
In walked Derek… with his arm around a girl, that looked quite comfortable in his arms, both with wide smiles on their faces followed by another guy that was laughing. I chocked on a sob that I was trying to hold in causing the trio to snap their heads toward us, namely me. Derek's smile quickly fell as he recognized me. I quickly made my way towards the door and managed to slip past him before he managed to recover. I made it my car and as the keys slid in and I sped out of the driveway I felt a river of tears start streaming down my cheeks.

I sped down the streets. Thinking only of the betrayal, I had believed Derek when I should have known he was only lying. God, I feel like such an utter idiot. But I still love him. I hit the steering wheel with my palms, screaming obscenities and asking myself why I believed him.

My palms started to hurt badly so I blasted the radio and the song that came on only made me cry harder. It was as if the universe was conspiring against me with the goal of making me hate myself. And Derek.

She never slows down
She doesn't know why but
she knows that when
She's all alone feels
Like it's all coming down
She won't turn around
The shadows are long
And she fears if she cries
That first tear
The tears will not stop
Raining down

The house finally started to come into view. I sped toward the house trying my hardest to stop the tears but I felt as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Even as the rain started to pour down I couldn't stop crying. The tears continued to pour down my face as I parked in the driveway.

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day what's lost can be found
You stand in the rain

It was pouring down so hard almost as if the universe knew the condition my heart was in and the utter pain I felt. I opened the door and stepped outside but my knees weren't strong enough to hold me up. I fell to my knees the rain pouring around me, the drops hitting me, slamming against my body. My body is so weak from the heart ache and betrayal.

She won't make a sound
Alone in this fight with herself
And the fears whispering
If she stands, she'll fall down
She wants to be found but
The only way out is through
everything she's running from
Wants to give up and lie down

I was crying so hard and I just couldn't stop. I wrapped my arms around my chest trying to keep myself together. I lifted my face towards the cloud filled sky, the tears and rain drops mixing and streaming down my face. I let a choked sob escape me. My cheeks were drenched from crying like a maniac.

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day what's lost can be found
You stand in the rain

I was beginning to freeze. As the rain pelted my skin I realized I needed to get out of this rain and I knew it but I couldn't stand up, much less walk inside. Every second that passed with the feeling of being pathetic making me cry harder.

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
Stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day what's lost can be found

After a few minutes I'd finally gotten fed up with myself. I screamed into the gray raining sky cursing everything, even my very being. The one thing I have never done in my entire life is curse my existence because of the fact that so many things happened only because of me and there are so many things to come that will only happen because of me. Thinking of those two things I was able to gather the strength I needed to at least get back on my feet.

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day what's lost can be found
You stand in the rain

I was standing in the pouring rain holding onto the car to keep me from falling again while crying like a lunatic.

"Casey?" came a familiar voice. I kept my eyes closed hoping it was just my imagination and it wasn't him.

"Cam." I heard a new voice say but I squeezed my eyes tighter hoping every thought I had of him would go away.

"Cassandra, please answer me honey." There was no way I could misplace this voice especially when the owner was holding both my shoulders. I finally opened my eyes looking him in the eyes.

"Uncle Charlie he's here. He's with the Cullens. I don't know how I'm going to be able to function with him so close and having another vegetarian as a mate. Damnit Uncle Charlie! He said he loved me. He said he loved me and then the next time I see him he's laughing it up with another girl!" I confessed to him as he dragged me out of the rain while Mick held my hand giving me the little comfort he could without interrupting me.

Once I was inside I noticed Billy making tea, Jake with a whole ton of blankets and Bella walking towards me. As soon as she was close enough she pulled me into a hug, holding me tight until I could feel my little cousin's love for me.

She led me up the stairs to our room where she forced me into who knows what. She sat me at the desk and brushed my hair. When she was done with me she brought me back downstairs and once I sat down I noticed Bella to my right, Jake to my left, Charlie in his chair and Mick leaning against the wall all of them watching me intently.

The strained silence was only broken by the low clatter of porcelain on porcelain as Billy tried to bring in the finished tea. Jake went to help him after a minute of him struggling. And then my story took over.

A.N. Sorry it took me nearly two years to finally put up some new stuff. I got major writer's block when it came to this story but my friends are encouraging me to continue and finish this wonderful story I now have an outline made out up until chapter 30. I am writing in my spare time and I will have Chapter 17 and maybe 18 along Chapters 2 and 3 of my Twilight fic Down. Check it out. well you know the drill so please... READ AND REVIEW!Peace. Love Raquelle.

P.S. I am currently on the hunt for a Beta. Just putting that out there.

P.P.S. A lot of people didn't see the fact that I uploaded two chapters not just this one. Please go read that last chapter it is based of of the reason of why it took me so long to update.