Disclaimer: All Transformers characters belong to Hasbro. Any made up characters were created by me. This has TF Slash. This is the sequel to It's Now or Never.

Summery: (2007 Movie verse) *sequel to It's Now or Never* Prowl and Jazz get their own sparkling, but can they protect their "baby" from Decepticons?

Parings: ProwlXJazz, RatchetXWheeljack

"blah" – Normal human speak
"blah" – Cybertronian speak
blah – thinking

The Next Generation
by Yami-Yugi3

Chapter 13

The next day, Wheeljack went to check on Ratchet before getting his morning energon. He smiled to see his mate fast asleep. He decided not to wake him and left the room. He headed into Medical Bay to start Ratchet's duties for the day. He happily got his morning energon from the dispenser there. He happily drank the cube as he looked around. He decided Ratchet probably organized and took inventory first. He set the half empty cube down and opened some cabinets. He organized the supplies and took inventory of what was needed as he finished off his cube.

Prowl and Harmony walked in just as Wheeljack had finished his cube. He walked out of the supply closet, having grabbed some things to restock the cabinets. "No want! No want!"

"It's okay Harmony," Prowl said "the vaccinations are just so you won't get any viruses and get sick."

"Bad! Scary! Don't want!"

"Morning, Prowl. Just give me a few minutes to put these things away."

Prowl blinks in surprise to see Wheeljack there. "What are you doing here, Wheeljack?" he asked "Where's Ratchet?"

"Oh, he's sleeping," he smiled happily.

"Why are you so happy?" asked Prowl with his own smile.

Harmony started to whimper more. "No want med'cine!"

"Medicine is a GOOD thing," Prowl soothed.

"To answer your question... We're with spark..."

"What?" asked Harmony, her attention on the conversation now.

"Congratulations, Wheeljack. Shouldn't you be resting then instead of filling in for Ratchet?"

"Ratchet is the one carrying." Wheeljack said with a smile.

"WHAT?" Prowl asked surprised.

"What going on?" whined Harmony.

"Me and Ratchet are having a sparkling just like your mommy and daddy did."

"Really?" Harmony asked.

"Uh huh. Just like you and SkyFlyer were born." She smiled at him and clapped.

"That good, me happy for you."

"...So...how's Ratchet taking it?"

"Was a bit upset at first since he wanted me to be the one doing the carrying but he came around."

"That's good. I think he can do it. He has the maternal qualities."

"That's what I said," Wheeljack smiled. "I think it took to him because his spark is younger than mine."

"Who knows, Wheeljack." Prowl said "Now...I think we should get on why we're here."

"NO!" Harmony squirmed.

"Harmony they are good for you." Prowl said with a sigh.

"It's alright. Every sparkling gets scared. Bring her over to a berth. I'll be there in a second." He turned away and got the injections and anti virus programs he would need.

Harmony screamed more. "NO WANT!" She squirmed more, trying to wiggle out of Prowl's arms.


"Shot bad! Shot bad!" She managed to wriggle out and run away. She ran right into Wheeljack who bent down and picked her up. He set her down on the berth and got out the supplies. "No shot!"

"It'll be alright," smiled Wheeljack. "I promise it will only hurt for a quick second. It's not so bad." She crawled away and stopped at the edge of the berth. She was trapped with nowhere to go. She reached out to Prowl and pleaded that he would stop this. Prowl sighed. He wish Jazz hadn't went out on patrol cause he could have used his mate's help with this.

"Daddy pwease?" she pouted. Wheeljack took the opportunity of the distraction. He quickly administered both injections at the base of her neck just as she turned around. She glared daggers at him. "Meanie! Meanie, meanie, meanie!"

"Sorry sweetie." Wheeljack said "But guess what, your all done."

She blinked at him. "No hurt?"

"Nope, and being such a good girl you can have an energon goodie."

"...But...I not good..."

"No, you weren't," sighed Prowl.

"...I...I sorry..." Harmony pouted as she extended her arms in a hug to Wheeljack.

Wheeljack smiled and let her hug him. "Apology accepted," he said as he gave her the treat anyway.

"Tank you," Harmony smiled as she took it. She smiled happily as she ate the candy. Prowl came over and picked her up into his arms. She nuzzled against him. "I sorry, daddy."

He smiled at her. "You're forgiven. I wish you and Ratchet luck. I suppose Gadget's going to be filling in a lot more?"

"Yep." Wheeljack said with a smile.

"Goodbye, Wheeljack."

"Bye bye," smiled Harmony.

Wheeljack smiled as they left. He was just about to get some energon for Ratchet when Gadget came in with SkyFlyer. "Play! Play!" SkyFlyer cried.

Gadget sighed as she tried to calm her. "The correct word is 'no' sweetspark."

"No! No! No! No!"

"...I wish I hadn't done that... Now she'll have a new favorite word..."

"Let me guess, it's time for her vaccinations too." Wheeljack said with a smile.

"Yep. Where's teacher?"

"He's resting." Wheeljack said, his smile going bigger.

"Resting from what? Why does that make you happy?"

"No! No!" SkyFlyer whimpered as she tried to wiggle free. Gadget's grip was too strong.

"We're with spark." he said.

"Congratulations!" Gadget smiled. "But wait... Why is Ratchet resting while YOU work?"

Wheeljack smiled more. "Cause...he's the one carrying."

"R-Ratchet's...teacher's..." She fainted. SkyFlyer screamed in fright, but Wheeljack managed to take her before she went down with her mother.

"...Play...?" SkyFlyer asked worriedly.

"Oh Primus..." Wheeljack said. He would have thought Prowl would have been the one to do it not his daughter. Wheeljack pat SkyFlyer's back. "Mommy will be alright." He brought her over to a berth and sat her down on it. He went over to Gadget. He gently shook her. "Gadget...wake up, little one. Gadget...c'mon, sweetspark..."


"You did a Prowl." Wheeljack said.

"No...Ratchet...teacher..." She squealed happily. "Oh! That's great! Teacher's carrying!" Wheeljack smiled again.

SkyFlyer clapped happily. "Play!" Wheeljack helped Gadget stand. Gadget pat SkyFlyer's helm as Wheeljack got two more injections ready.

SkyFlyer whimpered. "It's alright, Sky. It won't be bad. You'll be alright," she soothed. Wheeljack came near her. She whimpered and hid against Gadget's hand.

"...No... No..." she cried.

"It's okay." said Wheeljack.


"What if mommy does it?"


"Mommy knows how to do medicine too." SkyFlyer stared at her for a moment before nodding. She hid against Gadget's arm and closed her optics tight. Gadget took the injections from Wheeljack and gave them to her. She whimpered and winced but didn't cry. "There, all done sweetspark." SkyFlyer looked over at Wheeljack. Wheeljack smiled at her. She smiled back. Vaccinations weren't as bad as she thought. Gadget took SkyFlyer into her arms. "C'mon, let's let Grandpa work okay?" SkyFlyer whimpered and reached out her hands towards her grandfather.

"Aww I'm sorry little one someone got to keep an optic on Grandpa Ratch's med bay." Wheeljack said.

"Well, can you at least hold her for a minute?"

"Okay." Wheeljack said. SkyFlyer happily nuzzled against him as he took her.

Gadget smiled as Wheeljack held her. "Oh! Would you like an energon goodie?" SkyFlyer happily clapped. Wheeljack gave it to her. "There you go, for being a good patient."

SkyFlyer happily ate it. Then she nuzzled against him. "Okay, sweetie. We need to let Grandpa work. C'mon." SkyFlyer didn't want to go. She whined. "I know, sweetspark, but he has to do grown up stuff. We'll go find Harmony, how's that sound?" SkyFlyer clapped. Gadget smiled and took her away. "Bye Grandpa."

"Take care now." Gadget smiled and the two left. Ratchet was just coming in as they were walking out. "Congratulations, Teacher," smiled Gadget.

"On what? Oh..."

"I know you'll be a great carrier," she smiled.

"...Thank you..."

"I'll be happy to take more full shifts with Grandpa for you."

"Did SkyFlyer get her vaccinations?"

"Yeah. She's fine. Bye."

"Harmony got hers too if you were wondering." said Wheeljack.

"You've been doing everything this morning, Jack?"

"Yep, don't worry."

"I know I don't have to." He walked over to the energon dispenser.

"Uh uh, Ratchet. Let me get that for you. I know you'll be wanting high grade."


"You're carrying, Ratch. High grade is bad for it. You just sit and I'll get you some." Ratchet sighed. He knew there was no winning against his bonded. He sat down on a berth. He saw a scanner lying nearby. He decided to check the sparkling and find out exactly who he was carrying. He stood up and grabbed the scanner. He opened his chest and scanned himself. He opened his spark and got a reading on what spark it was. Wheeljack came over with a cube. "No no, Ratch! No working for you!"

Ratchet growled. "I'm not incompetent Jack! I'm perfectly capable of performing smaller and more basic procedures!"

"But you're with spark."

Ratchet's chest closed up. "Yes, with spark! NOT mortally wounded or physically inept!"


"I'm not even with spark for a day and you're treating me like a sparkling!" Wheeljack looked hurt.

"...I'm sorry..."

"Primus, Jack...I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you

"...I...I didn't know...I was...smothering you...so much... F-forgive me for...being overprotective..."

"No, Wheeljack. It's my fault. I'm sorry. I want you to be overprotective. I love you, Jack."

"You'd better drink your energon. I think you're getting cranky too..."

Ratchet took the cube and drank some. "Thanks, Jack." He smiled. "Want to know what I'm carrying?" Wheeljack smiled. "We're going to have a femme."

"Aw, how sweet. Gadget will have an adorable half sister."

Ratchet smiled as he finished his cube. "Come here, Jack."


"Just come here." He came over. Ratchet pulled him into his arms. "I love you so much, Wheeljack. I appreciate everything. I want you to put Gadget down for full time medic when you report to Optimus. I think she's ready for the challange. Make sure you put yourself down too. I know she can't be here all the time with SkyFlyer and all."

Wheeljack nodded. Ratchet took his hand and placed it right above his bumper bar. "I can feel her," the CE smiled.

Ratchet smiled. He led Wheeljack over to a berth and they sat down on it. "Why don't you go report to Prime? I'll keep tabs on things here. If things get too overtaxing for me, I'll call in Gadget for help." Wheeljack nodded with a smile as he left Medical.

News spread across the whole base in just a few months. Almost all the Autobots were happy for the couple. Only two of the mechs weren't. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were still in disbelief. They're favorite victim now carried? They found the entire situation funny. Sideswipe was on his way to bring in some flowers from outside the base to properly congratulate Ratchet on carrying. Sunstreaker didn't want anything to do with it. He was happy in his own way, deep down inside. He sent a message that the new little femme better be kept away from him when it was born. He had enough trouble with Harmony and SkyFlyer. "Ratchet! I saw you sneak that high grade!" Wheeljack called to his mate as he came out of the supply closet.

"Not even just a few sips?"

"No," he said as he as came over. "It's for our little girl."

"…Alright… I just got used to having it all these years…"

"I know, but I'm in charge now. No high grade. You won't be needing it because you won't be pulling all nighters."

Ratchet sighed. "I love you, Jack…" The CE smiled and withdrew his mask so they could kiss.

"Uh…maybe this is a bad time…"

"What do you want, Sideswipe?" Ratchet warned.

"I…I brought some flowers…I…I wanted to properly congratulate you on the new sparkling. Congratulations on becoming a mom for the first time, Ratchet."

"Isn't that kind of him?" smiled Wheeljack. "Thank you, Sides."

"Sunny wouldn't come. He's happy for you in his own, selfish way."

"Thank you. Now I'd better stop being the subject of your jokes."

"Yeah yeah," Sideswipe nodded. "No problem. Where should I put the flowers? I'm pretty sure they need water."

"I'll see if I can find a suitable vase. Make sure Ratchet doesn't drink anymore high grade." Sideswipe laughed a bit.

"Can't stay away from it can you?"

"Watch it, Sideswipe."

"Just trying to make conversation. That's three little femmes bouncing around now."

"…Yeah…" Ratchet smiled.

"I'm glad you two finally get to have one."

"Thank you."

"I'll try not to prank so much, especially since you're carrying."

"Maybe you could make that permanent."

"…Maybe… I'll try to be a good influence on the little femme too."

"If only you could convince your brother."

"Ah, found one." Wheeljack came back over. The flowers were in a big graduated cylinder half full of water. "I'll put them here on the counter where they'll brighten up the room," he smiled. Ratchet smiled bit too.

"I guess the Medical Bay could use some more positive, colorful vibes. It's pretty sterile and boring." Wheeljack could only smile.

"I'm here for my shift, Grandpa. You can go work on the new frame now."

"Hi, Gadget," the CE smiled. "Sideswipe, don't stay too long or get in the way. Bye, love. Take care of yourself. And NO high grade." He kissed Ratchet before leaving.

"Sides, if you don't have anything to do, want to help me organize things?"

"Uh, no thanks. I'll go catch my bro. Later." He practically rushed out. She just smirked.

"Typical. Doesn't want to do actual work."

"Couldn't have done better myself." Gadget just smiled.

"It's different, isn't it?"

"What is?"

"Carrying… There's just something about it that makes you appreciate more, something that brings out that maternal side of you. Not that I'm saying you never had one!"

"I know… I know what you're talking about," he said as he placed a hand over his chest where his spark was. "I know what you and Jazz felt like. I've seen it on everyone else my whole lifestream… I never thought I'd experience for myself."

"Don't get all mushy and philosophical on me. It doesn't sound like you. Not that you aren't…"

"Maybe carrying this sparkling is a good change. Everyone thinks I'm short fused and too strict."

"No they don't," Gadget said as she came over. "I wouldn't have survived this long as your apprentice if you were. I have to admit though, carrying a sparkling does bring out a softer side to the carrier. I think she choose you because you have such a caring nature already."


"Sky! How'd you get away from your father?"

"Mommy!" she smiled as she ran up to her.

"You snuck away from him didn't-…you… You…You said your third word!" She snatched SkyFlyer up into her arms happily. "I'm soo proud of you! You said mommy!" SkyFlyer pointed happily to Ratchet.


"Well, she only knows three words still. It's to be expected."

"Mommy!" she said happily, her door wings held high in the correct, emotional position. She nuzzled against her, door wings fluttering happily.

"Aww, you wanted to copy mommy huh? That's why you ran away from daddy."

"Mommy…" she said, wings still fluttering happily.

"Gadget, I don't think she's copying…" Ratchet said as he came over.

"Huh?" Gadget's wings drooped in confusion while SkyFlyer's stayed happily up as she nuzzled her mother.

"She…but it's only been an earth year…"

"She must have adapted to earth time since she was sparked here. I bet Harmony will be similar."

"Right. I think it's because she's so smart," Gadget cooed. "Harmony is speaking sentences early so SkyFlyer is using her door wings early. I'm so proud of you, little one," she smiled as he hugged SkyFlyer close. "Three whole words and door wing movements…"

"Mommy…" SkyFlyer said happily as she nuzzled her against her again. Her door wings fluttered in the up position happily. Ratchet smiled. He was happy for Gadget and Sky, but he was also thinking of the new accomplishments he and Wheeljack would have with the little femme pulsing inside him.

"Play," smiled SkyFlyer as she reached out to Ratchet.

"You want to hold her? You'll need the practice now." He smiled and happily took SkyFlyer into his arms. She nuzzled against him.

"Play? Mommy?" she said as she felt another presence besides "grandpa" inside her great uncle. Her door wings drooped in curiosity and confusion.

"That's right, little one," Ratchet smiled. "I have a sparkling now."

"Play mommy," she smiled. Ratchet held her and sat down with her.

"I have an idea. Why don't you babysit for me? It will help me while I run Medical."

"If you need help, just ask."

"I should be fine. More practice for you," she smiled. SkyFlyer sat happily in his lap and played with his finger as Gadget went to work.

Almost two hours later, Perceptor burst into the room. Gadget was busy giving Elita a regular check up. Ratchet was on the floor, playing hide and seek with SkyFlyer. "GADGET! SKYFLYER GOT AWAY FROM ME! I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T FIND HER!" Gadget and Elita One giggled a moment.

"Calm down, dear. SkyFlyer's with me."

"Sh-she's...she's here...?"

"Ratchet's spark sitting her while I take care of Medical Bay for him. She came in here all by herself. Oh! She can use her door wings," Gadget smiled.

"Oh, so she's safe here with you. Good. I was worried she-...WHAT?"

"That's wonderful. So, little Harmony can speak early and now Sky can use her door wings early," smiled Elita from the berth.

"I know, it makes me so proud," smiled Gadget as she gathered more data from the diagnostics. "Alright, Elita, you're done. You check out fine as always."

"Thank you, Gadget."

"Where are you, Sky?" Ratchet cooed as he crawled on the floor, looking for his grandniece. There was giggling as the little blue femme stayed hidden. "Uncle Ratchet's going to find you..."

"That's...that's... That's going to make Harmony jealous," smiled Perceptor.

"I'm sure Harmony will develop the skill soon enough. Both femmes are very smart because of their creators. Besides, being sparked on Earth made their 'biological clocks' a bit faster, at least developmentally anyway."

"Probably. I'll bet ninety percent of it has to do with the programming of their creators," he smirked. Gadget nodded.

"You're smarts and mine in SkyFlyer and Prowl's in Harmony's. Oh... You're due for a medical exam. Get your aft over here."

"Now?" Perceptor said.

"Now," Gadget said seriously. "And I don't mean horseplay."

"Don't tell me you're turning into Ratchet..." he half whined.

"Hey! I heard that!"

"I'm on duty and you're on the list for exams. Get over here," she almost yelled.

"Alright, alright..." Perceptor said defensively as he came over. He sat down on the berth and she started looking him over.

"I found you!" Ratchet smiled happily as he opened a cabinet. SkyFlyer giggled as he took her into his arms and sat on the floor with her. SkyFlyer nuzzled against him. The pink spark inside his chest jolted painfully. Ratchet held his chest and did a self diagnostic. SkyFlyer stared at him worriedly. "Don't you worry, Uncle Ratchet's alright," he smiled as he rubbed her helm. His spark jolted again. He stared at his chest. He set SkyFlyer aside. He picked her up again. As he held her close, the little sparkling jolted again. "...That's very odd, but I think your new aunt is jealous of you." SkyFlyer stared at him worriedly and started to cry.

"Everything alright, Ratchet?"

"It will be." He held SkyFlyer close and rubbed her helm to calm her down. "It's alright. I still love you."

"...Play...no... Play no..." she sniffled.

He smiled at her. "I've got an idea, okay?" He took her hand and placed it on his chest above his spark. The femme sparkling jolted again. "Close your optics and focus really hard. Try to say hello to her." SkyFlyer clicked in confusion at first. "You know how you talk through your bond with your mother and father?" SkyFlyer nodded. "Know how you can talk the same way with me and your cousin and uncles?" SkyFlyer nodded again. "Try reaching out to the new sparkling so she's not jealous anymore." SkyFlyer closed her optics tightly and held Ratchet's chest tightly with her little hand. She smiled as she could feel the little pink spark right next to her great uncle's. She reached out with her own spark and the jolts stopped. "Good girl, SkyFlyer," he said as he let go of her hand and rubbed her helm. She smiled back at him.

"Play!" Gadget couldn't help but smile as she examined Perceptor's internal workings.

"He's getting good practice in," he smiled.

"Yep. I don't think he needs that much. He's going to be a great father, or rather...mother..."

Gadget then grew sad. She stared at the monitors sadly, collecting the information absently. "What's wrong?"

"...Nothing, Percie... I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I...I'm happy for Ratchet and Wheeljack."

"But you don't seem happy yourself."

"I'm fine."

"You sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine. You check out alright, Perceptor."

"Alright. If you need me, I'll be in the lab." He gave her a hug before standing up and leaving. "I love you, Gadget." Gadget nods a bit. Perceptor sighed before he left out of the Medical Bay. Ratchet picked SkyFlyer up and came over to Gagdet.

"Gadget, is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Huh? No, I'm fine. Hi, little one," she smiled. SkyFlyer reached out her hands for her. Gadget smiled and took her into her arms. "Did you have fun with Ratchet?"

SkyFlyer clicked happily and nuzzled against her. Gadget smiled. "You sure you're alright?" Ratchet asked.

"Yeah, fine."

"If you say so. I'm going to go check on Wheeljack."

"Oh, okay..."


"Go on. I'll take care of things here."

"Do you want me to have Wheeljack take over for awhile?"

"No, I'm fine," she defended.

"You know if you ever want to talk..."

"I'm fine." He left sadly. SkyFlyer hugged Gadget, feeling the sadness in her spark.

"Mommy's afraid the new sparkling will replace her," she admitted sadly. SkyFlyer nuzzled against her more. She pat her reassuringly.


"I just hope grandpa still loves me…"

"…L-love…love… love mommy…" Gadget smiled and sat her down on the berth.

"Thank you, sweetspark."

"Want some help?" asked a familiar voice.


"I got a ride with Mikeala and Sam. Want me to baby sit?"

"Sure," she smiled. "You want to play with Melissa?"

"Play," she smiled.

"Aww, she can talk now. Cute. I heard the news about Ratchet. That's great. You'll be getting a sister, or half sister or something…"


"Why so glum?"

"I…I… They'll love her more than me… I….I was adopted…"

"Gadget…" Melissa sighed sadly as she came over. She hugged her tightly. "Of course Wheeljack will still love you, Ratchet too. You may be adopted, but they raised you. You're family. Foster kids are loved just as much as birth kids from their parents. I've seen it happen."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure," Melissa smiled. "I think SkyFlyer agrees. She loves you too." Gadget sighed. "Why don't you go and talk to Wheeljack?"

"…I suppose that would be the best thing to do…"

"I know you're scared and hurt, but you should talk to him okay?"

"I…I will… He's busy right now and I have to finish my shift."

"Good," smiled Melissa. "I'm sure things will be fine." She took SkyFlyer from Gadget and played on the floor with her. Gadget went back to her duties.

A few hours later, Melissa was fast asleep on a berth with SkyFlyer cuddled next to her. Wheeljack came in to take over. He had sent Ratchet to their quarters to rest. Wheeljack smiled as he saw Gadget cleaning things up quietly. "Alright, Gadget. I'm done for now. I can take over." Gadget froze in her musings. "Gadget, is something wrong?"

"N-No, Wheeljack. Nothing's wrong. Just duties, sir."

Wheeljack was now worried. "Sir? Something must be wrong if you start calling me sir."

"Nothing's wrong, Jack."


"Yes?" she asked, setting a dirty rag in the laundry bin. Wheeljack place a hand on her shoulder. An uneasy feeling passed through her tanks and she cringed a bit.

"Gadget...is this about the new sparkling?"

"...Of course not. I'm happy for you," she said as she smiled at him before looking away.

"Gadget... Tell me the truth," he said as he turned her to face him.


"Youngling...something's bothering you," he said as he put a hand on her shoulder and lifted her face. He gently forced her to look him in the optic. "I can feel pain in your spark."

"...I...I..." She started to cry as she remembered Melissa's words.

"Gadget, it's okay."

"...No...Not it's not..." She pulled away from him. "I...I'm jealous..."

"But why?"

"...Y-you...you won't love me anymore... I...I was adopted... I wasn't sparked... Y-You didn't spark me... H-How can you love me...?" She cried as she held onto the counter tightly. "...Y-You're all I've ever known... N-Now you'll have a daughter of your own..."

"Gadget, even though I didn't spark you, I still love you."

"...But when the sparkling comes..."

"That still won't change." He came over and wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I'll always love you. You were and always will be my first daughter."

She turned and nuzzled against him tightly. "...Oh Grandpa..."

"It's alright, Gadget. It's alright. I'm glad you told me." Gadget nuzzles more into him.

"...I know I shouldn't be jealous. It's a sinful thing to be."

"I don't think you're jealous. You're just worried. It's alright. You were worried I would forget about you and not love you. I won't." Gadget took in a shakey breath.

"I love you, Jackie... Y-You're the only father I've ever known."

"I love you too Gadget, I will always love you." She cuddled against him, calming down.

"Mmmm, h-how long was I asleep...?" Melissa asked as she slowly awoke. SkyFlyer stirred a bit, but did not wake.

"Speaking of family," Wheeljack smiled. Gadget smiled too and turned to look at Melissa who was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Melissa looked at both of them.
"What'd I miss?"

"Nothing much." Wheeljack smiled.

"Oh...I think you two had the talk," she smiled. Gadget wiped the trails of coolant from her face.

"Y-Yes we did. You were right, youngling."

Melissa only smiled. She sat on the berth. "A little help please?" Gadget happily came over and lifted Melissa off the berth and onto the floor.

Harmony came running into Medical. "SkyFlyer! SkyFlyer!"

"SkyFlyer's sleeping."

"Yeah," said Melissa.

"Sleeping? I wake her up to play!" Harmony said as she ran up to the berth.

"No no, Harmony. That's not nice," chastised Prowl.

"Let her rest, Harmony," Jazz said. Harmony sighed, her doorwings lowering sadly. "Prowler look!"

"...What in Primus..."

"Aww, looks like someone else just learned to use her door wings too."

"SkyFyer too?" Jazz asked.

"Yep," smiled Gadget.

"Aww!" smiled Melissa.

"Ah, so SkyFlyer can use her wings properly?" asked Wheeljack.

"Yes, she can. I think she was jealous that Harmony could talk so she decided she was going to do her door wings."

Jazz smiled. "That's great. Now both of them can copy each other, whether or not they're just playin."

"Yes, I suppose so," smiled Prowl.

"Daddy, can PWEASE wake her?"

"She's sleeping."

"But...I wanna play..." she pouted.

Gadget came over. "I know, little one. Let her wake up on her own, okay?" she said with a smile as bent down to her.


Gadget smiled and took Harmony into her arms. "You don't mind playing with your Aunt Gadget for awhile do you?"

"Why don't you take Harmony and Melissa with you? I can watch over her until she wakes up," smiled Wheeljack. Gadget smiled. At that moment, SkyFlyer moaned and stirred.

"Looks like that won't be necessary," smiled Melissa. Gadget came over. SkyFlyer woke up and stared at her mother.

"Hi, Sweetspark. You have a nice nap?"

SkyFlyer nodded and reached out for Gadget. "Mommy," she smiled. Gadget happily took her into her arms.

"Well, I guess we can all go and play," smiled Jazz.

"Have fun."

"Thanks, Grandpa. C'mon."

"Yay! We go play!" smiled Harmony. SkyFlyer patted Harmony's arm and both had their door wings high and happy. Melissa smiled as she followed the group out. Gadget carried both sparklings as the group left.

"Hey, why don't we take the sparklings outside?" Melissa smiled.

"Yay, out side!" Harmony said happily.

"Ou-side! Ou-side!"

"You said your third word!" Gadget smiled proudly. Jazz smiled happily. They all sat down on a nice patch of grass. SkyFlyer felt the grass and pat it excitedly.

"That call grass." Harmony said with a smile.

"Yer very smart, little lady," smiled Jazz.

"Daddy showed me in picture book." Harmony said.

Jazz only smiled and rubbed her helm. "Love you sweetspark."

"Play!" smiled SkyFlyer as she laid down in the grass. She started rolling around in it, giggling. Melissa laughed out loud.

"That look fun!" Harmony smiled as she did it too. Jazz and Gadget smiled at their sparklings.

"You two are getting so dirty," Melissa smiled.

"Someone's going to get a bath later."

"No bath!" whined Harmony. Jazz sighed.

"She probably just doesn't want on right now," smiled Gadget. Melissa lied down in the grass as she watched the sparklings roll around.

"Attack Auntie Melissa!" cried Harmony.

"Play play!" agreed SkyFlyer.

"AAHH!" Melissa squeaked as the two sparklings ran over and tackled her. Jazz couldn't help but smile. "Help!" she cried as they started climbing all over her.


Melissa laughed as they continued to play. She grabbed a hold of SkyFlyer. "I've got you now! Mwahahahaha!"

"You no get me!" Harmony giggled as she ran off.

"Harmony be careful." Jazz called after her. Harmony just giggled more as she raced off.

SkyFlyer watched her and looked at Melissa. "Play?"

"No... Let's go get your cousin before she hurts herself." Melissa slowly sat up and took SkyFlyer into her arms. "My, you're getting big..."

"Be careful, Melissa."

"I will. C'mon Sky." They followed after Harmony. She was running farther from Jazz and Gadget.

"Harmony, come back to ya mommy." Jazz called out.

She couldn't hear because she was so far. "Harmony, sweetie! C'mon on now!" Melissa called.

"Play! Play!" SkyFlyer called, worried too.

"You two it! I run! Oooo...!" she said as she turned and followed after a bird. A starling had caught her eye. "Pretty!"

"Harmony, come back!" Melissa called. She set SkyFlyer down. "You think you can keep up? You're getting heavy."

"Play," SkyFlyer nodded. The two ran to catch up with Harmony.

Harmony followed the bird into a cave. She had no idea that cave was home to a big grizzly bear. "Come back, birdie..." The bear that was sleeping there woke up when it heard her. He growled and roared at her, scaring away the bird. Harmony stared, wide optic at him. "Teddy!" Harmony said happily. The bear roared and stood at his full height. He growled and yelled at her.

"...Ooo..." SkyFlyer gasped as her and Melissa started into the cave.

"Yeah, it's a little scary huh? We need to be careful, there's probably a bear that lives here."

"Teddy grouchy?" He huffed and swiped at her with his big, strong paw. Harmony looked surprised and a little hurt after she landed on her little aft. "Teddy mean!" He just growled again and swiped at her again. He was getting angry and wanted the intruder out.

The mean time Prowl had raced out side. "Jazz! Where's Harmony?"

"She ran off. Melissa and SkyFlyer went after her."

"Everything alright?" Gadget asked.

"We got to find her, something's wrong, can't you feel it?"

"...Yeah..." Jazz said as he felt his spark.

"AHHHHH! Teddy no...play nice!" Harmony whimpered.

"We're coming!" called Melissa.

"No...no..." SkyFlyer shivered, scared. Melissa picked her up into her arms again, running further into the cave. "No...no...!"

Melissa gasped as she saw the grizzly bear knocking Harmony around. She froze in fear, holding SkyFlyer close. "...Help...we've...got to get...help..."

Suddenly a mustang police car came driving into the cave at full speed with sirens blaring as loud as it can go. The grizzly freaked out, turning and running deeper into the cave. "DADDY!"

Prowl opens his door. "Get in!" Harmony was too scared to get inside and she was hurt.

"C'mon, let's go!" yelled Melissa as she set SkyFlyer inside. She turned and grabbed Harmony, shoving her inside too. She climbed inside after them as Prowl raced back out. Gadget and Jazz was waiting outside for them.

"What happened?" Gadget asked worriedly. Melissa had a hysterical Harmony in her arms as SkyFlyer ran out and up to Gadget.

"Harmony!" Jazz shouted, very worried about his sparkling.

"...T-teddy no nice...!" she wailed. Melissa rubbed her back as she brought her over.

"Not all bears are good. It's alright, sweetie..." she soothed.

"It's okay Harmony, the bear's gone now." Prowl said gently as he could, still upset and scared on what had happen to his daughter.

He transformed and walked over to Jazz. Melissa turned and handed Harmony over to her father. "There you go, sweetie." Prowl held her close to his chassis.

"...Daddy...! T-Teddy...-sniffle-...n-no play...play nice...!"

"Are you alright, little one?" Gadget asked as she bent down and picked up SkyFlyer. She nodded and nuzzled against Gadget.

"I know sweetspark, let's get you back inside and have Uncle Weeljack look you over."

Harmony's cries settled down as she nuzzled against him. Jazz sighed in relief. "Now you know, NO running off. You stay where mommy can see you."

"...M-Me sorry mommy..."

He came over to Prowl and rubbed her helm. "I know, sweetspark."

"You worried the spark out of both of us little one." Prowl said.

She nodded and nuzzled more against Prowl. "No run off no more. Stay right here." Prowl smiled a bit.

"Mommy..." smiled SkyFlyer as she nuzzled against Gadget. "D...Da...Daddy...?"

"That's her fifth word!" Melissa said.

"Yes, I suppose it is," smiled Gadget.


"I suppose you're asking where his is?"

"Daddy," SkyFlyer nodded.

"Must be in his lab again." Prowl said.

"Probably," said Gadget. "I guess this where we part ways. C'mon Sky. Let's go find daddy."

"I'll come too."

"Come on little one, let's take you to see Uncle Wheeljack." Prowl said. Harmony just sniffled as the three walked towards Medical Bay.

Inside, Wheeljack was giving Ratchet and their sparkling a check up. Wheeljack was just smiling all the way. "Did I come at a bad time?" Prowl asked.

"It better be a medical emergency," Ratchet growled.

"Ratchet...I'm the acting medic here," Wheeljack chastised playfully. Ratchet just sighed. Wheeljack smiled and turned to the three. "It'll be just a moment." He turned back and ran one final scan. "Alright, you're both fine," he smiled. He let Ratchet close up before helping him off the berth.

"What happened?" Ratchet asked curiously.

"Harmony was playing outside and managed to get herself into a bear's cave. The bear knocked her around but I scared him off."

"Yeah…" Jazz said sheepishly. "I…accidently let her get away from me. She was playing with Melissa and Sky. She ran off even though I told her not to."

"Sometimes we have to learn things the hard way on our own," smiled Ratchet. "Jack, I'm going into my office to catch up on some reports."

"…Alright… But don't work too long."

"I won't, Jack."

"Just looking out for you," he smiled as he stole a quick kiss. Ratchet only smiled as he retreated into his office. "Alright, let's see what the damage is." Prowl laid Harmony down on the berth.

"I hurt Unca Jackie…"

"I'll make it better," he smiled as he did some scans. He started checking her over physically.

"Ow! Dat hurts…"

"I know, I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong, little one." He got out some solutions and tools. Harmony winced and looked away. "It'll only hurt for a little while. I'll try to make it better as quickly as I can." He smoothed out the dents she had, careful not to hurt her too badly. She whimpered as he finished. "That was the worst of it," he smiled as he rubbed her helm. "You're being a strong little femme." He moved on to her scratches, rubbing the cool solution over them.


"I know. See? Now you're all done." He took her into his arms. She nuzzled against him.

"Tank yous…"
"You're welcome, Harmony," he smiled. He gave her an energon lollipop. She happily took it and sucked on it. He handed her back over to Prowl.

"Thanks again. Hopefully she won't be back for awhile."

"Sorry 'bout disturbing ya."

"No, it's alright. I think Ratchet just wanted it to be an alone time thing. I have to run things and keep things going. Just because he's carrying, doesn't mean the Medical Bay is his personal playground when I'm working."

"Not around the sparkling please. She's not old enough."

"…Anyway…" Wheeljack smiled. "Take care."

"Later!" With that, the three left.