Bella's POV

"It's been a year," I whispered to Edward as we laid on the massive white bed that Alice had provided for us. For my prolonged 'sleepover'.

"I know, Love" He murmured into my hair. I was laying on his perfect bare chest, wrapped around in the unnecessary blankets.

"Do you think she's alright?" I asked him, breathing in his heavenly scent.

"Yes. Emma is strong. With everything she has lived, in her last years, and her final human months with us, I don't think she would be a threat to the people of Forks."

"I believe so. I do think Immortality suits her," I smiled. "I just cant help but to miss them," I said honestly.

"Of course, you cant. He is,-they are your family. But love, you know how important this was for Joseph. You know he wanted some time away from this place, especially since the werewolves would be more intent on Emma. After their wedding day, Sam never stopped sending the dogs to watch Her."

"I don't think the La Push pack, is oblivious to the fact that Joseph, along with the help of Carlisle, changed Emma. Wouldn't they start a war?" I asked.

"No. Emma is part of them. And it was her choice, without force, to be transformed. She chose to end her life. The Pack has nothing left to do, if they know, to except that a member of their tribe, has become a cold one," He said. I could sense that his godly face had a beautiful crooked smile upon it.

It is Ironic how everything has turned out. It has been almost two years since Luis and Sarah gave their last goodbye. And it has been a year since Joseph and Emma got married. It was a useless attempt to have tried and looked for the rest of our coven. Especially if we had no trace of where they were. Most importantly, we had to respect that fact that they need to be on their own.

Joseph , Emma and I still lived in the King household. The Cullen's had humbly offered us to join them, but we respectfully refused. Rosalie threw a fit, but with a little help of Emmett she understood. She wanted us to be a family again, and as much as I tried to explain to her that we are, she wanted to tie us together.

Three days after their wedding, The newly married King couple, left to their indispensable Honeymoon. Leaving me living with the Cullen's. Edward and Rosalie couldn't be happier. And Emmett and Alice didn't miss an opportunity to torture me.

"Bella!" Emmett yelled, before I could Hide under the sheets, he came bursting through the door.

"Emmett!" Edward growled.

Emmett had his giant butterscotch eyes, open wide. "Where you two…doing the dirty?" He said pointing at me. Wiggling his dark eyebrows.

"Um Em, it's not what-"

"Rosie! Edward is violating your sister!" He shouted before I could finish. He looked back at us, with a smirk on his face, that was quickly wiped away as he delayed his gaze at us. "And I could see Edward's friend!"

"Bella," Edward sighed, irritated. "Please," He said pointing at Emmett.

"No. Don't! Rose-"

"Sorry," I laughed as I concentrated on him. Emmett became as still as a statue. His mouth was still open from his previous attempts of yelling.

"Bella!" Rosalie groaned loudly as she came into Edward's Bedroom. "Would you get dressed, and unfreeze my husband," She said giving me a harsh look.

I gave Rosalie a sheepish smile. "We really weren't-"

"Of course not," She said rolling her eyes. She looked at the perfectly still body that belonged to her husband. And a smile swept along her beautiful face. "It's actually quite peaceful. Maybe we should leave him petrified for a couple of hours," She said with a smug look on her face. So we weren't the only ones that thought My brother-in-law could get annoying. "But then again, the nights do get lonely," She winked towards Edward and I.

"Edward, we have…company," Alice hissed from downstairs.

Edward stiffened at my side, and let out a small growl. "Get dressed," He said through His teeth at me. Rosalie closed her eyes, and Edward jumped off the bed, speeding off to find some clothes, and in the same speed dashed downstairs.

"What is that about?" I asked Rosalie as I fetched my jeans off the floor.

"How could you still be immune to the smell?" She said roughly, as I finished changing. "Unfreeze Emmett, we might need backup," She said. "I'll meet you downstairs,"

I flicked my index finger on the Grizzly's pale forehead, and he came back to life. Sort to speak. "Im telling Rose!" He said sticking out his tongue at me.

"Hey! She wanted to keep you like that for days," I said to him.

He looked momentarily shocked. "Nah-uh!"

I rolled my eyes. "Let's go downstairs Brother," He smiled at that, and placed me on his back. In a blur we were racing downstairs. I saw as Esme's white walls, were just an illusion, until Emmett came to a sudden stop. Making me fall from His back, and onto the rug. "What's up, with everyone?" I said springing onto my feet.

"Hello Bella," Said a raspy voice, that I would recognize anywhere. Sitting on the Cullen's red couches was Leah Clearwater and Jacob Black. Both looking rather uncomfortable, knowing exactly where they were. And who they were dealing with. Both seemed as if they weren't breathing. Right. Our scent is as bad to them as their scent is to everyone else without a heartbeat in their bodies.

"Hey Jake," I said politely, but slightly confused.

"It's Jacob," Leah sneered.

"I prefer Jake," I said to her. She hissed softly. Jealous Bit-

"What are you doing here mutt?" Jasper asked. "Do you want to repeat what happened at the Meadow?" He continued. There was something strangely scary, when Jasper Hale was trying to be mean. He is intimidating when He is as calm and smooth as a Yoga trainer. "You better have a good reason. Or I'll personally tear your head off," He growled.

"Whoa Whoa. What's with the inhospitality?" Jacob asked form his seat. "I thought this blonde was suppose to be nice," He added.

"Your pack tried to kill his family. And his wife," Edward replied to him harshly.

"Dang. You think you could forget about the past," He mumbled.

"You killed my brother." I snarled, remembering the events. "And you tried to kill me! Why Jacob? I really thought….or was I stupid enough to believe it?" I asked, feeling foolish.

"No, Bella. Your not an imbecile for believing me. I actually….I do like you Bells-" Edward and Rosalie hissed as he said this"-Its just I have a loyalty. And that belongs to the Quiliute pack. I cant go against what I was raised to believe for anyone, you or Emma,"

"She might not be one, be you surely are an Idiot Jacob Black," Leah said to her mate. "Being friends, with them."

"We are not friends," I said to her.

"The point is,-" She said rolling her eyes. Ignoring me. "We came here to finish our Job," The vampires behind me all crouched, ready to launch themselves at the wolves. Even Esme, was on the go to destroy her picturesque home. "We aren't here to fight Leeches," She said grunting, most to her displeasure.

"Then what is your purpose in my home?" Carlisle asked, calmly. Always the polite one.

"Sam has had, what we call an epiphany," Jacob said casually. Like the Cullen's and him were the best of friends. "He has realized many things for this past year and a half. He has-"

"Gone soft on us," Leah interrupted.

"What she said," Jacob said, shaking his head out of annoyance.

"And what does this have to do with us? Who cares if the dog doesn't want to kill the cat?" Rosalie said to Jacob.

"Well Blondie, Sam has had a change of heart. He wants to apologize to Emma, and yes we are aware that she is one of you," Jacob said, scrunching his face. "We are not fools, you know? Just because you Bloodsuckers have been around since the Stone age doesn't mean you-"

"Get to the point Jake," I said. I was starting to get annoyed. Edward and I had better things to do. And not that it isn't charming having your natural enemy sitting on your couch , sharing small talk.

"Sam wants to protect Emma. He doesn't , however, want anything to do with her. He isn't about to start his brother/sister bond with her. But they are family, and family sticks together, regardless of what they are or their past," Jacob said. Probably the most mature and decent thing that has come out of the pack.

"That's very noble of Him," I gave Jacob a small smile.

He returned the gesture, "Well we aren't animals," He said chuckling, and I joined him.

"What exactly is he protecting her against from?" Edward said, glaring at Jacob. Oh my. Is my Edward jealous? I think I might like having Jacob Black around after all.

"There are others," Jacob said, loosing the playful tone. "We found their trial on our side of the land,"

"We would have seen them coming," Jasper said pointing at his wife.

"No we wouldn't," I said to him. "It's on their side of the Forest. Alice cant see their territory. They are her blind spot, remember?"

"The psychic leech is dysfunctional?" Leah let out a small harsh laugh.

"And the pack thinks there is a danger?" Alice asked, ignoring Leah and the fact that she had just made fun of her. "Emma is on her Honeymoon. She wanted to respect her other half, she wanted to be away from Forks and La Push while she grew accustom to this lifestyle," Alice continued. "There is no harm for her here. You mustn't worry,"

"We know she is gone," Leah snapped. "But, like my mate said, Family is family. And although it doesn't please any of us, Bella is her family. Her sister-in-law if you wish,"

I laughed. "Your protecting me?" Why would I need protection? Especially from the people that tried to kill me? "From Who?"

"Him," Jacob said pointing towards the other end of the living room.

We followed his gaze. None of us noticed that the door, silently, was opened. And standing at the door way was a tall figure. He was wearing blue denim jeans, roughly torn around the right knee. He was also wearing a grey button-up shirt, followed by a blue coat. His hair was a dirty-blonde color. His hair was wet, drenched from the rain coming outside, which stuck amongst his pale cheek. He had crimson eyes, their was something to them, almost a sensation that they were lethal.

There was something about him. Something that called me. He was staring back at me. Looking inventively at my face. Almost as if I was drawn to him as well. As if I called to him too.

"Isabella?" He asked. His voice was unpredictably sweet. Too smooth for someone who looked like a real vampire. Someone who would pounce on you, and kill you in an instant. "It's been a while," He whispered with his accommodating tone.

Everything clicked. His voice, his face. I gasped. "Nathan?"

The End


Hey People!!! Thanks for everything!!! For those who enjoyed this story a super-duper great big "THANK YOU!!!!". Im really glad my story appealed to you guys.Pepa333: Hey Love!! Thanks for all the great reviews you have given this story. And you right. Without you I wouldn't have done it. TriGemini: Hun! Thanks so much1 Really. Without your amazing comments and reviews I wouldn't have known where to take this from, or what to add more detailed with it.

Thanks to all :]

At first it was just something to help me get rid of writer's block, but the more I kept writing the more people liked it. SO thank you. Really._

So is this the end? Maybe.;)
