I was in the middle of ripping a newborn vamp to its death when my cell

Rang loudly loudly it was Edward. I had no choice but to pick up the

stupid phone or Eddie would go crazy.

When I picked it up I put on a

cheerful voice and said calmly(well as comely as possible while trying to

ripe a vamp in half) "Hello Edward." Hey Bella I was wondering well where the hell are you! You were supposed to meet me an hour ago!

"Edward I had some uh….. things to attend to. Ill meet you there in 5.

Love you by!"

I quickly hung up the phone not wanting to answer the promised questions that were sure to arrive at dinner.

Well that's my life filled with secrets and death.

I'm not exactly what you would call human but I'm not a werewolf

either. I'm sort of both plus a little bit of farie. I'm an assassin whoa

surprise there. I don't work for any body though some could hope.

Including the Volturi. My parents died way back in the sixteenth century.

I'm actually the only one of my kind. I'm in the best assassin team in the world. The whole vamp world is after me. Though none have ever actually seen my true appearance. You see I have the power to change my appearance while in human form. I cant do it in vamp, wolf, or farie form. I have an appearance of my own then so there's no need.

Well there's my life in all it's complicated glory.

I hopped into my truck wishing it was my black harley formely called my baby. And drove to the cullens house.

I wasn't surprised to find Edward pacing outside with eyes full of worry. I mean seriously I can take care of myself. Once Edward herded me inside I was bombarded with questions the 1st was "WHERE THE HECK have You been!!" Edward yelled once seated. In all the commotion his family came down stairs. "I had to pick up some stuff for Charlie" I replied camley. They wouldn't be able to tell I was lying since I was pretty good at it under pressure." oh well you still could have called" he said looking defeated.

I choose that time to yawn since it was already past midnight and seemingly I had school the next morning." Come on sweety I'll take you home" Edward said sounding happier after I told him where I had been.

While Ediee was tucking me into bed he choose that time to tell me he'd be hunting tommarrow. And wouldn't see me till school the day after and to not wait up.

I "fell asleep" hint, hint, wink, wink until Edward left. Which wasn't till three in the morning a long time to fake sleep.

I decided to sulk for a while. I really missed my assassin team. I missed all their qualities that made me feel at home with life. I didn't have to pretend around them I could be me.

My phone chose that time of sulkines to ring. I answered my phone with a simple glumy "hello" on the other end I heard lots of screaming and immediately knew who it was! "OH MY GOSH we haven't talked to you since you left! I MISS YOU GIRL!!" screamed Simba which was very un simbaish for her. "HOW have you BEEN!!" screamed one of my other best friends Farren. "Good how have all your assignments gone! Anyone die!" I asked sarcastically."Bye the way where are you!" I asked not really wanting to know the answer. "Bells where right behind you." said Fang.

I turned around and was immediately overwhelmed with kisses,hugs,and punches from the guys." Guys I yelled over the noise lets go inside so we can talk!" isaid.

A little over 15min later we where all10 of us hudled in my living room covered in blankets. And let the questioning begin I thought sarcastically.