A/N: Yay, chapter 6! Okay I'm co-writing this with FuturerMrsCullen aaaaand we do not own twiligh… nor Emmett :'(

So enjoy!


The Secret Life of Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale

Chapter 6

"Oh, Emmett!" Alice heard Rosalie moan from her room. Apparently, she and Emmett were doing some marital businesses.

"Rose, come for me, baby," Emmett growled.

She shrugged and opened the door to their room, just as Emmett was saying, "C'mon, babe!"

"Alice!" Rosalie yelled as she saw her. "What do you think you're doing?" She covered her half-naked body with the sheets.

"You do realize we're kinda busy, right?" Emmett chuckled.

"I know," Alice smiled and shrugged. "But I had to tell you. Edward is coming back."

"Yay," said Rosalie dryly.

"Now, GO!" ordered Emmett.

"But… I saw him! He – he's…" Alice started babbling and, as a relief to Rosalie and Emmett, Jasper's pale hand appeared at the door and pulled Alice out.

She close the door behind her and Emmett grinned, showing his dimples, "Now, where were we?" He traced a liune in Rose's arm with his finger.

"No, I'm not in the mood anymore." Rosalie muttered as she stood up, the sheets being sort of a dress to her.

"Oh, c'mon! Next thing you're gonna tell is you have a headache!"

Rosalie smiled but stayed firm in her decision, "No."

"But –," Emmett whined.

"Nuh-uh," she snapped, heading towards the bathroom. "No buts."

Emmett sighed and collapsed on the bed, "Yeah, I noticed no butts."

Rosalie came back from the bathroom, fully dressed now, and sat beside her husband. He pouted and gave a nasty look to the clothes Rosalie was wearing. She tried in vain to stifle a laugh.

"Don't be so sad," Rosalie tried to comfort Emmett. "We have a lot of time to do it."

"But – Oh! We have to do something with that door!"

Rosalie chuckled, "I know, I know… we have to do something with that monster. But anyway, hurry up so we can go downstairs."

"Great, so I can kill Alice?" Emmett asked.

"No, so that I can talk to her about Edward." Rosalie frowned.

"Oh, right!" Emmett said. "Eddiepuss is coming back."

Rosalie stood up and threw some clothes at Emmett, who mumbled incoherent words as he put them on.

When he was done, Rosalie grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him. Emmett smiled against her lips and began to unbutton her shirt. Rosalie pulled back and looked at him reprovingly.

"Okay, later!" exclaimed Emmett finally giving up.

A/N: Hey! Didn't you like Rose and Emmett's marital businesses?? LOL. Anyway, there are cookies for everyone who reviews! I'm sorry the chapters are so short, but I promise we'll try to make them longer. Hope you liked it.

