Hi again peoples. I have been planning to write a Naruto/Mulan fan fiction for almost four months now, and now I finally have the chance. So yay!! I wanted to write this because my ancestors/family are Chinese and I wanted to do something with my roots. This is NOT going to be exactly like the movie. It will have some of the same parts/plotline but the majority of it will be different. (Same plotline, kind of different story. HELL YEAH!! lol) Also, there will be a few Japanese words that we all know and love.(Like 'dobe' and 'teme,'/ It will also have Japanese honorifics as well, and before you ask it is cuz I feel like it.) So read! Now for us get on with it already.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything From the anime/manga Naruto and the Disney channel movie Mulan. Although if I did own any of this, let's just say none of it would be allowed for people under the age of 20. Well except for me. Lol.


Mulan: Naru

Shang: Sasuke

Mushu: Sakura (Deal with it.)

Crik-ee: Hinata

Khan: Kyuubi

Yao: Shikamaru (Nobody else fit the criteria. Even if he is the opposite of Yao. Meep.)

Chien-Po: Chouji

Ling: Kiba (Great fit, right?)

Shan-Yu: Orochimaru

Chi-Fu: Mizuki

The Emperor: Third Hokage (Sarutobi)

General Li: Itachi (Sad that I have to kill him off now. L)

Fa Li: Kushina Uzumaki

Fa Zhou: Minato Namikaze

Grandma Fa: Tsunade (Couldn't think of anybody else. J)

Little Brother: No One! Mwahahahahaha

First Ancestor: First Hokage

Matchmaker: Ino (A VERY old version of her. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. I know I'm evil….or is it emo? Ah well!)

(All the other characters aren't important or they belong to me. Kukukukukuku…..)


It was a nice, peaceful morning in the outskirts of a small town in China. The towns name was Wuzhen. (Just picked a random town name. If you wanna know what it means just ask me.) It was a prosperous town with many things coming up.

"Naru time to wake up!! This is a very important day!" Shouted Sora from the hallway. His family were old friends with the Namikaze's since the Lao dynasty. Sora had come to live with them after the incident when his entire family had died in a fire when he was visiting a town a few miles away. Sora is a year older than Naru and had almost a deep, ocean blue color for his hair and his eyes were that of the night sky. He would wonder around in the house in his usual garb of a rose red Hanfu(1) embroidered with many obsidian dragons along the rims of it with white sandals.

"Just a few more minutes……" Sleepily muttered a blonde beauty. Her hair was truly a rare find. It is like her father's; the color of the sun and breathtaking cerulean eyes that could rival the sky on any occasion. She had a figure like her mothers, and it was something that she was envied for. Her creamy skin flawless except for three whisker marks decorating each cheek from an accident that happened when she was only three years old.

You see she was an adventurous child and a curious one at that. One day when she was playing with Sora near the forest they heard something. She got curious and went ahead even against Sora's pleads to stop. What she saw amazed her and frightened her at the same time. They were on a high peak and the fall could have easily killed her. The poor animal that was unlucky enough to have fallen to its death only moments ago now laid motionless blood seeping out of many areas. Naru felt as if she was going to hurl if she continued to look at the scene below her. She could hear Sora calling her in the back round but she didn't move at all. It was as if she was a statue; unmoving. Then she heard someone running towards her.

"Naru! There you are!" It was Sora. She turned her head but slightly lost her balance in her traditional silk robes. She fell. Naru instantly closed her eyes and silently screamed.

"NARU!!" Shrieked a now crying Sora. Sora quickly yet elegantly ran up to the cliff of where his best friend fell and it seemed that luck was on their side today. Naru was dangling by the silk folds of her robes from an old branch. Her cheeks seemed to be the only thing wounded; probably have scratched them through the jagged rocks as she plummeted down. Within twenty some minutes people were able to retrieve their heir from the cliffs that could've end the girls life.

"All right you lazy bum get up!! I can't just stay here waiting for you while you sleep the day away!!" Shouted Sora next to the blondes ear. Said blonde 'eeped' and fell out of bed.

"What the HELL was that for?! This is Bull!! I don't wanna go to the matchmaker!! She's a bitch!!" Screeched Naru as she held onto the headboard of her very orangy bed while a tiresome Sora tried to pry her off.

"Come on!! I don't have time for this stuff either! I have to be somewhere too you know!! I can't just wait for you to get up forever!!" Loudly replied Sora to Naru's comment only moments ago.

"But I don't wanna!!" Shrieked the golden haired blonde. After what seemed like hours Sora finally was able to pry the five foot six blonde from the comfort of her bed.

"NOOO!! THIS IS CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHIMENT!!" Screamed Naru as she was dragged into the hallway and down the stairs. (Good Job Sora! Lol)

"Minato-san, I got her as expected." Formerly said Sora whom now had let go of the blonde.

"Good job, Sora. But I thought that I already told you that there is no need for you to give me an honorific." Responded man of thirty or so. Just like his daughter he had golden hair like the sun and stunning cerulean eyes that gleam with joy. His skin tan as well. But a tinge of a sickly pale to it. Over the years Minato had a disease that was slowly eating him alive. They said that he would die before the years end. That prediction is now over ten years old now. He is getting better, but little bit by little bit. Just let time take its course.

"What!? You too dad?!" Yelled an exasperated blonde girl of seventeen. This wasn't fair.

"Naru, this time try to impress the matchmaker. Let's try not to have a repeat of last year, shall we?" Asked the blond man.

"But I don't want to get married! Can't I wait another five years or so?" Inquired Naru whom was giving her father and Sora the biggest puppy eyes she could possibly do. Good thing that over the years the duo have managed some sort of immunity to it. (Naru's mother still falls for it…..most of the time. J)

"Naru, you already seventeen. Everyone else your age here has already married off and with children. We wanted you to get married a few years ago but after a few certain mishaps with the matchmaker…. Well anyway you are going and that's that!" Ordered Minato as he tried not to laugh from the memories from a bald Ino or when Ino 'accidentally' fell into the lake and her clothes were transparent enough to see through it afterwards. Ah good times, good times. It seemed that Naru and Sora were kind of having the same problem just now. Then Minato snapped them from their very, very, very fond memories.

"Sora can you go along with Naru to the bathhouse to meet Kushina for her preparation?" Questioned the older man. Sora nodded and dragged his friend away to the outside world. You could hear Naru screaming her lungs out. Her father sighed. It was a good thing that he ordered ear plugs as a daily process. He wouldn't have survived them with his loud daughter and strident, rowdy, red-headed wife. (You have to feel sorry for the man right? I probably would have some sort of graveyard in my backyard by now if I had to live with them.)


1) Hanfu- It is a traditional silk robe embedded and overly designed at times. They are very beautiful, I should know, I own one! Ooh!…Shiny…..

So what did you guys think? I know it's not so good right now but it will get better. Things get better with age… or does that only apply to wine? Tell me of what you guys think of it. As for Ino being the matchmaker; I just chose her for it because I couldn't think of anybody else besides Kakashi and Jirayia. So no I am not going to pick a pervert or a super pervert as the person to critique women on a daily basis. But I do like Ino as a character for the manga/anime Naruto. I am babbling so I guess I should stop…..for now. Bye Bye peoples.