenstein Jr., but then he noticed the gigantic hole in the wall.

"He's gone!" he shouted.

"Gone?" Professor Conroy asked. "What do you mean gone?"

"Frankenstein Jr.'s gone, Dad!" Buzz shouted. "Whoever wrecked the lab must've stolen Frankenstein Jr."

"But who could've done it?" Professor Conroy asked.

Buzz began to think it over. Then he went to his Super Crime Computer, and punched in some buttons.

"None of Civic City's usual villains have escaped from prison," he said. "This must be a new one."

"Well, whoever it is," Professor Conroy said. "Or even whatever it is, I think we're going to need some help."

"You said it, Dad," Buzz replied. "Lucky for us, I know just who to call."

Buzz picked up the phone and dialed the operator. Professor Conroy stood by and watched.

"Who are you calling, Buzz?" he asked.

"Hello, operator?" Buzz asked. "Get me Megatropolis six eight one four. It's an emergency!"