A/N - So sorry for the long wait guy, it's been a hectic summer, thats for sure.

Well chapter 16 is up and special thanks goes to my Beta, Ms. Jayleen-Cullen-Whitlock-Hale for being amazing and helping me with the chapter! : )

Without any further ado .. ENJOY!: D

"ALICE! ROSE!" I called as soon as we parked to go to school.

"Bella!" they called back, and then they saw the expression on my face. Their faces went from cheerful to what I'm sure matched the loathing, angry look I had on my face. They eyes went wide and then turned into slits of pure loathing when they saw Madison come out of the car. They quickly hurried their strides and met up with me.

"What the hell is that ho doing sitting shotgun in Edward's car?" Alice asked squeezing the life out of my arm.

"Now you see why I was calling you over. Little skank was crying all last night and Edward just had to go and comfort her," I said faking sniffling, "I swear on my life, if that man does not grow a pair and tell her to get over herself soon, I'm gonna dump him. Honestly, enough is enough. I understand that that is his "Best Friend" but he just left me to go and comfort her! What is that! " I sighed.

"Oh no, you're going to fight and expose her for the bitch she really is," Rose said. "Find out what she was crying about last night from Edward. We'll formulate a plan to screw her over then."

"Um, Rose, isn't that a little mean? I mean I hate her but I don't want to humiliate her," I said half heartedly. A part of me actually wanted to humiliate her so badly she had to move. "Besides what would Edward think? He would think I was horrible. He wouldn't want to be with me if I ever did something like that one of his friends. I can't humiliate her Rose, that wouldn't help me; it would only make things worse. She would go crying to him again. Then I would be the hated one, and he would defend her over me again!"

"Don't worry, you don't need to humiliate her Bella, you just need to make Edward see her for the bitch that she really is," Alice said with a calculating edge in her voice. "I think you should wait it out, see what else she does, and then we can find a way to expose her to Edward subtly," she concluded, emphasizing the subtly.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll deal with her bitchiness for a while, but if we don't have some sort of plan soon, I don't think I can stop myself from strangling her, or Edward."

I walked with Alice to our first class and attempted to figure out what I was going to say to Edward. I couldn't handle him treating her like a goddess that constantly needed him around when she wasn't even dating him. I mean isn't he supposed to be like that with me? I feel mad because to others it would seem as if he is dating her again and now I'm the best friend! Which is completely WRONG! I can understand that some guys are sweet and compassionate, but really, Edward was taking it overdoing the chivalry thing just a tad. Completely ignoring me while he went to her and made her feel better? This whole being ignored by your boyfriend thing wasn't really working for me. I had to fix this, and soon. And if I didn't, mark my words, him and his sorry ass are gone! He can have Madison then because he seems to care about her more than me.

The first half of school went by in a flash, or maybe I just didn't notice anything because I was so wrapped up in my thoughts. As I walked into the lunch room, I saw my Edward instantly, and then her. God, I just couldn't escape them could I? So I decided to have a little fun.

I confidently walked right up to Edward and pulled his face on mine. I looked into his eyes for a moment and then softly place my lips on his. He responded instantly, locking his hand into my hair. I slowly pulled away and looked at him once more, for the first time feeling genuinely happy. Then Madison ruined it.

"Eddikins..." she said hesitantly, while attempting to make herself cry. "May you please not kiss her in front of me, please, the pain is still fresh and you doing that brings up a lot of unwanted memories." She looked down then; her eyes hidden in what was supposed to be embarrassment.

"Oh, well Maddie, I'm sorry, but Bella is my girlfriend, and I do feel bad for you, I really do, but I will not put on hold showing affection for my girlfriend because you can't handle it. Toughen up little soldier." Edward said diplomatically, with a little smirk and half smile. I saw her jaw drop open, and my eyes widen. This was the first time Edward had ever said something to her in my defence.

"But, but, but ..." Maddie was at a loss for words.

I could not help the feeling of superiority that welled up inside of me. It was about time that Edward started standing up for me. Then I noticed the little smirk across Alice's face. However I was too hyped up to worry about the little pixie.

Edward looked at me and smiled then kissed me again. I'm still mad at him but he is making it a bit better.

Madison then began to fake cry, and said "How could you! I thought you were going to be there for me! Can't you see I'm in pain and you go and kiss your girlfriend!" Then she "stalked" away. Edward said "Wait! MADDIE!" and looked at me with sorrow and walked after ... it.

HOW COULD HE! I AM HIS FREAKING GIRLFRIEND. He was in the middle of kissing me and because that little tramp cries everything else is forgotten and she is his main priority. I thought I WAS supposed to be! I was so angry that I actually began to cry. I then ran out of the cafeteria, I could hear Rose and Alice running after me, but frankly I didn't care.

I ran to the track and did a couple of laps to clear my head, Rose and Alice on the bleachers waiting for me to cool down. When I was came to a stop, Rose handed me a water bottle and Alice hugged me. Thank god I wasn't too sweaty, or Alice would have screamed.

"Bells, honey, are you ready to talk, because we saw what he did there, and well that was wrong!"

"Yeah I am ready." I told Alice.

"Spill!" They both said

"Well you saw when I got into the cafeteria, and well I saw them together and I got mad, and I got a sudden boost of confidence and went to kiss him. Maddie then went and said 'Ok please don't kiss her in front of me,' and then Edward actually stood up for me. Then he kissed me again and Madison said 'Oh how could you, blah, blah, blah,' and then walked away. Edward looked at me as if saying sorry and then went after her. I just felt bad because, well, he shouldn't have done that. It makes me feel as if I'm not important to him. So I ran outside to clear my head, and now we've come full circle."

Alice and Rose looked sad and pissed at the same time, and they said "THAT MORON!" Then they told me that I will get back at Madison and Edward. They told me to just bear with them and to not show my anger and discomfort to Edward. I agreed and went back to class.

During class I would speak to Edward as normal and that's how we spent the day. He apologized for Madison and himself and then kissed me. When the day ended he escorted me to his car and this time I got shotgun. Madison came and got all mad because she wanted shotgun but Edward blew her off and said just sit Maddie. He drove her home first and when she got there she went around to the driver's side and shoved her boobs into Edward's face and asked if he was coming again tonight because she didn't know if she could manage.

Edward declined saying he was spending some time with me. I smiled a cheesy grin her way and she just huffed. But then her stupid confidence came back and she kissed Edward's cheek then bounded into the house. I was FURIOUS! But kept calm for the sake of the plan Ali and Rose are conducting. When we got to my house Edward and I watched movies and then after a while we feel asleep until Charlie came. I ordered a pizza and we all ate in comfortable silence. Edward decided to leave and at the door kissed me and apologized for Madison. I did notice that he didn't apologize for his behaviour though. As soon as he left, I called Rose and Alice and Alice picked up and put my on speakerphone.

"When does the plan come into action? I want to expose that bitch and get my man back!" I nearly said into the phone.

They laughed and we began planning…this was going to be good!

A/N - Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Review pretty please! : D