The sun shone down on the Black Pearl as it sailed through the Caribbean ocean. The wind was high and everyone was busy aboard the Pearl. Everyone was there and they were hunting for treasure. Captain Jack Sparrow sat in his quarters, mapping the way. Elizabeth Swan sat opposite to him and Will Turner stood by the window staring at her. Pintel and Ragetti were on guard outside the door, making sure that they weren't disturbed.

Tuesday, 20:00

The crew were working hard, trying to finish their duties before the sun set. A snoring Mr Gibbs was on look out and was sleeping on the job. The boat gave a sudden jerk and woke him from his sleep. He saw something on the horizon, but dismissed it as his imagination. He ignored it, fell back to sleep and started to snore even louder than before.

"Gibbs!! You're asleep again and there is something on the horizon!" Jack shouted at Gibbs.

"Captain there's a boat on the horizon!" Gibbs shouted back in a daze.

"Is there? I didn't notice!" Jack said sarcastically.

Jack took out his telescope and looked through it towards the horizon. It was indeed a boat, but Jack couldn't make out whose it was. It wasn't flying any colours and had no markings.

"Gibbs!" Jack shouted.

Gibbs ran to Jacks side and starred at the boat.

"Aye, Captain," mumbled Gibbs with exhaustion.

"Who is that?"

Gibbs took out his own, smaller telescope and looked through it.

"I don' no captain. Maybe it is a merchant ship, they trade round here."

"I knew I was right. I told you it was a merchant ship."

"Yes, you did captain." Gibbs said with a confused expression.

Wednesday, 10:00

It was a normal day, the wind was high and the sun was shining. Jack and the crew had forgotten about the mysterious boat and had carried on with their pirate ways. They were drinking rum and sailing on. Gibbs was telling the crew of Jacks' adventures and Jack was enjoying them, as much as his crew were. He liked being the centre of attention, even if everyone was looking at Gibbs. He walked past everyone and went to the rear of the boat. He gazed out on the horizon and a boat was there. It was the same boat they had seen the previous night and it was closing the gap between the two boats. He was sure of who owned the boat and who the captain was. He jumped up and ran over to the crew.

"The boat is back and it's gaining on us." He said hysterically. Everyone got up and pulled out their pistols.

"Gibbs, get ready the guns. Will do what you do best. Elizabeth stand there looking pretty."

The whole crew shouted "Aye Aye Captain," and they carried out their orders. Including Elizabeth who stood in the middle of the busy crew with a displeased expression.

The boat drew closer and closer and it was easy to tell who the followers were now.

"Gibbs, fly the colours," Jack shouted. Gibbs raised the flag as quickly as he could, which wasn't very fast.

The boat was so close to the Pearl now that you could see its name painted on the side in gold. The Duchess raised their flag as they came up parallel to the Pearl. Jack wasn't worries. The Duchess may have been bigger, however the pearl was faster and they were prepared. Both boats now sailed along together, side by side. Beckett was looking straight at Jack.

"Hello, Mr Sparrow." Beckett shouted across/