From Emerald Skies
Yay, it's Mello!
Uhm, I really think you should have won instead of Near. :D
Anyway, here's my questions.
1) What do you think of Misa's dressing style? No doubt you've seen it.
2) Has Matt ever attempted to get you to crossdress?
3) Was Matt angry when you shot up his PS2?
4)Do you have a favourite band?
To Emerald Skies
As do I, and I'm glad you agree.
1. Her Gothic Lolita? It's okay, but it doesn't work on her. I mean, she could pull off the Sweet Lolita look no problem, but she's too girly for the Gothic. The whole Lolita thing doesn't really do much for me in general.
2. Uh... I can't say as he has. I might have got him to do once or twice... he didn't really complain much either!
3. Yeah, very. He would probably have chucked it at my head if I wasn't still holding a gun.
4. Not really. I like the bands I stated before: Korn, Die Toten Hosen etc. Matt's trying to get me into his crap music. I'm getting to like Three Days Grace actually...
From flamablechoklit
First of all I would like to state that near has nothing on you. The only
reason he's in the position he is, is because he has other people do the dirty
work for him. You are a credit to humanity, Mello. And the reason near's name
doesn't get capitolised is because he is undeserving. I feel bad enough for
mentioning you both in the same paragraph...
1. When you ran away from Wammys, did you have any kind of plan? Or was it
just spontainious?
2. I've read a lot of fics where you like to play Russian Ruelette. If I'm
not mistaken, that requires a revovler. And I'am assuming you own more than
one gun. If so, what kinds?
3. This is crude, but do you wear underwear? Because I've read that you dont,
and my perverted side wants an answer.
4. This isn't a question, but I feel the need to tell Matt he pwns all
To flamablechoklit
I like you already.
1. I didn't really have a plan at all at first. I had entertained the idea of running away before, but I didn't have a sensible plan of action.
2. I do actually own a revolver. More than one revolver. My weapon of choice is my custom handgun; it's easy to carry around and it works best for me. I've used bigger guns before now, which are fun. Using an AK47 was good, but I'd never be able to lug one of them around without getting arrested! I have a few semi-automatic pistols, my favourite of which is a Beretta Elite.
3. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It depends on the weather; my trousers make it a little difficult to go without boxers sometimes.
4. Okay then.
From Penguini
Hello, Mello. I have some questions...
1. What were your biological parents like?
2. Why is Roger such a douche? Do you think it's because he probably hasn't
gotten a sexing in awhile?
3. What's your ethnic background? I'm just curious.
4. Obama or McCain? Or would you rather just stay out of politics?
5. What will you do once you get diabetes from eating so much chocolate?
6. Don't you ever get sweaty? I always end up getting sweaty and feeling
uncomfortably sticky when I wear leather.
I'd ask for a hug, but I suspect that you're feeling a bit irritated, and
maybe even slightly violated because of the rabid fangirls. You accept a hug,
and next thing you know, you've been raped. And you're just not sure how it
happened so fast...oh, I'm ranting. Anyway, thank you, for sacraficing your
innocence to satiate your fan's curiosity. Although, I'd imagine that you're
not that innocent.
To Penguini
1. My father was a banker, my mother worked in a shop. They had an abusive relatioship and are now both dead.
2. Ahahaha! I think he was just born that way.
3. A mix. Half English, quarter German and a quarter French.
4. Obama because I can't stand the idea of another Republican in power.
5. 'When' I get diabetes? I think that's a very small probability. And I will continue to eat chocolate of course. Carpe Diem.
6. Yeah, I do. But it's worth it.
Umm... right.
From Kit-Kat Punk-Lover
Aloha! :D I love you! Here is five pounds of chocolate!
Now here are my questions!
1. If you were stuck in a room with Kira what would you do?
2 Who would you rather kiss Near or Beyond? :D
3 Can I have a hug and a kiss on the cheek?! :D
4 How many times in your lifetime have you've been mistaken for a girl?
5. Tell Matt he rocks!
Bye now!
To Kit-Kat Punk-Lover
Uh... okay, thanks for the chocolate.
1. Shoot. Him.
2. Beyond. He may be a maniac, but Near is Near.
3. You can have a hug OR a kiss on the cheek. Choose.
4. Twice, and neither of those people will make that mistake again.
5. Will do.
From EllarieKeehl
Hey Mello! You're my favorite character in Death note! I love you! but i'm 1) If by chance a girl with brown hair and blue eyes ran up and kissed you, 2) If someone came out with this new chocolate that is supposed to be 100x 3) if I was to tell you I made that 100x better than milk sorry for that last one, it was just a question anime sweat drop
not one of those crazy, glomping fangirls...anyway, here are my questions:
would you shoot her, or get angry at all?
better than regular Milk Chocolate, would you give anything/do anything to get
chocolate...chocolate, would you kiss me?
To EllarieKeehl
1. I'd be very angry. This girl wouldn't happen to be you, would it?
2. Not anything, but I would like to try it very much.
3. Not of my own accord. If I was forced to do so in exchange for the chocolate then maybe.
And you said you weren't a crazy fangirl...?