Decided to go ahead and out up the last chapter. Enjoy the end of the story.

Chapter 15

Atemu, Yami, Seth, Bakura, Heba, Jou, and Ryou arrived at the throne room doors where the guards opened the doors and closed them again as soon as the seven were inside the throne room.

Seth and Bakura joined the other priests while Atemu and Yami had taken their places by the throne.

Heba, Jou, and Ryou had been told to stand off to the side of the throne on the left unless they were spoken to which they did.

The court session progressed quickly with Aknankanon sentencing all of the raiders who aided Mentrab in his attack. The sentences of death were heard by the raiders with no emotion.

Then, the time came for one of the two major ones to come.

"Marik, bring Mentrab here." Aknankanon ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marik replied, bowing and leaving the throne room.,

'Good. Now Mentrab will be forced to pay for his crimes.' Heba thought. He glanced at Jou and Ryou with a look that clearly said be on guard.

Jou and Ryou gave almost imperceptible nods, signaling that they understood the silent message.

Marik returned bringing Mentrab into the room and forcing him to kneel before the throne.

"Mentrab, you have caused a great deal of trouble for us. You broke out of prison and killed three slaves and two guards. You tried to kill my son, which resulted in Heba's injury. You then broke into my palace and sought to take all of our lives. What you have done is beyond forgiveness." Aknankanon said.

Mentrab remained unaffected by what was said.

"You're also in trouble for going against us by helping in the attack against the House of Ra, which killed everyone except these three. Your acts of high treason will no longer go unpunished." Aknankanon said.

"Do you really think I care what you think? I don't care what I did." Mentrab said.

"Be silent. You're a prisoner, and have no right to speak to the Pharaoh in such a way." Seth hissed.

"I don't regret any of my actions. In fact, I should have made sure those three brats were killed before I left." Mentrab sneered.

Instinctively, Heba reached out and grabbed Jou by the arm as Jou started forward and jerked Jou backwards. Heba shook his head to tell Jou that he wasn't to interfere.

Jou shifted his gaze to Mentrab and glared fiercely at him.

"You're actions have went unpunished for ten years. You shall be executed at dawn. Marik, take him away. He's to by under heavy guard." Aknankanon ordered.

Marik grabbed Mentrab by the arms and forced him to his feet as he said, "Yes, my king." Marik forced Mentrab to leave the throne room.

Aknankanon sighed and glanced over at where Heba, Jou, and Ryou were. He could see the anger as well as the sadness in their eyes.

"That was certainly satisfying." Shada said.

"No. It'll be satisfying when he's killed." Bakura growled.

Marik returned and said, "Shall I bring Anzu now?"

"Yes, Marik. Bring her here." Aknankanon said.

Marik bowed before leaving once again.

Yami glanced over at Atemu, but could not see what Atemu was feeling. 'I wonder how he feels about Anzu being punished for all this. After all the grief that she's put him through, he has to be glad that she is going to be out of his life for good.' Yami thought.

Marik returned with an obviously fuming Anzu. "Will you hold still?" Marik said.

"Let go of me, you stupid guard." Anzu growled.

Aknankanon sighed. He was NOT in the mood for this. He looked over and said, "Karim, help him."

Karim bowed and went to where Marik was still struggling with Anzu.

Karim grabbed her by his other arm, and the two finally restrained her.

"Anzu, enough!" Aknankanon said, growing tired of her actions as he stood.

Anzu stopped struggling and looked up at where Aknankanon was.

"For years, you have been coming to my palace and causing disruption. You always had servants and slaves punished when they actually did nothing wrong. You threw yourself at my son continuously in hopes that he would marry you. This last time, when you felt that his personal slave would get in your way, you hit him twice and nearly had him whipped. Each occurrence was unwarranted. I should have done something more severe then instead of allowing you to leave virtually unpunished." Aknankanon siad.

Anzu paled slightly.

"You then betrayed Egypt when you agreed to help Mentrab get in here. You're actions endangered my life as well as the lives of my court, my sons, and my guards. In your jealousy and greed, you could have had us all killed. Your actions were treasonous, and that is something that I will not allow you to get away with." Aknankanon said.

"Pharaoh, I-" Anzu started.

"Silence! I do not want to hear your excuses, your explanations, or your whines. I have tolerated you for too long. You constantly come to me because of what you believe are people mistreating you. You are a spoiled brat who could not handle being told no. When faced with Atemu having a personal slave, you decided to take all your frustration out on Heba, who turned out to be a noble of higher status than you. All of your actions have brought your punishment on yourself." Aknankanon said.

Anzu was terrified. She didn't want to be put to death, and she knew that Aknankanon had every right to have her killed.

"Your punishment is that you shall be stripped of your title and be banished from Egypt." Aknankanon said.

Anzu gasped as her eyes widened. "Y-you can't be serious." Anzu stuttered.

"I can, and I am. You are to leave Egypt immediately, and if you ever return, you will be killed." Aknankanon said.

"You can't do this!" Anzu cried.

"Yes, I can. You should be thankful that you are keeping your life. If you are not out of Egypt by the time Ra sets three days from now, you will be executed. Marik, get her out of here." Aknankanon ordered.

Karim let go of Anzu, and Marik got her out of the throne room.

Aknankanon let out an exasperated sigh as he returned to the throne. "That girl has been a pain for all too long."

"At least she won't be coming back, Father." Yami said.

"Indeed. Court is dismissed." Aknankanon said.

Everyone took the cue and bowed before they left the room.

Atemu, Seth, Yami, Bakura, Heba, Jou, and Ryou walked down the halls of the palace together.

"That was an enjoyable court session." Seth said.

Bakura grinned. "Did you see the look on Anzu's face? She'll never make it without her title."

"At least she is out of our lives for good." Atemu said.

"Don't you mean your life?" Yami asked.

"By the way, were you about to attack Mentrab, Jou?" Seth asked.

"I sure was. What he siad made me really angry." Jou said.

"Which is why I held you back. Mentrab was no longer a threat magically, so I decided that we should let the Pharaoh deal with this." Heba said.

"Well, it's over now." Atemu said.

"I'm sorry, my friend, but I had no choice except to banish her." Aknankanon said to Lord Mazaki.

"Your actions are warranted. I understand why it is that you have done this. I will see to it that Anzu leaves Egypt." Lord Mazaki said.

"You need to make it clear to Anzu that if she chooses to return, she will be killed." Aknankanon said.

"I will, and I thank you for sparing her life." Lord Mazaki said before bowing and leaving.

The following day, Mentrab and all of the raiders were executed.

Heba, Jou, and Ryou were thankful that the ones that were responsible for the deaths of their families were dead.

Aknankanon announced the kingdom that three surviving members of the House of Ra were alive, and that they would carry out the duties that their family had always had.

Everyone returned to their own rooms, but Atemu, Seth, and Bakura opted to have Heba, Jou, and Ryou remain in their rooms with them.

Ryou stood on the balcony of his room, looking up at the night sky.

Bakura came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Ryou's waist before kissing Ryou softly on the neck. "What are you doing out here, Ryou?" he asked.

"Nothing. I was just thinking. I'm glad that my family has had justcie now." Ryou said.

"I am sorry for what happened to them." Bakura said.

"I know. I guess I miss Malik most of all." Ryou said.

"He was your brother, right?" Bakura asked.

"Yeah. I know he would have been happy that we're together. Malik always wanted me to be happy." Ryou said.

"Are you?" Bakura asked.

Ryou turned around and looked Bakura in the eyes. "Yes. Being with you has made me happier than I have ever been. I wouldn't trade being with you for the world."

"Good because you're stuck with me." Bakura said.

Ryou smiled. "That's fine by me."

The two kissed each other in the pale moonlight.

Seth and Jou lay in bed just holding onto each other.

Seth gently ran his hand through Jou's hair and said, "What are you thinking about, puppy?"

"I'm glad that I'm here with you. After we lost our families, I thought I'd always be looking after Heba and Ryou, but I know that they're safe with Atemu and Bakura." Jou said. He looked up at Seth and said, "I'm also glad I found you. I love you."

"I love you, too." Seth said. He thought a minute and then said, "Are you happy here?"

"Yeah, I am. I never thought I'd be happy after we lost everything, but for the dist time in a long time, I'm truly happy, and that's what really matters." Jou said.

"Are you happy with me?" Seth asked.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. I wouldn't trade being with you for the world." Jou said.

"Good because I plan on giving you the world." Seth said.

The two kissed each other softly.

Atemu and Heba sat against the head board of the bed. Atemu had his arms wrapped Heba who had his head laying on Atemu's shoulder.

"Are you all right, Heba? You're being rather quiet." Atemu said.

"I was just thinking. I thought we'd never have justice for the deaths of our families, but we have. It's strange after all these years." Heba said.

"Your family will be remembered. You can be assured of that." Atemu said.

"You know, after we lost our families, I missed Yugi the most. My brother and I were very close." Heba said.

"You'll always have that friendship and closeness as long as you remember him." Atemu said.

"I know I will. I wasn't sure I'd ever be happy again, but you've proven me wrong." Heba said.

"So, you're happy here." Atemu said.

"More than I ever thought possible. It'll take a little getting used to. I'm used to doing things have myself instead of having others do it for me." Heba said.

Atemu laughed. "Believe. I do some things on my own. I don't like feeling like I can't do things myself."

Heba smiled and looked up. "I love you, Atemu."

"I love you, too, Heba." Atemu replied.

The two kissed each other softly, a promise of a new life sealed.


That's all of Secret Past. Thanks to everyone who reviewed.

Also, for everyone who was wondering, Yugi and Malik are ALIVE!! I am already working on the sequel that they will come into.
