As you know I do not in any way shape or form own Love Hina or today's crossover of _ well you'll see. As to why I'm not updating often it's because I've hit writer's block with this (All of them!) story. I frankly don't know what to do so I just sit in front of my computer for hours on end staring at a blank word processer then hit my head on the keyboard. Pretty standard.

Then some random thought comes along and I get a bit of juice.



Supernatural Shit

The Story.

"Damn for a mostly human Motoko can certainly be a slave-driver. My arms still hurt and it can't be a coincidence that she got my tail so many times. Must be the wolf in her, canines have always been jealous of a cat's natural grace." Said a tender and battered Keitaro, during the last week of kendo practice Motoko had learned that she could actually use succession moves on him at full power without causing serious injury. So long as she didn't channel any mana into it all that would occur would be either a shallow cut or a bruise. So she let it all hang out and started using her 'student' as a punching bag and stress relief. He didn't complain much though because she also taught him the style at an advanced rate but still.

"YEOW!" he cried out in pain as someone bumped into his fully tenderized side. "Watch it! I've been put through a meat grinder for crying out loud!" he said slight tears in his eyes. They were healing slowly due to the ki infusing his injuries. It was nasty stuff and if he hadn't learned that his skin was now as hard as iron he'd be worried for his life.

"Sorry about that." The nondescript man said and continued walking. Keitaro sighed at this he figured he might as well get a snack while he was walking around town. It's not like he had anything to do.

"Ohh this looks charming." He noted spotting a Raman stand after about ten minutes of aimless drifting. He quickly glanced over the menu. "A medium shrimp ramen with a bit of spice thank you." He said putting the needed amount on the countertop and sitting down. He was quickly handed the treat but didn't get to enjoy it as he felt some unfortunately familiar aura's at the Inn. Rolling his eyes in disgust he got a lid for the styrofoam bowl and walked out before taking a huge leap towards home.

"Good grief! How many times have those assholes showed up now? What the hell is wrong with them! Every time they come to get their rocks off we transform them or curse them or something of that nature but they never get the bloody message!" he growled to himself in low tones sounding like a seriously pissed off tiger. He reached the peak of his jump and looked down and saw those two perverts leering over the wall to the hotsprings with Su and Kitsune both inside.

Angling himself in the right direction Keitaro dropped hard and landed on Hiroshi's left hand and Daisuke's right. On the fence, pinning them down/up.

"Oh shit! It's him!" the chubby one shouted in fear.

"Let us go! Please!" the skinny one begged.

"Take em out Keitaro!" Kitsune shouted.

"Do you two ever learn?" Keitaro demanded crossly his eyes glowing with white fire as he glared at them. "Even a simple mundane dog would get the message to stop coming here! Every time we transform you two it just bounces off your thick skulls doesn't it! Do you want us to make a transformation permanent! Do you two want what happens here to be more than a bad dream? Because it most certainly can be." He snarled at the quivering boys.

"We're sorry! We really are!" they wailed.

"No, you're not. If you were you would have stopped coming here after the first time. Let's see, first we turned you into women with heightened libidos. That didn't work. Afterwards we turned you into female children and made you believe it would be permanent. For a while even I believed that, until Kanako-chan let me in on the fun. That didn't work either. Upon your third offence we turned you into kittens that would automatically obey anything that Kuro my sister's familiar commanded. I see you have not learned your lesson from that either. Nor have you learned from being form shifted into turtles and forced to patrol my territory twenty times at a slow pace. You two are slower in the head then you were in the body during set event. So that leaves me with the question, what do I do with you now? It's obvious no temporary punishments or curses will stick and if I kill or scar you two it would bring undue attention to myself and the people here." Keitaro stated in a slightly deep voice with more than a hint of growling in it.

"I can't believe it! They're back! Come on! Can't we have any privacy!" Naru yelled as she rounded the corner broken out of her studies from all the shouting. "Hold them still I need to work on my jab!"

"No! If we injure them we may bring the wrong sorts of attention upon ourselves. That's why we've been sticking to magic and a geas of silence. Unfortunately they're not learning, would you mind fetching Kanako? We need to do something that these two won't forget for a long, long time." Keitaro said now crouching and still on the hands of the two perverts whose arms were beginning to numb. They panicked at this and wiggled free only for the earth under their feet to reach up and root them to the spot unable to move away.

"Sure I'll be back in a few minutes." Naru said rushing off letting the two young men moan about their fate to a completely unsympathetic audience.

Kanako for her part was just having a relaxing day and had actually slept in to this late hour, she was planning to stay in bed a little longer but a knock on the door woke her up. Arching her back a bit she let the thick comfortable blankets slide off showing off a spiderlike burn scar on her back through her thin white t-shirt. "Who is it?" she asked and blinked as Naru opened the door.

"You're still in bed?" the girl asked before shaking her head. "Those two perverts showed again, Keitaro thinks we need something more permanent."

"Permanent? Unless it's a minor geas like the silence one we already slapped on them then it's too easily noticed by all the wrong people…" Kanako mused around a yawn. "I'll see if I can dig something up, does he have them pinned?"

"Yep by the ankles in stone again." Naru confirmed as Kanako slipped on a long pleated skirt and a vest.

"Maybe we should just bury them alive, it's not like anyone will miss two perverts going nowhere in life." Kanako snarled a little (really) annoyed at the thought of her privacy being violated so that two idiots could get cheap jollies.

"I like the way you think, but that is a little much." Naru noted and they walked the rest of the way in silence with Kanako using a quick spell to straighten her hair and have her clothing unwrinkled. They soon rounded the corner and spotted the two perverts in the distance being raked back and forth across the coals (metaphorically of course) by Hina herself.

"Why in my day if a boy wanted to see a girl he'd court her! What's the matter you two can't you even talk to a girl your age? Can you only speak to children and the elderly? You're parent's must be so disappointed in you two I can barely find the words for it!" Hina vented but was showing all signs of just warming up.

"Lady your day ended with the Ice Age!" Hiroshi protested and was swatted in the back of the head by Keitaro who just growled.

"You little brat! I outta spank ten years out of you!" Hina half shouted before whacking him in the thigh with her cane.

"Lady you're barely up to my waist!" Hiroshi protested again.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Kanako shouted. The Urashima family being the best thing to ever happen to her was something she was very protective about.

"Good timing Kanako-chan. I was wondering if we could combine our abilities to put a sleeper curse on these two. It's like that legendary Jusenkyo place, where water is the trigger but instead the trigger will be entering the premises. If they come here, whether we're here or not they turn into cats and will be physically unable to see anything erotic. At least that's what I've been dreaming up, any ideas yourself?" Keitaro asked savouring the panicked look of the two. /I think Kanako may have been influencing me a bit too much./ he thought ruefully.

"That is good big brother. But that needs the permission of the guardian… of the… land… big brother." Kanako said realising just what he was doing. Magic based around an area or building needed either complicated rune systems or the help of a local spirit, usually in exchange for Tass (1) but in this case he counted as a local spirit.

"Alright then! You two sit tight, big brother you're coming with me I need my books available for this one! Oh this is going to be great!" Kanako said eagerly and Keitaro set down his bowl and jumped off the fence while turning into a normal looking tiger with the exception of the brown colouration.

"Stay put you two." Keitaro said over his shoulder at them his voice echoing due to him just having morphed to tiger form. He calmly stalked after Kanako listening to her sniff a little trying to cover up her laughter. He caught some giggling and had to smile. "Henh, henh, henh. Can we drop the pretences now? We both know jusenkyo curses are the most widely studied in Asia. Even an apprentice could have crafted a duplicate."

"That's right big brother; Easy to craft, easier to maintain, low energy requirements, and impossible to break without the spirit's permission." She said grinning.

"Yep completely genius, it attracts small amounts of mana from the air to build up the transformation so it fuels itself. Failing that it burns through carbs giving the victim a bigger appetite. Still you have to wonder why the heck is Jusenkyo doing it? I mean he has to have a reason." Keitaro noted and Kanako nodded.

"I actually read the latest theory, apparently they think Jusenkyo is a spirit of chaos and is doing this for kicks." Kanako stated and Keitaro shook his head.

"That doesn't cut it either, the more powerful a chaos spirit the more easily bored they get. Jusenkyo would have grown tired of it a few thousand years ago at least. My personal guess is that it set the joke in motion then for some reason entered a very long sleep or never bothered to undo it. Some spirits are like that." Keitaro noted.

"Think they've sweated enough?" Kanako asked and Keitaro grinned before they started walking back to the group the two guys sweated at the sight of Keitaro and Kanako as Keitaro clucked in disappointment.

"Hmm, my ramen fell of the ledge. Too bad." He noted a little disappointed, it had smelled wonderful.

"No it didn't kitty cat. Su got a hold of it." Kitsune said coming around from the opposite direction with the perpetrator shamelessly slurping up the last of his snack right behind her.

'sigh' "Anyways Kanako and I have researched the proper ritual for your punishment. This is a tricky bit of magic and if we screw up it can have dire repercussions so please, don't interrupt." Keitaro said as Kanako started muttering under her breath and making arcane gestures. Keitaro began glowing along all his white stripes until it was unbearable to look at as he anchored the power into the land. It wasn't hard to create the living spells and breathe life into them. But it was an ability so rarely used that they double checked themselves in order to make sure to get it right. When he opened his eyes again he saw two cats in front of him, kittens really, one a black fluff ball and the other white.

"I made it so your clothes would change as well we're punishing you two and not ourselves after all." Kanako said simply.

"On the sixth step down this spell will change you back to your natural forms. I'd advise you to avoid this place now but since I don't have to hunt you down and curse you each time I don't care anymore. Have a nice day." Keitaro rumbled before stalking off as the rest of the girls got the message and wandered off to let the kittens discover just how far such things extended.

"Just what happened?" the black kitten that was the chubby one Shirai asked.

"I… I think we got off… kinda…" the white one replied formally being six foot six Haitani.

"My! Aren't you two cute?" a chipper voice said from behind them and they turned looking towards Kuro who had landed behind them silently and was watching them with amusement. "Why I bet you two need some milk and sardines! They always make me feel better." She said picking up Shirai and Haitani by the scruff with her mouth before taking off and flying towards the kitchen where Shinobu was preparing dinner, it was going to be some well marinated steaks. She had wanted to try something western recently.

"Hey Shinobu! These two have just been cursed big time! Every time they come they're going to become these little cutie pies all over again! I think they need something tasty to feel better." Kuro announced and Shinobu eyed them then sighed.

"Alright, but only if they promise to behave themselves, I don't like the idea of some pervert trying to take advantage of me." Shinobu said a little sternly towards the kittens.

"Uhm… okay." Shirai said a little nervous as he looked to Haitani who shrugged.

With Keitaro.

"Well that was a fun bit of cursing, wouldn't you say so?" Keitaro asked back in his near human normal form

"Kei-kun you really should watch your tongue around women, it is rude to curse after all." A voice said from nearby and both turned to see Tsuroko walking towards them her stomach rather prominent. She paused as she approached them her smile turning from friendly to wistful as she put a hand on her stomach.

"Little one's kicking?" Keitaro asked walking up to her and placing his hand near hers and felt a tiny thump. "Active little one, I see a powerful God's Cry user in the future." He said calmly. "Hey Shippu." He noted absently giving the phoenix a slight scratch behind the eyes.

"I actually have a favour to ask of you." Tsuroko said gently grasping his arm then sliding a scroll into his hand. "A member of our family has rejoined and she needs to have some wind essence in order to use our more advanced techniques." Tsuroko explained.

"And since my transformation I'm one of the more powerful ones you can contact." Keitaro mused and she nodded.

"As well as one of the more inexperienced ones, this will be good for the both of you." Tsuroko said and Keitaro nodded then frown a little at the name.

"Nodoka Aoyoma… that's familiar somehow." He mused and Tsuroko giggled a little. "Care to fill me in?"

"It's Ranma's mother." Tsuroko explained and Keitaro's eyebrows went up.

"Oh right! I've been meaning to visit him. And perhaps that Tendo girl too." He muttered with a bit of a grin to himself.

"She's actually been adopted by Nodoka so you'll be seeing all three of them at once." Tsuroko explained and Keitaro nodded.

"Well that makes things easy enough." He noted. "It says here she's living near the centre of Juuban. Great, I have to deal with the Silly-Senshi and their idiot enemy of the week."

"Oh they're not so bad, they're trying and their hearts are in the right place." Tsuroko admonished him.

"I know but they just don't use their heads. They don't seem to have any grasp of physics or magic and only the most basic grasp of the ramifications of their own actions." Keitaro said then shook his head a little and sighed. "I guess I'm a little jealous too, they're able to be so completely public that some people are opening up toy lines with dolls in their image. No ramifications to them exposing their magic."

"It's okay, eventually the world will be ready you'll probably not only live to see it, but live to revel in it." Tsuroko said and he heaved a sigh.

"True but that could be centuries from now. Everyone I have will be gone by then." Keitaro noted and Tsuroko took his hand and placed it on her stomach. "I don't get it." he said and she smiled.

"You will. Eventually." Tsuroko said kindly. "But for now live in the moment. And you have a job to do." She said gently and he sighed again.

"Alright so I'll just head down there and sort things out." He said. "By the way you might want to hit the springs, they do have some healing properties which can only be good for the child." Keitaro said and Tsuroko gave him a look.

"Like how that overpowered healing spell was good for little Nabiki?" Tsuroko asked and Keitaro grinned at her.

"You know just as well as I do that a healing spell will only affect someone if at least some part of them wants it to happen. That's why healing spells are so powerful the target actually helps it along and empowers it further." Keitaro explained getting ready to make a jump that would carry him into the Juuban district.

"Then why is she complaining?" Tsuroko asked.

"Denial, or it was a subconscious desire." Keitaro said evenly. "All the best Tsuroko." He said and jumped. He hurtled through the air his clothing and hair flapping loudly as he ascended at speeds only modern aircraft or another demon could match. He smiled as he rushed through a cloud getting soaked on the way but it was a warm day so the cool shower was nice. He started to reach the peak of his jump just over the Juuban area and he felt some magical discharges and sighed.

"And yet another encounter with the Senshi." He noted angling himself downwards and towards the only energy source he wasn't familiar with. As he fell downwards he could make out an unconscious woman being protected by Saturn with a wall of darkness. It looked like a giant boar thing/gargoyle rip off with numerous crystals all over the place. He landed hard on the base of its neck taking it to the ground and it dissolved into a blast of dark energy that reformed into a mirror which he casually grabbed and tossed towards the downed woman causing it to be absorbed into her having her start to wake up.

"Oh! You again! Hi!" Venus exclaimed.

"Afternoon." Keitaro said brushing himself off and walking forwards towards a slightly familiar aura.

"So… what are you doing here?" Jupiter asked.

"I'm an ally of the Aoyoma clan and they want me to help one of their members. It's a small thing and I had some things to do in the area anyways." He explained as he walked by a few of them. Uranus and Neptune to be specific.

"Who the hell are you?" Uranus asked and Keitaro smirked.

"None of your business, that's who." Keitaro said with a little flick of his tail while still walking, he realized he was being rude but he did want to see Ranma and Nodoka soon and if he got caught in conversation he could be delayed a very long time.

"World-Shake…" Uranus began and Keitaro's eyes instantly narrowed and he launched himself backwards and somewhat downwards until he rolled behind her as she caught her spell mid gasp and he pinned her arms behind her.

"I'm wind based myself miss. So if you don't mind don't try it." He said and then flipped her over his back to put her in the way between himself and Neptune who was charging magic herself. "I may not have much talent in water manipulation but I'll wager you can't hit me with her in the way." He said calmly and grinned as the spell dissipated. "A word of advice when it comes to beings like myself. Don't. Your attacks take a moment to charge, one you won't have against something like me." He said calmly.

"Stand down Neptune he's not a threat. He's powerful and can easily bring down a world of hurt but his kind date back to the Silver Kingdom and they had an understanding with them." Pluto announced her voice loaded as Keitaro let go of Uranus and stared at her for a moment before snorting.

"Yea right. It's just an old story. No way something like that existed." He said pointing towards the sky.

"Oh but it did, and we are what remains. Ten seeds in which to regrow humanities brightest day." She said and he stared at her before chuckling and walking off.

"Good one. But I'm still calling bullshit on it, heh heh, have a nice day." He said giving a small wave with his right hand before using his fire abilities to create a mirage that he wasn't there. He hopped away easily clearing half a block figuring that he would not be tracked beyond a few dozen metres. He felt out with his essence, it was always a peculiar sensation, a sense he could turn off and on. It reminded him of that comic book movie... the way that guy saw... ah yes. Daredevil! He basically had his sonar when it came to feeling essence it was just a matter of finding the right texture.

Speaking of the right texture. Keitaro grinned slightly as he homed in on a familiar essence, it was part cat, part human carrying a curse and decidedly female. Oh yes, there was ribbing ahead. He held back a snort when he saw a fiery red head in a very female school uniform. He shrunk himself down into a normal cat and jumped onto her shoulder. "Okay spill." He said to her directly and then had to jump hard to avoid being grabbed round the neck, though he did lose some tail hairs.

He landed horizontally and jumped off turning back into his default form launching like a rocket, used a nearby lamppost to spin himself around to land in a crouch with Ranma just behind him and having now jumped off his back like a springboard and was spinning upwards in a tight ball before jumping downwards into a massive drop kick. He got introduced to the bottom of a shoe before he knew it and was in a headlock from a girl's legs then spun violently like a wheel and hurled into the concrete leaving a small crater behind.

His demonic skin had shielded him from most of that beating but he was still dazed and his ears rang slightly. He gave a grunt as his hair was roughly pulled forcing his head back to look straight up... the skirt of a highly pissed off redhead. "... so that is your natural hair colour..." he began before his head was kicked forwards and into the concrete again. "Okay, I deserved that." He mumbled.

"Ya damned straight you stupid cat!" she half shouted grabbing him by the hair and hauling him up to his knees and just below eye level.

"Oh hey Ranma... I was looking for you." He mumbled still a little out of it. She grabbed him by his torn shirt and lifted him up before violently shaking him.

"Shaddup and listen! You're damn messing with the neko-ken made my curse lock last week! I haven't changed back even when the water's boiling!" she shouted at him and he shook his head a bit to refocus. Hasn't been able to change? Serious stuff. Unless...

"Have you been letting yourself change?" Keitaro asked rubbing his abused nose while taking a slight sniff. He may have left a nice imprint of it in the pavement but it was only sore. Thankfully.

"Doing what now?" Ranma asked and Keitaro sighed.

"When you get near hot water it feels like a lead ball has suddenly grown inside your brain right?" Keitaro asked and Ranma nodded. "So you force it out and keep it out and you don't change. Pull it in instead and you'll allow your body to change." He instructed and Ranma sighed.

"That's it? I went to school as a girl because of that!" she asked and Keitaro nodded.

"You know... you'll have that curse for the rest of your life. But now you can pull energy away from it so you can stop it from time to time. The 'lead ball' feeling is what you get when you're out of your natural form and halfway between man and woman isn't for you. It's like a warning that tells you that you're formshifted. Push it away and you go back into your last form, pull it in to let it change so you can become something else." Keitaro explained and Ranma looked thought full, then shimmered a little before a guy in a girls school uniform was standing in front of him.

"That's not a good outfit for a guy there." Keitaro pointed getting a glare that literally glowed red before Ranma shimmered again and was replaced by Ranma-chan.

"Wait a sec, you said you were looking for me?" Ranma asked and Keitaro nodded.

"Yea Tsuroko's called in a favour so I'm here to give your mom some access to demon magic and you a bit of instruction too. Plus I wanted to catch up with chibi-Nabiki." He said with a grin and Ranma-chan gave him a look.

"You realize she's liable to stab you in the shins she's so pissed off right?" Ranma asked and Keitaro snorted.

"If she can find a blade that can pierce these..." he said motioning towards the demonic raiments he had been wearing past his cotton shirt, then his own skin. "...and actually hit me with it then she deserves to be able to draw blood." Keitaro said then sighed. "Sorry, I get a little heady with all this power swimming in me. You know the day I showed up in Nerima I was actually halfway drunk due to my power fluctuating that day."

"You altered two lives forever because you were drunk! You're as bad as Pops!" Ranma exclaimed and got a slapped in the back of the head for that. It had all the force of a sledgehammer but to Ranma all it did was what a normal slap of the back of the head does to others.

"First of I said halfway meaning that all that happened was that I was a cocky little shit then. Secondly everything I did at some level or another aside from the sleeping spell which I learned from the Aoyoma clan was with the permission of the person I was using it on. With you I asked directly and with Nabiki I used white magic." Keitaro explained.

"And what does the colour of magic have to do with anything?" Ranma-chan spat building up a head of steam, then was doused in icy water that Keitaro had forced out of a nearby puddle and chilled it with the wind.

"Everything. White magic can never be used on someone who doesn't want its effects. In fact most of the energy of the spell comes from the person it's used on. Some part of Nabiki wanted to be a child, it was mostly a cure disease style spell but the disease targeted was age. She wanted to be a kid, why? Only she can tell us and I'll bet it's something she barely gets herself." Keitaro said holding a finger up towards Ranma-chan with the eye nearest to her closed.

"You bloody Xellos knock off!" Ranma-chan said taking a swing at him which he dodged as it wasn't a serious one but now Keitaro was confused.

"Xellos? Who's that?" Keitaro asked curiously and Ranma-chan gave him a look.

"What rock have you been under?" he asked and Keitaro looked like he was putting serious thought into it.

"Well, not so much under as on. There's this perfectly carved rock in the hills behind the Hinata that just conforms perfectly to my tiger forms body size and shape and I can just lay there and nap the day away." Keitaro said with a bit of an unconscious purr in his voice.

"Bloody cats." Ranma said with a huff. "Xellos is a troublemaker goodguy badguy sort of dude in an anime called Slayers." He explained and Keitaro motioned for him to continue. "Look man if you don't know about this then it's not my job to fill you in."

"Bleh." Keitaro retorted sticking his tongue out at her as he followed her home. It was a few blocks away and a shockingly uneventful walk considering the two walking and the district. It looked fairly normal, two stories not counting an attic and likely small basement. He followed Ranma in with only a slight amount of prompting.

"MoooM? Nabiki? I'm home the Neko-man's here." Ranma called into the house taking off her shoes as Keitaro gave out a bit of a yawn. There was a quick succession of small footsteps as Nabiki charged into view her face twisted in a snarl as she made a beeline for Keitaro, only for her hands to be caught a few inches away from his crotch.

"You fight dirty little lady." Keitaro noted before looking up to spot her friends a young boy with neatly combed hair a suit jacket properly done up with shorts and sneakers and glasses and a young girl with dark blond hair in a style he'd expect to see on an older woman with a dark pink sweater and shorts. They both held an aura that put him on edge right away. "So who are your friends Nabiki-chaaaannn?" he asked and the little girl struggled.

"Ah! You must be Mr. Urashima welcome. What can I do for you?" Nodoka asked walking in before making a sound of surprise. "Oh dear I forgot where are my manners would you like some tea?"

"Please, I'm not too picky about brand though so just put on something you like. I've actually come due to Tsuroko's request." He said.

"Oh! Well come right in, any friend of Tsuroko's must be an ally of the clan!" Nodoka announced as Keitaro took of his shoes and calmly stepped over the threshold with a fuming Nabiki right behind him.

Ranma rushed up to her room during this time and from Keitaro could feel had taken his male form. He looked towards Nabiki's two friends and his eyes narrowed a little their auras were beginning to look like the result of formshifting but he wanted more to go on then simple gut instinct.

"Hey Nabi-chan? Could you come here for a moment?" he asked and the little girl shot him a distrustful look but did so. "Your friends have an aura of the formshifted but there's no magic within it." He whispered to her and she gasped.

"And why should I trust you? Look what you did to me!" she exclaimed and Keitaro smirked.

"The power I used relied on you to fuel it somewhat as well as allow it to happen. You wanted this. I'll wager you gave up your childhood for someone else's sake and some small part of you would do almost anything to get it back. So now you have it." He said and she tried to give him an eye poke which he dodged.

"You suck." Nabiki stated but part of her simply couldn't deny the truth of what Keitaro was saying. The way the finances were there was always one person too many in the Tendo home, then Ranma and his father came. Now the money problems were solved and she... she could start over. But that didn't mean she had to happy about it.

He pulled back a little. "So who are your friends Nabi-chan?" he asked pleasantly and she gave him a glare the other two caught. She quickly smoothed her expression which the two 'friends' of hers also caught.

"Well that's Conan-kun, and she's Ai-chan." Nabiki said introducing them while sounding like a child. Both of them gave her a look that instantly said 'You can't fool me' getting Keitaro to chuckle. He took a deep whiff and noted the tea was ready.

"Nice to meet you two." He said gently before walking towards the living room just before Nodoka was going to say it was ready.

"Oh come on in." She said pleasantly and he smiled just as Ranma entered the room in a casual tank-top and jeans with jacket.

"I see you've adjusted well." Keitaro noted and Ranma grinned.

"Yea, 'side from some bumps like all of last week its pretty good. Especially the new energies I got 'nd complete control of the Neko-Ken... good times." He said casually as Conan and Ai quickly looked back and forth.

"Hey mister why do you have a tail?" Conan asked and Keitaro smirked.

"I lost a bet with a friend. It's fake but I have to wear it all day." He said casually.

"What about the tattoos? Where did you get those?" Ai asked and Keitaro thought fast.

"I don't really know. I was in a drinking contest with a friend and woke up with them. It could have been a lot worse." He said and Ranma rolled his eyes at that.

"Anyways I was asked to come so that I could start teaching Ranma a little bit of energy manipulation to add to his martial arts and to help you get started in the more advanced areas of your family school. As a clan ally I can teach you the basics but you'll have to go to the main grounds for more advanced teachings." Keitaro explained and Conan made a confused sound.

"I thought you said you'd be teaching them advanced bits?" he asked and Keitaro chuckled.

"The advanced practices are... kinda like a video game. You have to level them up and I can get them through the first few levels." He said and they 'oh'ed. "And if you want to know more you'll have to tell me a little about yourselves first. Such as why you both have an aura of transformation but no trace of magic." He said towards the two children his eyes glowing slightly as he grinned around his teacup to take his first sip.

"WHAAAAAT!" Ranma yelped as Conan and Ai backed up suddenly as if ready to run. "I knew something was up but transformed?"

"Well that does explain their maturity..." Nabiki mused.

"You haven't been turning anyone else into children have you Urashima-san?" Nodoka asked pointedly but Keitaro waved it off.

"No just Nabiki and it was white magic! It wouldn't have worked without at least partial willingness!" Keitaro exclaimed and Nabiki huffed. "Even if she is in denial."

"What the hell is going on?" Ai asked in an almost deadpan tone of forced calmness as she looked around. Keitaro just chuckled.

Author's notes.

1: Tass is solid mana that can be harvested by all sorts of creatures for extra powers. Magic users tend to have many spells designed to creating and summoning it although it will occasionally occur naturally around Ley Lines.

Yes. A Cliffhanger. Sue me. My main problem with this story was that I just started writing it for fun. So now that it's good and big... there's no plot to guide it. I have no idea where to go so I'm grabbing at things and answering questions for the most part.

Oh and a big hello to Kaleb Grim for reading one chapter and then stopping after leaving a scathing review, kudos asshole.