Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds, though I would like to.

Okay, so I know you guys probably hate me right now for taking so long to update. I really am sorry. Thank you to everyone whose been reading and been so patient with my slow updating. And thank you to everyone for reviewing! Thanks to you guys I have a hundred reviews! Well this is the last chapter, so I hope you like it. And thanks again!

Eight months later…

"Morgan stop fidgeting." Hotch ordered as he watched Morgan re-do his bow tie for what seemed the tenth time.

"It was crooked." Morgan said as he looked at himself in the mirror to make sure everything was alright.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say he was nervous." Rossi stated as he leaned against the wall beside the mirror.

"Morgan, nervous on his wedding day, never." Hotch answered sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"You ready Morgan?" Reid asked as he walked through the door.

"He's been ready for the last hour." Rossi stated before walking over to Reid and Hotch.

"Well, they're just about ready to start, so you can go in now." Reid stated with a smile.

"Let's go before he figures out there's a wrinkle in his tux." Rossi said as he and Hotch lead the way out of the room with Reid and Morgan following.

"There's what?"

"Nothing Morgan, let's go before Garcia comes and kicks your ass for being late." Hotch answered with a knowing smile.

"Agent Hotchner."

Hotch nodded for the others to go on and turned around to see Director Malloy coming down the hall toward him.

"I just thought I'd let you know that everything has been taken care of." Malloy said once he stopped in front of Hotch. "I had a nice chat with Agent Strauss and some others who've been causing some trouble. There won't be any problems with Agent Garcia and Agent Morgan's marriage." He said with a smile.

"Thank you director." Hotch stated as he shook the director's hand.

"No problem at all. Though I was wondering if you'd go with me to give Penelope her wedding present. I have a feeling it would mean more if you were there."

"Of course." Hotch said and turned to lead the way to Garcia's dressing room.

"Pen if you don't stop pacing you're going to ware a hole in the floor." Emily said making JJ laugh.

"I'm sorry; it's just that I can't help feeling I've forgotten something." Garcia said as she stood in front of the mirror to check her hair.

"We took care of everything Pen, don't worry." JJ reassured her friend.

"I know." She answered with a sigh before turning around to face them. "Thank you." She said and then walked over and gave both of them a hug.

"Hey, no crying. We've already had to re-do your makeup once." Emily said with a smile as she returned the hug.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"I swear if that's Reid again…" Emily said as she went to open the door. "Oh, hey Hotch." She said once she saw who it was.

"What's up?" JJ asked as she walked over to the door as well.

"The director and I just wanted to talk with Penelope for a second." Hotch answered. "And don't worry we'll make sure she's out in time." He added with a knowing look.

"Alright, but it's only fifteen minutes before she walks down the isle." JJ said.

"And she needs to be outside the doors in at least ten minutes." Emily added.

"We'll take care of it." Hotch said with a small smile.

The two girls looked at each other and nodded slightly before turning and walking over to Garcia to give her one more hug.

"Remember, no crying." JJ said happily before turning to leave with Emily.

The two men walked in and Hotch was about to close the door behind Emily when she turned back around and looked at them.

"If she's not out there in ten minutes we're coming to get her." Emily warned before leaving and closing the door.

"How are you Penelope?" Hotch asked with a knowing smile.

"Maybe just a bit nervous." She answered truthfully.

"Trust me; you're not the only one." Hotch said with a small smile and a laugh.

"Penelope, I just wanted to give you your wedding present before the ceremony if you don't mind." Malloy said.

"Sure director, but you didn't have to get me a present." Garcia said and blushed slightly.

The director smiled, reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a small black wallet. He held it out and, a bit puzzled, Penelope took it. She opened it and her confusion grew when she saw her FBI I.D. and badge.

"Look closer." Malloy said when he saw the confusion written on her face.

Penelope gasped and looked up at the two men who were smiling happily at her. "A promotion?" She asked nervously.

"As of today you are now a Supervisory Special Agent." Malloy said smiling. "You'll be over a portion of the technical department." He added happily.

"Sir, thank you, but I'd rather stay with Agent Hotchner's team." Garcia said and held the badge out to the director.

"You will be, it's just that you'll be in charge of a tech department as well." Hotch said before smiling slightly. "You don't think I'd just let you go again do you."

"Basically you'll be doing what you always have done except you'll have the title to go with the job." Malloy said with a knowing smile.


"Penelope, you deserve it. After everything you've done for the team and for the FBI in general it's the least they could do. I'm proud to have you on my team and to have you as a friend." Hotch said with pride filling his voice. He stepped forward and placed both his hands on hers before closing her hand around the badge. "You should have gotten this a long time ago." He said with a smile. "Now, we better be going before Emily and JJ come barging in here to get you." Hotch added with a knowing smile.

Penelope looked down and wiped the side of her eye before the tears threatening to escape ruined her makeup again. "Thanks Hotch." She said with a smile before throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him. He smiled and hugged her back before stepping back and smiling proudly at her.

"Thank you director." Penelope said and then hugged Malloy as well.

"You're more than welcome Penelope. Like Hotchner said; you, of all people, deserve it." Malloy said smiling. "Now let's get you out there before Agent Morgan has a stroke."

Penelope laughed and wiped her eye softly before taking Hotch's offered arm and walking toward the door. The director smiled and opened the door for them as they made their way out into the lobby.

"Finally." Emily said with a sigh as she and JJ walked up to Penelope. "We were about to come in a get you."

"I told you." Hotch whispered to Penelope, making her laugh and him smirk.

"Congratulations Penelope, I'll see you at the reception." Malloy said still smiling before giving Garcia a quick hug and going to get his seat.

"Are you ready Pen?" JJ asked happily.

"Most defiantly." Penelope answered.

"Good then let's get lined up; the music's going to start any minute." Emily said and then hugged her friend tightly. JJ handed Penelope her bouquet and then gave her a hug before going to stand in front of the door with Emily.

Hotch and Penelope followed and stood waiting for the music to start. Penelope took a deep breathe to calm her nerves. She looked down to check her dress and noticed she was still holding her new badge. Hotch followed her gaze and turned toward her slightly.

"I'll hold on to that and it will be waiting for you when you get back from your honeymoon." Hotch said with a knowing smile as he took the badge and put it in his suite pocket.

"Hold what?" Emily asked as she turned around.

"I'll explain later." Penelope replied with a smile and a glance at Hotch who smiled back and winked.

Before JJ or Emily could ask another question the music started and the doors in front of them were opened. JJ began to walk through and was then followed by Emily.

Hotch held out his arm for Penelope who smiled up at him before taking his arm and beginning to walk through the door as well.

Time seemed to slow down as Penelope walked down the isle. She looked around and saw all her friends and the people who came to be her family. Then she looked up at the alter and everything else melted away. Derek stood up in the front staring at her lovingly with a grin and a glint in his eyes.

As she approached the alter Hotch stopped and turned toward her. Hotch wrapped her in a hug before placing her hand in Derek's. He caught Morgan's eye and gave him a look, which was clearly a warning, and once Morgan nodded slightly he winked at Penelope and took his seat in the front pew next to Morgan's mother.

The rest of the ceremony went quickly. Derek held Penelope's hands the whole time and the two continued to stare into each other's eyes as if they were the only ones in the room. Morgan knew at that moment that nothing would ever separate them again. As he looked into her eyes he wondered how he had ever lived without her. She was the missing part of his soul as well as his heart. She brought warmth, and light, joy, and love into his life and as they exchanged rings he silently vowed to never let that go. Then finally the moment came.

Smiling at the happy couple the pastor said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. Morgan, you may now…" Before he even finished the sentence Derek wrapped an arm around Penelope's waist while he used his other hand to cup her face and bring her into a kiss that sent the room into cheers.

So what did you thank? Review please! And thanks for reading!