The weather was so hot. The air around Hermione was still. There was no breeze whatsoever. Maybe it was the sweltering heat, or maybe the fact that Hermione was bored out of her brains, but she suddenly got up, threw on her red bikini, grabbed a towel and headed to the public swimming pool down the road.

Once there, Hermione dumped her stuff and started to walk to the steps leading into the pool. On her way, she suddenly felt a light spank on her bum and a playful voice muttered, "Nice ass, Granger."

Hermione turned, outraged. A shirtless, blonde boy stood behind her smirking.

"Malfoy?" Hermione exclaimed.

"That's the one," he replied smoothly. Malfoy slipped his arm over Hermione's shoulders.

"Ugh! Get your filthy hands off me, idiot!" She glared at him, but somehow couldn't help but notice the flawless ripples on his chest and stomach. Malfoy caught her staring and his smirk grew wider. Hermione blushed.

"Are you sure you want me to?" Hermione's blush deepened. She looked at her feet and weakly mumbled, "Yes."

"Aw, that's too bad. I was enjoying that."

Malfoy suddenly jumped into the pool, purposely splashing water all over Hermione. When he finally came up for air, he ignored her death glares and beckoned for her to join him. Hermione rolled her eyes and got in, flailing her arms and splashing water all over Malfoy. He responded back by lifting her up and throwing her away into the middle of the pool. At his touch, Hermione shivered and for some reason, her heart started fluttering. She ignored it and swam back to Malfoy, grabbed his shoulders and pushed him under. The two of them kept fighting like this for a few minutes, while laughing and throwing insults back and forward between them. When Malfoy finally backed Hermione into the corner of the pool, she held out her hand and pleaded, "Truce."

Malfoy grinned and replied, "No problem." He stepped closed to Hermione and she was shocked to see some emotion other than hatred pouring out of his eyes. She was so unused to it that she couldn't identify it. Hermione glanced down to his mouth and was shocked again. Instead of his usual smirk, he was smiling at her warmly. Malfoy lowered his face to hers and muttered, "Truth or dare?"

"T-truth," stuttered Hermione. She had been so sure that he was going to kiss her then. Oh, get a grip, Hermione. As if Malfoy would ever kiss you.

"What are you thinking at the moment?"

"I was thinking that I should've picked dare," She replied truthfully. Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"Other than that, Granger."

Hermione sighed and decided to lie. She could not tell him about wanting to kiss him "Fine. I was thinking that... you... you... Why can't I say it?"

Malfoy smirked and said, "Because you're not telling the truth."


"I cast a spell made for this game, which stops you from lying. So... what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking," Hermione started nervously, "I was thinking about how I thought you were going to kiss me before."

Malfoy's face stayed the same as he told Hermione that it was her turn.

"Truth or dare?"


Hermione grinned. She had the perfect dare for him. "Okay... Kiss me."

Surprise crossed Malfoy's face. "You actually want me to kiss you?" He asked incredulously. Hermione nodded, grinning. She stared into his eyes while he took a deep breath and leaned in. He pressed his lips to hers and took a step back. Hermione exhaled and smiled. Out of the blue, Malfoy leant back in and grabbed her more fiercely. His lips fought with hers and he grabbed her around the waist, sending tingles up Hermione's spine. She lifted her hands up his neck and let her fingers tangle in his wet hair. Malfoy parted her lips with his and slowly traced the inside of her lips with his tongue. Hermione gasped for breath and Malfoy pulled her closer. She caught his bottom lip in hers and Malfoy raised his hands up her back, making Hermione shiver. She pulled her hands out of his hair and rubbed them down the toned muscles on his chest. Malfoy pulled her closer still. Hermione squirmed with discomfort when she felt something hard pressing into her stomach. Malfoy broke off the kiss and stared at her curiously.

"What are you thinking, now?" he asked Hermione.

Hermione paused, not sure how to word what she was going to say. "I am thinking about... what just happened and what's going to happen now. Was it just a one-off thing or is it going to continue... and if it is then how we would tell everyone... and how everyone would react..."

"Geez, you think a lot don't you?"

Hermione smiled and nodded. "What are you thinking, now?"

"I was thinking about how good that felt and that I really want to do it again."

"Is that it?" Hermione asked skeptically.

"Ye... ye... no."

Hermione laughed. "Stopped by your own spell. So what else are you thinking?"

Malfoy smiled and stared deep into her eyes. Hermione stared back, amazed by the depth that she saw in his silver-grey eyes that were once shallower than a baby pool.

"Hermione..." he trailed off. Woah! Did he just call me Hermione? He inhaled deeply and started again, "Hermione, you're beautiful."