65. Horror

Well, there's a first time for everything, thought Bill as he paced beside the kitchen table. "Has Victoire told you anything about this boy?" he questioned his wife.

"No, but I'm sure he's a good kid. And you don't need Teddy's help to scare the boy witless," responded Fleur, holding back a laugh.

"But Teddy has always helped me interrogate Victoire's dates. This is the first one he's missed. Ever. And he's so much better at cracking them than I am. I mean, he usually knows something about them!" Teddy had always been his accomplice and played the 'big brother' role when he spoke with (to) any boy that was interested in his daughter.

"Papa, what time is it?" Victoire asked from the kitchen doorway, completely ready for her date tonight.

"6:20. Did you tell the boy that he must come to the door to get you?" responded Bill as he took a look at his daughter. If he hadn't known better, he would've assumed that she was just going to Hogsmeade with her friends. Even though Victoire wasn't exactly girly, she still was usually a little more dressed up for her dates.

"I forgot to tell him about that, but I know he'll figure it out," replied Victoire. "Only 10 more minutes!"

"Victoire, I don't think I've ever seen you this excited for a date before," put in Fleur.

"Oh Maman, I don't I have ever been this excited for a date before. He's so kind and caring with everyone! And he can always make me laugh. I really, really like him," she giggled.

"What house is he in?" asked her father.

"He's a Gryffindor, though the Sorting hat considered him for both Ravenclaw and Huffelpuff, too."

Sounds like he's a bit too-. Bill's thought process was interrupted by the doorbell. He glanced at the clock. 6:30. Right on time. He made his way to the door while Victoire and Fleur stayed behind. They had gone through this process many-a-time. He opened the door, only to find a turquoise-haired boy. I guess he could make it after all. "Ah, Teddy. The girls are in the kitchen, as usual. We're still waiting for Victoire's date. I don't like him so far. Seems a little too nice, if you know what I mean.

Teddy simply shrugged as he followed Bill to the kitchen. As he entered the room, he heard Victoire shout his name and braced himself for the coming impact. They both grinned as he swung he around. He glanced at Bill's face, and as of yet, the older man hadn't figured it out. He set Victoire back down and gave her a peck on the cheek, grinning at her giggles. He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her back to her parents, awaiting Bill's instructions for the night.

Victoire sniggered at the look on her father's face. She had revealed her date's identity to her mother earlier that day.

"I'll have her home by 10:00, sir. And we'll just be over at the boardwalk, if anything comes up. Is there anything else I need to know?"

Bill chuckled at the boy. "Teddy, can I speak with you privately for a moment?"

"Of course, s-sir," stuttered the boy as he followed Bill into the family room.

"It seems that you've forgotten my name, Teddy."

"No, si- Mr. Weasley."

"You're not in trouble, Ted. I just want you to know that I trust you with Victoire. I think you love her as much as I do. And my name is Bill." He smirked when he saw the flash of fear in Teddy's eyes. "Victoire," he called. Once she appeared, he suggested that the couple leave while they still had time for a date. He felt his wife's arms wrap around him as the teens closed the front door.

"Oh, you can't tell me you didn't see this coming. So, how did it go?" Fleur asked him.

"I think the kid may have a new boggart."

"What did you tell him?"

"The truth," sighed Bill.

"You're horrible!" chided his wife jokingly, swatting his arm.

"Teddy can handle it."