Sex - Definition: Uchiha Sasuke. Foreplay - Definition: Something you should not be caught in the middle of for risk of death by embarrassment…
Yeah...random, I know, and short to boot.
This started as a HinataxGaara, but I wanted a...more talkative person to be honest. The HinataxGaara was ending up 10 pages long and very dramatic. I'll save that for later :D
There is no lemon :) You can imagine one if you like.
Warning: A few references to sex :P
"Sa-Sasuke." Hinata squealed at the taller man picked her up and threw her onto the black leather couch. Considering the fact that it was only noon and both had just come back from a very dirty mission, Hinata had a right to be surprised.
"Rig-Right now?" She hissed, white eyes wide. "I'm caked in mud and my hair is greasy." She said before noticing that she had just told her boyfriend that she was a mess. A large blush formed on her face and she covered her open mouth.
"I don't care." The stoic man said with a shrug. "You also have morning breath, but you don't see me complaining."
Hinata's blush only deepened. "You smell." She said, scrunching up her nose, obviously trying to ignore her boyfriend's insult.
"You do too. I still want to do it." He said as he jumped on top of her, immediately trying to unzip her jacket. Hinata squirmed and finally the couple fell to the floor in a heap of ripped clothing and messy hair. "See what you did? If you had just let me have my way with you we'd be on the comfortable couch. Now, I guess we'll be doing this on the floor." He said seductively, kissing her bare collarbone.
"Sasuke! At-at least me shower." She complained, trying desperately to push him off of her small frame.
"Maybe I want to have dirty sex." He complained, sitting up. He straddled her in just his black boxers while she still had her pants on, but no shirt.
"I…I don't though." Hinata said with a pout, something she learned from Sakura. - The master of guilt trips. It had no effect on Sasuke, however, since he had grown immunity to all of Sakura's antics.
"You're opinion means nothing to me at the moment." He said as he unzipped her pants and began pulling them down. At twenty-one, Hinata could always have said she had never had sex on the floor…until that day. At least she thought that until the door burst open, revealing Naruto, Sakura, and…Neji?!
"What the fu-," "Oh my-," "SASUKE'S GETTING LAID!!" Neji, Sakura, and Naruto yelled.
Hinata, who was appearing more and more like a deer in front of headlights, couldn't move. Sasuke rolled his eyes, stood, and began pushing the intruders out of his house.
"What are you doing with my cousin?" Neji growled out.
Sasuke glared. "Whatever I want to. She's my girlfriend." He said, slamming the door in front of the group, ignoring Sakura's moans of peril, Neji's anger, and Naruto's cheering.
"Can we continue now?" He asked seductively, smirk on his handsome face at his poor girlfriend's condition. She was frozen, eyes wide. "I'll take that as a yes." Sasuke said with a purr as he picked up Hinata, throwing her over his shoulder, and walked towards the bathroom.
"What are you doing now?" She asked timidly, scared of what the answer will be.
"You said you wanted a shower and I want sex so I think we'll just do both at the same time." He said with a chuckle. Hinata laughed, blushing from head to toe, and let her boyfriend carry her.
:D Sasuke's a very pushy person.
I think it would be very awkward if my friends caught me in that position...