A/N : this is the first story I started working on, hope you guys like it :)
I could tell it was going to be a bad day. As soon as I saw the rain from outside the window this morning, every hope I had for a normal, happy, GOOD day went "out the window."
I guess I should get used to the rain, I thought, Forks is going to be my new home now... great, just perfect. The constant rain, the endless noise pitter-pattering on the ceiling of my room. All this was going through my head when I started to look for something to wear. I decided on a dreary outfit, for a dreary day, it only fit. Donning a pair of black dark-wash skinny's, a turquoise turtle neck short-sleeved blouse that fit all of my curves and showed them perfectly, and my all time favourite pair of black converse, I made my way out of what was sure to be the best thing about forks, my room, and into the hallway.
"Ready to go Bells?" my father asked from the kitchen. After quickly getting a granola bar from the cupboard and plastering a fake smile on my face, I turned to Charlie and said "Yup, ready as ever! Let get going, I don't want to be late for my first day!" A little too enthusiastic for my tastes but Charlie ate it all up.
"That's the spirit Bells, I'm sure your going to LOVE Forks high, everyone is really nice."
"Yup, of course." I replied, smile still firmly in place.
"Oh and cross country sign up is today, your mother told me that you love to run, make sure you don't forget!"
"I won't dad, trust me." Running was the only thing that could help me get past this awful morning, the feel of the wind in my hair, and the constant fatigue pushing me to go faster, driving every problem out of my mind, just thinking about it made me want to run 5 kilometers.
"Well Bella, I guess I'll see you when you back here for dinner, here are the keys for your truck, and have a great day Hun, I love you." Charlie said, reaching for a hug.
"I love you too." I said reaching for his embrace. Best to get this awful, rainy, day over with I told myself.
Forks High was a series of buildings, all with numbers written on the doors, I assumed that's where the classes took place. Perfect, I thought to myself while still in my truck, not only is the constant threat of rain EVERYWHERE, I have to walk outside to get to my classes at the end of every period, just great. I sighed as I slipped out of my truck to get to my first class, English, something I actually liked.
"Hi, I'm Alice, are you the new girl. Oh I love your hair, and your shirt! WE HAVE TO GO SHOPPING SOON!" said the girl next to me. She look like a pixie, small in all senses of the word, she looked like a one of those girl you just wanted to feed because they were so small. Her hair was cropped short in a sleek style that I thought only she could pull off and she was wearing this red and white tube top with a black jacket and skinny's, matched with a pair of white wedges. She was absolutely stunning.
"Hi Alice, I'm Isabella, but please, call me Bella. Yes I am the new girl and thank you, look you really cute also. Shopping...Umm...I'll get back to you about that." I cheerfully replied to all of her comments. I couldn't let this girl think I was emo could I. So the smile was back on my face, I guess its going to stay there a while I told myself.
"Omg, Bella, that name is really pretty, you know that means beautiful in Italian? And you are beautiful Bella, and with a little make-up you could be GORGOUS!" I had to laugh at that. No one ever thought I was beautiful. In my last school in Phoenix, Arizona, no person, guy or girl, had even called me pretty, let alone beautiful. "Why are you laughing?" Alice huffed.
"I'm laughing because I think you're the first person to ever say that to me," I managed to say while still giggling.
"Well I only speak the truth," said Alice confidently before she giggled with me. Unfortunately that was when the teacher came in and told us to all be quite. I was beginning to really like Alice.
The rest of the period went by very fast, probably because Alice was telling me things about her while the teacher droned on about Jane Austen. I learned that she had 2 brothers, Edward and Emmett. Edward was a junior, same as Alice and me, and Emmett was a senior. I also found out she had a boyfriend called Jasper whom she was in love with. They'd been together for like 4 years, since they were in junior high, which I think is really cute.
Before I knew it, Alice had kept me company all the way to Lunch.
"Oh, I almost forgot," I turned to Alice and asked "Where's the room, building, place for cross country meeting. I really can't wait to run again."
"You run? Cross country? That's really cool," she said smiling. "My brother runs too, and I believe it is in building three, just up there." She said pointing to a building with a big, black three painted on it.
"Thanks Alice." I said waving goodbye as I made my way to the meeting.
"I'll find you later in the caf," she called over her shoulder.
"OKAY" I yelled back at her and ran inside the building. There were a lot of people there. At least 50, luckily I came in with a bunch of people so no one noticed my all that much. Soon that coach made his way to the front of the room. He was a balding, pudgy, but no fat, middle-aged man in shorts and a Fork High sweatshirt.
"Ok guys, I'm really glad so many of you wanted to try-out for the team this year. Cross Country is taken very seriously here at Forks High and I expect you to try-out with you're A game. Only a select 10 will actually make the team and with that said, the sign up sheet is over on that table, and the practice schedules are right beside it." He said pointing to a table at the very back corner of the room.
Everyone rushed to get to the sign up sheet, write their names, and get back to lunch. I was no different. There was no reason to the pure madness that happened when people were trying to sign up. There was a huddle around the small, square- shaped table, everyone wait for the person writing to stop so they could lunch for the pen. The person behind me did just that, shoving me down to the floor with his attempt.
As I tried to get myself back up, a strong pair of arms helped me to my feet. I lifted my head to thank the person who just saved my life from another on slaughter of people wanting to write their names, but what I saw took my breath away.