11. Jingle Bells, Jacob smells...

PillowBiter1901: Edward
HotDog: Jacob
RunsW/Wolves: Nessie
FluffumsTheTeddyBear: Emmett
MotherOfIdiots: Esme
Dr. McSparkly: Carlisle
adorablePIXIE: Alice
DaChillPill: Jasper
SEXblondIE: Rosalie
Bite x Me: Bella

Bite x Me has entered chat.

DaChillPill has entered chat.

Bite x Me: Jasper, I love your hair, in all it's fluffy-ness!

DaChillPill: Thanks Bella! So, did you ever find Emmett?

Bite x Me: Ugh. Yeah, but he was hanging with this blond chick named Rose or something.

DaChillPill: Um, you mean Rosalie?

Bite x Me: Who? Oh, is that the chick that Edward told me to ignore because he does?

DaChillPill: I think so, yeah. Oh, Emmett left a present for you, Bella

Bite x Me: Wut? What did my Emmy-Pie leave me?

DaChillPill: Some more candy

Bite x Me: Oh. Ugh.

DaChillPill: What?

Bite x Me: Well, I don't like them anymore. They started to taste like pee.

DaChillPill: Whatever you say, Bella.

Bite x Me: Oh, did I tell you my most recent bit of news?

DaChillPill: No. What would the news be?

Bite x Me: I'm writing a book!

DaChillPill: That's great! What would it be about?

Bite x Me: Things that can change the characters lives in books.

DaChillPill: You are writing a book about things that can alter the lives of characters in books? That's very profound, Bella.

Bite x Me: Yeppers. It consists of breaking-writer's-block ideas, like family drama, murders, kidnappings, breaking up with boyfriend/girlfriends, a shortage of gummi bears when there appeared to be many gummi bears, and wiener dogs, of course.

DaChillPill: I highly doubt wiener dogs and gummi bears are life-altering, Bella.

Bite x Me: They so are.

DaChillPill: ...not really.

Bite x Me:Stop...Why does everyone like to pee on my dreams?

DaChillPill: Bella, you should be happy that I just pissed on your dreams.

Bite x Me: Why?

DaChillPill: Because, here's the deal, I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence.

Bite x Me: Has someone been watching Talladega Nights while eating my candy?

DaChillPill: Maybe...

Bite x Me: Oh. Well, that explains why they tasted like pee.

DaChillPill: Okay, that wasn't me! And I think you mean that they tasted like excellence.

Bite x Me: I'm going to burn my tongue now.

DaChillPill: wtevs. well, I need to go piss some excellence, so, bye.

DaChillPill has left chat.

Dr. McSparkly has entered chat.

Bite x Me: Hey, Carlisle! Do you know where a flamethrower is?

Dr. McSparkly: um...no...why?

Bite x Me: I need to go burn my tongue.

Dr. McSparkly: That's not the best idea, Bella. We are highly flammable. HIGHLY.

Bite x Me: Well, Jasper pissed some excellence on--

Dr. McSparkly: Know what? I don't really want to know.

Bite x Me: Okay. So, what have you been up to the past few...how long have you been gone again?

Dr. McSparkly: Well, the strangest thing happened! I remember you...and some question...then the next thing I knew, I was in the Bermuda Triangle! So, I decided that while I was there anyway, I wrote down my philosophical musings as they entered my mind. And, while I was studying how things always disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, I came across something very startling.

Bite x Me: What did you find?

Dr. McSparkly: While I was watching a plane crash into a rock right off the shore, I had a brief moment of insight where I concluded that the chicken did in fact come before the egg.

Bite x Me: Ah, I see how they relate.

Dr. McSparkly: Indeed.

Bite x Me: Well, I need to go set up the Christmas tree, so, byeee


Bella, Edward.


EDWARD! Wanna play a game?

What kind of games, Bella?

What do you mean, 'what kind of--

Oh. Never mind.

Not those games!

Aw :(

I was quite looking forward to those games...

Later, I promise!

Alright :D so, what game?

Um...I forgot. How about we just sing songs and make up lines?

Uh, sure.

Holiday songs!


Dashing through the trees!

In a one-horse open...Jacob!

To our meadow we go!

Kissing all the way!

Rose is being pissed...

I want to slap her hard...

What fun it is to laugh at Emmett for being a retard!


Jingle bells!

Jacob smells!

Jasper has to pee!

Alice needs to do her shopping,

And Emmett wants another TV-e!

Oh, Jingle Bells, Jacob smells, Jasper has to pee! Renesmee watches gleefully as we put up the tree!

Alice is being impatient...

Jasper is making tea...

What good is that going to do if he still has to pee?

Oh, jingle bells, Jacob smells, Jasper has to pee! Esme finished decorating, so we will wait and see...

Jake just knocked down the tree...by jumping really high...

Edward's about to strangle him, so...

He BETTER f*cking hide!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE! Oh, and I reallllllly need people to read my other story, 'A Twist In My Story', because people have neglected to review the last chapter, regardless of the number of reviews from the other chapters. Please? That would be the bestest gift EVER! here's the summary, just in case someone did want to read it...

'All Human. BxE Bella is having a really bad day. When she meets Edward, he seems to fix all that. They keep running into each other, and there experiences bring them closer together. Will they end up being more than friends?'

I know that sounds boring, but I am so incredibly desperate.



B/N: OHMYVAMPY! I swear, I just about pissed my pants reading the notes part with Bella and Edward. GAH Hilarious!