The Meeting


I've always hated plane rides- ever since I was a little girl, and going all the way across the country just for a job seemed a little pathetic to me. You're doing this for Alice, you're doing this for Alice. I have to keep on telling myself this , or once I an on solid ground again, I will run away. I didn't even know this guy, and I was going to live with him and his children.

When I was on the phone with him, he told me that his children were still pretty young. The oldest was just five. He had two boys one of which was the eldest, and the other was three. His youngest was a little girl, only a month old. This is what made me even want the job. The little girl was very good as I have been told, and I was getting more anxious to see her. I have always had a soft spot for little babies, and I'm sure that this little girl wouldn't be any different.

I heard a dinging noise, and I shook me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see that the pilot has put the seatbelt light on. I only had to wait a moment until finding out why the light has been turned on, because a flight attendant came over the loud speaker and said that we were landing. My breathing got a little faster, as I started to get nervous again.

When the plane finally landed, I went to baggage claim and got my two suitcases, and looked around.

I only had to look for a minute until I saw a sign that said Isabella Swan, andI walked over to the man who looked far too nicely dressed to be a cab driver, this made me a little worried.

"That's me."

"Nice to meet you Isabella."

"Actually, I prefer Bella."

"Well then it's nice to meet you Bella. May I take you bags?"

"No, it's fine, I can get them."

"Nonsense, if Mr. Cullen found out that I didn't treat you correctly, I would loose my job."

"Well, if you're job's at sake here then I guess you may."

"Thank you, Miss."

He took my bags and led me out side. I almost ran into him, not expecting him to stop where he did, which was right in front of a large stretch limo. I was instantly worried that this man why this man was wasting money on me like this. The first class seat on the plane was enough to make me want to trade in the ticket for coach, get the rest of the money back and give it to him, but I figured that if he felt it was necessary to do so in the first place, then I might as well go with it, no matter how much I hated it.

The chafer opened the door for me, and once again, I did something that I thought was completely unnecessary.

The drive was absolutely beautiful, the landscape was amazing, and I was almost completely in love until I saw where the limo was pulling into. The building was beautiful, but the problem was that their home wasn't a house, no, mansion didn't even do this place justice, a modern-day castle may be a little better, but still not there. I groaned out loud, which made the chafer look at me in a way that questioned my sanity, and of course, I blushed a crimson red at the fact that I had been caught acting manner less. But the chafer must have been trained to not ask questions, because he just kept driving down the drive way, making the palace become bigger and bigger with every passing second.

I went to open the door, but I literally couldn't. The inside of the door had no handle, and I internally laughed at the fact that Alice would have liked this a lot. I had a tendency of getting out of the car after she dragged me into it to take me shopping. I despised shopping, but my best friend loved it, in fact, I think she may even be past needing help for it. The only reason that I haven't had her get help for it is because she hasn't gone broke, or maxed out her credit cards yet, which is actually hard to believe, but I made sure of it my self. Yep, this would deffenetly be something that Alice would have installed just so that I wouldn't escape during our dreadful shopping trips.

Soon, the chafer opened the door and let me out. He tool my bags and led me to the door of the palace, that I would be staying at for at least the next two months, so long as I don't get fired.

When I got into the house, I was embarrassingly surprised by who I was greeted by.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen. You must be Isabella swan."

"Yes, its nice to meet you, but please call me Bella."

"Only if you call me Edward; if we are to be living in the same house, and you are helping me with me children, then I feel that Mr. Cullen and Miss. Swan may be a little too formal." he said with the most breathtaking crooked grin I have ever seen.

This man was more than good looking, he was unbelievably gorgeous. His bronze colored hair was just messy enough to make it look perfect, and his piercing green eyes looked like light emeralds. I have never seen eyes that looked so deep. They looked as if they would never end, and I would gladly fall into them for as long as it takes to get to the bottom, but some thing told me that I would never find the bottom of these beautiful green pools.

"Would you like to see the rest of the house?"

"sure, that would be great."

"Fallow me then."

I did as I was told, willing to do what ever this angel told me to do, and he showed me all around the house, and I knew that I would get lost several times. We got back to the front door, and I was surprised to see that my bags were no longer there. He chuckled a little, and it sounded like bells.

"Your bags have been taken to you room"

I, of course, blushed at my stupidity.

"You must not be used to being treated like this." he mused

"No, I'm not. I've taken care of myself pretty much my whole life."

"It's understandable."

Just then, the door opened and I saw two little boys, both looking almost just like Edward did, except for the eyes, which I must admit that I was a little bit disappointed that they didn't have the beautiful green eyes that their father had.

"Hi Daddy!" the yelled as running to their father, and I did not miss that his eyes lit up at the sound of them calling him 'daddy', and I couldn't help but smile too. He turned to me after saying hello to his sons.

"This is Edward Junior, and for some unknown reason, he actually likes to be called Eddie." he made this disgusted look, and I made a mental note to never call him Eddie, "and this is Ethan. Boys, this is your new nanny, Bella."

"Hi Bella!" I was surprised to say the least that they greeted me just as they did their father, with a hug and those wide, excited eyes that matched their voices, and I just had to smile at their enthusiasm.

"We have one more introduction to make before we get you settled in, unless you would like to meet Elissa after you get settled in, though after talking to you on the phone the other day, I think its safe to say that you would prefer to meet her as soon as possible." he stated with a chuckle, and I blushed because he was right.

"Well, I'll take that as a before you unpack. Fallow me to the nursery." he had a smug smile on his face, and I tried to glare at him, but it was hard because this man was just too sweet to be mad at. I did so, all too eager to see the baby.

He led me to a pink door with Elissa painted on it.

"Alice insisted on decorating all three of their rooms before they were born, but she went way overboard with Elissa's. The worst part is that after she was done in here, she redid the boys' rooms too."

I laughed, knowing that that was just like Alice. And his smile was wider than the one I already noticed he had whenever he talked about his daughter. Then he opened the door to a room that had to have been three times the size of my room back at home, which was a pretty big sized room, and the walls were painted the perfect shade of pink so that it was girlie enough so that if she was a girlie girl(which I know that Alice was hoping for), she would be happy with the color, but then, if she was more of a tom boy, then, she would be okay with it for a little while.

Her circular crib was placed about five feet away from the wall strait ahead. It was white with a canopy, that had a lot of tulle ruffled around the bottom of the silk canopy and on each of the four posts, the tulle curtain was pulled back with what looked like satin ribbon. Under the crib, there was s skirt that had the same silk as the canopy, and had many bows along the top of the skirt.

The changing table was also a dresser, and it had swirly patterns carved on the drawers and on the back of the changing table there was a bouquet and ribbon carved in it and a little flower pattern at the bottom, under the drawers. The Armour matched the crib and changing table.

There were many other things in the room too, like stuffed animals, a soft looking blanket lay on the floor, I'm assuming for Elissa to play on, and then there was the rocking chair that was, of course, pink, and then a diaper genie(Alice always went on about how cool those things were).

A beautiful little giggle broke me out of my observing, and I could feel the smile start to form on my face as I neared the beautiful crib to see Elissa. The first thing that I saw was bright green orbs staring at me, and then I saw a little smile form on the angel's face as she let out another giggle. I looked up to Edward silently asking if I could hold her, and he just nodded his head once, just enough to let me know that it was okay, and I didn't hesitate to do so. She was so warm and soft, and I knew by the look in Edward's eyes that she already had him wrapped around her little finger, he just completely adored her. The adoration masked the guilt and sadness that showed in his eyes just barely, and I don't know why, but that guilt, that sadness hurt me, I wasn't even sure why he had those feelings, let alone know him enough for it to hurt this much.


I got off of work early today in order to meet the new nanny at the house. Alice had told me that her best friend was great with children, but that was all that she had mentioned about her. I had talked to her on the phone, and just knew that my children would love her.

Eddie and Ethan still believe that their mother's coming back, but I knew that she wasn't. She didn't want to be 'tied down to one man' any more, but worse than that, she didn't want her children anymore. I could always tell that if they were never born, she would be completely fine with that. I, on the other hand couldn't see me living a happy life without these three angels. I knew that she would have left sooner or later, but, I also knew that she would just leave- not telling anyone, or saying goodbye, not even her newborn baby girl.

Elissa had me wrapped around her tiny little finger as soon as I first saw her, and I think that she knew that I would spoil her, and she didn't even try to hide that she knew.

Just then the front door opened and josh let the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life into my house. She looked a little shocked at first, and I probably had that same look on my face before I gathered my thoughts and introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen. You must be Isabella Swan." her name sounded as beautiful as she was, but I had to shake those feelings off, so that I didn't got too into a girl that I was going to help me take care of my children, that's what I tried to tell myself, but no matter what, I couldn't stop thinking about how very close o wanted her and I to be. I forced those thoughts from my head, that would be wrong, i'm paying her, that would be almost like I was paying her for sex, although I didn't have anything to worry about, she would never like me like that. Thankfully, she spoke then

"Yes, its nice to meet you, but please call me Bella."

"Only if you call me Edward; if we are to be living in the same house, and you are helping me with me children, then I feel that Mr. Cullen and Miss. Swan may be a little too formal." I said before I even realized what I had actually said. It didn't imply anything to any one else, but to me it implied a lot, and I was just glad that I did not show how very much that that implied. Before I got too crazy with my thoughts, I had to start a conversation, or soon, she would see the general path that my thoughts were taking at the moment, so I did.

"Would you like to see the rest of the house?" I inwardly cringed at the round of thoughts that that comment gave me, and waited for an answer, though I didn't have to wait too long, which I was thankful for, so that those thoughts would stop.

"sure, that would be great."

"Fallow me then."

I led her around to the living room and the other non-private places, not trusting myself to be alone with her for any period of time. Throughout the little tour, she looked very nervous, but I wasn't sure what it was about, and I didn't really like the fact that I wanted to comfort her, to maker her feel better.

Just then, we stopped back into the front room, and I saw that Josh has already taken her things to her room, and then I saw that she had noticed too, but she was surprised more than anything, and I wasn't able to keep the chuckle in, before I told her where the missing bags were.

"Your bags have been taken to you room"

she blushed after that comment, and just when I think that she cann't get anymore beautiful, she has to go and prove me wrong.

"You must not be used to being treated like this."i asked, not hiding the curiosity. The curiosity didn't exist for the question, I could tell that she had never been treated like this. No, my curiosity existed for this wonderful woman in front of me and how, just by looking into her deep, brown eyes, I was lost, sinking lower and lower into the pools of chocolate.

"No, I'm not. I've taken care of myself pretty much my whole life."

"It's understandable."

just then, Eddie and Ethan ran to the door, and though I didn't know it could, my smile stretched wider.

"Hi Daddy!" I would never get tired of hearing that word coming out of their mouthes, and couldn't wait until my baby girl was able to call me that too I gave them a hug, and then went to introduce them to Bella.

"This is Edward Junior, and for some unknown reason, he actually likes to be called Eddie." I knew that I didn't hide the disgusted look on my face when I said Eddie "and this is Ethan. Boys, this is your new nanny, Bella." They ran to Bella, just as they did me, except calling Bella instead of Daddy, and I was glad to see that they accepted her. Also that she hugged them back with affection, their mother would only hug them back so that they didn't feel bad, but I think that that made them hurt more than it would had she never hugged them back.

After the boys left to unpack their ovrnight bags, I turned back to Bella. She was smiling twards to doorway that the boys had just exited through, and I was excited to see how she was when she met Elissa.

"We have one more introduction to make before we get you settled in, unless you would like to meet Elissa after you get settled in, though after talking to you on the phone the other day, I think its safe to say that you would prefer to meet her as soon as possible." she blushed at that comment, and I hoped that she did that often, it made her look more beautiful than she already was, and I decided to try to get her to blush more than she already did on her own.

"Well, I'll take that as a before you unpack. Fallow me to the nursery." I knew that I had a smug plastered onto my face, and this was confirmed when I saw her try to glare at me, but the excitement in her eyes hid that glare very well, and I turned around to lead her to Elissa's room.

When I got to the pink door with Elissa's name painted on it, I turned to warn her that alice had gone overbord, of cuorse, but it was also to see her face again.

"Alice insisted on decorating all three of their rooms before they were born, but she went way overboard with Elissa's. The worst part is that after she was done in here, she redid the boys' rooms too."

"Alice insisted on decorating all three of their rooms before they were born, but she went way overboard with Elissa's. The worst part is that after she was done in here, she redid the boys' rooms too.

"Alice insisted on decorating all three of their rooms before they were born, but she went way overboard with Elissa's. The worst part is that after she was done in here, she redid the boys' rooms too." she laughed, I made a mental note to make her do that as much as possible too, her laugh sounded like bells, it was the must beautiful sound I have heard in my life.

I turned around, opened the door, and stepped aside to let her in, and when she didn't her eyes went wide, but her face didn't portray as much shock as I was expecting, but then I realized that Alice was her best friend, and Alice is known to go overboard on everything, especially decorating.

She stared at the room until she heard a little giggle, and then went over to Elissa who giggled again when she saw her. I was know looking adoringly at them , and I knew that Bella would think that I was staring adoringly at Elissa and not her too, then she looked up at me, silently asking if she could hold her, and not wanting to move too much and wake up from this dream, I nodded the slightest little bit, just enough to tell her to go ahead.

With her holding Elissa in her arms, I let my thoughts drift, but where they drifted, left me feeling guilty, and sad. Sad because the way that Bella was holding and looking at Elissa should have been to way that their mother looked at her and her brothers, and guilt for her mother leaving; I knew that her mother would never feel guilty for leaving her, and that left me with that feeling as well,

I would not loose Bella. If I couldn't have her, then that is fin, I could deal with that , but I would not loose the only woman to care about Eddie, Ethan, and Elissa. I couldn't do that to them, not again.

After deciding that, I stepped out of the room to give them some privacy, and to clear my head. If I was going to keep her around, I couldn't scare her away after the first day.

After a half an hour, I went back up to Elissa's room, I knew that she would never find her way out of here, I still get lost some times, and I've lived here for five years.

When I got to her door, however, I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. Bella was singing, and I was too selfish to open the door and stop the beautiful sound, so I sat on the floor, and listened to her sing song after song. Soon, Eddie and Ethan came out of their rooms and joined me, but they soon fell asleep. Then, I heard the singing stop, and instantly wanted it back. I was still waiting for her to start up again, when I heard the door open next to me. I looked up, and smiled at her.

"You have a lovely voice, and she turned her head, embarrassed. I stood up with Eddie in my arms, and started to walk to his room to put him to bed, and out of the corner f my eye, I saw her bend down to get Ethan. I tucked Eddie in, and then went into Ethan's room to see Bella just covering him up,i waited for her by his door. I saw her give him a kiss on the forehead, and then turn to leave. She joined me in the hall, and I led her to her room, which I half expected to have Bella's name painted on the door, Alice wouldn't let me look at any of her projects until they were finished, and she made Bella's room one of them, saying that she never let her decorate her room before, and now was her chance because she didn't have a choice in the matter.

"She did your room, too" I warned her, giving her an apologetic look.

She honestly looked frightened at that fact, and then hesitantly opened the door.

I looked around the room just like she did. The walls were painted a deep, navy blue, and the bed had a canopy, and draw curtains just as Elissa's crib had, and the comforter was white along with the canopy, and the other furniture. The only furniture that wasn't white was the bed. It was black, and had flowers swirling like ivy around the posts.

"she told me to tell make sure that you look in your closet."

"she stocked it full of clothes, didn't she?" she groaned

I laughed at how much she dreaded that thought. "I'm not completely sure, but all signs point to yes. She also told me to be sure to watch you and then describe of face in full detail to her tomorrow when she invited herself to dinner."

"You gotta' love the little pixie, don't ya?"

"I've never really thought of her as a pixie, but that would be a good name to describe her, and yes, I think that it is entirely impossible to not love that girl, and I think that she uses that to her advantage, too"