A/N: New chapter. More Uchiha brooding but...ITACHI HAS ARRIVED!! He's currently one of my favourite characters along with Sai (I like the weird ones).

And Death Note had ended on tv!!!! *cries*. Hmmm, maybe I should update my profile then....

Code Geass is next up, premiering on my brother's birthday, on Monday nights at 9.30pm on ABC2. Am looking forward to it...

Thanks to: Everyone who reviewed. You boost my ego.

Parings: SasuNaru

Warnings: Shonen ai, (for once I don't think there's swearing)

Disclaimer: Stole the rights to Naruto but had to give them back in return to my newly bought Death Note volumes (which costs $15 EACH).

Please read and review

Skills of Seduction by Uchiha Itachi

Uchiha Sasuke was very pissed. Again!

His only love, the awesome, the magnificent, the beautiful…Ok, this is taking it a bit far.

His idiot of a crush (?) had received a love letter. By a GIRL! (Dun, Dun, Duuuuuuuuuuuun!)

Thus Sasuke was scared that his love (?) would be taken away from him by some snotty, bitchy (in reality: adorable, cute, kind) female…

And Sasuke hated being scared. Because this is Sasuke and Sasuke is NEVER scared/frightened. Thus he was hating the world (plus Naruto and unnamed girl) for making him scared.

Itachi (Sasuke's brother) through a telepathic connection (I thought that was only for twins…) had sensed his brother's distress and decided that this would be a good time to comfort him (I LIE!!! He wants to tease him!!!)

So this was how Sasuke ended up destroying one of his brother's guest rooms.

"You should know by now not to keep all your emotions repressed. Tsk,Tsk," Itachi said while he served Sasuke some coffee in his dinning room.

"How the hell do you do it then? I never see you lose control," replied Sasuke while accepting Itachi's coffee.

"That's what my co-workers a for."

"You sadis-" began Sasuke.

"Now, now. This isn't about me, this is about YOU! And of course the adorable blonde friend, Naruto."

Sasuke stared at his older brother suspiciously. "How did you know?"

Why does Sasuke even bother to ask? This was the all knowing and powerful Uchiha Itachi. One should never question his sources (for fear of death) or interrupt his wise teachings (...for fear of death). But because this was the all knowing one's brother, far inferior in all matters, we'll let it slide.

"You only ever get upset this much by three things. One. Fan girls. Two. Me (I'm so proud…). And three. Naruto."

Itachi paused in his wise teachings to take a sip of his tea.

"You did not come running from any evil fan girls so we can rule that out. I haven't done anything-"

Itachi paused in his wise teachings to see Sasuke had raised one of his eyebrows in sarcastic manner in response to Itachi's words.

"…lately. So the only thing it could be is your infatuation, Naruto."


"Crush. True love. Obsession. Whatever you want to call it."

"I see…"

With those final words Sasuke stood up to leave.

"Wait. Where are you going?" asked Itachi.

"Being here is pointless. I'm going to interrogate-"

"-persuade, Sasuke. Persuade. Interrogate is such a harsh word."

"Fine. I'm going to persuade Sakura to find out who was the girl who gave the love letter to Naruto. Then I'm going to-"

"Stop right there. I don't want the police to link me as an accomplice. Anyway I have already checked all my sources. No one knows who she is."

'You don't want to know who it really is…'

"Then how else can you help me?"

"I can tell you how to make Naruto yours…"



"Someone's talking about you NA-RU-TO," teased Kiba.

"Shut up!"


Naruto was having currently dealing with a(some) tiny problem(s).

Problem Number 1: The Love Letter

The blonde had, according to the letter, two weeks from now to decide whether or not he wanted to become this girl's boyfriend. At the end of the two weeks he must meet up with her at the location in which the love letter specified.

Naruto would very much like to have a girlfriend. But he knew next to nothing about this girl other than she could write brilliant letters. His dilemma: To be or not to be her boyfriend.

P. Number 2: Sasuke

Sasuke had been avoiding Naruto for two days since the 'Love Letter Incident'. Naruto had no idea how he pissed Sasuke off. The blonde did not want to apologise (because he thought he did nothing wrong) but he was getting kind of bored without Sasuke (in other words, he missed him).

P.N 3: Teasing

Since finding out about the Love Letter, his so-called friends had proceed to tease him. These include Sai, Kiba and Sakura.

But, Naruto being Naruto, was not finding these problems daunting at all.

'I'm screwed…'

Of course these problems weren't daunting at all.


"First things first. Don't go declaring your love for him. People like Naruto don't handle sudden things well. You must be subtle…"

Sasuke was now listening to the great teaching of the almighty one (aka Itachi).

"Make him aware that you're an attractive young male…"

"Hn?" 'Aren't I already an attractive young male…'

"Basically look hot and sexy. I know you can do it. You send out major sex vibes without even trying. Imagine his response when you actually put in some effort…"

(Oh. God. Must. Stop. Blood. Nose.)


"You can borrow some of my leather clothing."

"You have leather clothi-"

"These are the reactions to look for. Unintentional gazing. Avoiding eye contact. Blushing, ect…If Naruto acting like this then we know his attracted to you. Either subconsciously or soon to be consciously…"

Nodding along, Sasuke was actually listening to what his brother had to say for the first time since the beginning his adolesce.

"Naturally, because we all know that Naruto is gay at heart but doesn't know it yet, Naruto will be confused at this time. Either you attack or lay off in order for him to sort out his feelings…"


"What's bothering you, Sasuke? Is not my plan fool-proof plan-"

"Hn…what happens when the fan girls go crazier then normal at my…new appearance?"

"Hmmmm. Hadn't actually thought of that…Well Sasuke, this is to gain Naruto. Just remember that. I'll hold a wonderful funeral for you if worst comes to worst…"

"Itachi!" There are some people who would do anything for their families…Itachi isn't one of them.

"…" Itachi stood up and shuffled (dragged) Sasuke with him.

"I'll be able to come here for refuge right? Right?!" No one would ever make Itachi suffer the horror of…fan girls again. Shudder. Not even for his brother's safety.

"…" Itachi guided (pushed) Sasuke to the front door.

"Goodbye Sasuke," replied Itachi as he ushered (kicked) him out the door with a cheerful smile.

"Itachi? Itachi!"

You know, that cheerful smile eerily reminded me of someone……that's it! Sai! Maybe they're related somehow…