Disclaimer: NO! I don't own Inuyasha! Why you gotsta be so meaaannnn?!
A/N: I don't feel like writing any chapters with them as babies. Buuuutttt if you want me to then tell me cuz then I'll just make EXTRA UNSEEN CHAPTERS!! You probably don't know what I'm talking, but you will in a minute.
Thirteen Years Later...
Somewhere in the woods...
"You're my hunny bunch, sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-umpkin! You're my sweetie pie! You're my cuppy cake,
gum drops! Snoogums boogums... You're the apple of my eye. And I love you so and I want you to know, that I'll always be right here. And I love to sing sweet songs to you! Because you are so dear!" Kimi sang. She was holding Higure's hand and swinging it back and forth.
"Must you touch me? And sing the stupid song?" Higure said all monotone.
"Uh huh!" she said cheerfully.
"You're so childish," he said.
"Be that way!" she said snatching her hand away.
"Alright I will," he said.
"You're a big meanie!" Kimi exclaimed.
"That may be so, but you're the one who wanted to go for a walk, so be happy I'm walking with you because I could have said no," he said.
"Well aren't we smart," she said.
"Thank you," he said.
"Grr! I'm going home!" Kimi shouted and ran away. Higure sighed and followed her. When he finally got back to the huts (which were now much bigger than huts...) Kirara was patting an unhappy Kimi on the back.
"Higure," Kirara started calmly. "I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU UP NEXT TIME YOU MAKE HER SAD!"
"Kirara, I'm sure he didn't mean too," said Shippo.
"Don't stick up for him!" Kirara said. "You should be on my side! We are dating you idiot!"
"I still have my own brain!" Shippo said. Higure walked over to Kimi. Kirara and Shippo weren't paying any attention because they were in an argument of their own. Higure sat down next to her.
"I'm sorry...," he mumbled.
"It's okay!" she exclaimed, glopming him. They both fell over.
"Get... off... of... me...," he said.
"Puppy ear!" she exclaimed, rubbing his ears. "Kawai! Kawai! Kawai!"
"Don't touch my ears!" he exclaimed.
"Kawai!" she exclaimed.
"Get off of me or I'll yank your tail!" he said, getting frustrated. Shippo and Kirara walked away a long time ago, aruing about what color a violet is, blue or purple... Higure grabbed hold of her tail, and Miroku walked randomly over.
"Woah-ho!" Miroku exclaimed. "Your fathers would not want you doing that kind of stuff!"
They both blinked then looked at each other. They then noticed what an awkward position they were in. They both jumped up quickly.
"It's not what it looked like!" Kimi exclaimed. Higure punched him in the arm.
"Ow! Okay, okay!" Miroku exclaimed.
"Better say okay," said Higure.
"Oh Jebus...," Kimi sighed.
A/N: Okay now is the Meet (Blah blah blah)!! That's when you get to know the Characters biography thingy!!
Meet Kimi
Age: 13.
Gender: Female.
Hight: 5' 2.
Body Type: Strong little chick.
Family: (Father) Koga, (Mother) Ayame, (Uncle) Ginta, (Uncle) Hakku.
Hair Color: Dark dark (almost black) brown, with a violet in it.
Eye color: Green (with no pupils, 'cause she's a wolf demon).
Skin Color: Pale, White fur (Yeah wolf demons have a thin layer of fur on their bodies, that ain't skin).
Clothes: Black mini fur skirt, black and purple armor, and black fur vest.
Likes: Food, violets, the color black, Higure, (oddly) kitties, vampires, music, family, Higure, friends, drawing, Higure, fighting, wolves, and Higure.
Dislikes: Birds, violence (unless she causes it), the color pink, tomatos, and whistles.
Goal: To get Higure to love her.
Extra: Kimi looks a lot like her mother, but has some of her father's traits. She's a pretty happy girl, but takes shit from no one. Very friendly to every one... which can be a good, or bad thing. Mess with her and she'll knock you out. Be nice to her and she'll be your best friend.
Meet Higure
Age: 13.
Gender: Male.
Hight: 5' 12
Body Type: Looks skinny, Gots lots of muscle though.
Family: (Father) Sesshomaru, (Mother) Rin, (Grandfather) Inunotaisho, (Grandmother) Meido, (Uncle) Inuyasha, (Aunt) Kagome.
Hair Color: Silver/White, with cute little doggy ears.
Eye Color: Orange/Brown.
Skin Color: Pale.
Clothes: Black kimono with blue designs on it (kinda like fluffy's).
Likes: Fighting, death, violence, rampaging, other peoples pain, reading, milk, family (sometimes), swords, wepons, demons, and Kimi (though he won't admit this).
Dislikes: The fact that he is not full demon, flowers, happiness, joy, bright colors, anything that shows any sign of happiness, and centipedes.
Goal: To admit his love to Kimi.
Extra: Higure looks dead on his father, but carries some traits of his mother. At an angle he looks like Inuyasha. He is not a happy person, and doesn't like being around happiness. Very blunt and stubborn. A lot like his father... If you catch him when he's not with himself he acts very... different.
Katie: You guys needed to know what they looked like so yeah.
Tom: Jebus, I thought this chapter would a lot longer...
Katie: Yeah, yeah... But remember peoples if you want chapters of them as babies you'll have to ask for EXTRA UNSEEN CHAPTERS!!
Tom:You can't get over that can you?
Katie: Nope. Now review before my vamipric monkeys minions get you.