A Snippet of AGATB

In a partially lit room a girl with brazen red locks and vexing green eyes perches on the edge of a bed. Sitting beside her is a small brown suitcase. She stares at her reflection in the mirror and brings a crescent moon necklace that she has wrapped around her fingers next to her face, allowing it to catch the flickering light of the candle on her vanity. The candle is blown out and the screen becomes pitch black.

Voice Over: "To see the light.."

Sound of horse shoes colliding with cobblestones, hurried footsteps, and a door slamming.

Voice Over: "One must immerse themselves in the darkness"

Gemma slowly looks up at the tall, imposing building that is Spence Academy and knocks twice in a hesitant manner.

Voice Over: "To be accepted by others"

The screen is drenched in pastel colours creating a dreamy atmosphere. Various girls skip and twirl around the gardens of Spence. One girl loses her hat and goes back to retrieve it before linking arms with her friend and laughing. Several girls lies casually under a tree, and whisper and giggle. Gemma looks up from the book she is reading and sighs.

Voice Over: "One must be able to know oneself"

Gemma reads Mary Dowd's diary under her blanket using the light glow of a candle sitting on her bedside table. Her lips are parted as she is deep in thought.

Voice Over: "And to believe.."

Four girls sit cross legged on the floor of a dusty cave. Their hands are joined and their eyes are closed. The camera pans around the room to reaveal each girl's facial expression.

Voice Over: "One must travel beyond the realms of their imagination".

One of the girls (in awe): Where are we?

Wisps of white clouds glide across the rich blue sky and a lush garden sits neatly beneath the sky. Blades of grass glitter as they are illuminated by the sun. A sparkling river can be seen in the background. White blossoms fall like snow from several trees which sway gently in the breeze and the camera zooms in until the garden disappears into a blur.


Birds eye view. The four girls, wearing garlands of flowers on their heads, run down a path with brambles and trees parting the way for them


(Unsynchronised, random flashes)

Gemma touches a column and a creature reaches out a clawed hand. She steps back in horror and collapses in a whirlwind of colour.

Kartik and Gemma are silhouetted against the moon and Kartik pulls Gemma toward him passionately.

Two pale hands tighten corset strings, knocking over a goblet of rubies and berries in the process.

A woman in a dirty blue dress runs at a frantic pace along the streets of Bombay and disappears into an alleyway.

In a tornado of smoke and fire the realms are barely visible reflecting the remnants of destruction.

Gemma presses her hand against a pulsating door of light before plunging into a bright flash of light

(Title gradually appears on the screen against a black back drop):


Gemma (whispers): The great and terrible beauty of it all…

I guess there's been a bit more news on the movie so that's quite exciting because hopefully it's going to go into production sometime soon. Is anyone else excited??
