
Authors Note: Sadly I do not own 'Moon Child' neither do I own HYDE and Gackt…as much as I do plan to steal HYDE away

The clouds and smog hung heavy in the air like a swollen belly, ominous and suffocating. However this bleak whether was perfect as Kei sat out by the sluggish river enjoying the feel of fresh air against his skin, caressing his hair. Taking a deep, unneeded, gulp of air he looked back down at his sketch pad where the landscape around him was slowly taking shape. Living for god knows how long does give you time to practise. A mother and child across the river caught his eye and just as he started to sketch them into his picture his name was carried to him through the wind.

Setting down his pencil he turned to see the plushe like figure running towards him. The boys eyes shone like that night a week ago when his smile promised a secret kept. Sho stopped beside him, the cold air kissing his cheeks, as he looked expectantly at Kei.

"You promised!" He pouted holding out the ball and bat in his hands.

Oh yeah…I promised to play if he gave me time to start my sketch…

Smiling Kei took the ball, ruffling Sho's hair with his free hand, before motioning him to run back a bit so that they could start the game. Giving out a yelp of celebration Sho hurried back a good distance, the blood buzzing in his body with excitement. Holding his breath Kei continued to smile before gently…really gently…throwing the ball for Sho to hit. Crack! The ball went a fair distance considering his size and Kei back peddled a few steps to catch it. A while later, due to a particularly good hit, Kei pretended that it was too fast for him to catch and fell to the ground, rolling a few times for good measure, causing Sho to cheer and tackle him causing a tickle fight to ensue. With a dramatic 'Arg!' and his tongue lolling out of his mouth Kei admitted defeat as he lay beneath the proud self proclaimed 'King Sho', who sat astride his chest declaring his victory for the world to hear.

"Now its your turn!" King Sho declared thrusting the bat, which had fallen during the scrape to his side, into Kei's chest. Sighing Kei pushed the bat back towards Sho.

"You know I cant Sho…" The little boy pouted insistently nudging the bat against Kei's chest.

"Your King orders you!"


"No one is around! Please show me! I wanna see how strong you are!!"

"Want to…not wanna." Kei corrected.

"Wanna." Pout. Well at least I TRY to teach him…

Slipping furtive glances around them Kei noted that they were indeed 'alone'. Because really? Who, except a vampire would be out in the whether? And an experimental sniff revealed no one for a good radius…

"Fine…" he sighed as he pushed the cheering Sho to the moist ground, the bat hanging from his loss grip as he took a few steps away. I can't deny the boy anything…

Standing relaxed, a hand in his red coat pocket, Kei waited for Sho to throw the ball.

"Ready Kei?"

"Give me your best squirt!" Sticking his tongue out Sho reeled his hand back before zipping it forward, releasing the small ball. The ball was so slow…to his vampiric senses it moved like a snail. Bringing the bat back Kei bunched his muscles then let the bat swing. Thunder sounded in the clearing by the river as Kei hit the ball. A few milliseconds later the ball exploded like a firework and erupted into dust.


"WOOOOOOOOOOW!!" Sho jumped into the air, punching it with a fist, before hurling himself into Kei's arms.

"That was soooo cool!!" He exclaimed as he let out a whoosh of noise, his arms cart wheeling as he tried to replicate the explosion of the ball. Kei laughed, exposing his neck.

"So you liked that did you?" He asked pressing his nose to Sho's.

"Uh…YEAH!" The small boy cried as though it was the most stupid question in the world. Smiling at the refreshing naive innocence of the boy Kei sat him down, ruffling his hair, before setting back out towards the den, picking up his sketch pad as he passed it. Small feet trotted a staccato behind him before a small, warm, hand folded itself inside his own and he automatically slowed his pace to match that of the small legs walking with him.

"By the way…" Sho drawled after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"You owe me a new ball."